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Name: Muhamad Saiful Azhar bin Sabri QUESTION 3 PARTS OF A PROPOSAL (20 marks)

(Group:1 )

The Forever Delicious products are increasingly becoming popular in the local market. Bearing in mind the 5Cs principles of effective communication, complete the following parts of the proposal to the General Manager, suggesting for the organization to sponsor a reality show on TV. You are advised to include your additional information whenever necessary.


According to the local market and good customer feedback, the Forever Delicious products are increasingly becoming well-known. With the increasing number of competitors that produce the same product as yours, a promotion method should be taken into account. One of the steps to keep this positive improvement toward the development of the companys product is to sponsor the newly featured reality show on TV; Kitchens Master. The organization product can be well introduced to the shows audience to buy your products. The sponsorship program will cost less than RM 1000 and will be worth it as to introduce and promote your product to the whole world.

INTRODUCTION Background The current situation indicates that the Forever Delicious is a growing company and become well recognized in the local market. The locals are getting familiar with your products and they know how well the qualities of your products in the market compare to the other products. Further information state that Forever Deliciouss production can be improved to 25% in profit if introduced to more customers through better promotion strategies.

Data Sources The data used to create this proposal gathered from survey conducted among your customers and staff. 50 participants were chosen to answer the questionnaire given about the promoting ideas for Forever Delicious organization that mostly agreed to take your promotion strategies to the next level.

Problem Lack of promotion strategies to attract the customers to buy the products can restrain the organizations goals to become a well-known company. To compete with other company, promotion of the products can be a lynchpin to win the customers heart. As a provider to the customers, Forever Delicious should consider promoting the products to avoid the risk of losing your customer to the competitors.

Solution The promoting efforts of the organizations products can be solved if you sponsor a reality show on TV; Kitchens Master. From the show, people will be more familiar with your product as introduced in the show. This attempt will attract more customers to buy your products.

Objective The objective of this proposal is to suggest to Forever Delicious organization to sponsor a reality show so that your companys product will be more familiar among the customers through the promotion thus enhance the profits of your company.

Assessment of cost The participation of Forever Delicious to sponsor the Kitchens Master show will cost less than RM 1000. The following budget details indicate the expenses of this proposal: Supply of product A (for each show) - 10 units RM 350 Supply of product B (for each show) - 5 units RM 400 Supply of product C (for each show) - 2 units RM 200 Total: RM 950

Conclusion Forever Deliciouss products in the market can be well renowned in the market for both local and potentially global. The organization will be able to attract more buyer and increase the company profits through the sponsorship program. This proposal acts as an improvement measure to develop your company in the market. The recommended budget of RM 1000 should be allocated from the companys budget to enhance the company benefits in the future.

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