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Tutorial: Spanish IV - A Literary Exploration of the Language Tutor: Srta. Anna Duncan Email: anna.l.duncan@gmail.

com Cell phone: 770-315-7046 Objectives

The primary objective of this tutorial is that students would develop a love for speaking, reading and writing in the Spanish language. Its goal is to allow the students to put to use what they have learned as students of the language in tangible and useful ways. The tutorial will be discussion orientated; with students expressing their opinions about the text(s) in the target language through writing and speaking. In other words, it is the intent of the tutor that the students speak if not solely, then primarily in Spanish during the tutorial. This tutorial, although similar to Spanish III, will be more difficult. The tutor will expect an even higher level of participation than in Spanish III. Although discussion and practice will be the focus of this tutorial, a language study cannot exist without a word about grammar. Grammar studies will supplement book/play discussion and group activities throughout the course. Every other week the students will take a quiz to demonstrate their mastery of the weeks grammar subject. Each quarter the students will take a midterm that will test them on the grammar they learned that quarter. Finally, a final exam will take place in the last quarter, testing them on their mastery of the material we reviewed in the final quarter.

Assignment Ensayos (one/work studied) Participation Evaluation (one/quarter) Grammar Quizzes (two/month) Tests (one/quarter) Diarios & Otra Tarea (TBD) Pop Vocabulary Quizzes (two/month) Weight (% of total grade) 25% 25% 15% 15% 10% 10%

1. Every other week we will take a break from grammar study so that the students may practice the structures they learned the previous week. During Las semanas del diario (Journal Week), the students will write in diarios (journals- each student should have a composition notebook for this purpose) at least three times. Journal entry topics will be designated by the tutor and the students will be required to hand in journals for grading at the end of each journal week. 2. The students will be required to write a comprehensive essay (ensayo) for each work/book that we study. Formats of these ensayos will vary. 3. Quarterly participation evaluations will assess the students active participation class discussion, class attendance, and faithfulness in reading material assigned for each tutorial. 4. (Pop) vocabulary quizzes will occur twice each month. The student should maintain and study vocabulary cards in order to prepare for the quizzes. Student Responsibility Lastly, it is very important that each student take on the responsibility of keeping track of what is due each week. This tutorial will require the student to be self-directed and self-motivated! Since the tutorial is primarily discussion based as well it is essential that each student be prepared to speak up in class without being directed to do so by the tutor. Every quarter the students participation will be assessed through a participation evaluation. Important Policies The following policies apply to all tutorials at New Hope and will be enforced by Ms. Duncan in Spanish IV. Late Work All work should be done to the best of the students ability and should be passed in on time. Students who fail to produce assigned work automatically lose 10 percentage points (a letter grade) on that assignment. Each successive day, ten percentage points will be dropped. The first time a paper is late the offending students parents will be contacted. The second time a parent will need to come in for a conference. The third time (and all consecutive times) will earn a zero, although completion of the assignment will still be necessary. Students who feel the need to ask for an extension may do so up to 24 hours before the assignment is due. Extensions are not given lightly as students need to learn to work within hard deadlines. Extensions will not be given repeatedly. Students who fail to bring necessary materials to tutorial sessions will automatically lose points. Academic Integrity Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated at New Hope.

Food in the Classroom: Because food has become a distraction during class time in the past, food will only play a role in class sessions when initiated by a tutor as a means to strengthen the academic work of the tutorial (e.g., Writers Tea, Spanish meal, etc.). Birthdays will be celebrated outside of tutorial sessions. Cleaning the Classroom: Students are responsible (at the direction of their tutor) to leave their classroom cleaner than they found it. We will have a chart and chores will rotate week-to-week. Technology/Cell Phone Use: In an attempt to avoid distractions, we would prefer for students to leave their cell phones at home. If parents wish their children to have cell phones, the phones must be turned off and kept in a bag. If a staff member sees a cell phone, it will be sent to the office to be retrieved by the students parent or guardian.

The following is a list of texts that will be used in the tutorial. Some will be provided by the tutor and others by the students. (See book list email for a list of texts the student should own.) 1. Casa de Bernarda Alba (F. Garca Lorca) - Focus Student Edition (ISBN: 9781585101436) 2. Historia de una escalera (A. Buero Vallejo) *students should already own this text 3. El tragaluz (A. Buero Vallejo) - Spanish Publisher: Espasa Calpe (ISBN: 9788467021622)

4. La vida es sueo (P. Caldern de la Barca) - online & printable 5. La casa en Mango Street (S. Cisernos) 6. Intermediate Spanish: A Grammar and Workbook (I. Wilkie & C. Arnaiz) - published by Routledge, available on

Grammar Study & Reading Schedule

T - Tuesday; R - Thursday

Date Week of 9/13

Assignment Pronouns Week Take notes during Ms. Duncans lecture on 15th-17th Centuries in Spain (the Spanish Golden Age)

Week of 9/20

Journal Week (T) Pronouns Quiz Discuss Act I, Scene 1, lines 1-270 (R) Journal entries due Discuss Act I, Scene 1, lines 270-470 Prepositions Week (T) Discuss Act I, Scene 2, lines 480-840 (R) Discuss Act I, Scene 2, lines 840-980 Journal Week (T) Act I Review Discuss jounal entries Prepositions Quiz (R) Act I Character Study Journals due Have paper topic chosen Passive Voice Week (T) & (R) Discuss Act II, Scene 1, lines 990-1340 Prepositions Quiz (T)

Week of 9/27

Week of 10/4

Week of 10/11

Week of 10/18

Journal Week (T) Discuss Act II, Scene 1, lines 1340-1720 Passive Quiz (R) Discuss Act II, Scene 1, lines 1720-2010 Journals due Turn in completed outline

Week of 10/25 *make up Friday

Present Subjunctive Week 1 (T) Assigned Present Subjunctive exercises due Review Act II, Scene 1 (R) Discuss Act II, Scene 2 (F) Character Study Act II (Over the weekend: study for Present Subjunctive Quiz & First Exam)

Week of 11/1

Present Subjunctive Week 2 (T) Discuss Act III, Scene 1, lines 2190-2420 (R) Discuss Act III, Scene 2, lines 2430-2650 Present Subjunctive Quiz (Over the weekend: Take midterm)

Week of 11/8 *end of 1st qtr*

Journal Week (T) Midterm Due Discuss Act III, Scene 3, lines 2660-3020 (R) Journal entries due (topic: ideas about your paper!) Students receive participation evals Discuss Act III, Scene 3, lines 3020-end Imperatives Week (T) & (R) Review Act III Discuss overall impressions of play as relates to paper (R) Peer Review Day - Rough drafts to be emailed by the end of the week.

Week of 11/18

Week of 11/22

(T & R) - no tutorials at all this week! (over the break: 1. Make necessary changes to resolve grammar errors; 2. Write down any grammar questions you have after reviewing your essay and midterm; study for imperatives quiz!)

Week of 11/29 *P-T meetings this week

Free Week (T) Imperatives Quiz Address any grammar questions Introduce House on Mango Street Unit (R) Discuss Theme #1: Self Definition & Identity (pp. 3-11)

Week of 12/6 *make up Friday

Unit 6 Week (T) Discuss Theme #2: Friendship, Neighborhood & Home (pp. 12-22) (R) Theme #2 cont- Discuss pp. 21-24; Introduce creative writing ensayo for this unit (F) Final Draft of La vida es sueo Paper due Unit 6 Quiz (Over the weekend: brainstorm memories to write about) Journal Week (T) Discuss brainstorming results Discuss Theme #3: Freedom & Entrapment (pp. 23-43) (R) Discuss Theme #4: Growth & Maturity (pp. 44-56) Journals due (T) 12/21 Character Study read journal entries aloud (Over break: prepare outline for your creative ensayo)

Week of 12/13

12/23/11 - 1/2/2012

Winter Break

Week of 1/3

Unit 7 Week (Subj. after verbs of emotion) (T) Discuss Theme #5: Gender Roles & Expectations (pp. 56-67) Turn in completed outline (R) Continue discussing Theme #5- pp. 68-77 Tutor returns outlines with comments (Over the weekend: make suggested changes to outline, study for Unit 7 Quiz)

Week of 1/10 *make up Friday

Unit 8 Week (Subj. after impersonal expressions) (T) Discuss Theme #6: Fitting In (pp. 78-89) Unit 7 Quiz (R) Discuss Theme #7: Future Opportunities & Limitations (pp. 90-95) (F) Continue discussing Theme #7- pp. 96-104 (Over the weekend: finish writing rough draft! Study for Unit 8 Quiz)

Week of 1/17

Unit 9 (Imperfect Subjunctive) Week (T) Discuss Theme #8: Finding Ones Home (pp. 105-112) Unit 8 Quiz (R) Rough Draft due! Peer-edit day (Over the weekend: Study for midterm-- & Unit 9 Quiz)

Week of 1/24 *end of 2nd quarter*

Free Week (T) Unit 9 Quiz Review Session for Midterm (R) Review La casa en Mango Street Students receive participation evals Midterm Due

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