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Single Circulation
- The type of circulation that occurs in fishes, in
ANIMAL TRANSPORT SYSTEM which the blood passes only once through the heart in
each complete circuit of the body.
 In a one-celled organism, like the protists
(Amoeba) or bacteria, oxygen and other - It usually consists of a double chambered heart
substances from the outside environment can with an atrium and a ventricle.
easily pass through its body and it can reach the  In fish, Blood travels through the main chambers
center of the cell very rapidly by Simple Diffusion (atrium and ventricle) and is pumped out through a
and Active Transport. Waste materials diffuse ventral cavity into smaller capillaries in it fills where
across the cell membrane and out to the respiratory as gas exchange occurs. Having flowed
environment. Thus, a self-sufficient amoeba does
through the gills, the oxygenated blood travels to
not need a more organized transport system.
 However, in multicellular organisms, such as the dorsal artery to be delivered around the body.
animals and plants, and humans, there are many
cells situated at the center of the body far away 2. Complete Double Circulation
from the outside environment. Therefore, oxygen - The type of circulation that occurs in mammals,
and food materials need to be distributed to the birds and Crocodilians, in which the blood passes
cells and wastes need to be removed with through the heart twice before completing a full circuit
sufficient speed. In this case, animals in thick,
of the body.
multiple layers of cells, will need a more advanced
transport system to carry substances from one part - Their hearts have four-chambers consisting of
of the body to another. two atria and two ventricles.
 Similar with respiration, the body of Cnidarian, -The right side of the heart takes care of the
such as Hydra, jellyfish, and most flatworms oxygen-poor blood, whereas the left side receives
(Planaria), are only two cell layers thick, which are oxygen-rich blood.
in direct contact with either the outside env’t or its
gastrovascular cavity. Their Central
3. Incomplete Double Circulation
Gastrovascular Cavity serves for both digestion
and distribution of important substance within its - The type of circulation that usually occur in
body. Amphibians and Reptiles which have a three-
 In complex forms of animals with higher chambered heart that consists of one ventricle and
metabolic rates cannot rely on diffusion and active two atria.
transport to bring essential materials inside their - Oxygenated blood is received by the left atrium
body considering the fact that their transport and deoxygenated blood is received by the right
system has evolved over time, which enabled large
animals to dedicate a specialized organ system to atrium. But, both the bloods get mixed up in the single
perform specific tasks and distribute the products ventricle which pumps out the mixed blood where
to other organs. blood comes to the heart through two different routes,
but goes out through a single route.
 In Amphibians, the right atrium receives blood that
1. Open Circulatory System
has returned from the systemic circulation from the
- Is a circulatory system in which fluid is pumped
through open-ended vessels and transported among the different organs of the body. The ventricle pumps
cells with no distinction between the circulating fluid (blood) blood to capillary beds found in the lungs and the
and the interstitial fluid (hemolymph). skin. As gas exchange occurs both in the lungs
- Most invertebrates, such as mollusks and and the skin, this is called Pulmocutaneous
arthropods, have this type of system. Circuit. Oxygen-rich blood returns to the left
atrium. Although the blood from the two atria can
 Tubular Heart, a muscular tube that pumps
mix in a single ventricle, the presence of a ridge
hemolymph through a network of channels into
chambers and drains back to the central cavity. ensures that the oxygen-poor blood is diverted to
Usually found in insects like grasshopper. the pulmocutaneous circuit and the oxygen-rich
blood to the systemic circuit.
2. Closed Circulatory System  In Reptiles, the ventricle is divided more effectively
- Higher forms of organisms, such as complex by a partial septum, which results in less mixing of
invertebrates and vertebrates. oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. This allows
- In this type, blood is confined within blood vessels
for a second blood flow path that may cause the
separated from the interstitial fluid.
- Blood circulates in one direction and passes blood to flow from the capillaries to the heart, then
through the animal’s respiratory system right back to the capillaries again.
 - Annelids, such as the earthworm, possess the
simplest closed circulatory system that consist two
main blood vessels connected to a series of heart-
like structures called Aortic Arches. Blood flows
into a series of smaller branching blood vessels
that leads to the internal organs and tissues of
annelids where exchange of materials occurs
across the thin walls of the capillaries.


- Between the right ventricle and the
Mammalian Circulatory System pulmonary artery.
 Aortic Semilunar Valve/ Aortic Valve
 Closed Circulatory System - Between the left ventricle and the aorta.
- is also known as Cardiovascular System
(kardia means “heart” and vasculum means  Pulmonary Artery
“vessels”) consisting of the four-chambered heart, - this artery is responsible for carrying
blood, and blood vessels that carry blood to every part deoxygenated blood all the way from the right ventricle to
of the body and the lymphatic systems. the lungs.
- The fluids contained in these systems are blood
and lymph.  Pulmonary Vein
- The main function of the circulatory system is - are the tubular branching vessels that carry blood
to carry oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body all the way from the capillaries and take it to the heard. The
and to remove carbon dioxide and other wastes from function of the pulmonary vein is to take oxygenated blood
the same cells. Aside from this main function, the all the way from the lungs to the left atrium.
circulatory system also performs other essential tasks.
 Aorta
Three Principal Functions of The Circulatory - this is the largest artery in the human body. It is
System the major artery of the body, which, takes oxygenated
blood to the organs and muscles.
1. Transportation
- transports three types of substance essential for  Vena Cava
cellular metabolism in the following forms: Respiratory - this is the largest vein in the human body (vena is
(02 & CO2), Nutritive (nutrients in the form of food Latin for vein). Its essential function is to carry blood from
molecules), and Excretory (metabolic wastes such as all around the body all the way to the heart. 
excess water and ions), - Two types:
2. Regulation o Superior Vena Cava (Upper Body: brain
- transports hormones and participates in heart and arms) and
regulation. o the Inferior Vena Cava (lower organs and
3. Protection the
- protects our body from injury during blood clotting legs)
and plays a role in the immune defense against toxins
and pathogenic organism. THE BLOOD


- Is a collection of cells in the form of a fluid by which
 Human Heart oxygen and nutrients reach the body’s cell and waste
- is, a muscular organ, position behind the rib cage materials are carried away.
and between the lungs, the pump that pushes blood - In addition, it carries hormones which control body
throughout the circulatory system. processes, and cells that fight disease-causing
microorganisms and produce antibodies to fight invading
- It actually has two pumps: Right and Left side. germs.
The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs to - About 55 % of the blood is plasma, a pale yellowish
receive oxygen whereas the left side pumps blood to liquid that is about 92 % water. The remaining 8 percent is
the entire body. made up of a dissolved complex mixture of carious
substances such soluble or plasma proteins, dissolve
- it has four chambers, namely: mineral salts, food substances, excretory products and
1. Right Atrium 2. Left Ventricle
- It may seem like a plain red fluid but it is actually a
3. Right Ventricle 4. Left Atrium
complex tissue. Under the microscope, the blood is made
up of two components: plasma (fluid portion) and the
blood cells (formed elements: red blood cells, white
 Septum
blood cells, and platelets)
- divides the heart in half and prevents blood from
flowing between the two atria and two ventricles.
Three types of Cellular Components Suspended in the
Plasma of the Blood:
 Valve
- is a flap of tissue that prevents the backflow of
blood and keeps its flow in one direction. 1. Red Blood Cell ( Erythrocytes )
– Makes up 44% of your blood transport oxygen
and some carbon dioxide throughout the body.
VALVES IN THE HEART – It has iron-containing proteins known, as
hemoglobin, that binds chemically to oxygen
 Tricuspid Valve / Atrioventricular Valve molecules. With the combination of hemoglobin
- Between both Right Atrium and Ventricle. and oxygen, the color of the blood turns bright
 Bicuspid Valve / Mitral Valve red while the one without oxygen, which is the
- Between both Left Atrium and Ventricle. blood returning to the heart, is colored dark
 Pulmonary Semilunar Valve / Aortic Valve red.
– Under the microscope, they look like biconcave is pushed into the arteries with each
disks, and because they have a thin middle contraction of the ventricles.
portion, they can bend and twist easily in the tiniest  Artery’s Wall
blood vessels. – is generally very thick and consists of three
– An adult male may have about 5.5 million red layers of tissue.
blood cells per milliliter of blood as compared to – Its elastic structure gives it the flexibility and
an adult female of about 4.5 million red blood strength to withstand the enormous pressure of
cells. blood as it is pumped from the heart.
– – It has main three layers:
2. White Blood Cells ( Leukocytes ) 1. Endothelium 3. Smooth
– are colorless and do not contain hemoglobin. Muscle
– They are larger than red blood cells and fewer in 2. Connective Tissue
number, with one or two leukocytes for every  Arterioles
1000 erythrocytes. – These are smaller arteries
– Each WBC is irregular in shape and contains a – Are considered the finest, microscopically
nucleus. sized branches of the arterial trees.
– - It can move, change its shape, and squeeze – Blood from the arterioles lead to
through the walls of the fine blood capillaries and Capillaries.
into the spaces among the tissue cells. It begins its
development in the bone marrow and matures in 2. Capillaries
the lymph organs and nodes. – blood vessels that are elaborate, narrow, and
thin-walled tubes.
– Its main task is to protect true body from diseases – The walls of the most Capillaries are only one
caused but bacteria, viruses, and other foreign cell thick. This allow oxygen and nutrients to
substances. The number of WBC increases diffuse through the capillary walls and into
dramatically when the body is fighting an infection. body cells and for carbon dioxide and other
waste materials to diffuse through cell, walls
– There are many different kinds of WBCs that have
into the capillaries.
specialized function, it could categorize as
– Materials are exchange into the capillaries by
granular such as the neutrophils, eosinophils,
and basophils, based on the staining properties of
– After traversing the capillaries, blood is
their granules, or nongranular, such as
collected via smaller blood vessels, called
monocytes and lymphocytes.
Venules, that lead to larger blood vessel called
3. Platelets ( Thrombocytes ) Veins.
– are not true cells but fragments of cytoplasm from
certain large bone marrow cells known as 3. Veins
Megakaryocytes. – Are equipped with valves that prevent the
– They do clot contain a nucleus and can break backflow of blood and keep it from moving
down quickly in the blood. forward toward the heart.
– They play a part in blood clotting to prevent – Like arteries, veins have three layers of
excessive blood loss during injury. tissue, with a muscle in the middle part.
– Like RBC, platelets are formed in the red marrow Namely: Endothelium, Smooth Muscle,
of bones. and Connective tissue.
– When a blood vessel is damaged, proteins in the
blood plasma form long sticky strands of a
substance called Fibrin. HEART

 Fibrin – it as a double pump, which it pumps blood

- It traps platelets, which collected to form a clot throughout the body in a continuous, closed,
and seal the wound. The clot becomes hard, forming a complete, and double circulatory system, which is
scab as the wound heals. divided into two parts:
*Pulmonary Circulation *Systemic
Blood Vessels
– are responsible for the transport of blood, as well PULMONARY CIRCULATION
as for the exchange of substance. Their structures – the route taken by the pumping of the blood from
are adapted to their functions. the heart to the lungs and back.
– It is classified into three: Veins, Arteries and – The main goal of this circulation is to carry
Capillaries. oxygen- poor blood to the lungs where it could pick
up oxygen and expel carbon dioxide and water,
1. Arteries and carry oxygen- rich blood back to the heart.
– are blood vessels that move blood away from
the heart.
– Each of the two ventricle of the heart is
connected to a major artery. As a result, blood
– the route of the blood from the heart to the rest of *Xylem (or wood) *Phloem.
the body.
– The function of this circulation circuit is to carry - Both of them contain strands of cells that are
oxygen -rich blood to all the cells of the organs stacked end to end and act like tiny pipes.
( upper and lower ) and transport oxygen -poor - They acts as plumbing system that transport
blood back to the heart. materials throughout the plant’s body.

Conducting Water and Dissolved Mineral through the


- Two Functions Of Xylem :
1. Conduct water and dissolved mineral salts
from the roots to the stems and leaves
2. Provide mechanical support within the
- One type of xylem cell found in all vascular plants is
called Tracheid
PULMONARY CIRUCLATION ( 1ST LOOP) - Flowering plants have another xylem cell called Vessels.

1. RIGHT ATRIUM Three Theories That Explain the Transport Mechanism

2. TRICUSPID VALVE of Water Among Plants
5. PULMONARY ARTERY - suggests that cells in roots actively pump water or
6. LUNGS ions into the xylem tissue causing a change in the
7. PULMONARY VEIN concentration gradient, so water moves to the xylem
8. LEFT ATRIUM via osmosis. Once water has built up in the xylem of
9. BICUSPID VALVE the roots, it creates pressure that forces water to move
10. LEFT VENTRICLE upward. This proceed is known as Guttation, which is
observed among short plants where the leaves are not
SYSTEMIC CIRUCLATION ( 2ND LOOP) far from the source of pressure.


12. AORTA - makes use of water’s adhesion property.
13. BODY ORGANS AND TISSUES - It is the ability of a substance to draw or stick
14. SUPERIOR VENA CAVA / INFERIOR VENA another substance into it.
CAVA - In plants, water rises on its own in a plant stem
when it is in contact with another surface though the


- Is an Italian scientist who conducted an experiment in the - relies in the attraction between water molecules
17th where he discovered a sweet-tasting fluid that come where water is pulled up from below.
out when he removed the bark and outer layer of the tissue - This process explains how water moves up a very
around a tree trunk. After several weeks, the tree died. He tall plant through the process known as Transpiration
concluded that water was not transported in the outer Pull or Cohesion Tension.
tissue layer of the pant but the sweet fluid carried with it - In this mechanism, water is pulled up through a
nutrients from the leaves to the roots. plant as it evaporates from the plant’s leaves.
- And when this supply was cut off, the plant may survive - When the stomata of the leaves are open, water
for a while due to stored food below the cut, but the plant vapor diffuses out of a leaf through transpiration.
will eventually die. This experiment provided evidence that - The cohesion of water molecules causes water
plants transport not only water but also nutrients molecules that have been lost by a plant to pull on the
throughout its body. In order for this mechanism to happen, water molecules that are still in the xylem. This pull
the plant has a transport system of vessels, which should extends through the water in the xylem and draws
distribute water and carry nutrients up and down a plant. water upward in the same way liquid is drawn up a
These vessels, analogous to blood vessels in humans, are drinking straw. As long as the column of water in the
known as Transport or Vascular Tissues in Plants. xylem does not break, water will keep moving upward
as transpiration occurs. Roots take in water from the
soil by diffusion (osmosis). The water enters the xylem
 Vascular Tissues and replaces the water lost through transpiration.
- are vessels that are analogous to blood vessels
in humans which distribute water and carry nutrients up
and down a plant. Conducting Manufactured Food via the Phloem
 Two types of Vascular tissues in Flowering
Plants: PHLOEM
- The Phloem Tissue conducts manufactured food  The sucrose is then moved by the other tissues in
(sucrose and amino acids) as well as hormones from the stem and the root. This situation will cause the
the green parts of the plants, especially the leaves, to water to move out via osmosis and the pressure in
the other parts of the plant. the phloem decreases. When this happens, the
- It consists mainly of sieve tubes and companion pressure gradient between the root and the leaf will
cells that aid the transport of manufactured food. trigger the direction flow, which is through the
- contains cells with living cytoplasm, and with phloem from the leaf to the root system for storage,
porous cell walls allowing exchange between or other parts for immediate use.
neighboring cells
- The process of transporting manufactured food
though the phloem tissue is Translocation.

 In plants, the stem houses the vascular tissue,

which transports substance between the roots
and leaves. Among herbaceous plants with
flexible bodies, the stem contains bundles of
xylem and phloem called vascular bundles.
 Monocot and dicot plants differ in terms of their
vascular bundle structures. In monocot
stems, the vascular bundles are scattered in
the ground tissue. In dicot, however, the
vascular bundles are arranged in a ring.

 On the other hand, trees and shrubs, such as

narra and roses, possess woody stems. In
early maturation, a young woody stem has a
central core of pith and a ring of vascular
bundles, which fuse into solid cylinders as the
stem matures.
 Layers of xylem form the inner most cylinder
that constitutes the components of wood. A
cylinder of phloem lies outside of the
cylinder of xylem.

 In full maturity, the wood in the center of a

mature stem or tree trunk is called Heartwood.
The xylem in heartwood can no longer
conduct water out rather functions only as a
support. Sapwood, which lies outside the
heartwood, contains vessel cells that can
conduct water.

Several finding were observed by scientists when

phloem transports materials:
 the phloem cells must be living, materials can
move through the phloem in several directions at
one time.
 phloem cells can transport large amounts of
materials rapidly within the plant
 factors like oxygen deficiency and low
temperatures could affect its efficiency

- is the most accepted explanation which combines
the concept of osmosis and dynamic pressure in the
movement of materials.

 Sucrose that is manufactured in the leaves through

photosynthesis travels in storage areas as a
solution to the plant’s body, where it will be
transformed into starch, or plant tissues where it
will be consumed as it food.
 When sucrose enters the phloem tissue through
the leaf, its concentration increases, causing the
water to move and consequently lead to an
increased pressure on the phloem.

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