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Why should we get 8 hours of sleep each night?

I chose this project because I wanted to see what positive effects would come out of getting 8 hours sleep each night.

Effects of getting at least 8 Hours of Paying Attention In Sleep

I dont take as many naps now My mood has improved I have more energy I can pay more attention in class
Not Taking As Many Naps Being Happy


Having More Energy

My Sleep Patterns
Average Number Hours of Sleep Per Week



Average number hours of sleep


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

I have had to give up many things during this experiment to get enough sleep. I dont have as much time to hang out with friends. I also do not have as much time to do things I enjoy for example play video games.
Hang out with friends Play video games

Lifting Start/End
These are my lifting maxes when I started my 30 days, then when I ended my 30 day experiment.
Bench Squat Power Clean Power Snatch

Start Bench 345 Squat 405 Power Clean 225 Power Snatch 155

End Bench 355 Squat 405 Power Clean 245 Power Snatch 185

My mood is a lot better when I get more sleep. When I first started I was at 8.5. Now that I am done with the project I am at 9.

Impact Project Had On Me

There have been many positive impacts of getting at least 8 hours of sleep. I have seen the biggest change, due to this project, in my performance in sports. As you can see I have had an increase in the amount of weight I can lift. The next thing I saw a change in was the classroom. I can pay more attention in class.
Big Changes On The Football Field Positive Changes In The Classroom

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