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Analysis of Simply-Supported Beams

Part 1: Introduction
A solid grasp of simply-supported beams is one of the cornerstones of an engineer's education. This is even more important when the analysis is done by computer. To know and understand the relationship between loads, shears, bending moments, slopes and deflections serves as a check on the computer's output.
applied load = w(x) w dP =

z x

dz dx L-x

resultant shear = V(x) R1


M1 bending moment = M(x) M


deflection = y(x)

slope A H d(dS) dS dA

Take a simply-supported beam (i.e. a straight member supported at its ends) and apply a load that can be expressed as a function of x, w(x). At any point, z, along the span, L, the function results in a point load, dP, which is the product of, where dz is a finite extremely small value. The sum of all dP is the total load on the beam, P = dP. In addition to the load, moments may be applied at each beam end, M1 and M2. The load and moments produce support reactions R1 and R2, where R2 = (dP.x + M1-M2)/L and R1 = dP - R2. At any point x, the shear force V(x) = R1 - dP = R1 - w.dx, where the summation is over the range z=0 to z=x, from which we conclude the change in V over dx, dV/dx = -w The bending moment M(x) = R1.x - dP(x-z) = R1.x - w(x-z)dz From this we see that the change in moment over dx, dM/dx = R1 - dP, which corresponds to the above equation for V, therefore, dM/dx = V The logical conclusion: d2M/dx2 = dV/dx = -w

The bending moment causes an extension, d(dS), of the bottom edge of element dS. The bottom edge is a distance H from the neutral axis. This can be expressed as follows, where F is stress, E is modulus of elasticity, M is the bending moment at x, and I is the beam's moment of inertia: d(dS)/dS = F/E = M.H/E.I Note the similarity of triangles d(dS)/H = dS/R, where R is the radius of curvature. Setting d(dS)/dS = H/R = M.H/E.I leads to 1/R = M/E.I - the curvature (smaller R means greater curvature) at any point is proportional to the moment at that point. With angles A and dA being positive when clockwise, we can see that dS = R.(-dA). Since the difference between dx and dS is extremely small with normal simply-supported beams, we can say: 1/R = -dA/dS = -dA/dx, and tan(A) = A = dy/dx, where dy is the change in deflection, y. Therefore: dA/dx = d2y/dx2 = -1/R = -M/E.I Please note the similarity between the moment equation d2M/dx2 = -w and the deflection equation d2y/dx2 = -M/E.I - it means that if you apply a load of M/E.I to a simply supported beam, the resultant "bending moment" is the deflected shape of the beam. You will note that a beam with equal moments at each end and no load has a uniform curvature, yet the deflection equation results in a parabola. This is due to the approximations. You might like to prove that the mid-span deflection in both cases (1/R and d2y/dx2) is the same. If you send me your proof, I shall reward you with a handsome gift. Let's apply these simple rules to some practical examples, using MATHSERV (see footnote). As always, lines marked **** are for your input, and all lines must be processed. The word "process" means to select the line(s) and click the spinning globe. Alternatively, you may program the formulas into a spreadsheet. given values for L, M1, M2, DX and arrays for X, W and DP, say: **** in m, L = 8 **** M1 = 0 **** M2 = 0 **** in m, DX = .1 then, in m, X = index(int(L/DX))*DX **** in kN, DP = (10+5*sin(2*X*_pi/L))*DX graph("10+5*sin(2*X*_pi/L)", 0, 8)

R2 = (sum(DP*X) + M1 - M2)/L := 34.1371 R1 = sum(DP) - R2 := 45.8629 You probably know what we have done above: 1. we set L=8 m, M1=0, M2=0 and DX=0.1 m; 2. then we set the array X = index(int(L/DX)) *DX - this requires an understanding of MATHSERV's index(N) command (it counts from 1 to N, where N in our case is the integer value of L/DX, which creates X[1:80]={.1, .2, ... 8.0}; 3. we set up a formula for W = 10+5*sin(2*X*_pi/L) and expressed it in terms of dP; 4. just to be sure of our load, we plotted W with the 'graph' command.

At any point X[i] along the beam, the shear force V[i], bending moment M[i], slope A[i] and deflection Y[i] are: for i = 1 to ubound(X) V[i] = R1 - sum(DP[1:I]) M[i] = M1 + R1*X[I] - sum(DP[1:I])*X[I]+sum(DP[1:I]*X[1:I]) next i maximum moment in kNm, MAXM = max(M) := 81.8818 mid-span moment, MIDM = M[40] := 80. compare with formula TEST = 10*L^2/8 := 80. **** Modulus of steel in 10^3MPa, E = 200 M/E as point loads in m^4/10^6, M_E = DX*M/E NOTE: kNm*m/(10^3MPA) = 10^3Nm2/10^9N/m2 = m^4/10^6 slope at support 2, A2 = sum(M_E*X)/L := 1.0149 slope at support 1, A1 = sum(M_E) - A2 := 1.1181 for i = 1 to ubound(X) A[i] = A1 - sum(M_E[1:I]) Y[i] = A1*X[I] - sum(M_E[1:I])*X[I]+sum(M_E[1:I]*X[1:I]) next i maximum deflection in m^5/10^6, MAXY = max(Y) := 2.6702 mid-span deflection MIDY = Y[40] := 2.667 compare with formula TEST = 5*10*8^4/(384*E) := 2.6667 Because the load is counter-symmetrical, the mid-span values of M and Y must be the same as for a beam uniformly loaded with 10 kN/m (see TEST). The moment of inertia of steel beams is usually quoted in units of 10^6mm4. Permissible deflection is usually expressed as a ratio of the span, say L/250. Therefore: **** permissible deflection in m, PERD = L/250 := 0.032 required I in 10^6mm4, I = MAXY/PERD := 83.4425

Part 2: Common load cases

Here are a few of the more common load cases. Input values at **** lines may be changed, then all lines for the given case processed. End slopes A1 and A2, and maximum deflection Y are given in terms of E (elastic modulus) and I (section moment of inertia), i.e. EIA1, EIA2 and EIY. If you combine more than one case, the output values may be cumulative (in practice, not in reality for M and EIY if they occur at different locations, but the error is on the safe side). The output values M and EIY are useful for design in any material because they allow you to find the required Z = M/F and I = EIY/(E*PERD), where F is the design stress and PERD is the permissible deflection. The greater of R1 and R2 is useful where shear capacity is critical. Of course, if you work in non-metric units, it is up to you to ensure consistency. The values EIA1 and EIA2 are useful where full or partial end-fixity apply. With your encouragement, the theory of encastre and continuous beams may be another cue card.

1. No load, equal moment each end:

A1 M R1 L
**** applied moment in kNm, M = 80 **** span in m, L = 10 R1 = 0 R2 = 0 MAXM = M := 80 EIA1 = M*L/2 := 400. EIA2 = M*L/2 := 400. EIY = M*L^2/8 := 1000.

A2 y R2 M

2. Point load at midspan:

A1 R1



**** applied load in kN, P = 100 **** span in m, L = 8 R1 = P/2 := 50. R2 = P/2 := 50. MAXM = P*L/4 := 200. EIA1 = P*L^2/16 := 400. EIA2 = P*L^2/16 := 400. EIY = P*L^3/48 := 1066.6667

3. Point load anywhere on span:

A A1 R1 y L
**** applied load in kN, P = 100 **** span in m, L = 8 **** position from left in m, A = 2.5 from right, B = L-A := 5.5 R1 = P*B/L := 68.75 R2 = P*A/L := 31.25 MAXM = P*A*B/L := 171.875 EIA1 = P*L^2*(B/L-(B/L)^3)/6 := 386.7188 EIA2 = P*L^2*(A/L-(A/L)^3)/6 := 300.7813 EIY = P*L^3*(A*B/L^2)^2/3 := 787.7604



4. Uniformly distributed load:

A2 W R1
**** applied load in kN/m, W = 10 **** span in m, L = 8 R1 = W*L/2 := 40. R2 = W*L/2 := 40. MAXM = W*L^2/8 := 80. EIA1 = W*L^3/24 := 213.3333 EIA2 = W*L^3/24 := 213.3333 EIY = 5*W*L^4/384 := 533.3333


y L


5. Partial distributed load:

A W R1 y L R2 = C = B A2


**** applied load in kN/m, W = 10 **** span in m, L = 8 **** centre form left in m, A = 2.5 **** extent of load in m, C = 4 centre to right, B = L-A := 5.5

total load in kN, P = W*C := 40 R1 = P*B/L := 27.5 R2 = P*A/L := 12.5 MAXM = R1*(A-C/2)+R1^2/(2*W) := 51.5625 EIA1 = W*B*C*(4*A*(B+L)-C^2)/(24*L) := 136.3542 EIA2 = W*A*C*(4*B*(A+L)-C^2)/(24*L) := 111.9792 EIY = P*(L^3*(A*B/L^2)^2/3+5*C^3/384-C^3/48) := 295.1042

6. Single triangular load:

W A2



y L 0.519L


**** peak load in kN/m, W = 20 **** span in m, L = 8 R1 = W*L/3 := 53.3333 R2 = W*L/6 := 26.6667 MAXM = W*L^2/15.59 := 82.1039 EIA1 = W*L^3/45 := 227.5556 EIA2 = 7*W*L^3/360 := 199.1111 EIY = 0.00652*W*L^4 := 534.1184 Footnote: MATHSERV may be downloaded from:

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