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Visiting Maya

I felt jumping jacks in my belly as I walked into my old school. I was walking on the pavement I always used to fall on. I noticed many new things; new paint, new trees, new flowers I walked up the stairs where I had struggled to walk up years ago, now my legs were stronger. I wondered about my old teachers and my friends. What were they doing right now? Would they be surprised I came in the middle of the day to say hello? I reached the office, and Patty, the secretary saw me. Sunwoo! Oh my, what a surprise! she exclaimed happily. She hugged me, and asked if I wanted to see my friends. I nodded. I wondered how Patty remembered me. I wasnt even close to her. We quietly walked up the stairs of the elementary school. Quietly. Finally, we stopped at a decorated door. Here we are, Patty whispered. She put her index finger over her mouth, and opened the door and leaned in so no one could see me, I have a surprise! Pizza? Ice cream!cream!, I suddenly recognized the voice. Hyunsu! Huh? Patty flung open the door, and I stay still standing there. Sunwoo!!! Sebastian, my old friend came flying to at me and gave me a hug. Its Sunwoo! OMG, I cant believe it! Yay! A group of people gathered around me. Sebastian, Rachel, Chang, Minkyu, YouBeen, Hyunsu, Jay, and many, many more. They finally let me enter the class after a couple of moments minutes. There were some unrecognizable faces. Some elbowed each other and asked themselves if they knew who I was. They shook their heads to each other, and but smiled warmly at me. I took some pictures with some of my friends. Their teacher, Mrs. Ferdinand, as on the board, sat looking at me from the sofa, smiling at each of us. I got to stay until recess. I figured some of the new kids werent quite pleasant. Why are you here? This isnt your school anymore!

Yeah, go to your school! I felt as if I should have never come to this place, but then my friend Chang stepped in. Hes my friend and I know him better than all of you! he yelled, Hes just here to visit, and is there something wrong with visiting his old school? His friends? Most of the kids stepped away, and eventually they were all gone. Thank you, I said. They are so stupid sometimes, he replied, I never listen to them. The day went by in a blur. I visited Ms. Solis, my second grade teacher, Mrs. Guzman, my first grade teacher, Ms. Wong, my kindergarten teacher Mr, Mr. Montoya, who was the P.E. coach, and Ms. Sherman, the principal, and so on. I also visited my Spanish teachers, Ms. Ariela, Mrs. Javier, and Ms. A. Finally I had to leave. I said goodbye to some of my friends. I knew that Id visit some of them to their houses. I couldnt wait. That night I dreamt of living in Guatemala again. In my old home. I missed my old home, and I longed to see it again. Then my dad came. I didnt want to leave. I knew I may never see some of these people again. I hugged my teachers, and I left with burning eyes. When we got on the car, my dad said, Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened, I nodded. I smiled, and thought of all my former teachers, some of my mentors of life. Only later did I find that Ms. Wong had passed away a year after because of cancer. Ms. Solis had gone to Arizona and Mr. Montoya had retired. I cried out my tears then. I was sure I would never see them again. Burning eyes came whenever I thought of Maya, a time of good memory and happiness. I wondered if I would ever return to the place of good memory and happiness. Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened, I say to myself. And then I smile.

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