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Chapter 1 : Transport

- Problems faced by multicellular organisms in obtaining their cellular requirements

-Increased need of oxygen and nutrients for metabolism and waste product removal -The total surface area to volume ratio -Diffusion over large distances
- How to overcome

-have specialized structure that increase surface area -have internal transport system of tubes or vessels -have well developed circulatory system to transport substance

1.2 - What is a circulatory system? -A flow of fluid through the tissues and organs of the organism, allowing for the transport and exchange of substances such as nutrients, oxygen and waste products.
- The three components of the circulatory system

-Medium; blood for most animals, haemolymphs for insects -Pump ; heart -Vessels ; arteries, veins and capillaries
- Composition of Human blood

(45% Cellular components, 55% plasma) -Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells) -small biconcave disc for more surface area for gaseous exchange -In mammals, it has no nucleus so there is space for more haemoglobin -combine with oxygen to form oxyhaemoglobin -combines with carbon dioxide to form carbominohaemoglobin -produced at bone marrow -circulate in body for about 120days then is destroyed by phagocytes in liver and spleen

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