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Sample Question Set II.

Contributor Personality Development

Subject Code: 1990001

Gujarat Technological University (GTU)

About CPD Examination
1. The examination paper will have 90 questions. 1.1. There will be 7-8 questions from each of the 12 Units. 1.2. All questions are compulsory. 2. The duration of the examination is 2 hours (i.e. 150 mins). 3. All questions are in multiple choice format (MCQ). 2.1. The questions are in the form of scenarios / situations giving 4 options. 2.2. The student is expected to choose exactly one option out of the 4. 2.3. All 4 options are valid, with a hierarchy in the quality of response 2.3.1. The best contributor option carries 5 marks (i.e. full marks) 2.3.2. The second-best option carries 3 marks 2.3.3. The third-best option carries 2 marks 2.3.4. The fourth-best option carries 1 mark 2.4. Maximum marks for the paper will be 450. 4. The scores will be normalized to 70 marks for Diploma, BE, MCA, ME. (i.e. Student gets [(M/450)*70] marks where M is the marks the student got in the CPD paper) and to 80 marks for B. Pharma students (i.e. Student gets [(M/450)*80] marks where M is the marks scored by the student in CPD paper). 5. Pass marks 5.1. For Diploma and BE pass mark is 23 out of 70. 5.2. For MCA and ME is 50% i.e. 35 out of 70. 5.3. For B. Pharm pass mark is 40% i.e. 32 out of 80.

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Sample Question Set II.I

Sample Questions for End-Semester Examination

1. Shaheen has now joined a karate class in the afternoon after her college hours. Which of these options would help her see the situation as a contribution to self? a] It is great to learn a martial art like karate. b] I can learn how to protect myself as well as learn a great martial art. c] I can learn a few kicks and punches to show my friends. d] It is just something to keep me busy in the afternoons. Sana teaches aerobics in a gym. Which of these options show that she has a purpose vision of her work? a] I help people to improve their energy levels due to the classes they are able to become more energetic. b] I work to ensure that through the training people are able to stay physically and mentally healthy over a long period of time. c] I help people to lose weight. d] I teach aerobic exercises. The CEO of a company says that he has contributed in many ways to society. Which of the options is the widest contribution the company has made? a] The company takes care of all its employees needs within the framework of society. b] The company follows all the rules and regulations given by law. c] The company pays all their taxes and ensures all their employees also pay their taxes correctly. d] The company implements various development projects and plans to provide more employment to people within the framework of society. Sunita works as a receptionist in a big organization. What is the widest possible way in which she can contribute to her organization? a] She should direct people to whoever they want to meet. b] She should be friendly and welcoming to everybody who enters the office. c] She should be quick and efficient and help all visitors inside the office. d] She should make sure of the smooth execution of all activities as she makes the first impression of the organization to all visitors. Nimitta thinks her boss is always finding fault with her work. She doesn't know how to handle the situation. As a contributor what can you advise her? a] She can look at his comments as positive feedback and use it to improve her work constantly. b] She can do her work better so that she doesnt allow him to find so many faults. c] She can listen to his comments with a positive attitude. d] She can keep complaining about him behind his back. Sahil is a folk singer. He has been given a chance to participate in a TV music competition. Which of these options indicate that he thinks like a contributor? a] He also starts mixing folk songs with others types of music like ghazals and film music.
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Sample Question Set II.I

b] He sings what he is confident in (that is, folk songs he already knows). c] He tries to change the usual folk tune to see how the judges and audience react to it. d] He sings folk songs but tries to sing different styles of folk music. 7. Rohans cousin has joined a Bank. He complains about his job, his salary, his colleagues etc. all the time. If you were in Rohans place, what would you tell your cousin? a] Why dont you look for a new job? b] Why don't you work such that you can be happy? c] Why dont you change your attitude? d] Why dont you look at some positive points rather than focusing on all the negatives? Sharda had to move to a new town, so she now has to look for a new job. What would she be thinking as a contributor? a] This is a new town, I cannot do anything on my own until I get a job. b] Till I get a job, I can use the time to not only settle down but to also learn something that will help me in future jobs. c] I have to keep applying for jobs and wait till I get one. d] While I am applying for a job I can also use the time to settle down in the new town.


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Sample Question Set II.I

Explanatory Answers
Q.1. In Option (d), Shaheen is looking at karate only for "keeping herself busy" so she is not recognizing the value of contributing to self through systematic development but only looking at it as an activity to be performed. There is indeed an element of utilization of time by doing certain activity but the purpose to do the activity is sorely missing from the activity. In the absence of a purpose it is highly likely that the Shaheen will lose interest in the activity and leave the task unfinished, very soon. 1 mark for option (d) In Option (c), Shaheen, though focused on learning a few skills, yet wants to do so just for "showing to friends". There is indeed a purpose here, but the purpose is outer directed. The purpose is not to learn but to show off. It is highly likely that the day she will be able to learn a few tricks to show she will start losing interest in learning anymore. 2 marks for option (c). In Option (a), Shaheen has recognized the value of learning a martial art to develop herself. Here her purpose of activity is learning. So its highly likely that she will finish the task and learn and grow from it. 3 marks for option (a). Shaheen in Option (b), is contributing to self the most as she is identifies her purpose is learning to protect herself by learning a great martial arts. Here, her purpose is clearly one step ahead of option (a). 5 marks for option (b).

Insight: An individual who Contributes to Self not only performs activities, but also tries to systematically develop his/her own self through these activities. Contributors choose a Purpose Vision of Work Unit 5: The Scope of Contribution.
Q.2. In option (d), Sana has failed to understand the purpose at any level and has taken an "activity vision" of teaching "aerobic exercises". Option (d) scores 1 mark. In option (c), Sana has widened her scope of contribution and identified the purpose to see that through the aerobics she serves the "purpose" of helping people lose weight. This is far better than (d). Sana, though have identified the purpose of the activity, has confined the purpose at another activity level. Her central focus is weight lose and not the people who will be benefited. Option (c) scores 2 marks. In option (a), Sana sees her contribution at a wider level than just losing weight. She sees the "purpose" as having people improve their "energy levels". Option (a) scores 3 marks. In option (b), Sana sees her contribution at the widest level. The "purpose" here is "long term physical and mental health" of the people. When Sana identifies that by the activity
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Sample Question Set II.I

of teaching aerobics she is actually helping people to remain healthy physically and mentally and thus contributing to the lives of a lot of trainees. This approach will instill a sense of pride in Sana and will also motivate her to do better each day. 5 marks for option (b)

Insight: The Contributor not only performs his/her activities or duties, but also tries to achieve the purpose behind all these activities. Contributors choose a Purpose Vision of Work Unit 5: The Scope of Contribution.
Q.3. In option (c), the company is focusing on tax laws of the land. Of course this is very good, but this is the least that can be expected from a Contributor. A contributor must necessarily follow the laws of the land but must not keep it is as its purpose. Instead a contributor must go beyond this and widen his scope of contribution by identifying a bigger purpose. Option (c) scores 1 marks. Similarly in (b), the CEO lacks human concern and is only concerned about rules and regulation. However, here "all" rules and regulations are being followed which include paying the taxes and hence option (b) is better than option (c). Option (b) scores 2 marks. In option (a), the CEO has included the employees need (Human Concern) in his purpose vision. Thus he is not only abiding by the law of the land (by being in the framework of the society) but also taking care of the employees of the organization. Option (d), is the widest definition of the Contributorship among the given four options. Here the contribution is at the society level and the "human being is at the centre" of the purpose. The company has gone beyond the commercial and organizational goals and is seeking to achieve the goals of the larger community.

Insight: An individual who Contributes to Society goes beyond commercial or organizational goals, and seeks to achieve the goals or purposes of the larger community / society. Contributors choose a Purpose Vision of work Unit 5: The Scope of Contribution.
Q.4. By being friendly and welcoming Sunita can make the customers feel comfortable which in itself is the first level of contribution. But, she sees her role as limited to only being friendly. She has reduced the purpose of her job to a mere activity. Option (b) scores 1 mark. Sunita in option (a) has widened her vision of Contributorship. She identifies that she not only need to be friendly but also need to be directing people to whoever they want
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Sample Question Set II.I

to meet. Here, Sunita is realizing that the purpose behind her task is the visitor. 2 marks for option (a). Sunita in option (c) is combining Activity with the purpose. She not only perceives that the purpose behind her task is the visitor but she also identifies her job as an opportunity to help her visitors and not just guide them. In the process she also brings/increases the efficiency of the organization, improves the capacity and strengthens her team. 3 marks for option (c). In option (d), Sunita is not confined to a few activities but she has expanded her role to ensure smooth execution of "all" activities aligned to meet the organizations goals. She here is serving both the visitor and the organization we. 5 marks for option (d).

Insight: An individual who Contributes to the Team/Organization not only meets short term targets, but also invests into the long-term goals, capacities & strengths of the team/Organization. Contributors choose a Purpose Vision of work Unit 5: The Scope of Contribution.
Q.5. Nimitta In option (d) is blaming others and not even taking any responsibility of one's own problems. If she is not even willing to take responsibility then how can she even think of solving the problem? 1 mark for option (d). In option (c), is many level higher than option (d) because here the advice suggests a great change in the approach from victim to take responsibility. She realizes that she is the creator of her own destiny (read problems). But just listening to the comments lacks the element of action. Hence, only 2 marks for option (c). In option (b), Nimitta is taking action, to work better, but the reason for doing it is to prevent boss from finding fault. This is an outer directed motivation (tomorrow if my boss stops complaining I may lose motivation to do better). The motivation here is not "good work" but to make her boss happy. 3 marks for option (b). In Option (a), the advice will help Nimitta to take responsibility of the faults pointed out by the boss and do something about it. The inspiration here is inner-directed and will help Nimitta to keep improving irrespective of what her boss thinks of her. She is neither perturbed nor inspired from her boss reaction. She is not only using her boss comment positively but also working upon those comments to improve herself. 5 marks for option (a).

Insight: Non-Contributors constantly blame others. Contributors recognize that they are responsible for their own problems, and so they solve these problems. Chapter 6: Embarking the Journey to Contributorship.

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Sample Question Set II.I


Sahil in option (b) is sticking to his comfort zone (doing only what he is good at). In such case he will not grow. It is always good to put your best foot forward while getting in to something new. But in a known territory, one must always seek opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow. Only 1 mark for option (b). In option (d), Sahil who is a folk singer tries to sing "different styles of folk". So definitely he is not just sticking to what he already knows. He has stepped out of his comfort zone, but to a limited extent. 2 marks for option (b). Sahil is a part of the competition. While in option (c) he is seeks to experiment, learn and grow by "change" the tune, he also identifies a measurement of the effectiveness of these experimentation, in terms of judges and audience reactions. 3 marks for option (c). In option (a), he has completely moved out of his comfort zone (folk) and experimenting with different types of non-folk music. He has moved into a zone where he is no longer an expert but an avid and constant learner. 5 marks for option (a).

Insight: The Contributors image of self is not built on the pride of knowledge gained. Rather, he/she oneself as a learner where he/she is always willing to learn and grow. Chapter 6: Embarking the Journey to Contributorship.
Q.7. In option (a), this advice will not help the person take any responsibility for the situation. It is actually telling him to blame his current job (as all fault is there). 1 mark. In option (c), the advice is to change "attitude". This is one great shift from blame everything on others to taking responsibility. Hence it is far more superior than option (a), but one would not know what to do with this advice. It does not enable me to "take responsibility" today. 2 marks for option (c). In option (d), the advice enables to tolerate the job..."look for some positives". This is one level higher than option (c) because here the advice has an element of what to do from the advice. But point is work place is not about just surviving the environment but "doing quality work" and "enjoying the work itself". 3 marks for option (d). In option (b), the focus is brought back to the work as a means to be happy. I can focus on my work today (so i can act on this advice today, actionable advice). In this process, I will not have to tolerate or survive the place instead I will take the responsibility to make the place better. 5 marks for option (b).

Insight: Non-Contributors constantly blame others. Contributors recognize that they are responsible for their own problems, and so they solve these problems. Chapter 6: Embarking the Journey to Contributorship.

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Sample Question Set II.I


In option (a), Sharda believes that the circumstances are more powerful than her. She thinks she "cannot do anything on her own". She is completely dependent on others and is waiting for others to change her situation. 1 mark for option (b) In option (c), Sharda has taken responsibility of applying for jobs and not depending on others to do that for her. So this is better than option (b). She has moved from being a victim to being a creator of ones destiny. In option (d), Sharda is not only applying for jobs but has gone beyond to utilize her time to settle down. Here, the degree of ownership that she takes for herself is higher than in option (a). She understands that she has to improve herself, and nobody else is responsible for that improvement. Option (d) scores only 3 marks. In option (b), Sharda has chosen to be completely self reliant and has taken complete responsibility of finding a job, settling down and preparing herself for her future job. 5 marks for option (c).

Insight: Non-Contributors believe that circumstances are more powerful than they are. Contributors believe that they, as human beings, are more powerful and can shape the circumstances they are in. Chapter 6: Embarking the Journey to Contributorship.

Answer Key
Q.1. Q.2. b b Q.3. Q.4. d d Q.5. Q.6. a a Q.7. Q.8. b b

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