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My Teaching ABC's By: Briannah Cullum A- Always be respectful B-Be yourself at all times C-Continue to strive for the

best D-Don't give up E-Effective teaching makes the world go around F-Failure is not an option G-Give it your all H-Hardwork pays off I-Intrigue your students interest J-Join environments within the school and community K-Know your students as well as their background L-Let students express themselves freely. M-Make an everlasting effect on your students lives. N-Never give up. O-Organization makes the classroom more effective. P-Patience is a virtue Q-Quality teaching is key R-Relationships are a must in education. S-Safety is a MUST ! T-Time is precious so make every moment a teachable one. U-Uniform your classroom to be a reflection of you. V-View everyone as equal W-Willing to learn and or change things to make them better eX-Excellent behavior is not always guaranteed within the classroom. So find ways to manage.

Y-Your being watched at all times Z-Zero tolerance for unaffective teaching.

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