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Seven African Powers

Oxala (Obatala)- Garbed in all white, Oxala is seen as androgynous with long white hair. He is viewed as the Orixa of creation and healing, as well as those with handicapped disabbilities. His day is Sunday and his sacred sites are higher altitudes such as mountain peaks and hill tops. Offerings include water, milk, coconut milk, white rice, coconuts, bananas, white bread, white cornbread, white sugar, and white flowers. Iemanja (Yemaya)- Nurturing Queen of the Sea, Iemanja is portrayed as a mermaid or the very sea itself. She is the Matriarch of the Orixas and rules over fertility, the oceans, the occult, motherhood, and childbirth. Her day is Saturday and her sacred sites are the oceans, seas, and places with water. Offerings to her include jewelry, perfume, seedy fruits, duck, lamb, plantain, banana chips, pound cake, coconut cake, and molasses. Eshu Elegbara (Ellegua)- Master of the Crossroads, Eshu rules over communications and thresholds, physical and metaphorical. He is the intermediary spirit that bridges the gap between humanity and divinity. He is called on to allow communication between humans and the Orixas, but make sure his offering is to his liking because he is also a trickster spirit who is prone to causing chaos and havoc. His day is Monday and his sacred site is the crossroads and doorways. Offerings to him include rum, candy, cigarettes, toys, spicy food, and peppers. Iansa (Oya)- Iansa is the Warrior Orixa of storms, winds and hurricanes, as well as the marketplace. She also presides over the cemetery and spirits, and should be asked for safe passage before entering her domain. Her day is Thursday and the Niger River and the island of Jebba is sacred to her. Her sacred place in the home is the study. Acceptable offerings to her include red wine, eggplant, starfruit, black-eyed peas, purple plums, and purple grapes. Xango (Chango)- Xango, another Warrior Protector Orixa, rules over thunder, lightening, and fire. He is portrayed as very charismatic and handsome as well as being the consort of Oba, Oshun, and Iansa. His day can be either Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday depending on the tradition, and his sacred place in the home is the fireplace or the hearth. Offerings to him include spicy food, red foods, red palm oil, crap, yams, corn, red wine, rum, and cachaca. Oxum (Oshun)- Orixa of Love, Wealth, and Beauty, Oxum manifest as a breathtaking African woman usually dressed in yellow and gold. Her day is Friday and her sacred space in the home is the bedroom. Waterfalls and rivers are considered her sacred sites including Nigeria's Oshun River. Flowers, beauty products and tools (such as brushes and mirrors), peacock feathers, chamomile tea, spinach, shrimp, and honey are all acceptable offerings. Just make sure you test honey offerings before you give them to her so she knows they have been untainted and suitable for consumption. Ogum (Ogun)- Orixa of Metalworking and Healers, Ogum is seen as a powerful, handsome man dressed in green or palm fronds. He is thought to have taught humanity the art of iron working, in addition to hunting and warfare. His day is Wednesday and his sacred place in the home is by the doorway with Eshu. Offerings to him can be cigars, rum, palm wine, whiskey, dragon's blood, metal, chains, railroad spikes, spicy food, yams, red beans, red rice, mangoes, and meat.

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