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Republica Bolivariana De Venezuela Ministerio Del Poder Popular Para la Educacin U.

E Colegio Monseor Castro

Members: Egurrola, Pedro Faneite, Jose Leal, Ramiro Lugo, Jesus Vargas, Adrian

Dialogue: Jesus: Hello Ramiro: Hello Jesus: Good morning Ramiro: Good morning, whats your name? Jesus: My name is Jesus. And yours? Ramiro: My name is Ramiro, nice to meet you Jesus: Nice to meet you too, I have to go to my work Ramiro: Oh, which is your work? Jesus: I am a teacher, bye bye Ramiro: Dont cross the signal is green Jesus: Dont worry! There are not cars on the street. Faneite: Watch out!!!!!

Faneite: ARE YOU CRAZY!!? Adrian: Oh, Im sorry. Oh my god Ramiro: Is there a doctor? Faneite: Im a doctor

Pedro: Hey! What happened here? Ramiro: This man ran over that man Pedro: Bad day to you, I am a policeman, whats your name? Adrian: My name is Adrian, I am sorry, but I was using my phone. Pedro: You cant use that when you are driving because your life is in danger and other innocent people too. Adrian: yes, the life of this man is in danger for my fold. Pedro: what do you need? Faneite: I think that we need and ambulance. Faneite: Jesus, how do you feel? Jesus: I feel pain in my leg. Faneite: Hey Adrian! Call an ambulance Jesus: NOO!! Im fine, is just pain. Ramiro, Pedro: Are you sure? Jesus: Yes, Im sure. Adrian: This is great lession we never have to drive with a phone Pedro: Yes, going to jail in the same way. Adrian: Nooo, Im innocent. Pedro: Come on, hurry up. Faneite: Jesus, jaja, Later I put you the plaster. Jesus: Jaja, okay. Faneite: Well, see you later. Ramiro: Bye. Jesus: Bye.

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