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Princeton Tigressions

Fun. Fresh. Fierce. All-female a cappella.


Spring Auditions Update 2013 Officers Fall Jam Recap International Tour Recap Reunions 2013

Hello from the Tigressions!

Welcome to our third edition of the Tigressions Alumni Newsletter! Weve been busy this last semester from getting our fantastic spring newbie to our recent international trip to Dublin and Galway, Ireland. As always, if you have updates or feedback, please shoot our Alumni Relations chair Lucia Wang an email ( Enjoy!

Fall Tour 2013 A Letter from the Grad Board

Save the Date!

Reunions 2013
May 2013 Its never too early to be thinking about Reunionsand don't forget to consider booking the Tigressions at your class reunions!


Recent Updates
New Tigression and Officers
We were so happy to welcome our new member Haley Gorden 16 (Soprano II) into the group this spring. It was a competitive round of auditions and Haley will make a great addition to the Tigressions familybe sure to check out our website for her bio! Additionally, here are the newly elected officers for the 2013. President: Savannah Strong 15 Musical Director: Alexa Cerf 15 Business Manager: Sarina Shrier 16 Financial Manager: Sonia Skoularikis 15

Dublin and Galway, Ireland January 2013

This past Intercession break, the Tigressions had such a great time singing and touring in Dublin and Galway, Ireland. Between performing for local schools, busking in the streets, and singing in pubs, the TGs were also able to find time to sightsee! Some of our stops include the breathtaking Cliffs of Moher, the Guinness Factory, and downtown Dublin. While we were there, we were also able to sing with the talented University of Dublin Choral Scholars as well as the Trinity College Trinitones!

Fall Jam 2012

Thank you so much for a great turnout at our Fall Jam in November! We were so excited to put on the show and try something new with our headset microphones. If you have any feedback as to how it went or if you have any photos or recordings, we would love to hear from you! ( We hope to get all the recordings and videos up on our website very soon!


Looking Ahead
Reunions 2013
The Tigressions have been hard at work booking reunions shows and are happy to announce the following confirmed gigs. Times and dates are still in the works, but we hope to see you at a few of them! We still have time to fit in a few more shows, so if you have any other leads for us, let our Business Manager, Sarina Shrier know (! May 31st 10th Reunion Memorial Service 5pm 1998 Reunion Dinner 7pm June 1st Class of 93 TGs 11:30am Cloister Inn 5pm Tower Club 5:45pm

Intercession Tour 2014: Florida

Though its still early, weve already begun thinking about our plans next yearmost importantly, Intercession Tour! At this point, we are hoping to travel to sunny Florida and are in the initial planning stages for the upcoming tour. If any of our alums have tips or connections in Florida, please email our Business Manager, Sarina Shrier (

Contribute to the Tigressions

Interested in contributing to the Tigressions? Our website includes an order form for any of our current CDs; additionally, any other contributions can be mailed to 3850 Frist Mailbox, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, 08544. Alsowe are always looking for TG pictures and memorabilia to decorate the room! If you have either, please let us know at


A letter from the Graduate Board Co-Presidents: Ita Ekpoudom 03 and Akila Raman-Vaseghi 04
Happy Spring Tigressions! We hope this note finds you well. The Tigressions have not wasted a moment of the year, kicking off 2013 with an international tour that took the group to Ireland! Using their extensive networking skills and resourcefulness, the girls planned a successful tour which included everything from singing at Trinity College to busking in the streets of Dublin. Most importantly, they made memories that will last a lifetime. The trip abroad accomplished one of the goals of which weve spoken in the past to extend the Tigression brand beyond the arches of Blair and 1879. The group wisely leveraged this international presence in marketing materials for spring auditions. As a result, over 30 girls auditioned, which is a fantastic turnout for spring auditions. From a field of 30 they chose only one and we are delighted to welcome Haley into the Tigressions family! Spring means Reunions is just around the corner and we love that Tigressions alumnae have reached out to book the group for their events (the 10th and 93 TGs in particular) so there will be plenty of opportunity for those coming back to see them perform live. We encourage TG alums to reach out to their eating clubs and put in a plug to hire the group for Reunions related entertainment. Any and all leads are always welcome. Spring also signals the end of an era and a time for new beginnings for our senior Tigressions. We bid farewell to an exceptionally strong senior class who, during the time as Tigressions, have left a lasting mark that is evidenced in the quality of the new classes that have joined the group during their tenure. Katy, Audrey, Katie, Jen and Jamie, it has truly been a pleasure watching you grow as Tigressions. We wish you the very best and will be thrilled to welcome you to the ranks to Tigressions alumnae! Heres to a spring filled with beautiful music and we hope to see many of you back on campus in May. We will also look forward to the exciting endeavors the 2013-2014 school year will bring! Enjoy the spring and summer and we will speak with you again in the fall. Until then, be well and in touch! Ita and Akila

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