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Celebrities should act as good role models

I completely agree that celebrities should be good role models. In this essay I will set out my reasons. Some people believe that fame has a price, for many movie stars or television, the charm is to be from time to time on everyone's lips, whether by success or failure, or the worst by a scandal. Therefore, I would like to argue the reasons that people believes what I said before. Firstly the celebrities do not use correct vocabulary and this makes young fans talk like them. Secondly, the clothes they wear, the young fans use them thinking that their day to day have to be dressed like that and there is no control over their thoughts. Finally, the scandals that occur between couples, how easy it is to be in a relationship and then another, this creates cliche where girls and boys have to do the same to be in the "fashion". To conclude, celebrities should behave in a responsible manner because many people consider them role models. As a public figure, should be careful of their words and deeds, because celebrities are the idols of young people, and as a focus point, what he does or speaks to young people's examples, therefore, it is important that behaves reasonably to avoid unnecessary issues.

GROUP: Jose Llanos Carlos Sanchez

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