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Modern Tragedy Assignment Sheet From Your Notebook to WIki-Space and Beyond!

Purpose: You will have a better grasp of the terms that help you comprehend the different scenes and context of the modern tragedy that will be read. You will realize that although there are various definitions for words, and all are correct in different contexts, there is a correct definition for a word in a particular context at a given time and that this needs to be taken into consideration. Context: This lesson will occur during the beginning of the unit so that you will have the tools to read the texts critically and with background information. You will learn the vocabulary before you read the play or watch the movie because you will be equipped with these tools before I ask you to use them.

Steps To Get There: 2 On pages 1-3 of your modern tragedy packet there are 40 terms that you will need to define. 3 In class you will be given 20 minutes to define 20 terms, or as many as you can. 4 You are allowed to use hardcover dictionaries, smartphones or laptops. 5 The remaining vocabulary words will be assigned for homework to be completed. 6 You will be graded for effort on the vocabulary words that you complete in class and for homework. 7 In class I will go over how to use WikiSpaces 8 For homework you will have to post 2 assigned vocabulary words from the 40 that you were assigned to the class Wiki page which you will be invited to via email. 9 For homework you will have to review the Wiki that you and your peers put together and compare the definitions that your peers have posted, to the ones that you found for homework. As you will realize, some definitions will be incorrect of out of context. Here is an example of an edit: Episode: i Each of the separate installments into which a serialized story or radio or television program is divided. Correction for this context: i Any scene in the play between major speaking characters 10 Make changes based on any differences that you think need to be addressed. 11 Have a class discussion about how this activity of agreeing on definitions of words in particular contexts have helped the students.

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