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Ap. U.S History Ms. Reed Document 7-1 R.A.P 10/17/2012 1.

) Seven reasons of monarchy being bad: 1.) It excludes man from the means of information. 2.) The state of a king shuts man from the world. 3.) It destroys equality of mankind. 4.) Distinctions in the race of men.(Kings and Subjects) 5.) Is based on hereditary succession. 6.)It opens a door to the foolish, wicked and improper. 7.) It impoverishes the nation. 2.) Eight reasons why colonies should declare independence: 1.) America would have flourished a lot more if it wasn't for European rule. 2.) The enemies that America has are Britain's enemies not theirs. 3.) Every time Britain breaks into war with Europe, it affect America's trade. 4.)The British have offended and abused the Americans and by accepting them, they are supporting this abuse and offense. 5.) American belongs to itself, instead of Britain since it's an island and is far away. 6.) That independence is the only way that peace can be kept and that civil wars won't occur in America. 7.) An independent government is a natural right for Americans. 8.) That by keeping English law, tyranny would prevail and oppression will continue.

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