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Futuristic Deep Tunnel This tutorial will show you how to use the wind and sharpen filters

to create a futuristic deep tunnel. The end effect is a nice futuristic hi tech looking scene like those seen in movies. . Start a new document 600x600. Set the foreground and background to default by pressing "D".

Create a new layer and fill it with BLACK Then Filter Render Difference Clouds. Reapply this filter 2 more times by pressing CTRL+F twice.

Now go to Filter Stylize Wind. Method: Wind Direction: From the Right. Press CTRL+F 7 more times to reapply the wind filter.

Now go to Image Rotate Canvas 90CCW. Then press CTRL+F 8 times to reapply the previous filter, which is the Wind Filter.

Now go to Image Rotate Canvas 90CCW. Then press CTRL+F 8 times to reapply the previous filter, which is the Wind Filter.

Now go to Image Rotate Canvas 90CCW. Then press CTRL+F 8 times to reapply the previous filter, which is the Wind Filter.

Then Filter Sharpen Unsharp Mask. Amount: 500% Radius: 2.0 Threshold: 0

Now go to Filter Stylize Wind. Method: Wind Direction: From the Right. Press CTRL+F 8 more times to reapply the wind filter.

Now go to Image Rotate Canvas 90CCW. Then press CTRL+F 8 times to reapply the previous filter, which is the Wind Filter.

Then Filter Sharpen Unsharp Mask. Amount: 500% Radius: 1.5 Threshold: 0

Then Filter Distort Polar Coordinates. Options: Rectangular to Polar

Now we need to get rid of that ugly vertical line. Duplicate this layer, then Edit Transform Flip Vertical. Then use the Eraser tool, with brush size 300px Soft Brush

And erase the vertical line of the new duplicated layer. Then Layer Flatten Image.

Then Filter Sharpen Unsharp Mask. Amount: 100% Radius: 70 Threshold: 0

Then go to Filter Render Lighting Effects. Then apply THIS SETTING

Then use the Circular Marquee tool and while holding shift, make a selection as big as you can to the edges.

Then go to Filter Distort Spherize Amount: -60%

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