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JC- 001-008801
6686 South Court Place
Littleton, Colorado 80120-1200


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JC· 001.008802
: Supervucr ir'llj;al

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5S8S South Court Place
Lltlleton, Colorado 80120-1200

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JC- 001-008803
scperesor irsuat

/ .-- ..

JC· 001·008304

Ran tempollll'Y Commlllld pest, dqlIoyed the bomb squad

and crimelab,was lWi!lmt incident commander for
Colwnbinc ~1=oriaL

LtSpurs Assisted in COIlUllllIId PO$!, supervised the crime lab,

supervised seeurily for Co lumbineMemorial.

Crime lab.upervisor on scene.

Sgt. Hol.toin Reported to the hospital to interview victim.

Sgt. Li.rme

Sgt. Reilly Assistedin fOC, organJ,zed IIld sem team. to the hospital.
(0interview victims, assisted Umted States S"""", Service
with digniW"f protection and security for <.he Columbitle
Memorial Service, conducted sweepsat area schools to
ensure safety.

Investigator. Fahlstedt .Reporled to the hospital to ccnduct interviews, assist<:d at

the scene. s~!led area schools to ensure their safety,
provided security at the ColumbineMemorial Service.

Investigator Dicksoll Reported to the hospitalto conduct interviews. conducted

follow up inwviewswith associates of the suspects,
providedsecurity at the Columbine Msmorial Service

InvestigatorHodgkin Conducted all interview ever tho phone with. party who
placed a 911 call, seareaed area schools \0 ensure (bet,
safely,provided ,ecurity at the Columbitle Memorial.

Investigator Goodman Gon<:iucted victim interviews at area hospitals and provided

Security at tile Coluntbine Memorial Service

InvestigatorBeichl Conducted interviews with victims,assisted in the

collection of evidence, searchedarea scacols to ensure their
safety,provided security at the ColumbineMemorial

Investigator Isaacson Conducted "ictim interviews. attempted to located

associates of the shooters. providedsecurity at the
Columbine Memorial Service.

JC- 001-008805
~. 3

-, • •

Auisted with the sea:ch wamnt at Kleibold's house. bomb

S'Weej)s anddelcnation. provided security at the mcmodal

InvestigatorMundorf R.epotted to the hospital in an allempt to collduct interviews


lnvtstiglllOr Mawllt Reported to the hospital in an attempt to interview victims.

allempllld to conduct interview u the scene, provided
securityalthe Columbine MemorulJ Service.

InvestigatorDavis Bomb tcolmician. pl'\\vided security at the Columbine

Memorial Serviee

ltlve9tigator Mallos AssiSted at the seeee, CDnduC1ed 1ntet'\'iews in all alUlmpllO

locate llSSQmates of the shooters,did inte! background work
on the computer, eendueted a town hall meeting at
Arapahoe High Sehool reference the Trench Coal Matia
and the i""idcnt at Columbine.

Investigator Swint Provideds=cllrity at ColumbineMemorial Service, did

inter background work Oil possible associates.acted as
Secret seMee liaison for PID team

InvesngaIQr Volz Did inlelbackground work on possible associates. provided

seeunty at the Columbine Memorial Service,

InvestigatorMsrenkov Reported to area hOspitals to conduct interviews with


InvestigatorGee C<)j1duC1ed intcrvi~'s and provided security at the

Columblne Memorial

Investigator Cover Conducted interview! with possible assccrates and

providedsecurity a\ the Columbine Memorial Service.

Investigator Merenkov Conducted interviews with pessible associate!.

Conduc~ interviews with victims at local hcspttals,

providedsecurity at the ColumbineMemorial, conducted
sweeps ofareascbools to ensure they were safe.

JC- 001·008806
P <1


C~ed interViews with victims at local hospitals,

conduc:1ed sweepsat local. schook to = e they were safe,
provided secUl'ity at the Columbine Memorial Service.

Invcstigalor Smith Provided sccuriry at the Columbine Memorial Service

Victim Assistance supervisor Barb Alexander

Worked on a one on one bas:is with the family ofRa.mel
Seou, 1llllde deal" noti.iicatiOl'l$, provided assistance at
sevetll1 gatherings all well as the memorial service.

Victim As3istmce K.aten Long

Worked on a one on cne basis with the family ofIsiah
Shoels, eon-~ vict:ir<l$,~" <ieath notifications, was
present toprovide asstsWlCe at scvetlli plherings .. Wen
as the memorial service,

Brandi Hubbanl Assisted in the pll%llling for Coll.llUbin" Memorial Service

Carol Levinson Manned thepooru:s on the day of the crisis

Gloria Stimac Mannedthe phones on the day of the crisis

Mazy Schulz


Al Sprigg Attended lab organizational briefings, developed film and

copiedvideo tapes.

Work.ed on thelnside the crime scene teamsto include the

libraryandscience wing.

Laura Delong Worked on the imide crime scene teams to include the
!ibm]' and scimce WIng

Tom Adair Worked on the inside crime "ene teal1l$ to include the
library and seieaee wing.

Tony Oallanlo Worlced all the inside cnme sceae teams 10 include the
library and scieace wing.

Je. 001-003807
P 1


S6S6 $. CQurt Place
Littleeon. Colorado SO~20-~200


~~ .:r7 \J"" ARA<>- !><lte: 05OIQ99

'l'1me: o9Q';>

1M (lgJ) p""," 1303l

734-5H4 Sheriff's Administration ..••....••.. 734-5101
134-51U ".crol ............•....•...•........ 7li7-4422
734-5166 Head~ters - second Floor .....•.•. 796-4708

795·7684 Records Center . 795-4780

795-5864 SIS J;nv'"stigatioM.................. 795 -'l735

70S-349:l Detention Administration .........•.. 708-3407
70&-3590 J~eice Cent..r looking ..•...••..•... 708-3532
70S-3433 Training .........••............ , , ... 708-3430
7li5-4949 Litel.. con Detention •. , , ••... 795-4933
795-4754 znvironmental Crim..s ........••..•...795-4758
822-5308 Byers Subseaeion •...•......... (3031 822-9244
671-U25 Distriot S subetacion ..•....••..•.. 671-8908

Total nUl1'.l:>er of pagee


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JC- 001.008808
Smith, A

JC· 001·008809
CASE # 99-16215

On 042099 I W>Ul instructed by Sgr, Reilly to respond to Swedish Medical Center along with
Sgt. AI Holstein, Invs. Brice Moomaw, Jackie Gee, Chris Beichel, Don Mundorf and Mike
Dickson. When we arrived a member of Swedish Hospital Department ofPublic Affilirs,
Linda Carey and Rob Worrall of Swedish Human Resources briefed us. She identified the
victims and their injuries as:

"H"J Anne Marie

(last name and DOB unknown}
single gunshot to right chest - very serious
In surgery

Schrnurr, Valerie
DOB: 041480
9 gunshot wounds in chest and ann area - serious
in surgery - prognosis looks good
will be in room 165

Grave, Sean
15 yoa
single gunshot wound in the back - serious
probable paml}"'is
still in surgery

Caslado, Richard
17 yoa
5 gunshot wounds in chest and arm area - serious

Investigator Dickson and I interviewed Valerie's parents. They further identified Valerie as:

Schnurr. Valerie Marie


Mother Schnurr, Sherilyn Kay

DOB: 102060

~,co JC·001.008810

Father Schnurr, Mark A.

DOB: 041556

Gallegher Enterprises

Mrs. Schnurr stated that her daughter did not have any enemies at school, and was part of
the peer-counseling group. Valerie did tell her mother about a boy named, "McGrnfP' who
was kicked off the counseling group for a drinking episode, and he was not goIng to be
allowed to graduate, She said that she also worked with a girl whose &ther had recently
committed suicide.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Schnurr stated that their daughter never spoke of any gangs, but
mentioned that there were some dreggies at the school and some kids who wore the dark
black clothing; They said that prom was held last weekend, and that her daughter told them
that there were no problems. We read the names of the other kids at the hospital and they
stated they did not know any of them,

We then spoke with Carla Hochhalter, She came ro Swedish Hospital after hearing from
one of her daughter's friends thai she was shot in the ankle, She then heard on the
television that an unidentified female was at Swedish, she called the hospital and found out
the girl's name was Anne Marie. which is her daughter's name, She was further identified as:

....Hochhalter, Carla

. . . .80123

She identified her daughter as:

Hochhalter, Anne Marie

DaB; 121981

She also ",'lid she had a son, who was a student ar Columbine, she identified him as:

Hochhalter, Nathan Jerrold

DaB: 040584

She said she had not yet heard from her son, and was concerned that he was still in the
school. When we spoke with Mrs, Hochhalter, her daughter had not yet been positively
identified. She stared that her daughter is a Slnught A student, a member of the honor roll,
bond, and other groups, She s;lid rhar she had no enemies at the school. She said that
Nathan also had no problems in school, and stated that neither child talked about ""y kind
of gang problems there. She did not know any of the other kids at the hospital.

JC- 001-008811
Pag.2of 3
A physician from the surgery unit met with Mrs. Hochhalter, and showed her an earring and
watch wom by the unidentified patient. Mrs. Hochhalter identified the earring and WlU'ch ;1$
belonging 10 her daughter.

JC- 001-008812

JC· 001-008813

CRL"n: REPORT 99-12067


1. Commander Debra Grainger Summary Report - Jeffco Crltil:allncident Team

An'ada Police Dcpartll1ellt

Detective Russ Boatright Xefreo CriticlIl1.lleident Team Interview

Arvada 'Police Depamneut Interview With DC]lul) Neil Gardner
Jefferson County Sheriff Dept. SRO

3. Deteetlve Jim Von~erohe Jeff.o Critical Incident Team Intervicwts)

Arvada rotiee Department Interview with Officer Harry Blcodwcrth/Dcnver
Police Department SWAT

Iateriew with Officer James McnegharvDcnver

Police Department SWAT

4. Omeer KfviJl Annstrong JeUeo Critieal Iacident Team Interview

Wheat Ridge Pollee Departmelllt Interview "it\) Deputy Paul Smoker!Jefferson
Ccunty Sheriffs Department

s. lnvestlgalOr Steve Holmes Jerrco Critical Incident Team Interviewts)

West Metro Task Force Interview with Officer Greg Romero.Denver Police
Department Gang Unit

Interview withLieutenant Tmy Manwaring/Ieffco

Regional SWAT

6. IlI\'esligator Jollll Pickett Jeffco Critical Incident Team Interview

West Metro Task Force Intervtew with OfficerTom O'Neil/Denver Police
Department SWAT11;:·9

7. Denver Police Department Hand written statements from Denver SWAT

officers entering Columbine High School who
did nof tlre weapons

8. Ser:eant .11.0)' Booras Jeffco Critical Incident Team Report

Arvada PaneeDepartment Report detailing assistance on forensics team out
perimeter search Columbine High School

JC· 001·008814
TO: 383271 sees

9, Investigator Johlll'ickett Jeffco Crttlcal Inetdear Team Witness Report

West Metro Task Force futerview(s] 4·20·99 with Columbine stuclelllS:
Bryan Grande
Matthew Depew
Interviews conducted at Clements Park while
exiting school

10, Detect!>'c Wayne Bryant Victim Interview University Hospital

Arvada Poli<:e Department Interview withCHS victim Mark Taylor

11. Officer Sue Gaetano Victim Interview. St. Antkony's Hospital

Arvada Police DepartInent Irxcrview and photographs of cas victim Kacey
Ruegsegger at St. Anthony's ER

12. Detective Chueh Marshall Victim Evidence Collection Reporr- University

Report of evidence collection and interviewwilh
victim Mark Taylot

13. Detective Job.n Doll Wttness Interview- Report

Arvada Police Department Interview with CBS student Deidra Kuceraat
Clentent Pm 4.20·99

14. Detective Walt Parsons Witness Interview - Report

Arvada Police Department Interview withCHS SusanDeWitt and Eric Kruger
at Command Posv'C'olumbine High School

15. Detective Doug Syben AssistSearelt Warrant

Arvada Police Department Assist with execution of search warrant, 10332 W,
69"Ave.. Alvada, Co.

16. Sergeant Gary Hutchcraft Assist- PhOllC Interview

Arvada Police Deplll'tment Report on phone interview with KarenNicools
regarding internet chat roominformation

17. Arvada Police Department Collectiull of Dames represenring me:lcul and lay
witnesses eentacted at University and ST.
Anthony's Hospital

JC- 001.008815



CRI.l1E REPORT 99-7625


JC- 001-008816

CRIME REPORT 99-121167



1. Detective Jim Vonderobe Je.lfco Critical Incident Team

Arvada Police Department Summaryreport and transcriptsofinterview with
OfficerHarry Btoodworth/Denver Police SWAT

2. In vestigator Steve Holmes Jeffco Critical Incident Team

West Metro Task Force Transcriptions of interview with Officer Greg
Romero/Denver Police SWAT conducted 4-20-99.
Summary report submitted 4-27-99 of same

3. Investigator Steve Holmes Jeffco Critical Incident Team

West Metro Task Force Transcriptions of interviewwith LieutenantTerry
Manwaring/Jefferson County Sheriffs Office
Regional SWAT conducted4-20-99. Summary
reportsubmitted 4-27-99.

4. Lakewood Police Department SWAT Officer Reports

Narrative reports of Lakewood SWAT officers not
having fired weapons during their engagement and
rescue effort inside of Columbine High School,

5. Detective Micheal. Barr Jeffco Critical Incident Team

Westminster Police Department Report of Detective Barr's response and activity
after havingresponded to the Command Post at
ColumbineHigh 5chool4-20-99.

6. Cassette Tapes Two cassettes tapes from interviews with

LieutenantTerry Manwaringand Officer Harry
Bloodworth completed by Investigator Steve
Holmes as part of the Jeffco Critical Incident Team

JC- 001·008817

JC· 001·008818
Arlada Police/Court system Page 1
Arvada Police Department 05/02/1999

Ref '* 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1~99 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 5201 S PIERCE ST
DET20 04/27/1999 042499/BOATR1GHT/KK

JCSD 99-7625
On 04/20/99 at approximately 1145 hours, oetective Boatright
(10l was advised of a shooting which had occurred at columbine High
School located at 6201 South Pierce Street in unincorporated
Jefferson County. During the course of that incident, numerous
jurisdictions had responded to include various metro area SWAT
teams. As the incidenc waa on-going, IO was advised officers on
scene had exchange gunfi4e with suspects in the school. In
addition, IO was told there had been explosions in and around the
school obviously related to this incident. At that time Commande~
Debra Grainger notified IO the First Judicial District Law
Enforcement Critical Incident ~eam had been placed en call and was
requested to regpon~ to Clement Park located in the area of Bowles
Avenu~ and Pierce Street. 10 would note at this time it had not
been confirmed as to whether or not the Critical Incident T~am was
going to be activated.

On the same date at approximately 1325 hours, 10 along with

Detective Doll and Officer Brian Thompson, responded to Clement
Park in the area of Bowles Avenue and Pierce Street where the
command post had teen established. IQ would note additional A?D
officers, as well a$ numerous other jurisdictions, had also been
called co the same location. 10 remained at the command post until
it was determined the Critical Incident Team was in face going to
be activated. Co~~ander Grainger subsequently directed IO along
with Officer Thompson to respond to Leawood Elementary School
located at 6155 Leawood Drive, Littleton, Cclor~do. 10 along with
Officer Thompson subsequently arrived at that location at
approximately 1710 hours.
On the same date at approximately l735 hours, 10 was requested
to interview Jefferson County Deputy Neil Gardner #3010 in
accordance with the policies and procedures established through the
Critical Incident Team protocol. IO subsequently conducted the
above interview witnes~ed by Officer Thompson. The aforementioned
interview was recorded and that reaording was transcribed. In
addition, 10 prepared a summary report describing Deputy Gardner's
actions on 04/20/99. See the Critical Incident Team report
referred to above for details of that interview.
As of 04/20/99, 10 did not conduct any additional interviews
related to this investigation. IO was requested to return to the
eommand post on 04/21/99 at approximately 0600 hours to assist with
follow up investigation.
On 04/2l!99 at approximately 0600 hours, 10 along with
Detective Doll and Officer Thompson I returned to the command post
which had been established a short distance from Columbin~ High
School. Officers' on scene were subsequently briefed as to the
status of the scene, specifically the need for bomb tachs to clear
the school prior to making entry. 10 was subsequently directed by

JC- 001-008819
PIRNAAR Arvada ~olice/Court System Pege 2
Arvada Police Department 05/02/1999

Ref # 99-120.7 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE 5T

DET20 04/27/1999 042499/BOATRIGHT/KK

command personnel to assist in a visual inspection of all vehicles

parked in an east park~ng area of Clement Park. In addition, IO
was requested to assist, documenting all vehicles in terms of
license plate and V!N numbers. Once that process was completed,
10, assisted by Officer Thompson, photographed the west center row
of vehicles to include the weste~n moet row of vehicles in that
eame parking lot.

Once that process was completed, IO was subsequently assigned

to assist in a line search of Pierce Street beginning just south of
the command POSt area. The aforementioned search continued south
to the southern most boundary of the crime scene which was being
protected by state troopers along with Jefferson County deputies.

On the same date at approximately l125 hours IO waS requested

to assist in a grid search of the north faculty parking lot of
Columbine High School. The aforementioned search was being
coordinated by Sergeant Booras of the Arvada Police Department and
the team itself included officers from Arvada, Lakewood, Jefferson
county, Colorado Bureau of Investigacion and Alcohol, Tobacco &
Firearm agen~s. Specifically, 10 was requested to search for
bul1~t5r bullet casings, bomb fragments and any other item which
could be considered as having eVidentiary value. It had been
predetermined if any items were located, they were to be
identified, photographed and then collected by the Jefferson County
deputy assigned to the search team. That deputy is identified as
At the completion of the above described grid search, IO again
was requested to photograph vehicles in the north faculty parking
lot. 10 would note the vehicles had already been logged in terms
of license plates and VIN numbers Specifically IO was requested
to photograph the east center row along with the far eaSt row of
cars parked in that lot.
Once the processing of that parking lot was completed, the
same team was requested to continue a grid search in a counter
clockwise manner in an effort to locate additional items of
evidence IO would note the aforementioned search team continued
searching in the manner indicated until they reached an area taped
off by the FBI which was located on the southwest section of
columbine High School. 10 was informed the FBI had been
specifically assigned to conduct a search related to the southwest
entrance area of the school.
IO alone with the same search team then conducted a similar
grid search on
the eastern portion of the school property leading
down to the south side of the bUilding. Again th~t search was
conducted in a similar manner as previously described.
Once the above described grid search was completed, IO
JC·001-008 820
PIRNARR Arvaaa Police/Court System page 3
Arvada Police Department 05/02(1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reportea Date 04/.0/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
OET.C 04/27/1999 042499/BOATRIGKT/KK

assisted by Officer Thompson was requested to photograph all

vehicles located in the south parking lot area of of the school.
10 would note chere is a driveway area which separates the southern
parking lot into distinct east and west sec~ions. IO initially
photographed all vehicles located in the east side of the south
student parking area. IO next photographed all vehicles parked in
the west section of the south student parking area.

Once the abov6 task was completed, IO joined the same search
team and continued a grid search of the west section of the south
student parking area. IO did locate various items of evidence but
would peint OU~ pursuant to the collection proced~=e established,
did not personally collect any evidence. Any items of evidence
located during the various searches Were ultimately documented and
collected by Deputy Rick Reeker. IO did not conduct any additional
invescigation that date. IO cleared the sc~ne at approximately
1930 hours and returned to the Arvada Police Department. Upon
returning to the Arvada Police Department, all undevelope~ film was
stored in the CIB Investigations evidence locker awaiting
disposition from the Jefferson CQunty Sheriff's oepartment.

JC. 001-008821
Pl!lNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 1
Arvada Police Department 05/02/l999

Ref # 99-120.7 Reported Date 04/20/l999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET18 04/27/l999 042599/BOATRIGHT/SH

Connected to Jefferson County Sheriff's Office #99-7625.

On 04/25/99 at approximately 1115 bours, Det. Soatright (10J

was contacted by Cmdr, Grainger and requested to respond to the
command post which had been established at the Jefferson County
Courthouse. Cmdr. Grainger indicated IO's assistance was being
requested in terms of follow up investigation.

On tbe same date at approximately 1215 hours, 10 arrived at

the Jefferson County Courtnouse and subsequently responded to the
command post. After arriving at the command post, IO was supplied
a Information Control Sheet, requesting he conduct follow up
investigation supplied by a Littleton Dispatcher. !n brief, the
Littleton Dispatcher, identified as Laura Inzano, had been
contacted by Debby Rios (California resident) who advised her son
was working on a school newspaper and was making contact with
individuals reporting to be Columbine High School students. During
one of those oontacts J a student identifying himself as Jim
Roasdale gave some indication his death was immanent I however; it
was not exactly clear how Jim Rossdale planned to die,

On the same date at approximately 1250 hours, IO contacted

Laura Inzano at the Littleton Police Department's Dispatch Center
I phone , 303-794-15511. upon contact with tbe forenamed, IO
confirmed she had received a call from Debby Rioa earlier this
date, who indicated her son was a school reporter and had conducted
an on-line {Internet) interview with a ColUmbine High School
student identifying himself as Jim Rosedale. According to Laura
Inzano, Debby Rioe' son was provided with details of the incident
occurring on 04/20/99 1 and at some point during the interview,
asked if he could use the subject's name in his article. Laura
Inzano reiterated the individual being interviewed had identified
himself as Jim aossdale and consented to allowing his name to be
publisned, however, pointed out ne was going to be dead by
tomorrow, so it didn't matter. IO oonfirmed with Laura Inzano,
Debby Rios could be contacted by phone at (415J-435-~6a7. IO
subsequently concluded his interview with Laura Inzano.
On the same date at approximately 1300 bours, IO phoned (415)-
435-9687 and contacted Debby Rios, (address: 16 Bayview Ave" in
Belvedere, CA 949201. Debby Rioe confirmed the information
previously supplied by Laura tnzano. Debby aios identified he son
as Jason Rios, age 15, DOB: 05/10/83. Debby Rios further
clarified her son works for a school newspaper at Redwood High
School and was conducting Internet interviews with individuals he
believed were Columbine High Scnool students.
Pursuant to questioning. Debby Rio6 confirmed her son, Jason
Rios, was in fact home and would be allowed to speak with IO. IO
subsequently spoke with Jason Rios, who provided the following
information. Jason Rioe stated over the 1l1ase couple of nights" he
has been contacting individuals zepresenting themselves as

JC. 001·008822
PIRNARll. Arvada Police/court System Page 2
Arvada Police Department 05/02/1999

Ref 11 99-120~7 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location .201 S PIERCE ST
DET1B 04/27/1999 042599/S0ATRIGHT/SK

Columbine High School students through the America On Line Internee
service. Jason Rios stated he was able to make contact with those
individuals by going into the lIMemberlt Directory and than accessing
a specific profile. Jason Rioa stated the profile he solicited was
Columbine High Scheol or Littleton, Colorado. When using those key
phrases to identify a profile, he subsequently received
approximaeely 100 responses. Jason Rios told IO he then would
click on the individuals represented. with a -xed dot;" which
confirmed to him they were presently on line and he could. speak
with them immediately. 10 did verify with Jason RioB I the
subscriber info~~eion used for America On Line is his father l
identified as Israel Rioa.
IO next confirmed with Jason Rios, he recalled communicating
with an individual identifying himself as Jim Rossdalel a Columbine
High School student. Jason Rioa etaeed he recalled the
aforementioned communication occurring on 04/24/99 at approximately
1500 hours, Calitornia time. Jason Rioe seated he believed the
interJiew with Jim Rossdale took approximately five to ten minutes.
When aSKea what was discussed during that interview, Jason
~ios stated he remembered Jim Rossdale providing time estimates and
details in terms of the events occurring on 04{20!99. Jason Rioe
clarified it was his understanding when communicating ~ith Jim
Rossdale r the forenamed was present when the events occurred.
Jason Rioe went on to state at the end of the interview, Jim
Rossdale made suicidal threaes, after which he (Jim Rossdale)
terminated the on-line connection.
IO subsequently confirmed with Jason Rioa, he had printed the
inter/iew conducted with Jim ~ossdale. IO then requested Jason
Rioa to FAX that information to the Command Post established at the
Jefferson county Courthouse. Jason Rios was requested to FAX the
information to (303)-271-8220, Ja$Qn Rios stated as soon as he
completed his contact with rOt he would FAX the inforrnati~~ as
Prior to terminating contact with Jason RioB, IO asked if he
had other communications with students claiming to attend
Col~mbine High school. Jason Rios responded in the affirmative.
When asked to identify those individuals, Jason Rioe provided IO
with the folloWing list of names, The names were identified as
11 Li z r Stacy, L.V. (female.), Natalie, Vanessa, and Chris
McCanistar. 1l
Through additional questioning, Jason Rics stated
none of the forenamed individual~ claimed to have in any way
participated in the incident or had knowledge of any future events
which might poesibly occur. 10 subsequently concluded his contact
with Jason }('ios.

On the same date at approximately 1350 hours I IO returned to

the command post and checked the master school roster which
included student, staff and faculty information. upon review of

JC·001·008 823
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 3
Arvada Police Department 05!02!l999

Ref # 99-12067 Reporeed Date 04/20/l999 Time 12:39;32

Type St.atus R.TF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DETlS 04/27/1999 042S99!BOATRIGHT/SH
those documents, IO was unable to identify any student, staff or
faculty member by the na'me of Jim Rosedale, In addition, 10 was
unable to locate any student, staff or faculty member by the name
of Chris McCanistor, In addieion, IO was unable to identify an
student, staff or faculty with the initials L.V,
On the same date at approximately 1352 hours, to received a
FAX from Jason Riol. IO subsequently reviewed the FAX, which
appeared to be consistent with the information supplied to IO by
Jason Rios. See the aforementioned three~page FAX for complete
details. IO would note upon reviewing the FAX, it appears as
though Jason Rios uses the designation MCFROBESlO as his identifier
when on-line, while the person identifying himself as Jim Rossdale,
uses the on-line name SHORTBLISS, IO did complete a Information
Control Sheet requesting follow up by a computer specialist in
order to identify the true idefitiey of the person previously
referred to as Jim Rossdale/on-screen name SHORTBLISS.

JC- 001.008824
~/2!/1999 Ba:17 4157695261 ISRAEL RIOS F'AGE B1
--- .

~ b ve\- toc0-( j Vr+-

- -h-~o.dA .>R~\ce .. 1£pt-
my: : G\\A.~IY\e, \\tjlSdoo (
~ '(0-..1 ~tR\

JC" 001·008825
0.125/1999 ea'17 .157895261 ISI'lAEL, FlIOS

- 10'1 k1\ ~ 1UJ .ftrt: ~ ~A1tKJ blf7

",eF~"'l.: HI, my neme ill JaIon and 1am tom san FllInCisco
catibnia and I go to RCwood HgIl Sohool. I ali. 117';1;
joIa'r. • 1llf ourschlXll newspaper, the RedwoCIcleark and 1_ ~"lll if I CClIlId Uk you acmequeallona V'll r !J

8IIotnlloS: OK /
MCl'IlQIlEItO: thank yoo ;ery mueh. do yllll mind if! queleyou. this ~ mean tnl! yOlJl" _ and grade IIlllIlber WllllkI
be in my sc:llllol PllllIlI7
-.TIllIS: OK
-.nij;,a: JIM 1ZT1·f --
Me_tO: thanl< you. wl\llI1I_ youwhen the shooting haPPened
MC_1O: _ did it s"und flke and whIIl did you think It _
lIlIotT_1: IOI.IllCIed II.M -.p1osMu tku straight p f flrlns.

!lIlotnlloa: It staped tku WlIft'l' 011 fer .. mini S'trlght

MCI'llIl_tlI: _ yoo uplItalnl
lIlIo.TlIIiol: straight

_TlllsSl .,. dOWII 1tl& hall fI"OIlI 1tl& IIbary

Me_1O: s" did you hear the ftrlng when it _ In the CIIl'eteria
l1li, .1••: "'" 111m .... It sl\a,tec:l
"a.Tlllae: tku they CClIllC UfISl'aIr'S

IIC_1O: where did you go

III....TllIoI.I< well we stai*lln the . - litenlns at flm '"' dll:f1lt undei .twld what _ going •
.....111108: tku we hCGl'd ~ SCI_ling and dMrs alaming
."....111..8: af1v tIbout 5 maN nIlns thats when they _ In 0I.It _ GSIdng quatIolls

MCl'IIlIlIII10: so you saw them

....TII ..a: '/lIS
IIC_,O: w11el _ that like. wllllt _ yeu thinking
.....,..108; I 111OU)9ht I _ going to die _ _ I dIdnt kMw who these people .m-
....'11I1l1a: 1tllllY dldnt hUl"t anyaII& in th. _ thauygh bllt told us not to IecM
IIt....T.i.S: they .... ",lin but rat -'ou•

..otTlItcs: 10 milia <lfter 1tIat we trled to IiIcM and 4 shlelillb .... at tNI dOCll" when It opallld
Clll 'lit _ hccrt GIld bumlllI '
.......T...s: my fNinds _ _ Vet"f bad off, GIld at 1fIat polnt I fl'llGicR 0I.It GIld shrtcd cl'yln

$It.... 11I1$$, I felt 'I apped and I _ blading. IIGthillg bad but little cuhI
JC- 001-008826

llIIor we Just went 0lI1' tM h4Il to tM eofQterla

'ta: theft
_, :_ 3 dud _ AIlw with pcapl<I an:uld 1hcm
111(; '11: yourlllll/lds .... _ bad elf andyou ~ out. how did all this happen
_fT.... I thlftk they buggId the dOlIl"S with llIllOl' ~
_taa: IlCI'thInJ big ju&t to RIICI rap metal
IlIIoItDe: lIlY fl'ilncllolIt h__. . . - -.. • - _

111_, soyau lIIlIltin itt tile lOOm --
110 In the ccrftvIa. the. .. lIeard .... fthIns upa:rtaril'll In the IlbGry theft It ellided
-.nIIISt ~ . . just laolclng llI"OUI'Id lost c~
_~S: put _ In tM JlIIPIr bec'''_ iII'l lII'Idlng up IcII1InJ ~
II_,ll: so you _ in the cafll!BIlB?
_lWsII; ,.s
IIIC--,O: wblat do yoo m8811 "yOll'n! ending up killing youlSlllt'7 Ia this all a joke
_1'IIlI1: 110
IIIC. . . .111: .0 WI1Y lid you slf'f 'Yc:ou're enclin; lIP killing yoIIIIeIt'

11## ,e

Je- 001·008828
Arvada Police/Court System Page l
Arvada ~olice Department 04/26/l999

Ref i! 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

Type ASSTCA Stat;.us RTF
Location 5201 S PIERCE ST
DETS 04/22/1959 042299/aoORAS/SH A-.?PS'702

At approximately 1200 hours en 04/:0/99, I was advised that

the A~vada Police Depa=~menc was r~ce~,in9 reports a Shooting had
taken place at CQLumbine High Sc~ool, locatec in south Jefferson
COuntYf near the int~rsec~ion of S. 2i~rce St. and Sowles Ave. The
shooting vas caing rept:::n:tad as .i.nvoIv tnc st:udent.s and there were
r~?orts c~ac t~ere were manj victims currently being evac~ated from
the sChool andio~ transported to loca: hospicals. Shortly after
this, r ~as info=med by Cmdr. Grai~ge= at che Ar/ada Police
Depa=tment that the Je£~e~son C~unty C=itical Incident Team had
been puc on standby based upon inf~~at~on indicating local SWAI
Tea~s were pr~paring to enter t~e school i~ order to take the
two gunmen i~to custoc'l.
Apprcx:ma:ely t~e~cy mi~u:es lace~, ! was advised tha~ the
C=itical I"cide~t team ~ad been re~~es~ed to respond to the command
post set u? in the vicini:: of t~e sc~ool and stand by to see i:
c~e team would be needed later in t~e af:er~oon.

I responded to nanny Clemments ?ark which is locat~d at

W Bowles Ave, and S. Pierce St., in Jef:erson County. This park
is located directly to the norch of Columbi~e High School. Upon my
ar~ival, ! met with ot~e~ inve$ciga~ors and found police officers
from va~~ous jur~sdic~ions wa:~ing i~ t~e vicinicy of ~he command
post co be gi'le~ aasisnments, As t~e nex: :ew m~nu~es progre~$ed,
! was i~s~=~c~ed that t~e me~~e=$ ot che Jeffe~$on Councy Cri~ical
Inciden~ Team would be held in re$e~re, waiting ~o see if officers
and/or members of t~e S~A~ Teams currently i~side the school became
invol,ed in a shoocout with the sus;eccs. Many ot~er investigators
were bei~g asked to he~p in~er7iew ~~;~e$ses from t~e school.
For the next sever~l hours, we waited ac the pa~k while
SWAT ~eamg checked the scheol :or the sU$pec~s. Lacer in the
a::erncon, we were advised th~e che school had bee~ cleared and it
appeared, at this ti~e, as if two of the indiViduals involved in
the shoeting had been found dead of self-inflicted gunshot wounds.
Based ucon ~hi3 i~fo~mation, we learned the C~~:ica~ Incident
Team wou:d be
utilized to assisc w~=~ inter7~ews or SWAT personnel
and possibly help process the crime scene, We learned that a
School Resou~ce Office~ ~d exchanged gunfire with the two gunmen,
as the scenario begin to play out earl£er in the day. AddicionallYf
we lear~ed the~e had been ac leas~ t~c Denver SWAT ream members who
had exchanged gunfire with the suspe~~s in the library of the
2chocl. The of~icers involved In ex:hanging ~~nfire were being
taken co an elementary school in ~he area and half the Cxitical
!nciden~ Team was goinS to be utilizect to interview these people
and the ocher half were going co be uti:ized to assisc with the
inve9tiga~ion in the school.

While other investigators interviewed officers involved in the

incident at the elementarj school, I stood by ehroughout the
remainder of the afternoon and into the evening hours, until

JC· 001·1108829
Ar/ada Police/Court System Page 2
Arvada police Oepartment 04/26/1999

Rep~rted nate 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

Type ,,"SSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 s PI~RC~ ST

DETS 04/22/1999 042299/300RAS/SH APP8702

ap?rox~~ately 2100 hours, when! was released for the nioht and
requested to r~t~~ ac 0600 hou~s on the rno~nin9 of 04/21199

I ac the park at approximately 0530 hours, wait~ng to

be given my assignment for the day. A~ approximately 0700 hours,
myself and o~her inveatigacors were =aquested to assist the FSI in
checki~g vehicles in a parking let ac the northeast corne= of the
park, We were requested to do a visual check of each of the
vecicles to se~ if there were any unusual packages or devices to be
fo~~di presumably packages or devices whic~ eould eontain or be
bombs. We were also re~~ested to obtain the license plate numbers
and V:Nfs from all t~e vehicles oark~d in the lot and a
rspr~sene~c:ve of the Colorado B~reau of !~vestigation would be
check~~g t~ese VIN's and license plates to see if anyone owning
t~ese vehlcles we~e ~~cwn associaces of the suspects,

The sweep of the parking lot began at approximately 0700 hours

and was comp:e~ed at 0735 hours At the completion of the sweep,
I reques~ed Investigators Boatright, Greubel, Doll and Ofc. Brian
Thompson photograph the parking_ The fil~ was retained by us and
will be tur~ed over co the Jefferson County Sheriff's Departmen~ at
a later
We t~en =emained at ~he park unt~l apP~oximately 0900 hours,
whe~ we were =equested to do a search of c~e street and the
park di=ec~~y in f~onc of the schoel. As a result of this search,
I~v. K. Reker of the Jef~er$on County Sheriff's Offica identifia~
and narked few pieces of evidence to be picked up by lab personnel
a"::- a late: timeT

I~ wasn'c until approximat=ly 1200 hOU~6, ~hat we were adv:sed

the bomb c:ews had completed their sea~ch and removal of bombs from
the bui:ding and forensic people wa=e prepari~g to begin the c~ime
sc~ne i~7estigacion, r was assigned to on* of two teams who were
t~ assist :he FBI and ATF with the investigation of the crime
sce~es cu=side che school The FS: was assigned the c~i~e scene
~~7olv~~g twe students who had been k~lled at the southweSt corner
of t~e scheel and the AT: perscnne: were going to investi9at~ the
crime scene involving the gunfire exchange by che School Resource
Officer and explosive devices which had been detonated in the
parking lot co the south of th$ school
A:: ao'O!"-ox.imatel"; 1145 hours, we were briefed and at 1225
hcurs r ~h~- search began with our respcnsibility being to conduct
g:ld searches of ~he scheel parking lots and property surrounding
the school, excluding the crime scene involving the two students
which t~e FB! was investigating ~,d the c=ime scene in70lving the
exchange of gunfire and detonation of two explosive devices ATF was
Lnves c igacing.

The search began with us working the ease parking lot of the
school. We went through it on foot, checking for evidence on the

JC- 001-008830
Arlada Police/Court System Page 3
Arvada Police Department 04/26/1999

Ref ~ :99-12061 Reporte~ Date 04/20/1~99 Time 12,39:32

Locaeion 6201 S PItRC~ ST
DETS 04/22/1999 042299!BOCRAS!SH AP"PSi02

ground and, as we loca~ed this evi~ence, we marked ic so it could

be picked up by FBI lab personnel at a later time. We completed
the searc~ and moved on to the north parking lots ~~d landscaped
areas of the sc~ool at approx~ma~ely 1345 hours, where we did the
same ~hing, ident~fying and mark~ng potential evidence in those
locations, We completed this job at approximately lSOS hour~ and,
as we maved to the west siae, where we completed a sweep of some
grassy areas and parking lots there.
At approximately 1510 hours t I ~as contacted ~y Agent Ron
~~ighc of the FB!. He in~ormed me h~5 investigation was taking
much longer than he had anticipa=ed and requested we assisc
ATF ¥~~h the irtvestigaticn in ~~e sou~h parking loc Af:e= meetinq
wi~h ATF personnel, our respons:bil:~y was agai~ ~~ do a grid
sear::h of the parking lot. to help ident.ify physical evidence that.
they had not yet identified and marked. They also requested
assiscance in picki~g up the ev~clence, at which time I assigned
:nv Rick Re9ke= of the Jefferson Ccuncy Sheri!~'5 Department for
that p4rpcse. With the assis~ance of the A~F personnel, the
park~ns lccs we=e searched. evidence was iden~ified, collected and
recorded and photographs were taken of ~he parkin9 lot areas and
a~l of the vehicles in~olved, Acditionally, we identified the
license places and V1N's of all the vehicles present and turned
this infor~~~ion over to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation
personnel who would check it against the lise of known associates
of che suspects and provide the info~at~on to the Je£ferson County
She~i=f's Depar~ment.

invescigation concluded at approximately 1830 hours en tr~
eve~~ng of D4/2:!99, At the compl~tion of our aS$igned
res90ns~bil~ties, : brieeed S9t. Randy West and Lt John Kiekbusch
of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department wha~ we had
accomplished fer the day and le~ chern know all physical evid~nce
recovered by t.his team had been tu=~ed over to the Jef=e~$on County
Sheriff's Department via Inv. Rick Keker,

This completed my involvement i~ t~e iave~t~gaticn of the

inc~dent at Coluro~ine Righ Scheol,

JC- 001-008831

JC· 001·008832
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Pas" 1
Arvada Police Department 04/26/1999

Ref ~ 99-1.2067 Repor~ed Date 04/20/199, Time 12:39:32

'!':rpe ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

'DE'!2 04/21/1999 042199/BRYANT/SH /1604

On 04/20/99 at 1245 hours, IO received information that 10

Bryant and Oet, Chuck Marshall would be responding to University
Hospital at 4209 E. 9th St , in De~ver to assist in interviewing
vict~ms, witnesses, and collect ins evidence in regards to chis
investigation. 10 5r/anc received informacion there had be~n a
shoeting at Columbine High School in Jefferson County and numerous
victims were being sent co area ncspicals.
On 04/20/99 at 1324 hours, 10 Briant and Det. Marshall ar=ived
at Universi~! Hospital Emergency ~oom. We contacted University
Hospital Police and ente=ed the eme~gencl room, receiving
information Uni7e=s~:! Hospital had received one viccirn as of this
time. Univers~ty Hospital Police Sge. Steve Smidt was contacted
and infQr~ed IO 8rya~t tne v~cti~ was a Mark Taylor, age
approximacely 17, who was c~rrent:y ~n cae operating room. De~
Marshall and IO Sryant then we~e cor.:acted by university ?olice
Ofc. Ch~is Evenson who had collec:ec t~e clccn~ng from Mark Taylor
and handed ic to De~. Marshall.

!O Bryant received informa~icn that a Dr, Sender was involved

in the initial assessments and procedures with the patienc, but was
not c~xrently available. At 1~30 heurs, 10 received information
from ~r C~ristine F~nlayson t~at tnere were at least two gunshot
injuries and pcss~bly three. A eew minutes later at 143S hours, !O
Bryant and Det. Marshall r~ceived i~:crmacion from Emergency Room
Or. Paul Ee~de~, who stated t~ere ~e=e t~o wounds from one gunshot
that may have entered unce= t~e le:t armpit and exited the right
armpit, causing a wound to ehe r~g~~ arm. Dr, Bender stated he was
unable to tell which was ent=y and which was ~he exit wound and
that there was a sepa:ate injury w~~~ c~e wound in the left upper
thigh and in the but~~cks Dr ge~ce= s~ated it was probably an
entry wound 40 the lett upper thigh with an ~,ic wound to the
buc~ocks. Dr Be~de= answered there were no spent rounds observed
in the x-rays of the patient, but there was a possibility there
could be a round in the right a~, which had not been x-rayed
vet, IO received in~ormation the natient had been in critical
~cndicicn and was c~r=ently in rad~o:ogy, awaiting another
procedu~e in the operaci~9 rcom. :0 8rya~c and Det. Marshall were
contacted by numerous hospi:al sca== and administrators who were
assisti:l.g in at:tempting to prepare to recei're more patients. IO
received information ac 1344 hours from Re9ist~acion Clerk Michelle
Hover, tha~ she had been at~empci~g t~ page the pa:ienc's father
without success, Mi~helle Hove~ seaced she had received the name
of Mar~ Taylc= for the father and a pager number of 303-213~25l8.
Michelle Hover s~ated that number had been called several times
wichout success. Michelle Hover seated the patient had been
conscious and able co provide t~e p~one number when he arrived at
the hospital, IO Bryant addiciona:ly received information two
R,N.'s in the psych department we=e available to provide
informacion and counseLing assistance to the parents and
relatives of the v~c~irns, IO and Det. Marshall were concacced by
Nurse Karen Holen-Lyda and Nurse Sandra Feren, who escorted 10

JC. 001-008833
Arvada Police/Court System Page 2
Ar/ada Police Depar~ment 04!26!l999

Ref jj 99-12061 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

'!ype ~~SSTCA Status R~F
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

04/21/1999 042199/SRYAN7!SH /1,04

sryaL~ and Oec, Marshall to a near~y of;ice with an available

interview room to use during ~his investigation, Another number
fer c~e patient's parents was determined to be 303-948-1441. A
nurse named Ch~isti~e attempced to call that number at 1355 hours,
stated she wag getting a =ecording.

Det. Marshall chen repackaged the clothing in separate bags.

IO observed one of the items was a blocdy t~6hirt with the label of
TOp Dawg, that appeared blood soaked and appeared to have been cut
in order to remove it f~cm the ?atien~.

10 Bryant then received information from ~.N. Susan Haldol

(clinical nurse) chat she had let~ a message for the ?a=e~:$ en
their business te:ephoce number and also at Leawcod E:emer.cary as
parents of students at columbi~e were being directed co Leawood
Elementarl. Ac 1415 hou=s, IO received info~tion attemcts were
also made' to contaC~ =~e grar.cimcc~e= at :-71S-~76-2647, with
negative resul:s.

At 1417 hours, Unive=si~y nospital vice President of

Operations Antonio Ruiz informed !O Sriant and Dec Marshall the
patient, Mark Taylor, would be available for interviews in
approx~ma~ely 20 minutes and ~hat ~~ecutive Vice President Joyce
Cashman would be e$ccr~ing IO Br/a~t and Oet, Marshall to the
pa~ient's location Eor an inea~~iew. On 04/20/99 at 1424 hours, 10
received informacion fr=m Joycs Cashma~ that she would be escorting
IO Bryant and Dec. Marshall for i~terviews and photographs in about
ten minutes. A few minutes after that, Joyce Cashman stated the
patient would nat be available =or inte~views at this timet as they
we~e doing a~o:~er prccedu=e, prepa=i~g ~or surgery,

On 04/20/99 at 1432 hours, IO Brfan~ and Oet Marshall were

contacted at Universi~y Hospital by Denver Police Department Det,
David Schultz (#85007). Dec. Schult~ info~ed IO Bryant anct Det.
Marshall he had been dispatched to University Hospital to assist in
this i~!estigation. Dec. Schultz stated he was aware there had
been chree confirmed dead at the school and that i: involved a
gr;;;;up of:: suspects known as "Tz errch Coat Hafia n IO Bryant ana Det..
Marshall then conferred with Pe~ Schultz about this group and the
sicuation at school which is located in the unincorporated area of
Jefferson County in Li:cleton, De~. Schultz stated he had
additionally recei~ed information ~here were two suspects who were
us~ng a shotgun and assault rifles, as we~l as pipe bombs which
r~por~edly had time~s and were motion sensitive.

At 1444 hours, Joyce Cashman informed 10 Bryant the patient

was not stable wich I,V,'s inse=:ed in his ches~ and was still in
surgerJ' At ~509 hours, IO received another report from Joyce
Cashman the patient, Mark Taylor, was being moved from radiology eo
surgery. 10 Bryant and Det. Schultz discussed insuring the
University olace and hospital sta~f were aware of security concerns
in order to~insure no visitors would arrive with weapons or
JC- 001-008834
PIRNARR Arfada Police/Court System Page 3
A~vada Police nepar~ment 04/26/1999

Re~ #: 99-1206'1 Repartee Date O~/20/1999 Time ~2:39:32

Type ASSTOA Status R::::'F
Locat~on 620: S PIERCE S~

DEn o4/21i2999 042:99!3RYANT/SH /;604

explos~ves This ~nfo~aticn was ?assed on to hospi~al and

sec~ri:y pe~sonnel,

E~!artt ~he~ rec~i7ed inEc~at~on the moche= of the patient

had been on c~e phone w~;h hospi:a: scaff and did not have
transportation co Uni~ersi:'l Hcspi~a: HC$p~tal staft then made
arrangements for a hospi:al 7ehicle t~ respond to the area of the
mcthe~'s locat~on ~ea= Leawood Z~eme~~ar! CO transport ne~ to
un.ive r-s Lc y gcspital. to late!'
rece:'~!i=d infor:nati.on SOmeone f:::om
the press repor~edly ~as e~anspcr~~~S ~be mot~er to Univers~~y
Hospital. Jcyca cashman was ~cti:is6 ~o cancel t~e transpor~ that
had a:ready le~t Uni~e:::sicy Eospi:a:

On 04/2:';;/99 ac ':3~3 hcu.r s , ::C 3:::-/an:: a::.d De t . Schulc~

ccr.:acced Vic~im Advcca~e f~cm S~e~~da~ pc:ice Department, Aucu~~
Slack (30J-80S-331~}, O~ cne ch:~~ ~:ocr, outside tne'OR wa~ting
area, Autu~~ Slack i~:=rmed 10 E~fa~: s~e had been ik ccr-tac~ ~it~
t~e mccher ac che $C~co: and also, had me~ with her at che
hospi~a:. Aucurrn slack acditiona::l stated there was another
Arapahoe councy ni5cric~ At~or~ey Vic:im Advocate available on
anot~er f100r of the hos9~:a:. At :548 hours, IO Bryant and Denver
Det, Sc~ultz met wi~h Dop~a Tay~o~ ~~ the operati~g rocm waiti~s
area. Donna Taylor provided ide~c::y:~g name, address and
in!o~~a:ion for he=se:f and her scr., Mark Allen Taylor,
Tay:or answe~ed Mark's dace of b:=~~ ~as 01/27/81, that he was 16
years old and a sophomore i~ the lOc~ grace ac Col~~~ine High. to
later re~eived Mark's cc=~ect dace c: bi~~~ as 01/27/83. Oonna
Tay:~r answe=ed she was aware t~a: Mark was ~n stable condic~on and
in surgery at chis t~me, Do~na Tay:cr was infor~ec why ro Bryant
and Ca'lid Scbultz needed ~o talk to ar.c t~a= ot~e= pa=encs of
oche~ chlld~en we~e s~mi:a~~y bei~g :~te~;~ewed in an ac~empt to
cbtai~ additional in=ormatlOn t~a= ~ay be able to help the
investigators at the school. Donna 7aylor answe=ed her sen had
cnly be~n going to che school for a s~ort time, was not i~vQlved in
any extra-cu~ricular ac~ivicies Qr sports, bu~ did 91ay pasketball,
but net for t~e scheel team, Do~~a 7aylor sta~ed :hey went to the
Chur~~ ot Che Highlands and she k~GWS 0: ~c p~oblems t~ac would be
occ~~=~ng at t~e schoo:
At 1552 hours, su=gecn, Cr Hah:er, e~te=eci the OR
wa~ti~g =~am to provide t~e moc~er w:~h intormation on the
conc~::on cf he::: son D~. ~ahle~ 8:a~ed chere hac been a gunshot
wound to the c~e5t, t~ac her sorw was still in the ope~ating reom
and add~~iona~ tests wou:ci be ccnc~c~ecl. Dr Nah:er acd~~ t~ac her
son was ~=ela~ive stabie Dr, Nah:~= added there had been an
addicional i~ju=y Co che left leg, w~th a shot to the th~sh and
t~a~ there hac =ee~ some spasms ar.c c~at ~OW, nor~al cir~ulaticn
had bee~ ~es~ored. Dr Nah:er es~i~a~ed for t~e mc~her, her son
would be in the bospital fo= approx~~ately five days and that,
considering the inju::es, her son was ve~y lucky.
Ie Brya~~ and De~. Sc~ultz tben cQnti~ued the interview with

JC· 001·008835
Arvada Police/Court System Page 4
Ar:ada Police Department 04/20/1.999

Ref ~ 99-12067 Repcr:ed Dace 04/20(1999 Time 12:39:32

Type A£STO.ZJ,. Status RTF
Locacion 62D: S P:ERC~ 5T

DE'l'2 04/2l/l999 042l99/3R~~/SH 17604

Donna Taylor ac 1556 hours ac t~e table in the OR waiting area,

Donna Taylor answe~ed her husband's name was a1sc Mark Taylor ~~d
eha: he was en route to the hO$pi~a:_ ~onna Taylor stated her son
had oeen a new student co Colutr~i~e cnly being there about five Co
six weeks Donna kaylor scaced she hac never heard of the Trench
Coat Maf~a gans. Donna Tay:cr an5wer~d she wasn't aware of her son
kncwing any sanS members or hav~~g a~y i~formacion like that.
Donna Taylo~ answered that her 6C~ d~d not have any othe~ brother
and s~$te~s at t~ac scheol, as they ~ent to private schools.

Donna Taylor then added that he~ sen was ~cw going to public
school because of his lea~i~s ci~abi_itie$ and that he was in
Special Ed classes. Don~a ~ay~cr ~~en s~at~ci :ha~ a week or t~o
~go, c~at she did remember ~er 5C~ ~a~~~g some statemencs ~bout
kids dc~ng d~ugs at the schoel a~d ~c~de~i~g why they were s~ill at
sc~ocl Donna Taylor stat~d her sec previous:y had been i~ a
pr t e school named Si:'vsr sc e c e 3a:;::c.' School and t:.hey had
received i~forma~~on he woul~ ~c~ oe se~:ins a diploma at that
school, so they decided t~ e~=ol: :'i~ :n Columbine in order for
Mark to be able to get a high sc~ool d:ploma. Donna Taylor seated
tne prev~o~s sc~col was ~~ the 7000 block of S. Sheridan Blvd.
Donna Taylor seated t~e reason he~ so~ was a Special Ed student was
because he was a slew learner a~d was abcut twe years behind.

Donna ~aylor answe~ed t~a: ~er son is taken to school in the

mor~ir.gby herself and t~at r.e ~culd be given a ride home from
school by her niece, Jenni=e~ Ha=~on ~age 18} who ~s in the 12th
grade DOhna Tavlor a~swe=ed he~ sec dees net drive a~d does not
have a d=:ver's iice~se IO 3r:a~~ a~d Det. Schultz then left the
~~i~d ::ocr
OR waiti~g area
t~ re:~~= to
the Eme~sency Room, En
r~~ta to the tme~gency Room, :0
3r7a~~ a~d Cec Schultz rece~ved
inf~r~at~~n, other w~t~esseg f~cm Co:~~ine High including Je~ni:er
Harmo~, COU$i~ of the victim, were i~ the hospltal. After
contacti=g net Marshall and hospi:a: sca£E on ~he first f:cor
Eme=ge~cy Room, 10 Bryant anc
Dec Schul~2 responded back to the
t~i~d f:cor and contacced t~e ot~e= w~:~es$es, who stated ~hey had
bee~ ~ear Columbine High sc~col #~e~ t~e shooting occu~~ed. Ie
Brya~c a~d Cet. Sch~l~z bega~ a~ i~~e~7i~w of Jenr.~£er Harmon (DCB:
12/23/80) ac 1629 hc~~s, ir. a near~y =~cm on the third floor.
Je~~i:er Ha~mOn provided he= date o~ b~~~~, address and phone
~umbe= ~o IO Bryant and ~et Sch~:tz. Je~nifer Harmon answered she
was Mark Taylor·s fi~$c cousin a~d ~ha: she nor~ally gives Mark a
r~de home af~er sc~ool. Je~~~~e= a~s~e~ed, ~od~y she had been
havi~g lunc~ w:t~ he= bcy:=i~r.d a~ he= home at 6347 S Saulsbury
St., and was retu=~i~S to schco~ at about 11:40 a m Jenn~:er
stated she $aw t~e fire trucks down ~he sereet a~d kids saying
there ~ere terror~sts and teac~e=s r~h~ing,

Jennlfer answered she didn'~ see the actual suspec~ shooting

anyone, but she k~ew all of the geop~e ~nvolved Jennifer seated
she has classes with taem and that she knew the leader of the
group, named "Rebert Craig," was plar:ning on get" back at

JC- 001-008836
PIRNA.':tR Ar~ada Police/Court System ~age S
Arvada Police Department 04/26/1999

Ref :;. 99-1:::067 Repcrcec Date Q4/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTCA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

OET2 04/21/1999 042199!BRYANT/SH /7604

everjcne =enniter sta~ed :he group was called the Trench Coat
Mafia. Je~ifer staced t~at the leader, Roberc Crais, had earlier
kil:ed himself a=ter k~l~ing h~s 5tep-:at~er.

~enn~fer Ea~on staced if she had a yearbook, she would be

able co :"der~ti:y all of the kids l.:, Lved in the Trench Coat Mafia,
Jennifer added thac t~ey were actual:: listed in the yearbook as
Trer.c~ Coat Mafia Jennifer Harmcn s~aced she had a video
pr~duction ~lass with two or three of the members of the Trench
Coat. Mafia, Jen:::.i::er seated t.ha t; she had classe$ wt ch the "Dy l an
kid'i and also ~r:"c and N'ace i¥he!'. asked for t:'16 las:: name,
Jen~ifer a~swered And~ea~o. 0e~n~=e= answe=ed ~hac o~e of che
names might have been somethi~s ::~e ~cck aAd that one of them was
like 3a=~is chen was asked i: she herse~=, had heard
thac a~y~~i~g l~ke t~is was goi~g ~c ha9gen. Jenn~;er ans~ered she
had heard bl<:;cd and guc stories, bu~ t::at ":lone of t:'1em '''''ere in
class to-day at ::hird hau::: or four:h hour II Jenn':'=e.:- added chat;
ncne of t~ei= cars we~e there eicie=
Jer..nifer Harmon then stated, "A gi:rl, Pauline, knew t.hat t:'1ey
were going to gec back at people;! fer the way they were bei~g
treatec Je~=~fe~ s~ated that i : was someching p~anned on 04/20
and she though~ it was somethi~g about a POt drug code, When asked
what the 4/20 code ~ean~ , Jenn~=~r s~aced she did~'t know.

she had been at Columbine all four years of

Je~n~=e= a~swered
he= schooL year and bel:"eved c~ac Dylan was t~e~e for che last
t'-NO Jenni:er again stated tha~ the group ' "Li s r.ed in the
yearbook as ~~e~ch Cvat Ma:ia. ~e~~i:er stated the group was
3uspec~~d a~ t~e $c~ccl for a :ct 0: vanda:~sm, bu~ the scheol had
no p=":,icf
Jenr.i:er s~ated that she and ter boy:=iend wasn't at scheol
when th:s sta=ted Jenni=er $~aced her boyf=iend, John Ref=el,
and her g~r:friend, Tia Pergol, were new at Un~versity Hospi~al
Jennifer $ca~ed her gi=:friend, T~a, sradua:~d lase year and she
ca::ed ~~a Co ?lck her up to corne C~ the hospital
Jenn~fer stated :hat ~er boyf=~end, Soh~, knows scme of che
guys :ha: may be invclved.
Whe~ asked if she had hea~d a~y i~=crmatior. d~rectly fr~m the
group about whac they we=e going ~o dc, Jen~if~= answered no and
stated she had just hedrd they tal~ed abcut: b200d a4d guts. When
asked about ~eaoons, Jec~ife= answe=~d no, bu: thac she had heard
one of t~eir dad's owned a gun shop, but she doesn't know which
ane Je~ni:er s~a~e~ t~a: Erin Ar.d=e~~o had a bad temper.
When asked about if they calked about suicide, Jenni:er
answe r ed no, but t.hat one of their friends, "Becke," was: waiting for
"the dev i ; to take over the saul." When asked about any games like
Du~geans acd Dragons, Jennifer answered that she knew Eric Harris

JC- 001-008837
Ar!ada Police/Co~rt SYStem Page 6
Arrada Police Department 04/26/l999

Ref I*: 99-12067 Reported nate 04/20/l999 Time 12:39:32

'rype ASS70A Stacu$ RTF
Locacion 6201 S PIERCE ST

DE':::'2 04/21/1999 042~9~/aR¥AN~/s~ /7604

was talking about thac game one day When asked how she felt about
this, Jennifer stat:ed she fe!':: weird "that happened. at our L. " When asked if she knew about anybody else besides the
Trench Coat Mafia thac had calked about problems or these types of
t~i~gs, Jennife= answe~ed nc and added she really hadn't heard
anyboc, 3ayi~g anything.

Je~~i:er added that a S~:l, ?aul~ne> was an ex-member of the

Trench Coat Mafia and she had heard he: call one of the ~~ radio
stations today Jenr.iEer s~ated t~ac Pauline was a member of Deca
with herself, bue she cicesn'c ~~o~ he~ last name,

When asked abcut

t~e gr~up's use of d~gs and alcohol,
Jenn~~er answered ctey ~alked abc~c := and talked abcut get~i~g
drunk. Jennizer sca~ed one of the k~ds, Bria~, drives a white
Honda Accord and :alked about gec~i~s drunk

Wher. asked about how they dr~ssf Jennl:er began talking about
the type of m~$~C the T~e~ch Coat Maf:a would listen to and that
they wou:d wear shirts wit~ t~e names of t~e m~sic groups, such as
Ramseein, KMFTN and tha~ they would ~ear black .~y boots and black
pan~s a~d came pan~s. Jennifer s:aced ~he panes would be tucked
into their boots Je~~ifer statac they wcu~d have long hair I
exce?c for E~ic and c~ey were a:ways weari~g b~ack.

added her car had be~~ keyed five times in the

Jen~ife= t~en
parki~g lo~ ac school this year anc she had heard they keyed cars
Jenni:er added that her boyf~~end's antennae was broken off in the
parking lot and they suspecced the ~~enc~ Coat Mafia d~d it.

When asked about cacocs cr p~~r~~~s, Jennifer answered that

nor.e have facial pier=ing and she had never seen any tatoos. When
asked if they colQred taeir ha~rj ~ennifer answered no.

Je~nifer ~a=mon stated that ot~e= kids said something would

happen on O~/2a. Jennifer then added ~~a~ she was wac ching che
news when she went heme and saw B=~a~'5 whi~e Honda pa~ked in
t~e parkihg l~t. Jenrti~er state~ :~ had net been there earlier.
Jennife= $~ated she saw teache~$ and k:ds by t~e creek and the ca~
was ~n the parking lot and his car m~st have been moved d~ring

;enni:er then was asked if s~e could ~ame the members of the
!r~nch Coa~ Mafia Jennife~ s~ated t~ey were Eric Harris, Eric
~~dreanoj Dyla~ (~as: ~ame unk~ow~), Br:a~ (last name un~~ownl I

pauline (ex-member;, and Rebecca H~~es. Jennifer added a gir:

named Ni~ole Dickey was with them a:: the time and thac a kid named
Tad 6ow:es had bee~ a me~~erf but may not now be a studenc at
Coluw~ine" Jennifer Mar~on added that the Trench Coat Mafia had
associates at Chacfield High School a~d that a senior named Ricky
Roth was associaced wi~h them
Arvada Police/Cour~ System Pag" 7
Az-vada Police Department 04/26/1999

Ref # 99-12067 aepor~"d Date 04/20/1999 Time ~2,39,22

Type ASSTCA Status RTF
Location 5201 S PISRCE ST

DE':'2 04/2~/:999 642:99/3RYAh~ISH /7604

When asked if she had any othe: informat~on to pxovide about

t~i$ inc:'dent, Jennifer answered :.he'l always talked about
deat~ and t~ey had JOllr~als in creative w~iting- about. desch.
Jennifer stated her teacher'S name was Judy Kelly. 3ep~ifer added
cha:. she saw one of t~em at sc~ool and saw his car in the parking
lot. Je~nifer added she parks i~ the senior lot and ~hat their
bt.:.rnper s c i c kez s have tl1'HN'l burnpe.:- sti::kers on them. Jennifer added
the bumpe r sticker, "M:W' s t anda for inc~ nails, Jennifer
stated they would have other hea~/ metal bands' bumger sticke~$ and
would talk about deat~ and blood and guts Jennifer added that in
video class, they would leave, Which ~~ey were allowed to do When
asked it duri~g her access c:ass, she ~as any !re~ch Coat Mafia in
t~at c~ass, Jennifer answered yeah =e~~ifer 5~ated S=ic has ~hat
ho~rJ ~U~ she does~'~ k~ow ~hat he does duri~a that time, IO
Bryant a~d De~ Schultz completed t~e :nt$~~iew at 11Cl hours,

On 04/20/99 at 1705 hours, Det Sc~ul~z escorted Jotn ReE:el

to the ~hird floor a~ ~niversi~y aospi~al Jc~~ Reffe: prOVided
identifying information, including name and date of bi~~h and
sta~ed his address is 6821 W. iriend ?:ace in Li=tleeon.

John Reffel $ta~ed he is Lnvolved in baseball ~nd football at

columbine. John Re=£e: referred co h~s gi=lfriend, Jennifer, as
ue~~y :~ this ~nt~rview, ~o~~ Ref=el staced he was in che hallway
ac 1110 hours at 4th period, waici~g tor Jenny co go to her heuse
fer l~nch John Reffel stated that a~ about 1136 hours, they were
geine back to school from Jer~v's house ~hen he saw f~re t~~cks ar.d
poli~a, John 2effel stated they det.oured on Woodmar and he saw
teache~$ run~in9 and police officers Jor~ ~ef:el stated there was
~~~~~re and he asked what was goi~g en and a g~=l said t~e ~=ench
Coa~ Mafia was shcoci~g, JO~~l Reifel scaced he doesn't know t:'e
girl'S name, but himself and Jenny were in ~~e car and they got
f~ur other gi=ls i~ the car and ~hey took them heme John stated
t~at one of their names was Veronica and one was named Tara, John
sta~ed they were watching T.V en 9News and watching what was going
en Jclli~ Reffel s:ated all he heard was they were weari~g
c~ats, John ~ef:e: sta~ed ~~ey dress i~ :=ench coats and ~ha~
wh~:e chey we=~ at ve~~y's house, a=~e~ t~ey left scheol, he ca:led
9:: to gee names of the students tha: were there and okay

John Reffel stated he knew the kid named Dylan (last name
u~k~own) was i~ the viceo class with ~en. John Reffel answered his
f~~sc c:asses are A? S~anish, tten he has an off ~our, and then he
has a video class in w~~ch Dyla~ is a~so a scudenc,

John Reifel answe~~d t~at only one of their ca~s was in

t~e pa=king lot Jc~n Raffel ar.swered ic was a metalli= lighc blue
Ni$sa~ or Mazda, 5Q:~ of like a Honda car, ~uc he doesn't know the
name of the dz-Lve'r John ar.e.c ed , "1 eew him t.his morning" and
added tha~ he doesn't dress like the ether Trench Coat Ma!ia.

'::oh..-: answered that: Dylan. d.c i.ves a "black be ame.r" and t:hat he

JC- 001.008839
Arvada 901ice/ceurc System
Arvada Police Department -.' ~age a

Ref #- 99 -12067 Repo~o.~ Dace o4/20/~999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASS'!CA Sta;:ug RTF
Location q201 S PIERCE ST

DE'!'2 04!2l!1999 042lS9!BRYA}IT/SK /7604

did noe se~ :he b:ack EMW in che parking lot. Jor~ added c~at
chere ~as a~other kid whose las: name was Harris that had dr~pped
out of ~he second semes~er and has ac~e and a black hat and wears
a trenc~ coat. Jonn sta~ed he had heard he was part of the Trench
Coat Mail-a.
John added that Ve~cnica said see was in the schoel when she
heard gunshots and gOt down on the E:cor. Veronica then sta~ed
they got up and ra~ aut of the school,

John answe~ed he does not have any Trench Coat Mafia in his AP
Sp~~~sh Class, Joron added i~ h~s :~~~d pe=iod video class,
entitled Advanced Video, Dylan is i~ t~at class, but he was ~ot
~here today, Jehn desc~~bed ~y~an as a quiet kid and that he did
no~ see him In chac class ~oday Jc~~ added ~hat his four~h per~od
class is a Oover~~ent Economics Class and th~re are no Trench Coat
Mafia in ~~ac class John sca~ed ttac normally, he sees t~em in
the hallway at four~h hou=, wh~~~ he wa:ts Eor Jen, John added
tha~ moac of t~em are tall and wear ~re~ch coats, John stated he
gets ~ one hal: hour lunch break and t~en has fifth and sixch hour
back at school John stated the one half hour lunch break is from
11::5 CO 1:;45 a.m and thac Jen's house is only about t~o m~nutes
away from the scheel,

When asked if he had heard arry~h~~g bad was soing to happen

today, Jchr. answered no Job~ s~a~ed ~~a~ the 4/20 thing he was
chinking of was a marijuana pol~ce coce for narcotic$ about smok~ns

When asked if ne had hea~d ~C~= ar.yo~s :alki~g abouc

scmec~~ng bad happe~i~SI John answerec ~o. Jch~ stat~d that a guy
named Nace is affilia~ed wich t~e T=e~ch Coat Mafia_ John staceci
Mace was in school, but he was dr~'ling away when they were leaving
a=~er ~hey returned from John stated that Nate was in the
b~S =uo-door Ford with a lift kit abc~t two or th~ee cars a~ead o~
~hem; as they were leaving the parki~g lot with the other
sir:z John seated he's net sure i= r.e's a member, but he ~~ows he
t~:ks to them and wea~s a black le~t~e~ jacket.

John sta~ec there ~ere otner kids who walk around with t~em,
but he doesn'~ know the~= names. Jor~ Reffel added t~ey wear all
black clothes. Jc~~ st~ced he doe5~'t talk to them and chat Dylan
wears black a~d has a b:ack hac ~hac he wears backward that has a
"Bc s ccn 3" placed en the back pa:::.. '''hich he wears on the f~o:r:.t oe
h:s head. John described the Trench Coat Ma=ia as sk~~ny a~d tall
and wearing trench coat jackets and dark clo~hin9' John s~a=ed
somet:mes they wea~ fa=i~~es tha~ wo~:d be camo green i~ cclor.

When asked about hea~ing any talk about weapons John ReffelI

answered no, When asked about and alcohol, John stat.ed, "I'm
sure t:"'l.ey do Chat." and added that in the front ent::::y way at the
beg:::'n.::i=1S of the school, he saw the Trench Coat: Mafia 'lbeating the

JC· 001·008840
PIRNAAR Arvada Polic~iCourt System Page 9'
Arvada Police Deoar~ment 04/26/19~9
NAR!t"-TI vi;

Ref # 519-12067 Repor~ed Date 04/20/1999 Time 12;39;32

TypE;' ASSTOA Status R':F
Location 6201 s P!E~CE ST

DET2 04/21/1999 042199/BRYANT/SH /7604

crap out of each o'Che~,'1 Jor..n added he has not seen them do drugs f

but sees them "wild e yed" and "c~azy '1

Jo~_~ Ref~el seated :~c one ti~e he was going to football

practice and parked his car in che lot near chern when he was going
to prac~ice last fall. John ~tatec ~~a~ one of the Trench Coat
Mafia said ecme c hdag to hi':!\. like 11fuck you, get the hell Que of
that space. 11 .rchn Raff'lll seated that the guy also said something
li.k.e Hyou stupid jock." John answe::'ed tha-c his car was a white a1
Lebaron and had a broken ancennae when he came out of practice.
John Ref~el stated this was his f1:sc year at Columbine High School
and tha~ he came co c~lumbi~e f~om t~e Develon Charter School in
Golden. g~aduat~ng May 22nd,
John answered he would be John
s~ated he cou:~"c oe:~eve t~is hatpe~ec Jehn Reff$l was noe able
co provide any add~~:onal informacic~ ~n regards to this
investigacion Jo~
ReEfel stated t~e other person with them at
the hospital was an and ~as net present when they were
leav~ng the parking lot with t~e ot~er :olumbine High studencs.
The inte=view was concluded with Je~~ Re!~el on 04/20/99 at 1730
10 3ryant and Dec. Schultz t~e~ contac~ed the Chaplain and
Chaplain Incern outside ~he ~ait:n~ ar~a wi~h the family. Chaplain
Incern Vanessa Do~~el and Reverer.d Kac~leen 3aylay were assisting
the family and their friend. IO p=~v~ded ~he Chaplain IO's card to
prov~de ~~ the father, Mark Taylor, :f he had any questions. 10
received ~~!ormat~on the v~ctim's :ac~er, Mark Taylor, had arrived
at the hospital and was c~r=en~ly a: the pharmacy,

10 Sr/ant and Dee. Schultz then contac~ed De~. Marshall near

the fi=st floor e~e=gency room. Det. Marsha:l stated he had
received infor~ation Universi:y ~o~p~=al would not be receivin9 any
more victims in regards ~o this lnves~:gation. 10 Bryant and Det.
Marshall were able co clear from un~versi~y Hospital. Det. Schultz
scaeed he would be waicing at the hospital and attempt to interview
the victim, Mark Allen Taylor, whe~ Mark was available for an
i~cer7iew IO Bryant and Oet" Marsna:l clea~ed from University
Ecs~l~al at 1754 hours. Refe: to De~, Marshall's supplemental
re90r~ for details en evidence secu~~d from O~iversity Hospita~.
Refe= =0 Dec Schul~z' repor:s fer de~ails 0: his i~vestiga~ion.

JC- 001.008841

JC· 001·008842
PIRNAAR Arvacta ~olice/Court System Pase l
Arvada Police Department 04/.6/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,3~

Type AS S1'OA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE 57

DET9 04/23/1999 042299/DOLL/sH

(This narrative ~ill be connected to Jefferson county CR#99*762S.}

At approximately 2145 hours On 04/20/99, it was determined bv

Jefferson County Sheriff's Officer personnel and bomb technician ~
personnel that there were still too many unexploded bomb devices
throughout Columbine High School and the surrounding parking leta
to allow crime lab and investigative personnel to enter the school
and school property safely to look for evidence and process the
crime Bcene. IO was advised by command post personnel to secure
for the evening and return at 0500 hours on 04/21/99, to assist in
the processing of the crime scene.

On 04/21/99, IO {Det. Doll) arrived at Columbine High School

with Det. Boatright and Ofc. Brian Thompson at approximately 0600
hours, Also present from the Arvada Police Department at this time
was Det. Mark Greubel. Afcer a short briefing! IO was informed
that there were still a number of unexploded explosive dev~ces
within the school and immediately entr1 into the schoel would not
be possible at this time. As IO and the above mentioned Arvada
officers waited for the school to be cleared, we were advised to
visually check and log all vehicles parke~ in the east pa~kin9 loc
of Clement Park. IO and Det, Greubel examined all vehicles in one
row of vehicles and marked any suspicious looking vehicles with
yellow evidence tape on the antennae. Other officers conducted
similar examinations of other vehicles within this parking lot. IO
turned his list of vehicl~s which indicated the color ~~d make of
the vehicle, as well as license number and VIN, over to Colorado
Bureau of Investigation personnel to be listed for the
determination of ownership. After this, IO and Det, Greubel
photographed the eastern most row of vehicles in the parking lot,
as well as the east center row of vehicles. Pet. Boatright and
Ofc Thompson phOtographed Lhe wes~ center row of vehicles, as well
as the western most row of vehicles within this lot.
IO was also assigned to assist in a line search of Pierce St.,
southbound in front of (east sidel CQlurr~ine High Scnool. As
evidence was found in this manner, it was marked for lacer
documentation and recrieval.
By approximately 1125 hours, IO was told to respond to the
eastern parking lot of Columbine High School for a briefing and to
get an assignment. IO was assigned along with other off~cers of
Arvada, Lakewood, Jefferson County, the Colorado Bureau of
Investigation, and Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearm personnel to search
all parking lots surrounding the school to attempt to locate
bullets, bullet casings, bomb f~agments, and anything else of
evidentiary value. IO spent the remainder of this day with the
above mentioned officers looking for. photographing, and collecting
evidence. IO and these officers also photographed and logged ehe
remaining vehicles in the parking lot surrounding the school, This
task was completed by approximately 1930 hours, after which time IO
cleared the axea along with Dec. Boatright and Ofc. Thompson,

Arvada Police/Court System Page 2
Arvada Police Departmen~ 04/26/1999

Ref # 99-12057 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET9 04/23/1999 042299/DCLL/SH

10 would note that he per$onally collected no evidence but,

rather, as evidence items were found. IO would mark them for future
documentation and collec4ion by members of the Jefferson County,
Colorado Bureau of Investigation, and Alcohol, ~obacco « ~irearms.
IO did photograph several vehicles on the north and northwest side
of the school per instructions of Sgt. Booras.

JC·001.00 8844

JC- 001·008845
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Fage 1
Arvada Police Department 05/11/1999

Ref ~ 99-12067 Reported Dace Q4/20/~9$9 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST~

DETS4 05/11/1999 051099/E~

JCSD 97-7625
CONTROL ~1124, ~14S4 aud #1490

On April 26, 1999 InvesLigator Duane Eaten of the Arvada

Police Department was assigned investigative lead sheet bearing
control #1124 The source for the information was a Jennifer
Fletcher, whose affiliation was listed as a CBS parent. This led
Investigator Eaton to believe that Fletcher was the parent of a
Columbine High School student. The narrative information was that
Fletcher advised that her child was told by a Ryan Shaddock that
something was about to occur and that he Y~ew about the sheoting
and bombing at Columbine High School. Investigator Eaton was
assigned the task of locat~ng, contac~ing and interviewing Shaddock
abcu~ any prior knowledge of che at~aQk at Columbine High School
tr~t he may have had.

On this same date at approximately 1432 hours !nvestigator

Eaton was able co make telephone contact with Pletcher. Fletcher
advised Investigator Eaton that her daughter Valerie Fletcher did
not have direct knowledge of the statements made by Shaddock.
Fleccher advised that her daughter had been made aware of the
statements supposedly made by Shaddock by another friend identified
as Brie surd. Fletcher described Surd as a very reliable child.
Fletcher also advised that she didn't believe that this information
needed to be fol~owed up due to the fact that she had information
tha~ a principal of the school had contacted Shaddock, confronted
him with the information and allowed ShaddoCk to make a denial tha~
the information was tr~e. Investigator Eaton was then allowed to
speak with Fletcher's daughter Vale~ie FletCher. valerle Fletcher
gave Investigator Eaton the same ~nformation as that given by her
mother. Valer~e Fletcher adVised t~at her friend Brie Surd had
told her confiden~ial1y that Shaddock had made Statements at school
that he knew the gunmen at Columbine H~gh School, that he did not
feel bad for the gunmen nor for the victims due to the fact that
the vict.ims deserved co be killed for teasing the gunmen. Valer1.e
Fletcher also advised Investigator Eaton that she and Brie Surd
were students at Mandalay Middle School in Westminster, Colorado,
valerie Fletcher was reluctant to give Investigator Eaton Erie
Surd's address and/or telephone numbe~ bue eventually did give
rnvestigacor Eaton Brie Burd's telephone number 463-8516.

On this same date at anproximacely 1450 hours" Investigator

Eaton made celephone contact with Brie Surd's sister Meagan Burd,
Meagan Surd agreed to have her parents contact Investigator Eaton
about an interview with Brie Burd upon their arrival home.

On the same date at approximately 1630 hours, I~veStlgator

Eaton received a telephone call from the father of Brie Eurd.
Investigator €aton advised Mr. Surd of the reason for the contact
with Brie and he advised Investigator Eaton that he was aware of
the ~~formation that his daughter might have. Mr, Burd agreed to

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P!RNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 2
Arvada Police Department 05/11/1999

Ref ~ 99-12067 ~eported Date 04/20/1999 Tima 12:39:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DETS4 OS/11/1999 OSl099/EATON/KK

allow rnves~igator Eaton to intervie~ his daughter via the


3rie Burd advised !nves~i9atQr Eaton that she was in fact a

stuqent at Mandalay Middle School in Westminster, Colorado, She
advised that another person in her class, a male known as Ryan
Shaddock, had told her and other students that he had known the two
gunmen at Columbine High School, Brie Surd further advised that
Shaddock had told other students that he didn't feel sorrv for the
gunmen dying nor did he feel sorry for ~he victim student~ due to
the fact they had teased the gunmen. Surd advised Investigator
Eaten that Shaddock was an eighth grade student at Mandalay Middle
School and described him as kind of a ~punker,R

On May 4, 1999 at approximately 083Q hours, Investigator Eaton

responded to Mandalay Middle School in Westminster, Colorado.
rnvestigaror Eaton was able to make cor.~ac~ with an assistant
principal who in turn made contact ~:~h Shaddock's father via
telephone in order to get the father'S permission to have his son
interviewed. Also at this time Invesclgator Eaton learned that
Ryan'S full name was ~yan Erik Shaddox (DOB 11/03/84), with an
address of 9748 W 97th Place, Westminster, Colorado, telephone
421-5911 Shaddox' father granted Investigator Eacon and the
school permission to interview his son but requested contact by
telephone immediately following the interview The assiscant
principal for Mandalay Middle SChool left the office, located
Shaddox and escorted him to the school offices for the interview

Investigator Eaton confronted Shaddox wlch the information he

had rece~ved from others and Shaddox aq=eed to an interview wi~h
investigator Eaton about those stacemen~s, Shaddox advised
Inve9cigator Eaton that he believed the information Invescigator
Eacon had receLved came about from his fi=st period class on
Thursday, April 22, 1999. Shaddox advised that he is in first hour
from approximately 0720 hours to 081S hours He advlsed that he
had ~old other students about his day off following the incident at
Co14mbine High School This day would have been Wednesday, April
21, 1999. He advised that he was at fr~end arid fellow student's
house, Holly Benore, and also visiting was Stephanie True. He
advised that he believed Stephanie was 15 years of age and attended
school in the Northglenn area, Shaddox advised that en that
Wednesday at approximately 1635 hours, while at Eenore's heuse,
Stephanie was telling he and Benore tha~ she knew Che shooters from
Columbine High School Shaddox advised that True cold him ~~d
Benore that she had met Eric Harri9 and Oylan Klebold approxlmately
one month previous co the ~ncident o~ Tuesday, April 20, 1999,
Shaddox advised that Txue stated that Har:::'is and Klebold said, "We
hate jocks and wish they would die." Shaddox added that True told
them that she had spoken w~th Harris and Klebold in the smokers pic
at Columbine High Schoel but had not believed what they had said
about the jacka. Shaddox advised Investigator Eaten that thac's

PIaMARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 3
Arvada Police Department 05(11(1999

Ref. 99-12067 Re~orted Date 04(20(1999 Time 12,39,3.

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERC2 sr

DETS4 05(11(1999 OS1099(EATON(KK

all True really said about knowing the suspects Shaddox advised
that he wasn't sure whether to believe ~hat True had actually 90ne
to Columbine High School and knew ~he suspects or if she was making
up a story.

On May 5, 1999 at approximately 1900 hours Investigator Eaton

was able to make contact with Stephanie True (DOB 11/26/83) .
Investigator Eaton received verbal permission from True's mother
via the telephone to interview her daughter. Investigator Eaton
confronted True with the information he had about statements she
had made in reference knowing the suspects from Columbine High
School. True advised Investigato~ Eaton that she did not
personally know Eric Harris or Dylan Klebold. She advised
Investigator Eaton that she had once seen them at the Southwest
plaza Mall. True advised Investigator Eaton that she had noticed
the suspects due to the fact that they were "hot" j nve s t Iga.ccr
Ea~on asked True to elaborate on that statement and she advised
Investigator Eacon that the suspects were dressed in baggy pants
and baggy shirt, looked like "bad boys'' and were the kind of guys
that turned her on and that she thought was hot

Investigator Eaton asked True if she had spoken with or had

been introduced to either Harris or Klebcld. True advised
Investigator Eaton thac she had been at the Southwest Plaza Mall
with f=iends and had observed the two wandering the mall. She
advised that due to the fact that they were kind of a crosS between
punks and freaks, they caught her attention. She advised that she
walked by the ewe of them and said, "Hey baby, 11 True advised
Investigator Eaton that the twO males then whistled at her but
con~inued on their way and did not stop and speak with her.

Investigator Eaton asked True why she was positive that the
two males she had seen at Southwest Plaza Mall were in fact Eric
Harris and Dylan Klebold. True advised Investigator Eaton that
after seeing ~he suspects' pictures on :he television news, she was
aware that that was the male she had observed at the Southwest
Plaza Mall,

Investigator Eaton concluded the telephone interview with True

at approximately 1910 hours

JC- 001-008848
PIRNARR ArJada Police/Courc System ilage l
Arvada Police Department OS/20/1999

Ref # 99~1206i Reported Oace 04/20/1999 Tlme 12,39,32

Type l\.SSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERC~~
DET82 05120/1998 OS2Q991~



On Monday, 05/:7/99, Inv. Duane £aton of the Arvada Police

Department responded to University Hospital in ~, attempt to
contact faculty physician Christine Finlayson, Dr. Finlayson was
one of the physicians at University Hospital who had assisted with
the initial medical care fer Mark Allen Taylor, Taylor was one of
the victims shot by a firearm at Columbine High S~hool on April 20,
1999 Inv Eaton was accempting to contact Dr Finlayson In order
to leave a Sericus Eodily Injury ferro with h@r office. !nv. Eaten
had requested Dr. F~nlayson fill out the Serious Bodily Injury form
and return it ~o !nv ~aton so that it could oe placed in Jefferson
County's Case File.
Inv. Eaton =esponded to room #5407 ac University Hospital and
left said form with a secretary cf Dr, Finlayson.

On Wednesday. May 19, 1999, Inv. Eacon discovered that he had

received mail at the Ar:ada Police Department from University
Hos~ital Said mail had come from campus box C311. Inv. Eaton waS
aware that ch~s campus box was the mailing address for Dr.
~inlayson at University Hospital Inside the envelope, Inv. Eaton
discovered the Physician's Statemenc form or Serious Bodily Injury
form which had been filled aut by Dr. Finlayson. Said for~ reads,
nt, Dr, Finlayson, having read the proceeding definition, do State
that the injuries of Mark Allen Taylor fit within the definition
and the patient suffe~ed se~ious bodily injury. The injuries
ccnac Lt uz ed a gunshot: wound to chest. Date cf exam, 04/20/99. rr
Also en this form is a list of ~~ju=~e$ involved with check-off
boxes; The statement checked off on this form is "A break or
r eaceua-e . t! The bottom portion of the form reads t "My reasons for
this op i n Lcn a r e : fracture of T9i:O."
A copy of the Physician's Sta~ement!Seriou5 Bodily Inju~/ form
will be included wit~ the origi~al report and turned over to the
Jefferson County Sheriff's Office as part of this case file,

It should be noted that or. ~~ursdaYt May 20, 1999, Inv. Eaten
lea~~ed that Mark A~len Taylor was once again in the hcspital,
Inv Eaton learned that Taylor is in a hospital in Lictleton,
ColQrado, for a staph infection related to his gunshot wounds,
Inv. Eacon is sti:l attempting cc~~act with Taylor's mecher, Denna
Taylor, in an a~tempt to have a Medical Release ferm signed

J C· 001·008849
PIlUlAAA Arvada Police/Court System Page 1
Arvada Police Oepartment 05/03/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

TYPeASS~ Status R'I'F
LoCa~iQn 6201 S PIERCE
DET32 04/30/1999 042999/EATDN/



On Monday, April 26, 1999, while assiscing with the columbine

High School homicide task force, Inv, Eaton was assigned an
investigation lead, Control #1117. Said lead listed the
information source as Windy Shephard, ~ith an unknown telephone
number. The information had been received on Thursday, April 22,
1999 at approximately 1706 hours, by Jefferson County Sheriffls
Office Deputy Brian Crooks. The event narrative read, llJUl was at.
AlberCson's on 04-09-99, located at Kipling and Bowles. Two young
men purchasing large number of propane tanks. May still be on
security t ape ." In the lead portion of the Information Control
Sheet, the inscructions were "retrieve tapes from Albertson'S,"
Said lead was assigned to !nv Eaton.

On the same date at approximately 1320 hours, Inv. Eaton

responded to the Albertson's at Kipling and Bowles and made contact
with Assistant Manager Mike Goodwin (DOE; 01/28/75), !nv. Eaton
advised Goodwin that he was assisting the investigation of the
Columbine High School homicides and wished to retrieve any
Videotapes from their store surveillance cameras that were dated
April 3, 1999, Inv. Eaton advised Goodwin that he needed all the
tapes from that date l due to the fact that Inv. Eaton had not been
given a time Inv, Eaton advised that Windy Shephard was the
source of information and asked Goodwin to confirm if she was an
employee of the store, Goodwin advised Inv. Eaton that he had no
Windy Shephardfs employed at the store and he checked with the main
Denver office and learned that Chere were no Windy Shephards
employed at any of the Albertson's in the Denver Metro area.
Goodwin escorted Inv. EacOn to the office area of the store
and assisted Inv, Eaton in examining all of the videotapes in order
to locate and seize the appropriate videotapes. The tapes located
by Inv. Eaton and Goodwin were videotape #16, dated April 9, 1999
at 7;45 am. ; videotape #17, dated April 9, 1999 for 10:00 pm, i and
video cape ~46, dated April 9, 1999 at 11 lS a.m, Inv. Eaton
advLsed Goodwin that he would take the tapes with him and review
them at a later time in order to determine if they were of any
evidentiary value.
It should be noted that upon tnv. Eaton'S arrival at the
Albertson'S store, he noted that in front of the store is a white,
metal str~cture with metal meshing surrounding it. Inside of this
structure is numerous 20 lb. propane tanks. All of the tanks are
white in color and are marked with the initials PBX. Goodwin
advised Inv. Eaton that is the supplier of the propane sold at that
Albertson's location. It should be noted that the labels on the
white 20 lb. propane tanks are red and blue in color. Said labels
are affixed to the tanks with blue. Goodwin advised Inv. Eaton
that in order to purchase a 20 lb. propane tank, the customer must

JC· 001-008850
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 2.
Arvada Police Department 05/03/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 5201 S PIERCE ST

DET32 04/10/1999 042999/EATON/SH

come co one of the fronc counters or the Customer Service booth.

He advised that the eustoroer must first provide identification to
confirm that they are 18 years of age or older. He advised the
~ustomer then pays for the tank and is escorted outside of the
store and allowed to retrieve the tank from the locked metal

Due to the fact that it was unknown if the reporting party had
observed the 6ubjects purchasing 20 lb, tanka or small hand held
propane tanks, Inv. Eaton requested that Goodwin explain to him the
process for purchasing the smaller propane ta~~s. Goodwin advised
!nv. Eaton that the small propane tanks sold in the stores are sold
on the shelves with general merchandise. He advised that those
tanks are Coleman brand and green in color. Goodwin spoke to a
store employee and advised Inv. Eaton ehat it was not easy to
record the number of small Coleman propane tanks sold. He advised
that they show up on receipts as general merchandise and not as
propane He advised that the employee advlsed him that during the
past several weeks I she did not recall any small propane tanks
being sold from the store.
Goodwin advised Inv. Eaton that the 20 lb, propane tanks sell
for approximately $39.99. He advised that when a cu~tomer returns
an empty ta~~, they get an exchange rate of $13 99, Goodwin alao
retrieved propane invoices for Inv. satcn and noted that they were
only missing one propane tank. Goodwin advised Inv. Eaton that
this meant that only one tank had not been returned to exchange for
a new tank. Goodwin did locate an inventory in the store's
computer system, showing that one 20 lb. tank had been sold on
April 9, 1999. Goodwin advised Inv. Eaton that none of the
employees working on the evening of April 9th were currently at the
store for an interview to confirm if they had, in fact, sold a tank
to any persons matching the description of the suspects in the
homicide at Columbine High School.
On this same date at approximately 1125 hours, Inv, Saton was
able to make telephone contact with the RP, Wendy Sue Shephard
(008: 04!11!6S1. Inv. Eaton had also located an address for
Shephard of 10922 W. Oregon Place, Lakewood, CO 80232,
303-985-7851. Inv. Eaton had developed this infcrmation thro~gh
use of the CCIC/NCIC computer system, !nv. Eaton also used the
Cole's Directory to locate a telephone number for Shephard. Inv
Eaton called the telephone number he had located in the Cole's
Oirectory and spoke to a woman who identified herself as Wendy Sue
Shephard. Shephard advised Inv. Eaton that she was in fact, the

person who had called in the tip in reference the Albertson's store
in Littleton, CO, Shephard advised Inv. Eaton that she had made a
mistake on ~he dace when she called in the tip. She advised that
she had, in fact, been at the store on April a, 1999 at
approximately 1755 hours. She advised that ahe had dropped the
daughter off at a dance class and had been driving through the
parking lot at the Albertson'S store, She advised that she
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court Syecem page 3
Arvada Police Department 05/03/1999

Ref if 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,22

'rype ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

OET32 04/30/1999 042999/EATON/sH

observed two young men, who she believed to be 19 to 20 years of

age, near the propane cabinet with an Albertson's employee.
Shephard described che employee as a large juvenile male l
approximately high school age. She advised that he appeared
athletic. Shephard advised that she was aware that the person was
an employee, due to the fact that he was wearing Albertson's
employee clothing_ She advised that it appeared that the employee
had opened the cabinet for the two males and that there were four
20 lb. propane tanks on the ground next to the cabinet. She
advised that she observed the two males pick up the four tanks as
the employee was locking the cabinet. Shephard described subject
nl as a white male, wearing gray camouflage panea. Shephard
described the second subject only as a white male, Shephard advised
Inv. EatOn that she never observed the faces of these subjects and
had only observed them from the back.
On Tuesday, April 27, 1999 at approximately 1800 hours, Inv,
Eaton returned to the Albertson's store, Inv, Eaton returned the
videos he had earlier seized, to their original location on a shelf
in the management office, At this time, Inv. Eaton searched
through the videos and located video #14, dated April a, 1999 at
4;00 p.m. !nv, Eaton seized only the one tape at this time, due to
the fact that it appeared this tape would cover the time in

On this same date, during the evening hours, !nv, Eaton

returned to the Arvada Police Department and retrieved a written
phone memo from his mailbox. Said memo was dated April 27th at
0815 hours. The phone memo noted that it was from Wendy Shephard
with a phone number of 440-8565 and a home telephone number of 985-
7$51 The message pcxc Lon of the memo read, -cae e she saw kids
buying propane was Tuesday, s eh , not Thursday, 5th," Said memo had
been written by Arvada Police Department Investigations Division
Secretary Karen Kerr.

With the information from the phone memo in mind, Inv. Eaton
returned to the Albertson's store on Wednesday, April 2S, 1999 at
approximately 1530 hours, Inv. Eaton returned video #14 to Mike
Goodwin, the store assistant manager. Inv. Eaton advised Goodwin
of the new informacion and Goodwin searched through the videos,
attempting to locate one fer Tuesday, April 6, 1999, Goodwin was
unable to locate a video with the April 6, 1999 date affixed to it.
Inv. Eaton described to Goodwin the de&cripcion of the Albertson's
employee, that Wendy Shephard believes she observed assisting the
subjects at the propane cabinet. Goodwin checked the schedule for
that date and believed that the person who matched that description
and who would have been working that date, was a Jason aden,
Goodwin advised Inv. Eaton that Oden was currently not working at
the store, but would be in the following morning. Inv. Eaton
advised Goodwin he would attempt to make telephone contact with
Oden On the following date.

JC- 001-008852
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 4
Arvada Police Department 05/03/1999

Ref ~ 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET32 04/30/1999 042999/EATON/SH

At the request of Inv, Eaton, Goodwin/ once again checked the

Albertson's store computer in an attempt to determine how many 20
lb. tanks of propane bad been sold on Tuesday, April 6, 1999.
Goodwin checked the computer system and advised Inv. Eaton that he
was unable to locate any electronic receipt regarding the sale of
20 lb. propane tanks. Goodwin advised Inv. Eaton that the store
and the clerks keep good records involving the sale of the propane
tanks and believes that if there was no record within the system of
any propane tanks being sold that date, ~hen in facti he was
confident no 20 lb. propane tanks had been seld.

On Thursday, April 29, 1999 at approximately 1030 hours, Inv,

Eaton was able to make telephone contact with Jason Oden (DOB:
04/23/79} at the Albertson's store in Littleton, CO. Inv. Eaton
asked Oden if he could recall working during the evening hours of
Tuesday, April 6, 1999. Oden advised Inv. Eaton that he was unsure
if he had worked that date or not. Inv. Eaton advised Oden that
his assistant store manager advised he had worked on that date and
Oden advised Inv. Eaton that he did not recall anything about date,
Inv. Eaton asked Oden if he recalled selling any 20 lb. propane
tanks to any persons during the m~~th of April, especially around
the previously mentioned date. Oden advised Inv. Eaton that he
recalled selling propane tanks, though he could not recall any of
the persons he had sold them to. He advised that he helps so many
people with those tanks that he could not specifically recall any
specific persons. Inv. Eaton asked Oden if he recalled selling any
tanks to two young adult males and, more specifically, one of them
wearing camouflage fatigue style pants. Oden advised Inv, Eaton
that he did not recall selling any propane canks to anyone matching
that description.
Inv. Eaton asked eden if he was from the area and if he had
been a student or graduate of Columbine High School. Oden advised
!nv. Eaton that he had ju~t moved to Colorado in February with his
fiance', He advised that his fiance' was pregnant and they had
moved here to Colorado to be with the fiance's mother and that he
did not know any persona who had attended or graduated from
Columbine High School. Inv. Eaton asked Oden if he was familiar
with or acquainted with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. Oden
advised !nv, Eaton that he did not know either one of the subjects
and had never been acquainted with them,

Inv, Eaton concluded the interview with Oden at approximately

1040 hours,

Siore Oirector

i--=--~=-+-=:.J..!J4-=~-1 NO. HL/{)~ g505


o """"" 0

JC- 001-008854
Arvada Poliee/Court System I?age 1
Arvada ~olice Department 05/12/1999

Ref it 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1~9~ Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
~ooation 6201 S I?IERCE S ~

DET60 05/12/1999 OSl199~~


CONTRO~ # 1 037
On April 21, 1999, !nv. Duane Eaton of the Arvada Police
Oeparcment was assigned investigative lead #1097. The source of
iuformation was Duncan Page, whose affiliation was listed as
~sycho-~herapist, Denver. Also listed was a telephone number of
303-756-1693. The narrative portion of the info~ation control
sheet advised that the caller. Duncan ?age, had a client, who L,
turn has a e een daughter 'gho goes to l\.rvada High School. The
narrative portion advised that the clien~'s daughter could
supposedly identify two of the males in the 7CM picture as students
at Arvada High School, The client supposedly advised Page that the
t.vo males from Arvada High School who are "Trench Coat. Mafia l !
members had been at Columbine High School on the morning of April
20, 1999, !nv. eaton was assigned the task of contacting Duncan
Page for anymore information on the client and possibly to I

identify the two males who attend Arrada Sigh School, who were
supposedly at Colu~~tne ~igh School on Aprtl 20, 1999.
On April 30, 19~9 a~ approximately 1600 hours, Inv, Eaton was
able to make telephone contact with Page. Page advised Inv. Eaton
that he is a psycho-therapist in the Denver area. He advised that
a client whom he refused to identify has a daughter whom he refused
to identify who attends Arrada senior High School, He advised that
ehe daughter was once involved in the Gothic movement in the Denver
Metro area. Page advised that the client advised that her daughter
had obserred pictures in one of the local newspapers of persons she
believed to be fellow students at Arvada Senior High School,
Page advised that his client's daughcer refuses to call the
poliee with the information she has in the belief that it is
nothing significant and will not assist in the investigation at
Columbine High School. Pase advised Inv. Eaton that he would
attempt to have his client convince he~ daughter to come forward
and speak with the police through Inv. eaton,
AS of ~~esday, May 11, 1999, Inv, Eaton has not been contacted
by Page or the client's daughter, with any information. Inv, Eaton
did contact Arvada Police Officer Barry Malloy who is the School
Resource Off~cer at Arvada Senior High School, in Arvada/ co. Inv,
Eaton advised Officer Malloy of the information included in this
investigative lead. Officer Malloy advised Inv, Eaton that he did
not recognize any of the persons in any newspaper photographs as
those of students attending Arvada Senior High School, Officer
Malloy also advised that he has not been contacted by any current
or former students or any school staff as having recognized any
persons in the newspaper photographs as scudents at Arvada ~enior
High School.
Ie is Inv. Satcn's opinion that Pagels client's daughter may

JC- 001-008855
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Cou.t System Page 2
Arvada Police Department 05/12/1~9~

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Oate 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

Type Statu. RTF
Location 6201 S PIgaCE ST
DET60 05/12/1999 OS1199/EATON/SH

have viewed photographs of the three male subjects contacted in

Clement Park near Columbine High School. Said subjects were
contacted during the initial invest~sationj decained and later
released, ~nv. Eacon has idantified ~hose subjects as Matthew
Akard, James Brunetti, and Matthew Nalty, The daughcer's
statements to ber mother may have become confused a~ they were
passed cn to Page and Inv. Saton believes that the daugnter may
very well have been talking about Nalty, Akard, and Brunecti and
aware of them as ~tudents in the Arvada areal though they had not
attended Az"/acta Senior High School. Akard. Brunetti and Nalty.
though not attending Arvada Senior High School have numerous

friends at Arvada Senior High School and often socialize in the

area of A.~ada Senior ~igh School and may have been confused as
students at Arvada Senior High School.
!nv. Eaton will not be conducting any more investigations
concerning this ~nvestigative lead unless he otherwise hears back
from Page or the client's daughter.

JC- 001-008856
Arva4a Police/Court System Page 1
Arvada police Department 06/01/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 5201 S prERC~

DEI9S 06/01/1999 05279~~

JCSD 99-7625
CONTROL #1049, 1050 and 1107

During che month of April, 1999, Investigator Duane Eaton of

the Arvada police Department made contact with Matthew Akard, James
Brunetti and Matthew Nalty in order to request that they submit to
polygraph cests. Investigator Eaton was requesting that the three
submit to polygraph tests in order to determine their truthfulness
about their involvement, if any, in the homicides and other
criminal activity at Columbine High School on April 20, ~999. All
three subjects advised that they would take the request into
coneioeraeion. On a later date Investigator Eaton spoke with both
Maechew Akard and his mother about this request. Matthew and his
mother advised Investigator Eaton chat Matthew Akard would not be
submitt~ng to a polygraph test about this incident. Matthew
Akard's mother advised that she believed her son was not involved
and that ahe had heard on the news that the three boya have been
cleared of any wrong doing and she therefore believed that a
polygraph test was not necessary,
Investigator Eaton was able to make Gontact once again with
Brunetti and Nalty and ask abo~t their d~ci5ions reference the
polygraph tests. Both advised Investigator Eaton they still were
not sure but thought they might like to speak with an attorney
before making a dec~sion. Investigator Eaton asked them to
recontact him when they had made a decision.
During the last week of April. Investigator Eaton once again
spoke with Brunetti and Nalty. BOth advised Investigator Eaton
that they had made contact with·the producers of the Sally Jesse
Raphael Show due to the fact that they had already been on the show
on one occasion. Both advised Investigator Eaton that the
prOdUCe4$ of the Sally Jesse Raphael television show had flown them
to New York City to be polygraphed there, Nalty advised
Investigator Eaton that he and Brunetti had been polygraphed by
Michael Martin of Priority Investigations~ Nalty gave Investigator
Eaton Martin's telephone number and advised Investigator Eaton that
he could contact Martin for the results of their polygraph tests.
On Mav 4, 1999, Investigator Zaton was able to make telephone
contact wich Michael Martin of Priority Investigations in
Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Martin's full address is 553 Main
Street Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 16360, telephone l~aoo S4S 1112.
Investigator Eaton advised Martin that this investigator was
assisting the Columbine High School investigation in Jefferson
County, Colorado rnvestigator Eaton requested results of Martin's
polygraphs in order to present those to the Jefferson Ccun~y
Sheriff's Office detectives in charge of the investigacion, Martin
agreed to fax Investigacor Eaton the results of the polygraphs of
both Matthew Nalty and James Brunetti.

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Arvada Police Department 06/01/H99

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Vate 04(20/1999 Time 12,39,32

TypE> >~SSTOA St.a.tUS RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET95 06/01/1999 052799/EATON/KK

On May 5,1999 Investigator Eaton received a fax at the Arvada

Police Department from Michael Martin and Priority Investigations.
Said fax contained five pages with the first page being the eover
sheet. Said page was dated April 5, 1999 and reads, U Per your
request, to follow please find my reports pertaining to the
suspected involvement of Matt Nalty and James Brunetti in the
Columbine High School incident. These exams were scored using the
BacKster NUmerical Scoring Technique. Individual scores are
available. Please feel free to eall me with any questions at (570)
223-2$171. 11 The form was signed by R. Michael Martin, who listed
himself as a certified polygraph examiner.
Page two of this fax had d heading from Priority
Investigations, Inc. and lisced itself as a report of interview and
polygraph examination for Matt Nalty ~ith the examiner as R.
Michael Martin with a date of May 3, 1999. 'the form advised, liThe
above named subject was interviewed and voluntarily took a
polygraph examination on the date indicated The examination
utilized equipment which indicated and recorded on a moving chart
relative changes in blood presSUre, rate and strength of pulse
heac, galvanic skin response and respiratory patterns. The subject
reported nO disabilities which could adversely affect the results
of this examination. H The next paragraph of the report. was titled
The Purpose of Examination and reads, "To determine truthfulness of
subject's statements regarding whether subject was in any way
involved in the planning or execution of the shooting incident at
columbine High School in Litcleton, Colorado on April 20, 1999, and
whether subject had any prior knowledge of the incident. The known
perpet.rators, now deceased, were Dylan Klebolt and Erik Harris. II
The third paragraph of the report was titled "Question Format ll and
reads, lIThe below indicated questions were among those asked of the
subject during the overall examination. The subject responded to
each of these relevant questions with a IInoll unless otherwise
indicated, II

The fourth paragraph of the report is listed as the format

used: Backster Direct Involvement Examination. The questions are
listed Po. ~ E. Question A reads, "Prior to the shooting at
Columbine High School on April 20, did you transport any guns or
explosives into that school?" Quest.ion 8 reads, uDid you yourself
transport any guns or explosives into Columbine High school prior
to the shootings on April 20?~ Question C reads, llPrior to April
20, did you evex visit the WEB site of Harris and Klebolt?"
Question Dreads, "prior to April 20, were you personally
acquainted with either Oylan Klebolt or Erik Harris?" Question E
reads, "Prior to April 20, did you know that the shootings at
Columbine High School were going to take place?"

Paragraph #5 is titled llSubject's Statements and Admis'sions. 1t

The paragraph reads, "Subject stated that he, Jim Brun~tti and Matt
Akard were at Jim's apartment when they hearo about the shooting
from Jim's s~ster and ~hey decided to go to Columbine High School

JC. 001-008858
~,ada Police/Court System Page :3
Arvada Police Departm~nt 06/01/1999

Ref # 99-12061 ~ported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location ~20l S PIERCE ST
DET9S 06/01/1999 052799/EATON/KK

to determine if their friends who attend the school may have been
injured. Upon arrival in the school vicinity, the 6ubjece and hi$
two companions were accosted by police, questioned and later
released. The subject denied all involvement and knowledge of the
shooting incident,~
The sixth and final paragraph is titled, "ltesult and
Conclusion." The paragraph reads, )IIn the cpiri' of the examiner,
after careful analysis of the subject's polygraph charts, it is
felt that the subject's individual response to the above listed
questions resulted in the following dete~.inations. Explanatlons
of each response are contained in an addendum to this report."
T!HITHFllL TO QUESTIONS, (a) (bl (d) lei.
Said report is concluded with a signature by R'. Michael
Martin, Certified Polygraph Examiner.
The next report in the packet is also a report of interview
and polygraph examination for James Brunetti, also by R, Michael
Martin on May 3, 1999. The report on Brunetti reads the same as
tbe report for Nalty until the fifth paragraph. The fifth
paragraph of this report is titled "Subject s Statement.s and

Admissions" and reads llThe subject stated that he, Matt Nalty and
Matt Akard were at subject's apartment when they heard about the
shooting from subject'e sister and they decided to go to Columbine
High SGhool to determine if their friends who attend the school may
have been injured. upon arrival on the school's vicinity, subject
and his two companions were accosted by police, questioned and
later released. The subject denied all involvement and knowledge
of the shooting incident.!!
The last paragraph titled "Result and Conclusion'; reads, 'IIn
the opinion of the examiner, after careful analysis of the
subject's polygraph charts, it is felt that the subject's
individual responses to the above listed quescions resulted in the
following determinations. Explanations of each response are
contained in an addendum to this report."
TRUTHFUL TO QUESTIONS, (al (01 (c l (dl (e)
This report was also signed on the bottom portion of &.
Michael Martin,
A copy of th~s memorandum from ~rioricy Investigations was
forwarded to Detective James Vonderohe of the Arvada Police
Department, who was also assisting on the Columbine High School
investigat~on. Detective vonderohe ~eviewed the memorandum and
requested that Investigaeor Eaton recontact Martin and request more
information. Detective Vonderohe requested that Investigator Eaton

JC- 001-008859
?IRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 4
Arvada Police Department 06/01/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Rapo,ted Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE S~

DET95 06/01/1999 052799!EATON/KK

obtain a list of all the questions asked by Martin, copies of all

the charts of all the tests given by Martin and the total time of
the examinacion given by Martin.
On May 10, 1999 at approximately 1130 hours. Investigator
Eaton was able to make telephone contact with Martin. Investigator
Eaton requested the previously mentioned items and Martin agreed to
said request. Ma~tin advised lnvestigator Eaton that he would mail
the items ~o Investigator Eaten at the Arvada Police Department as
soon as possible.

On May 20, 19~9 Investigator Eaton located the requested

informacion at the Arvada Police Department. !nvestigator Eaton
located a sealed envelope in his Investigations tr~ilbox. The
return address listed on the gray paper envelope was Priority
Investigations, Inc" 553 Main Street, Stroudsburg, PA, 18360, The
envelope bore certified mail crackins number Z sas 611 599, The
postage paid sticker from the United StateS postal service affixed
to the envelope in the upper right hand corner showed that the item
had been mailed on May 18, 1999, at a cost of $4.74. Said envelope
was addressed to Detective Duane Eaton, Arvada Police Department,
8101 Ralston Road, Arvada, CO, 80002.

The lower left hand corner was stamped in red ink. llReturn
Receipt Requested, 11

Investigator Eaton unsealed the package and located a cover

letter from R. Michael Martin of Priority Investigations, Inc.
said letter was dated May 14, 1999 and was addressed to Detective
Duane Eaton. The lectet was in refexance Matt Malty polygraph and
James Brunetti polygraph. The letter reads, "Enclosed herewith
please find copies of all charts in cor~ection with the polygraph
examinations conducted by myself on May 3. 1999, in connection with
the Columbine High School incident. " The next paragraph of the
letter reads, II Each examination lasted 90 minutes and included (1;
acquaintance test (2) specific you phase exam IS) exploratory exam.
A lise of specific questions is attached hereto. 1 The third
paragraph of the letter reads, "I am an associate member of the
American polygraph Association and completed training at the Mew
York School of Lie Oe-tection in 1984 {certified in 1985). Since
this time I have condue~ed approximately 5.000 polygraph exams of
all types, 'I Said letter is signed by R. Michael Martin.
Also inside che envelope were stapled packets of paper
including questions asked and the polygraph charts for both James
Brunetti and Matt Nalty. Investigator Eaton is not a polygrapher
and is not familiar with the scoring of polygraph exams.
Therefore. Investigator Eaton did not do an in depth examination of
the material mailed by Martin to Investigator Eaton. On Tuesday,
May 25, Investigator Eaton turned the entire package from Martin
over to Detective vonderohe for his review and scoring in order to
verify Martin's results. Detective vonderohe adVised that he will

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Arvada Police Department 06/0l/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type Status RTF
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DET95 06/01/1999 052799/EATON/KK

also be submitting a report at the end of his review.

JC- 001-008861
PIRNARR Arvada police/cour~ Sya~am Page
Arva~a Police Department 05/12/195

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1333 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Statu" RTF
Loca~ion 5201 S PIERCE ST

DET61 05/12/1999 051139/EATON/KK

JCSD 99-7625
CONTROL #1049, #1050 and #1107

Through interviews with subjects Matthew Akard, James Brunetti

and Matthew Nalty, Investigator Eaton was aware that the three
s~bjects were to be on the Sally Jesse Raphael Show at
approximately 1300 hours on April 30, 1999. Investigator Eaton had
been made aware by Nalty that he and the other twO s~jects had
taped the snow on Tuesday, Apr~l 27, 179~J while in New York City
at Sally Jesse Raphael's studios. Nalty adVised Investigator Eaton
that they had been asked to be on sally Jesse Raphael's show due to
the fact that they had made national news when arrested in Clement
Park near Columbine High School on Tuesday, April 20, 1999.

lnvestigaeor Eaton had done several interviews with the three

subjects and had an interest in viewing this show in order eo
determine if they made any statements contradictory to the
statements made to police.
tederal Eureau of Investigation Special Agent Gary Gomez
recorded the show at the FaI Offices at the request of Investigator
Eaton and turned the VHS tape of the show over to Investigator
Eaton on April ~Of 1999 at approximately lSOO hours.
Investigato~· Eaton has reviewed the tape of the entire Sally
Jesse Raphael Show from Friday, April 30, 1999 on several
occasions. Investigator Eaton paid particular attention to the
interviews with Akard. Br~etti and Nalty. It should be noted that
the first person ineerviewed on the show this date was Columbine
High School student Brian Anderson. Following Anderson were Akard,
Brunetti and Nalty. Following the three sUbjects 0: Investigator
Eaton's interest was anothe~ Columbine High School student JO~~
Ungerland. The final guests on the show this date were a male and
female who dressed in gothic type clothing and discussed the gothic
movement in the Denver, Colorado area.
Akard, Brunetti and Naley discussed what had taken place on
Tuesday, April 20, 1999. All three discussed their reasonS for
going to the area of Columbine High School and their
arre~tJdetention which followed and theit Contact with the police,
Investigator Eaton noted that there were no stacements made by the
three which were contradictory to the statements made to police.
The three discussed their reason for going to the area of columbine
High School and their reasons for dressing the way they did, It
should be noted that the three were dressed in some of their Rpunk~
style clothing worn the date ef their arrest and worn on the Sally
Jesse Raphael Show.

Investigator Eaton will turn over the video cas.aete copy of

the April 30, 1999 Sally Jesse Raphael Shew over to the Jefferson
County Sheriff's Office detectives in charge of this investi9ation.

JC· 001·008862
PIRNARR Arvada Police/court System Page 1
Arvada Police Department OS/25/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

Type A55TOA Status RiF
Location 620~ S ~IERCE ~
DET86 OS/25/1999 052499~


Control #3575

On May 18, 1999, Investigator Duane Eaton of the Arvada Police

Department was assigned investisative lead bearing control #3575.
The source of the information listed on the information control was
Jake Cram, a Columblne High School student, with a phone number of
303-973-9~07. The information on the information control sheet was
taken by Investigator Gallagher of the Jefferson County District
Attorney's Office. The narrative portion of the information
control sheet advised that Cram stated that fellow student Kelly
Dixon told him about after prom posters posted in the school which
had been altered by unknown persons 'the posters stated, "It's
coming 4/17/99 '. This was in reference to the after prom party
unknown persons crossed out 4/17/39 and wxote in 4/20/99. This
supposedly happened on several different occasions and that
students had to replace the posters ~ith new ones. Investigator
Eaton was assigned the task of locating and interviewing Kelly
Dixon about any information she may have had about this occurrence,

In checking the school computers, :nvestigator Eaton learned

that the student being referred to was Kelly M. Dickson (dob:
04/05/81) with an address of 5388 So Garrison Street, Littleton,
CO, Tel, 93,-3621.

On May la, 1999 at approximate~y 1330 hours, Investigator

£aton was able to make contact with Jefferson County Sheriff's
Department evidence technician Chris Andrist, Investigator Ea~on
asked Andrist if he or any of his othe~ evidence technicians had
Q~served or located any posters matching that previously described
by Investlgator Eaton. Andrist advised Investigator Eaton that he
had not located any such posters but would check the school in an
attempt to locate chem. it should be noted that on Monday, May 24,
1993 Investigator Eaton received a message from Andrist. Andrist
advised he had not located any such posters inside Columbine High

On May 21, 1999 at approx~ma~ely 1105 hours, Investigator

Eaton was able to make contact with Dickson, Investigator Eaton
advised Dickson that he wished to speak with her about the after
prom party po~ters and Dickson agreed to an interview.
Investigator Eaton conducted said interview telephonically

Dickson advised Investigator Eaton she is a senior at

Columbine High School and is on the student sena~e. She advised
that the juniors are in charge of planning the prom and after prom
party Dickson advised that juniors had placed posters throu9hcuC
the school on small pieces of papers as teaserS in an attempc to
get persons interested in the after prom party. She advised the
pesters read, "It'S coming 4/17/99.'~ She advised the date referred

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Arvada Police Department OS/25/1~~9

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTCA Status RIP
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET86 OS/25/1999 052499/EATON!MO

to the date of the after p~om party. She advised the cryptic
message was to be subliminal In order co attract students,
Dickson advised Investigator Ea~on she learned that on at least one
occasion someone rAd crossed out the lion the small posters and
put a number 20 in its place. Dickson advised Eaton ahe never saw
an altered poster personally but had only heard rumors through the
student senate this had occur~ed. Dickson advised Investigator
Eaton he should attempt contact with Seth Klepper. Dickson advised
that Klepper is a junior at Columbine High School and is on the
student senate and would have been one of the persons hanging
On Monday, May 24, 1999 at approximately 0930 hours,
Investigator Eaton was able to make :elephona contact with Beth
Klepper (dob: 05/20/82) wich an adciress of 5835 W, Plymouth Driver
Littleton, CO 80l28, Tel. 979~3627. InvestiGator Eaton advised
Klepper for the reason of his call and requested that she speak
with Investigator Eaton about the af:er prom party posters.
Klepper agreed to an interview with :nvestigatcr Eaton.

Klepper advised Investigator Eaton the posters in question

had been put up throughout the schoel wich very little informacion
upon them as a subliminal message to remind students of the prom
and after prom party. She advised Investigator Eaton the first
posters she and others placed up were placed approximately three
weeks before the prom. She advised the first posters had written
upon them. ":04/17/99 II She advised that none of. those had been
altered. Klepper advised that a9prox~ma~ely one week before the
prom she and ot.hers began hanging s::.milar posters which read, IIIt's
coming 4/17/99." Klepper advised on at least ewe co three
oc~a5ions she obse~ted some of these posters altered. She advised
she found them wieh the new dace of 4/20/99 written beneath the
previous date Klepper advised ~hese posters were taken down and
thrown away or just changed back to the original dace and left
where they were.

Klepper advised Investigator Eaton she had no ideas as to who

may have changed the posters, Klepper advised Investigator Eaton
she had not heard from any o~he= students that any of them had
knowledge as to who altered the posters. Klepper advised
Investigator Eaton that though chey discussed the altered posters
in student senate nobody in student senate had knowledge as to who
altered the poscers K:epper d~d advise InVestigator Eaton she
believes there may be one of the poseers still left in Mr.
Manuello's class She advised Mr, Manuello teaches physics and she
believes she observed one of those posters in his room.
Investigator Eaton asked Klepper if she was acquainted with or
ever socialized with Dylan Klebold or Eric Harris. Klepper advised
Investigator Eaton she did not know either Dylan Klebold nor Eric
Harris, She advised she was net acq~ainted with them in anyway.

PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System page '3
Arvada Folice Department OS/25/1999

Ref n 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Location 620~ S PIERCE ST

DETSS OS/25/1999 052499/EATON/MO

Investigator Eaton asked Klepper to describe to him where she

had been dur~ng Sth hour when the problems started on April 20,
1999. Klepper advised Investigator Eaton she had Chemistry for 5th
period which begins at approximately 1115 hours_ She advised that
Mr. Crans is the teacher of the class. Klepper advised
Investigator Eaton she arrived at class a little bit late due to
che fact she had been in the cafeteria talking to friends and due
to the fact that Mr Crans never started class on time. Klepper
advised she believed ahe arrived at clasa at approximately 1116 to
ll17 hours.

Klepper advised that 4th hour is her lunch. Klepper advised

she left the school for her 4thhour and went to the Southwest
Plaza. Klepper advised when she sot back to ColUmbine Hi9h School
she entered the school via the cafeteria area She advised she sat
in the cafeteria for approx~mately five minutes talking with
friends, Klepper advised she did not observe anything suspicious
or out of the ordinary taking place inside the cafeteria. Klepper
also advised Investigator Eaton she did not observe any strange
packages, backpacks or duffle bags.

Klepper advised Lnvescigator Eaten that after leaving the

cafeteria ahe went to her Chemistry class. Klepper advised she
could net recall what room her chemistry class was but that the
teacher was Mr. Crans. She advised that approximately five minutes
after the class had started she heard people running down the
hallway and screaming Klepper advised one of the students in her
class stood up and locked out the window in the door to see what
was taking place but Mr. Crans had her sit back down. Klepper
advised that shortly thereafter students from the next door
classroom, Mr. Manuello's classroom, began running inco her
classroom via an offic~ area divldi~g the classrooms. Klepper
advised rnvestigator Eaton that the look on the students' faces
made her reali~e there was a problem.

Klepper advised !nveatlgator Eaton that before Mr. Manuello's

students ran into her classroom she heard the fire alarm activate.
She advised that as che students were running into her classroom
she heard a very loud explosion Klepper advised Investigator
Eaton she believed the explosion may have come from one of the
chemis~ry classrocms She advised t~e explosion sounded close.
She advised she does not recall if it shOOk the walls or floor but
other studencs said it did KlepFer advised at this point Mr.
Crans had her and the other st~dent$ e~iC the classroom and
evacuate the school She advised she and other students exited
down a hallway, through the Tech Lab and from there out of the
school near the band area and into Clement Park.

Klepper advised Investigator Eaton when she was outs~da she

met up w~th a friend who had his vehicle parked in Clement Park.
She advised after a short time she and some other friends left the
Clement Park area and went to a friend's house in an attempt to

JC· 001-008865
Arvada Police/Court System Page 4
Arvada Police Oepartment OS/25/1939

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
OET86 OS/25/1999 OS2499/EATON/MO

contact their parents.

Klepper advised Investigator Eaton she did not see any
suspects wich firea~ms or explosives nor did she observe any of the
exploa~ons tak~ng place inside the school. Klepper advised
lnvestigator Eaten she had no other information about che incident
on April 20, 1999.
Investigator Eaton ended the interview with Klepper at
approximately 0950 hours.

JC, 001- 008866

PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 1
Arvada Police Department OS/20/1999

Ref n 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status :R.TF
Location 6201 S ~IERC~~
DET77 05/19/1999 OSle99~~

JCSD 99-7625

On May 12, 1999 Investigator Duane Eaton of the Arvada Police

Department was assigned investigative lead #3474. The source
listed on the information control sheet was Cheryl (last name
unknown). Cheryl was listed as a citi~en with a refused telephone
number The narrative portion of the information control sheet
prepared by Sergeant Ken Ester of the Jefferson County Sheriff's
Office advised that the source claimed to be an ex-employee of
Laredo's, a bar in Arvada, Colorado, which burned dow~ in October
of 1998. The narracive listed that arson was suspected and that
Detective Mark Greubel of the ArJada Police Department was assigned
the case. The SQurce aavised tha~ she had observed a news story
about a search warrant being executed at Video City in Lakewood and
was aware that one of the employees a~ Video City, ~ (last name
ua~nownl had been a suspect in the arson at Laredo's The source
advised that she had been interviewed by Detective Greubel in
reference the arson and had become aware through third hand
information thac ~ was under investigation for making bombs and
arson. The source advised ~hat since Barris and Klebold have
connections to Video City, she feels that I may be involved
with them in making bo~b$. The sQurce also advised that she had
been threatened by friends o f ' " t.qhen it was learned that she
had been talking to the police abOUt the arson investigation and
she was therefore reluctant to provide information to the police.

On Monday, May 17, 1999 at approximately 1700 hours,

Investigator Eaton met with Detective Greubel at the Arvada Police
Department. Investigator Eaton briefed Detective Greubel on the
information included in this investigative lead. Detective Greubel
advised Investigator Eaton that he believed he had knowledge as co
who Cher/l and James both were. Investigator Eaton will not be
liscing Cheryl's full name in thkS report, due to the fact that she
had called in anon}~oualy. Detective Greubel adVised that he
believed would be _ E (DOB OS/26/SSl ,
Detective Greubel advised th~r~n9 his investigation of the
arson at the Laredo Bar and Grill, he became aware that . . . . .
~ h a d in fact manufactured explosive devices. Detective
~ turned over a phocograph of one of the explosive devices.
Said photograph will be included with this report. The explosive
device depicted in the photograph appears to be a cardboard paper
tube of some type with the ends capped and a green and white fuse
extending from the cardboard tube. Said device appears to be
similar to fireworks type explosive devices known as M or K80's

large firecrackers, Investigator Eaton believes that this ,device

does not match any of those explosive devices used by suspects Eric
Harris and Oylan Klebold in the homicides at ColUmbine High Schoel,

JC- 001-008867
Arvada Pol~cejCourt System page 2
Arvada Police Department OS/20/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Dace 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET77 05/19/1999 a51899/EATON/&~

On Tuesday, May 18, 1999 at approximately 1050 hours,

Investigator Eaton became aware that Jefferson County Sheriff's
Office Detec~ive aohn Healey had assisted in executing the search
warrant at Video City at 11098 West Jewell Avenue, Lakewood,
Colorado! during the previous week. Investigator Eaton was made
aware that Healey had seized a schedule and phone list of employees
at said Video City. Investigator Eaton made personal contact with
Jefferson county Sheriff's Office Sergeant Randy West and requested
a eopy of that sChedule in order to determine if did in
fact work at the Video City in question. Randy West advised
Investigator Eaton that he would locaee a copy of said schedule and
for~ard it to Investigator EatOn. Later this same date
Investigator Eaton received a copy of the Kipling and Jewell Video
City weekly schedule for the week of April 19~25. The employees
l~sted on this schedule are Jeff, ShaY, Chuck, Rachel, Justin and
3arb There is no. a or ~ listed on this schedule.
Also given to Investigator Eaton was a copy of ehe video City phOne
list. • ill was not listed on the list of employees at
store #1 or the Jewell Video City. Investigator Eaton located only
one James on the phone l~st and he was listed as an employee at
store #3, br 20th Avenue. Investigator Eaton checked the U S, West
white pages bU$iness section and determined that there was a V~deo
Cicy Store at 2099 Wadsworth Boulevard. The~e was no last name
l~sted for . . . . . on this phone list but the home telephone number
was listed as,- I Investigator Eaton checked the Arvada
Police Department's Records Managemenc System and learned ~hat

• last known heme telephone numbe= wa~ ~n
Each t This led Investigator Eaton to believe that
ax an
d ; G "" "A' d, Wh~ t·
_ In ~ifa a, 0 ora 0, was ~n ac
ad suspect. in /h~ a~son
t e _
ale L~redo~,
kste as
employee at Video City at 20th and Wadsworth.
On this date at approximately 1120 hours, Investigator Eaton
was able to make telephone contact with bat the Video City
store at 2099 Wadsworth Boulevard, Lakewood, Colorado.
Investigator Eacon idencified himself to and advised that
he wished to speak with him about the explosives he had made in the
past and how thac possibly related to the Columbine High School
homicides. 9 __ agreed to an interview with Investigator Eaton
over the telephone.
Investigator ~aton asked • to confirm which Video City
store he worked for. 7 advised Investigator Eaton that he
worked for Video City at 20th and Wadsworth in Lakewood I Colorado.
Investigator Eatoo asked if he had ever worked at any of
the other stores and advised Investigator Eaton that he had
worked once at one of the other Video C~ty Stores. advised
Investigator Eaton that on one occasion during 1998, he had worked
at the Video City store located in the area of West Alameda and
Sheridan Boulevard in Lakewood, Colorado.
Investigator Eaton asked . . . . . .ltif he was acquainted with or

JC· 001-008868
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 3
Arvada Police Department OS/20/1999

Ref # 99-120.7 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39:32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET77 05/19/1999 OSlB9S/EATON/KK

socialized with Eric Ha~ris, Dylan Klebold Qr ~~II~II~~

....I....~advised Investigator Eaton that he did not know nor was he
acquainted with any of the three subjects named by Investigator
Bacon, Investigator Eaten asked an QI if he had ever caught
persons from Columbine High School and mora specifically Eric
Harris, Dylan Klebol~and/or their associates, to manufacture
explosive devices. PI advised Investigator Eaton that he
never taught those persons nor anyone else to manufacture explosive

!t should be noted chat asked once again how

Investigator Eaton came to the point of contacting him about~t~hleil~
Columbine High School incident. Inves4igator Eaton advi6ed~
that an anonymous person had called in the information and that
Investigator Eaton was assigned the follow up. Investigator Eaton
advlsed IIIIIIItthat he was not a suspect in the incident at
Columbin~School and was only speaking with him as a witness
in a~ ~_!O confirm or deny the validity of the investigative
lead, . . . . . . . . advised Investigator Eaton that he understood why he
was being inte~iewed.

41 advise~ I~vesti~ator Eaton th~t he had nothing else to

say in reference th~s lnterv~ew and Invest~gator Eaton concluded
the in~e~riew at approximately 1130 hours.

JC- 001-008869
Agcy Afn- Report #~ Reported Date 1011311998 Time 02;46:28
Call Type ARSON Call Disposition RTF
Cav~'?n Weapons Ident _ _ _ _ _
Nan. '-ype f Name . Race l! Eth _ Sex !:!
Date of Birth 0912611958 Age 40/ 40 Height 801/601 Weight 190/190
Hair ~ Eyes ~ Build MED Skin Tone FAR Occupation BARTEND
Place of Birth ~ Residence Status Citizenship _
Role SUBJECT # --Z Alcohol/Drug Use Blood Alcohol Level
Note SiSi~;;;i"A,;i(i;;;'STsij;;;;'Da:U~rs;-================-----';
ADDRESS (Type/Address/Since Data) ($)
*BUSN ~~L /04~19~1997\
:~~~~ _-----------~~~mj1m
,~2_NmbrIIss/E7~/~1·:~~7(;~~E: (TypeINUmber;~~~:!.l~...l.~>I.~/u~!.L~_) --1--
'SOC; _ 1_1_ ·flJJ.§tj1l303) 1Jl209;u./...l.1ll.8Iu9",-S_ _ I_
____I / / *BUSN/(3031 /01106199
Arvada Police/Court Systeml······· __ ·········_······[PRC Public Sector, Inc.]·
n10: PRC-SEC-UPDNA-Insert/Update nct allowed

JC·001-00 8870

~ -~~~~~i
Call Type ARSON
Report #1IE •• ~:-Y;;;;';;-~~~:;;:;;-~;;;:~~ll
Reported Date 19/1S11998 Time 02:45:28
Call Disposition RTF
Cau"?n ~ons
Nan. ;ype f. Name ~
Race Ii Eth _ Sex !:\
Date of Birth 9912511958 Age ~/~ Height §Q1/§Q1 Weight li[/li[
Hair ~ Eyes ~ Build ~ Skin Tone FAR Occupation BARTEND
Plaoe of Birth ~ Residenoe Status Citizenship _
Role SUBJECT # --l Aloohol/Drug Use Blood Alcohol Level
.~ 193/2811999
r'SUSN /
10 N ss exp r ($)] mber/Note) (S)
*IlL- /~/__ 104119197
*§QQ...., 1_ _/__ /09118/98
_I 1 1__ 191106/99

[Arvada Police/Court System]--··-··-············---··IPRC PUblic Seotor, Inc.]·

[nfo: PRC·SEC-UPDNA-Insert/Update not allowed



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JC- 001-008872
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JC· 001·008874
~ada Police/Cou~e SY$tem
Arlada Police Department
~~==~~:=:=~= •• a.==~=~= •• ~:.==.==s.:====w=.w=~=~~~p~:=.~==========;======# ••w====
Reported Date 04/40/~999 Time ~4,39,32
Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Locaeion 62C~ S PIERCS ST
OET11 04/26/1999 042599/GRAINGEa/MO

99-1$25/Jefferson County Sbe~if='s Dept.

On 04/20/99 at approx~mately 1250 hcu=s ! received a call from
Lieutenant Clarene Shelley of the Lakewood Police Department.
~i~ut~nan~ Shelley advised t~at Lieu~enant John Kiekbusch of the
Jefferson County She=iff'$ De~ar~me~t requested the assis~ance of
the Jefferson C~unty Cri~ical !~cide~t 7~am for which I am a
"CoordinatQr." Lieutenant Shelley s::a.ted t!1e purpose of rnobi~izlng
the team was to a$$i$~ the Jef;erson CQUn~y Sherif:'s Oe9ar~ment
wie~ the ~cidenta unfolding ac Colu~i~e High School, 5201 So.
Pie:~e sere~e, Information! had r~ceived regarding the s~:uacicn
a~ Columbi~e Kigh School was shoes ~ad been fired and ther~ wers a
nu~er ot
s~udents and e~ache~5 inj~=ed or dec~a5ed as a rz$ult of
gunshot w~~nd$. ! was =ur~~er acv:sed thac SWA~ t:ams wer~
mobil~zi~9 to make ene~'l in~c ~he scheal. The purpose of the
Jef:e=son COU.~t7 Critical r~cide~c !~am is eo investigate all
officer~invol~ed shoct~ns s~:~ations ~here of~i=9rs had e~;aged in
fi:e w~th ~~cwn s~sgeees a~c c~ncac~ had ce~n made as a res~l~ of
the gunfire.
I subsequenely assembled a team of multi-jurisdic~ional
represen~a~ivas f:om the Jef=erson County Cr~t~cal Incident Team
who =a5pon~ed ~o Clements Park as a resu:t of e~is request. Ae
approximacely l4JO hours an O~/2o/~9 I ~aa advised by Lieutenant
John Kiekbusch the Je~~ersc~ CC~~t1 Cr~~ical !~cident ~eam would be
responding eo Leawood Elemeeea~! School, 6600 e.
Leawood Driver for
the pu~ose of inter/iewing of~:eers whQ had be~n involved in the
incidenc at Columbi~e Sigh School, i responded to Leawood
Elementart Scheol with a team of te~ i~ves~igator$ f=om various
de9ar~men~s Once a: the sc~oo:, ~~e ~~f:erson County Cr~=ical
Incidenc Team members p~esent, disc~ssed how we would procg~d wi~h
the interriews. Due co e~e multiele numbers of SWAT L~d other
of=icers who had been in Columbine Sigh School as a result of the
5i:~ation chere we determi~ecl t~e best course o! action was to
interf~ew only those officers who ~ad ac:~al11 :i~ed their weapons
i~side of t~e school. 1 adviaed t~e membe=s present the only
wea?ons eha: were to be seized as a ~esqlt of t~eir intarriews we~.
f~om of:icers who did net k~ow i~ the shces ~hey had f~r.d we=~ ~n
direc~ contace with suspe~~s"

From approximately 1450 hours to 2030 hours, the ten

investigators from the Jef:erson County Critical Incident Team
interviewed twelve (~2l pc:ice of:icers, These invest~ga~ors and
the individuals they inte~riewed a:e as follows:
1. Detec~ive Jim Vonderohe of the Arlada poliee Department
interifiewed Henri Bloodwor~h with the Denver police Department
SWAT team.

2. Officer Kevin Armstrong wi~h the Wheat Ridge Police Department

interviewed offi~.r Paul Smoker with the Jefferson County
Sheriff's oeparement. During the course of this interview,

JC- 001-008875
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Coure System pall''' 2
Arvada Police Oepa~~mene 04/26/1999

Ref # 99-120.7 R"por~ed Dace 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type i\SS'IOlI Status RTF
Location 6Z0l S PIERCE ST
OtTll 04/25/1999 042S99/GaA!NGER/MC

Officer Armstrong dict secure Office~ Paul Smoker's weapon into

Jef=erson Coun~y Evidence fo~ fureher processing.
~. Invescigacor P.J. Doyle int~r~iewed Sergeant Dan O'Shea l

Denver Police Department SWA~ ta4m.

4. Oetective Steve Holmes with t~e Golden Police Oe~artmenc/West

Metro Orus Task Force in~a~Tiewed Officer Q~eg RomerQ with the
Oenver police Dapar~mene.

$. Oetective Crei9hton Bates with the Lakewood P~lice Depar~men~

inearviewed Officer George Grey ~ith the Denver Police
Depar~ment SWAT team.
~. Investigator SoAn ?icket~ wi:h che ~heat ~idge Police
Oep4r~~ent/west Mee:o Drug Task ?Qre~ i~te~fiewed Officer ~om
O'Neil wte~ t~e Den~er Po:iee nenar~ment SWA~ ~eam. Of=ic~r
O'Neil's weaQon ~as sec~r~d bv C~:ice= John Pickee~ into
Jefferson County evidence ear· furt~er processing.
i. Detecei~a Russ aoat::ighc and Of:icer Brian Thompson with the
Arvad~ Police Oeparemene ineer~iew.d Of:.cer Neil Gardne: with
the Jef~er30n County Sheriff's Department. Oetective
Boatright did se~~re Of:icer Gardner's weapon inco Jefferson
Coun~y Evidence for further proeessin9,

s. !nvest~qator John Lauck wit~ the Jef!erson Count1 District

Attorney's Office inter~iawed o:eicer Don Krammer wi~h the
Lakewood Police De~ar~m.nt.

9. Invest~gator Greg Na~l wi~h the Jef~erson Count, District

Acco~e¥'$ Office in:e~/iewed Deput1 Kevin walker with the
Jefferson Cour~c¥ Sheriff's Depa:t~ent.

10. Investigator P. Vondenkemp wieh the Jefferson county Oistrict

Ac:orney's Of~ice inte~liewed Officer Mark Drajem with t~e
Ce~ve~ Police Oepar~~ent's SWA~ team.

~l. Investigator Steve Holmes with the Wheat Ridge Police

Department/West Metxo Drug Task Force in~erriewed Lieutenanc
Terry Manwaring wieh the Jeffe:scn C~unty Sheriff·s
Department. ~s a res~l~ Qf th~6 i~terview, Investiga~or
Holmes did sec~re Lieueenan: ML~wa:icg'$ weapon in~o J~eferson
County Evide~ce for fureher processins.
Deteeti~e Jim Vonderohe with the Arvada Police Oenartmene
interviewed Officer James Monegnan with che Denver Police
Department SWAT team.
~ll interviews were concluded by 2200 hour. on 04/20/99. The
results of these incerviews would be given to Commander Oebra
Grainger at ~he Arvada Police Oepartment by 04/26/99. lit
JC- 001-008876
Arvada Polioe/Court System Page 3
Arvada Polioe Department 04/26/1999
.a¥=~~=.'•• ~~~3=~=.~~~S=;=~ •• •••• •••• •••••••
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Reported Oate 04/20/1999 Time 12:39,32

T"/pe ASS'I'Ol\ stat". RTF
~oQation 5.01 S PI~Ci ST
DET11 04/.6/1999 042S'9/GRl\1NG~/MO

approximately 1930 hour. Criminalist Vicky Spelman with the

Jefferson Councy Sheriff'a Departmenc aZTived on scane at Leawood
Blementa~f School to take possession of the four weapons that had
been secured. Those weapons were packaged by deputies with ehe
Jef~er.on County Sheriff's Department whose name appear on those
pieces of evidence. Criminalist Spelman did remove the weapons
from Leawood Elementary School.

JC- 001-008877

JC- 001-008878
Arvada Police/court System Pag" 1
Arvada Police pepa~tmene 04/26/1999

R"f # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Statu. RTF
Location $201 S PIERCE ST

OET3 04/21/1999 042199/MARSKALL/KK/7706

JCSO 99-7625
On April 20 r 1999 at approximately 12:30 p.m. ! was contacted
by Sergeant Hutc~craft and ins~ructed to attend a briefing in
Commander Grainger's office, Myself and Detective Bryant were
assigned to respond to University Hospital located at 4400 East 9th
Street in Denver, where a victim of the shooting at Columbine High
School had been transporeeo.
upon arrival, myself and Detective Bryant learned the victim!
who had tentatively been identified as Mark Taylor (17 years old),
was currently in the radiology department, It was anticipated he
would be taken directly to Burgeri as he had suffered at least two
gunshot wounds and his condition was critical.
I subsequently contacted Officer C. Evenson (#98-9;, a
Colorado University police officer, who advised he had collected
the victim'S clothing upon his arrival, He turned over a brown
paper bag which contained three items, the victim's pants, shirt
and boxer shorts.
Detective Bryant and myself spoke briefly with Dr, Paul
Bender, che emergency room physician who treated the victim upon
his arrival. Dr. Bender stated the victim had what appeared to be
an entry wound under his left arm. The bullet traveled across his
thoracic chest and exited the right side of his body. He stated
the vlctim also has a wound on the inside of his right upper arm
and that injury could very well have been caused by the same
bullet. Dr, Bende~ advised that the victim also had a bullet wound
in his upper l$f~ thigh which appeared to have exited his left
buttock, The doctor advised ~-rays of the victimls body did not
reveal any foreign bodies. He also advised the victim's arm had
not been x-rayed as yet and did not rule out the possibility a
fragment may be found in hi. right arm.
At 1~S2 p.m. ! repackaged the clothing items seized from the
victim and placed each item into a separace paper bag, The three
i~emg consisted of a pair of blue pants, size 36 x 32, with
"Dickies" name brand, a pair of red boxer shorts, size XLI with
uTulex ll name brand and a gt'ay short sleeve shirt, size L, with uTOp
Dawg" name brand, These items wet'e locked in the trunk of Arvada
Police Department unit C148 until they wer$ removed at the Arvada
Police Department hy myself,
Prior to leaving the hospital, Detective Bryant and Denver
police Department Oetective Shultz #85007 interviewed the victirn $l

mother and two ocher persons who had responded to university

Hospital. (See Detective Bryant's report.} Myself and Detective
Bryant cleared University Hospital at 5:54 p,m. Detective·Shultz
remained in order to interview the victim, who wag still in surgery
when we left.

JC- 001-008879
~ada Police/Court System Page 2
Arvada Police Department 04/26/l999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA St.atus RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

DET3 04/21/1999 042199/MARSEALL/KK/7706

Upon returning to the Ar\iada Police Department, I removed t.he

bloody clothing, placing the items in the laboratory. I marked
each item with my initials and i~entification number. They were
left in the secured lab overnight to dry.
On April 21, 1~99 at 10:00 a.m. r photographed the items and
re~ackaged che, initialing ehe eeals on each bag.
No further action was taken by this officer.

JC. 001.008880
Arvada Police Department Priority 1 2 3 4 nI a Property Intake Report
....r-e... ca"'07¥ l,.Ztl j '1'9 Ti. ., /.:J.fa?.J.4 . CIt, 7"7'- J1~"7
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Arvada Police Department Priority 1 Z 3 4 1lIa Property Intake Report

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JC- 001-008882

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Arvada Police Department Priority 1 Z 3 4 lila Property Intake Report
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JC- 001-008883
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JC· 001-008884
Police/Court System Page 1
Police Department 04/27/H99

Ref It 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20{1999 Time 12,39,32

Type J\SS1:0A Status itT!'
Location 6201 S PIERCE 51:
DET14 04{27/1999 042399/NELSON/SH

Refer to Jefferson county Sheriff's Deparement, Case #99-7625.

On 04/20{99, IO along with Ofc, Gaet~~o were assigned by Cmdr,
Grainger to respond to St. Anchony's Central Hospital to assiit
Jefferson County Sheriff's Oepartment in the shooting incident that
occurred at columbine High S~hool. 10 and Ofe. Gaetano's
assignment was to make contact with the victims, obtain ~~y
evidentiary item~, as well as statements from the victims, if
poaai~le. Upon our arrival (approximately 1:30 p.m.) at the
hospital, we met with uniformed Denver Police Ofc. D. A. Awe, #92-
74, He advised that he had been standins by ana that there were
two patients that had come into the hospital, due to gunshot wounds
from the Columbine gigh School incident. We then met w~th Dr.
DUry, seaff emergency Physician at St. Anthony'S Central, along
with a Dr, Winston Tripp, also of the Emergency Room, St. Anthony's
Hospital, At thiS time, it was learned that two subjects had come
in, one identified as Kacey Ruegsegger, a white, 17 year old
female, DOB, 03{29/S2, patient I.D. iOOl56022S. Dr. Dury advised
that she was going for an arterial g~am tea~ing and that she was
suffering from two gunshot wounds. He described one as to the
right shoulder and the other as a more minor injury in the right
hand. It was his belief thac the wound in the righc shoulder was
caused by a large caliber or hig~ velocity weapon. Re stated his
opinion of her condition was that she waS not critical and would be
classif~ed as serious condition. We then spoke with Or. Tripp, who
was caring for a paciene idencified as Michael Johnson, DOB:
unknown, white male S~lect patient 1.0. ItOQl.50226. Pro Tripp
advised that he had six gunshot: wounds. They consisted of two in
the neck, one being in the right cheek, the other in the neck. He
believed these to be possibly caused by shrapnel of some sort and
he had two holes in the left upper thigh and was suffering from
paralysis of the leg at this cime. He also had one minor injury in
the hand, as well as one in ehe upper right ar.M on the backside of
the arm, which appeared to be a through and ehrou9h wound, Subject
Johnson was in the process of being transferred to the operating
suite wichin the hospital for surgery, relative eo the wounds,
In the intervening time period', Oet. Wilhelm, I.O. #l437, from
Lakewood poliee Oepartment arrived at the emergency room and
offered to assist with the processing of ehe patienes, Based upon
the informat~on provided to us by the charge nurse in the emergency
room at St. Anthony's Central Hospital, it was believed at this
time that they would be receiving approximately two to three
critical care patients. as well as an unknown number of lesser
injury patients at their facility.
At approximately 2:00 p.m., IO received the clothing from ~ane
Cole, emergency room R.N., for victim, Mike Johnson. Due to the
doctors attending to Mike Johnson, no attempt at this time was made
to interview or talk with him relative to the incident. Upon
receipt of the clothing, IO took the two grocery bage that all hi.
clothing items had been placed 1ntoj along wieh the copy of the

JC- 001-0088 85
FIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 2
Arvada Police Department 04/211J.999

ll.ef # 99-12067 RepOrted Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S FIERCE ST
DET14 04/27/1999 Q42399/NELSON/9R

form from St. Anthony emergency room that: I had signed to receive
the clothing and placed it within the trunk of my police vehicle,
wh~ch was identified as Unit #C155. The trunk was locked and the
clothing left in there at this point. It should be noted at this
time that Nurse Cole advieea 10 that there was a wallet within the
bags and was laying on top and ehe had examined ehe content a and
found it contained no currency.
SutHaequently, we were advised by the charge nurse that
there was a patient who was being transferred to St. Anthony'S
Central by helicopter from the Littleton Hospital, due to a gunshot
wounct to the right leg. This patient was transferrect for the
purpose of doing an arterial gram relative to the vessels in the
leg to determine the extent of the injUry, as the Littlecon
facility was not capable of conducting this testing. This subject
arrived and was identified as Makai Hall, also a white male, no
further description at this time, patient t.D. # 001.60291. The
subject was brought into the emergency room and prepared to go to
the lab for the testing as preViously mentioned. At this time, I
asked medical personnel if there was any clothing that had been
transferred with him and they advised that they did not believe any
had been transported.

A fourth victim was ultimately brou9h~ to St. Anthony's

emergency room. He waS accompanied by Dee. Joel Humphrey, Denver
Police Department, Intel Bureau. He arrived via ambulance, Oet,
Humphrey had already obeained his clothing, as well as a statement
from him. This subject was suffering from several gunshot wounds,
most notable being one to the head, the arm and the fooe. At ~his
time, he was unable to move his right side and was described as
being very slow in his mentation. D~t. Humphrey advised to that
th ct was Pa DOB, 05/12/81, and he resided
a~ This subject was attended to

At this timet we were informed by the hospital, they didntt

know when or if they would get any additional patients, that they
were still uncertain whether any more were coming. Based upon the
fact that there were four viceims in the hospital and four
officers, which consisted of IO, Ofc. Gaetano, Det. Wilhelm f~om
Lakewood, and Det. Humphrey from Denver, we agreed to split the
patients up with the responsibility as follOWS. Ofc, Gaatano was
responsible for patient, Kacey Ruegsegger; Det. Wilhelm was
responsible for patient, Michael Johnson; Dec. Humphrey was
responsible for patient, Patrick Ireland; and 10 would be
responsible for Makai gall. F~r any additional information
relative to the other patients, please see the reports generated by
the officers,
Based upon the above mentioned division of responsibilities at
approximately 1600 hours, the clothing that IO had locked in the
trunk of Unit #C255 for patient. Michael J~hnson was eranster4ed to

Arvada Police/Court System page 3
Arvada Police Department 04/:!7/1999

Ref # 99-120.7 Reported Date O~/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET14 04/27/1999 042399/NELSON/SH

Det. Wilhelm of the Lakewood Police DepaLtment. Again, it should

be noted that this clothing had not been inventoried at this poine,
that there were two large grooery bags and Det, Wilhelm will follow
up with the responsibility for those items,
IO then contacted Makai Hall in the emergeney room, as he had
been returned from the lab testing: as previously mentioned in this
~eport. It should be noted that Hall was somewhat 9~o99Yt but
appeared throughout the cours~ of my interview to be very cognizant
of his surroundings and quiee responsive to the questions that r
had posed to him, however, if there was a lapse in ~onversation
while I made notes! he quite readily appeared to doze off, due eo
the pain medication that had been administered.

Makai Hall'S statement was; I begin the inte~iew by asking

him to tell me where he was and what he recalled of the sequence of
events and who was with him, and what had happened. Makai told
your to that he was in the library at Columbine High School with
friends, whom he identified as Pat Ireland, Daniel Stepleecn, Cory
OePooter, and Austin Eubanks. He went on to say that to the best
of his knowledge, both Austin and Dan had been shot in the knee and
hi9 f~iend, Pat, had been shce in ~he head. He was uncertain as to
what Pat's condition was or where he wa~. At this time, he told IO
that he knew who shot him and went on to say thae it was Oylan, who
he believed was a senior at Columbine H1gh School, but he possibly
may have dropped out. He went on to advise that last year, meaning
the prior school year, he had taken a French class and that he and
Dylan had been partners in that cla.s. He said that Dylan shot him
with a shotgun. Nhen aSked how he knew wno had shot him, he
recognized him as he had seen h1$ face. He went on eo describe him
as wearing a lon9! black trench coat and a dark baseball cap, which
he wore with the hill over the back of his neck. He said he
thought at this time he recognized the voice of the other subject
ana he was sure he was acquainted with him, but he could not put a
name with it. !n response to how many persons had been doing
shooting, he advised thae he had only se~n two people l one again,
was Dylan and the other one, which he said he was sure he knew the
subject from school, but he could not place a name on him.
In response to my question regarding known associates of Dylan
or persons in the ~Trench Coat Mafia," he replied that Oylan had a
very close friend by the name of Zack and he was uneercain on the
last name, bue thought ic was Taylor. Moving back to his seaeement
that Oylan had shot him with a shocgun, I made inquiry as to his
familiarity with firearms and why he was certain it was a shotgun.
He said that he was reasonably familiar with firearms as he had
been both big game hunting and bird hunting with his fsther on
previous occasions and did know the difference between a rifle and
a shotgun. He sai~ he was certain that the gun ehat Dylan shot him
with was a shotgun.
I then asked him to explain how the situation had presented

JC- 001-008887
PIRNARR Arvada Police/Court System P"ge 4
Arvada Police Department <

RepOrted nate 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET14 04/27/1999 042399/NE~SON/SH

itself to him, He saiq he was not aware of anything/ other than

that there was some loud explosions or bangs and, at this time, a
ar~ teacher by the name of M~s" Neilson came into the library and
told the ~tudents to get down. Shortly thereafter/ the two
subjects he previously ideneified as nylan and the unknown .econd
person, came into the library and began shooting there. Makai then
told 10 and repeated the fact that subject, Dylan, had a shotgun
and he also had, what he described as a hand held assault gun
similar to an Uzi, which he believed was possibly fUlly automatic,
but he wasn't certain. He said Oylan began firing with the hand
held assault gun and fired off several rounds in a very rapid
fashion. ! again queried him relative to semi-automatic versus
automatic. He said he couldn't be certain, Due he felt that the
rounds were so fast that it made him believ~ it was a auto handgun.
He went on to state that at this time, he then fired the shoe gun at
himself and the othe4S previously mentioned as being with him,
they were hiding unae~ a eable in the library, He said he then
knew ~hat he had been hit in the leSt as well as Patrick had been
hit as we.ll.

At chi. time, he said Oylan proceeded to throw a bomb down

next to them, where they lay on the floor. I asked him to describe
this bomb and he said he believed it was a homemade type bomb with
a wick in the end, which he lit. He described it as being
app~oximately 3/4 inch in diameter ana wrapped with duct tape. He
then reiterated that Dylan had shot them previously with the
shotgun and than threw a bomb next to them. Mal<ai qrabbed the bomb
and threw it acrosS the library, he estimated some 20 to 30 feet,
at which time it exploded, making a very loud noise. I then asked
him for some additional background material that he might have on
the subject. Oylan. He said that he had shared the French class
with him during the last school year and that during that time,
Dylan had spoken to him about how he made pipe bombs at home. He
went on to say that he had a very bad temper and couldn'e control
it. He further stated that he had an extreme dislike for the
French teacher and constantly made comments that were either
derogatory or critical of her.
At the conclusion of the interview with Makai gall, !O
obtained specific information on the subject, including full name,
address, date of birth, etc., etc. IO also obtained a Medical
Consent to Release information from David W. Hall, who is
identified as the father of Makai Hall. This release authorizes
Axvada Police Depa~tment ana Jefferson County Sheriffls Department
or 4n¥ other law enforcement agency to obtain medical records
pertinent to this incident from St. Anthony's Central Hospital, as
well as Littleton Kospita~, where the Subject was first
At this time, subject Makai Hall w"s be~omin9 quite drowsy and
was haVing difficulty in remaining aw~ke and the inte~iew was
terminated while he awaited his turn in surgery.

JC- 001-008888
Arvada Police/Court System l?age 5
Arvada Police Department 04/27/1999

Ref ~ 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type Sta.tus RTF
Location 5201 S PIERCE ST

OET14 04/27/1999 042399!NELSON!SH

While waiting outside the surgical suite, IO was contacted by

medical personnel and asked who was going to receive the bullet
that the doctor was going to rem~ from the leg of Makai Hall. 10
informed him that I was there for that purpose. At this time, I
was issued surgical sown, cap, boots, and mask and escorted into
the surgery sUite. The subjece was being operated on at ~hie eime
DY Or. Cbarles Rowland. IO watched him as he proDed the wound with
an orthoscope and removed the projectile, giving it to the scrub
assistant who cleaned it up, then placed it in a plastic container
and handed it to me. My examination at this point was visual and
it wQula appea~ that it was a lead projectile and was spherical in
snape and would be compazab Le with the "00'· buck size. 10 then
asked Dr. aowland about the other projeceile ehae was showing in
the x-rays that were hanging on the wall, He advised that
projectile was imbedded in the bone and that he would not be
removing it as there was no medical necessity to do so and Hall
would be better off to have it left there, .mDedded in the Done.
After exiting the surgical suite and removing the surgical
clothing, IO and Ofo. Gaetano returned to the Arvada Police
Department, where ehe clothing that she had obtained from victim t
Kacey Ruegsesger, was spread Qut to dry in the lab. IO also
prepared the property sheets for the items, as well as the one
projectile preViously mentioned in my report, which was removed
from Makai Hall. It should be noted here that during the course of
my interview Makai Hall, I made further inquiry of him relative to
items of clothing that he was wearing. He advised that they bad
been removed at the Littleton KO$pital and he had no idea where his
clothing was.
Eased upon a prior phone conversation that 10 had with Sgt,
Hutchcraft, IO as well as Ofe. Gaetano were advised that once we
had ~etu~ned to headquarters and completed the paperwork relative
to the evidence we could secure for the day, and we should respond
at the usual B:OO a.m. the next morning,
At approximately 0815 hours on 04/21/99, 10 responded to the
Arvada Police Department Lab and assisted Ofc. Gaetano and Lab
Technician Graham in the packasing of the evidence previously
referred to here. IO prepared a small cardboard box and
appropriate labels and exterior packaging for the projectile that
had been removed from Makai Hall.
At approximately 1100 hours. IO was contaeted by Sgt.
Hutchcraft and asked to respond to St. Anthony's Central for a re-
interview of Makai Hall. I was informed that there had been
speculation that a potential third or fourth subject might have
been involved in ~he shooting and asked to explore that area
further w ~ l . :IO was also direct.ed eo inquire a.hout

JC. 001-008889
PIllNAAA Arvada Police/Court System Page ;;
Arv.da Police Department 04/27/1999

Reported Date 04/20{1999 Time 12:39,32

Type ASSTOA Status R'rl'
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
OE'r14 04/21/1999 042399{NELSON/SH

On 04/21/99, IO responded to St. Anthony's Central to re-

interview Makai Hall. It was determined that subject, Hall, was in
room 4J5 west, in the St. Anthony's Central Hospital. IO went to
the room and mee with the subject( Hall. as well as other me~ers
of his family. I asked him if he felt like he oould talk to me
some more, at this time. He responded yes, that he COUld. I did
a brief review of the facts as he had previously given me on the
day prior and in clarification, h~ advised that while in the
liDrary, the suDjects, Cory DePooter and Austin EuDanks, had moved
from his location to another area in the liDrary prior to the
shooting,. He was uncertain specifically as where they were when
the shooting began in the library. Sieting with him at this eime,
specifically, was Pat !reland, Dan Stepleeon, as well as an unknown
Aaian girl. Makai confirmed his statement of the prior days, in
ehat he said there were only ~wo shooters to the best of hi$
knowledge, one being Dylan and he advised chac the las, name ne had
9iven me yesterday, whicn he believed to be McDermott, was
incorrect, that his last name was the same as whae he had observed
in his hospital room on the ealevision. He again, reiterated the
fact that he believed he ~ec09nized the second shooter from his
observations of his face, saying he did not know him personally,
but he did state that the subject who had heen shown on television
was the same person who he had observed with Dylan and was
responsible for the shooting. In clarification, Hall was referring
to Oylan Klebold and E~ic Harris. He went oe to reaffirm that the
only known associate that he cou14 give me by name was the zack/ as
he had previously mentioned, who was a very good friend of nylan's.

I then asked him if there had been any talk or r~mora about
school among his friends or anyone else, "that he knew of, regarding
t.his incident occurring in the hours or days proceeding the e-vent
on 04/20. He said that he had not heard anything of it until tne
time that it act.ually oe=urred. I then asked how he had managea to
get out of the library. He advised that: after firing several
rounds, Dylan kept yellin9 words to the effece that he was out of
ammunition or needed additional clips, at which time it was his
belief chat he left the liD.ary and that Makai Hall and others took
this opportunity to run Que of the school And made contact with ehe
police. He also stated, at this eime Dan Stapleton had ~n out
with him, but Patrick Ireland was not able to leave.
It should be noted at this time that ehere was a considerable
amount of activity in his room, with the associated family members
and friends from achool dropping by co see him, as well as the
medical Itaff checking up on him. At this point in the interview/
he was still somewhat groggy, although more alert thAn he was on
the p.evious day. 'rhe nu.sing staff came in and advised that there
was going to be a chapel service as a memorial to che 9tude~ts at
ColumQine High at this time and as~eQ him if he wanted ,0
He responded yes, that he did. 10 tnen spoke with Doth David and
Susan Hall, his parent•• and learned that the Lt~ Governor Joe

JC· 001·008890
Arvada ~olice/Court System Page 7
Arvada Police Department 04/27/1999

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASS'tOA Status It'rF
Location G20l S PIERce ST
De't14 04/27/1999 O~2399/NELSON/SH

Rogers was scheduled to V~S1t him later in the afee~oon and

arrangements were made to continue this interview in late afternoon
or the following morning on 04/22. At this time, no further
informacion was able to be developed from th.. subject.
On 04/22/99 at 8,30 to 8,4$ a.m., 10 returned to
St.. Anthony'S Centra.l Hospital too conclude the interview with Makai
Hall. At this time¥ I again reviewed the prior statements he had
made relative to the questions that I nad pceed , 10 not"d no
significant diff"rence. in g"neral terms. He elaborated somewhat
on th.. fact that wh..n be and Dan Stepleton ran out, there were
~~ite a numb"r of otbers that ..1.0 ran out with him. I aeked him
to explain how tbia had occurr..<i. He said that an unknown p..rson
had apparently oome up the back stairs or a back entranCe to the
librar/ and y"ll"d to all of th" students to get out of eh.. library
and they all ran to th.. exit. It was Hall's b ..lief that this
subject was a police officer, probably a SWAT offic..r, although he
never saw him specifically, He again reiterated that he and
approximat.ely 20 others then ran out the back door and were
escorted to a hiding location behind $om$ police units and they
were then transported two or three at a time, cased upon severity
of injury to a more distant location for triage and transport to
the hospital. He said after a. short period of time, he was able to
make it to the hospital. I then asked him, r&lative tb his injury!
that being the gunshot wound in his leg. how he was able to get
Que. He said he just was able to do it and h. ran with che others
as best he could.
At this time, Hall reports seeing an unknown subject on tne
roof area of the school. He was unable to identify for me if this
person was a police officer or a suspect.
I then asked him if he could provide me with any additional
names of SUbjects that might be closely associated with Dylan and
the other shooter. He said if he had his high school yearbook. he
could poine out those individuals, but he did not know tnem by
nam... IO<i that when he was released from the hospieal,
which was presumed will he 04/23/99 that he look through his
y .... rbook and oall me with the names that he develops from the
t chen asked him for further descriptions
~elative to the
bomb. He descriDed it more clearly than he had on the day
preVious. He believed it was about 5~ long and somewhere in the
neighbornood of 3/4" t.o 1" in diameter. He said it did not feel
heavy enough to be incased in a metal pipe. but the object waS
cylindrical in shape and wrapped in duc~ tape with a fuseQ wick
like you would see in a firecracker sticking oue of one end of the
At this point, I asked him if the name ~meant anything
to him. He immediately responded. wyeah. ff that 1t was probably

JC- 001-008891
PI!l.lIARR Arvada Police/Court System Page 8
Arvada Police Deparcment 04/27/1999

Ref # 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 rime 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
DET14 04/27/1999 042399/NELSON/SH

~ He went. on to say t.hat when the shooting began in t.he

~'heard one of the shooters callout, oIWho is that? Is
thae John Savage?fl John Savage responded in the affirmative and
one of the shooters. which he believes to be Dylan, told Savage to
get out of there and Savage ran from the library at this time.
Based upon a comment that. Hall made to me in the emergency
room, that being he didn't believe that Dylan would have shoe him
had he known it was him. but since he was Sitting with the joe.k./
he assumed that he was probably lumped into that group by Dylan.
I asked him. at this point, which of the individuals he was sitting
with. were involved in athletics at the high school? ae responded
that Pat Ireland had been involved in basketball the year prior and
Dan Stepleeon was on the wrestling team. In res~onse eo my
questions :egardins the character and makeup of Dylan, he said that
he knew last year ne was in a diversion program, as well as some
anger management cherapy. I asked him to delineate his comments
more thoroughly aDOQt the Frencb class ehat he shared with Dylan.
and specifically, Dylan'S actions towards the teacher. Ha+l tol~
me that Mrs. was the French teacher and he went on to say that
Dylan, throughout the course of the class, was very openly
lfdisreapeccful ll to her a.nd quite often times swore in the elass
openly. I asked him wnat Mrs. Lutz' response was to this and he
said sbe primarily just ignored it. He also went on to say that
zack. the close friend of Oylan that: he had 1Mlntioned in the
previous interview, alsQ acted towards Mrs. Lutz in the same
manner, When questioned relative to the shooting in the library
where he was/ if there had been anything ~hat occurred prior to
that, he responded that there were some bombs which he described as
very large and very loud and that they shook tne building
then went off about four to five minutes prior to the two suspects
coming into the library. He described these bombs as much larger
in explosive force than the one that be had previously described as
being dropped Dy himself and the others which Hall pic~ed up and
threw aerOs9 the room. He said there was a very loud bang and
quite a concussion with it. but it did not shake the building in
the manner in which the bombs that he heard in the cafeteria prior
to them entering the library,
At this time/ IO concluded the interview and advised him that
I believed we had concluded the questioning that was necessary at
this time, but there might be a need for further follow up at a
later time and requested his continuous assistance, At this time,
I thanked M•. Hall. as well as the victim. Makai Hall, for their
cooperation in this matter and wished them both well.

JC- 001-008892

ac- 001-008893
.- PI!UllIAA Arvada Police/Court System li'age 1
Arvada Polioe Department Q4/27/1n9

!lef # 99-lZ0~17 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39:32

l"fP'I' i\SSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERC~ ST
DiT1S 04/27/1999 042699/F.STEViNS/SB

On Tuesday. 04/20/99 at approximately 1133 hOur., IO received

a p&ge from Jefferson county Sheriff's Dispatch with instructions
to respond eo ~he sheritf ' s headquarters, pursuant ~o the
deployment of the SWAT Team and SWAT Support Unit. IO learned via
dispatCh ehaf: an unknown number: of gunmen bad entered Columbine
!ligb. Scb.oel and opened. tire on students and tuche",s. As more
information was received. IO learned that numerous txplosive
devio.... both eletonated and un-detonated ....." " lOCated in the
SChool. IO also leameel that at le.... t two bodies of what ..ppeareel
to be studen:ts We2:"e seen outside of the school. Also,
gunshot.. and bombs oould be b.e..rel exploding from within tb.e sohool.
Via radio t.raffic, it was determined that while chis IO was en
route to the seene with Sgt. Dan Sittner Of the Jefferson County
Sheriff's Department, part of the JCSO 9WA~ Team had begun to encer
ehe school.
While en route to the schOOl. to received info~~tiQn via ~cso
Dispaccher Grote chat a person identi~/in9 himself as John Savage telephoned their dispaech sesting th..t b.e had information
concerning the inoident. He provided a phone number of 303-948-
948~ and an address ~here he was currently lo~ated at 6805 W. Polk
Ave. It should be noeea that this IO aeeempted numerous times
while en route tQ the scene to contact John Savage via the
telephone unsucoessfully.
Upon arrival into the area, at approximately 1230 hOU~3, the
oommand pose was located. It ..hould he noteel eh..t the Jefferson
County Sheriff's command bus was p..rked in the _lOO block of S.
Pierce St., and set up as a command post. It should he noteel that
numerous police jurisdictions were represented in the staging area
and comm..nd post area. Specifically, the Littleton Police
Oepartmenc, the Arapahoe co~~cy Sherif~'s Qff~ee, the Oenver Police
Department. FBI. CBI. Jefferson County District Attorney's Offiee,
Golden Police D.par~ment and Wheat Ridge Police Department. For
purposes of this report, this 10 will address IO'a role in this
ineidene and summari%s conversations with ocher officers and detail
an inte~view that was conducted with a wi~~ess to the inciden~,
identified as Peggy W. Dodd
Initially, it wa$ the function of this 10 as a crisis
negotiator w'th the JefferSon County Sheriff'S Reg.onal SWAT re..m
to obt intelligence information regarding the incident,
specifically, the loc..tion of the suspeot .. and statu. and number of
reported victims. 10 noted that numerous offieers and parents of
students were milling around the command post on cellular phones.
Reportedly, numerous conversatiou$ were occurring with students
from inside of ~he building. As a result of those conversacions,
\ significant quantities of information began emerging conoerning
possible suspects and the location ana st.atu$ of numerous v_1c:tims
and. wit.nesses.

ac- 001_008894 ArVada Police/Court System Page 2
Arvada Police Department 04/27/1999

Ref jj 99-120<07 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
OEI1S 04/27/1999 042699/F.STEVENS/S~

IO spoke witn an officer identified as Oapnne Sacca from the

~ittletQn 20110e Department. D. Bacca had arrived on scene prior
to this IO and Sgt. Sittner and ned begun the gathering of
intelligence information concerning the incident. Specifically, O.
Sacca told IO that their intelligenoe information was that
currently. at approximately l3lS hours, they believed that tbere
were an unknown number of people inside the commons area of
Columbine High School. Many of those people appeared to be
injured, two of Which appeared to be critical injuries. IO also
learned tnet there Were approximately 40 people in the music area
and approximately nine people in the English room. Concerning the
business room of the school, D. Sacca stated that it was her
understanding ~hat seven students and C'~ ceachers were there. D.
Sacca al$Q informed IO that two cuscodians had soushe asylum in che
lars_ walk in freezers and were in por~able radio cone act with Rl
Securi~y. ~~1 of this informacion was t~ansferred to large charts
that Nere posced on che wall of the Arapahoe County mobile command
post. It should also De noted that Daphne Bacoa had listed four
names of possible suspects. Those names included ~ric Harris,
Dylan Klebold, Chris Morris and Rober~ Perri_ It is un~~own to

this 10 how Daphne Saoca hed gleaned that informaticn. to

cont~nued to assise by 4¢eum.nt~n9 information that was coming in~o
the command post on to tne papers on the wall: for quick referenee.

Thi$ IO then spoke with Agent Chuck Davis of the Colorado of Investigation. C. Cavis told IO that he had completed an
inter;iew with a teacher, via ~he cellular telephone. The teachar,
who was later identified as Eric Thiessen was currently inside of
the SChool. specifically, E. Thie$sen was in the EnSlish wing, ~he
far east wing of the school on the upper level. In summa~/, C.
Davis told to that E. Thiessen told him that he did not personally
know :he suspects, but he had heard ~ha~ they were students. He
also reported that he has heard of the g~oup calling themselves the
Trench Coat Mafia. E. Thiessen told C. Davis of a $tud~n~~
identified as Tim Kastle, telling him that the people shooting were
t~O white males wearing long black trench CQats. E. Thiessen
proviaed C. Oavis with e phone number to the English office for
po.s!~le future use. JC.DD1.D08895
C. Davis told IO that he also interviewed a teacher I
identified as Joyce Gecco, (unknown spelling) after she had escaped
from the schOOl. She reported that she and twe other teachers and
three students hAd hidden in a bathroom near the faculty lounge
when they heard the shots. IO inquired 4S ~o whether or not she
prOVided the names of the students that were hiding with her. C.
Oavis told IO that Joyce knew two of the three students. The two
names provided were Seen Nosseman {unknown spelling) and eieher
Nick or Adam Foss. The uncertainty of the Foss brothers wes due to
the fact that Nick and Adam are twina. The teaohers with Joyce
Gecco were identified as Sue Carrueher$j Amy Burnett, and Syd
!Cuting {ell unknown spelling). There was also sketchy information
Arvada Police/Court System Page 3
Arvada Police Oepart=ent 04/Z7/U99

Ref II "9-12067 Reported Oate 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32

Type Status RTF
Location 6201 S PIERCE ST
OET15 04(27/1"99 042699(F.STEVENS/SH

that an ~iaentified woman who works in the cafeteria was p~esent

wi~h them in the bathroom. That woman was identified as having
blond hair and wearing red shirt or red sweat pants. C. Davis
continued by telling IO that Joyee Gecco provided him with a
sequence of evencs. J. Geeeo told him thae she took her lunch at
1125 in the faculty lounge and she recalls hearing the 1145 bell
whil.. hiding in the faculty bathrcom. While in the bathroom. she
reported to C. Cavis that she heard two male voices. She reported
that ahe oouldn't make out the words, but she ehousht it was
possihly palice office~s because the voices sounded so calm and in
control. Pursuant to the conversation. again she seated that tne
words were unintelligible. but the voices were calm and clear and
articulate. Joyce sta~ed ~hat she heard eight eQ nine loud noises
that she believed to be shotguns or grenades, She also ~epor~ad
ehat there was approximately five to ten min~tes in between the
ahoes. C. Davis stated that Joyoe also told him that she believe~
she neard approximately four pistol shoes and then smelled gas and
~ard a loud hiss cominq from the kiechen area, adjacent to the
bathroom, Joyce also told C. Davis that ahe heard tables and
furniture being moved inside t~e cafeteria. She also r&coun~e~ an
at~empe to escape the area by being boosced up into the false
ceiling. IO then asked C~uck navis eo cQnfirm with IO that he had
stated cha~ the first time Joyce Gecco nopieed something amiss was
ae approximately 1125, the shoes, etc., coming from the cafeteria,
and Chuck stated that ~as cor.ect. Chuck also told IO that Tim
Kastle told Joyce Gecco that he had seen an unidentified boy get
shot in the face, With the above lis~ed information, IO made
several notations and updates en the charts, do~~menting the
situation that were being kept in the Arapahoe County mobile
command post. Per~inen~ information was ~assed to the Jef~erson
County SWAT Team as appropriate.

traci subsequently summar1ze

ntar~iew of Chris f04 e ~5 IO. She r~po4ted that Chris came eo
school this morning, but left after third period and went to a
friend's home The friend was identified as Cory Friezman (unknown
spelling). Reportedly. corl's mother calls home and advised Cory
to turn the television on, At thae time ~~ri$ stated he became

~ware of what was happening at school. Also at that time, he

repor~edly came to the realization that the suspect were his
friends. Chris Morris identified h~s ~riends as Dylan Klebold and
Eric Harris. Chris stated. that Oylan uses the moniker, "Vqdka, 11

and E.x:ic uses the moniker, lIReb." T. Dow-Wyatt continued. by

telling IO tbat she learned via Chris Morris. that Eric Harris was
into Nazi memorabilia. Chris told T, Oow*Wyatt that Eric Harris
had showed him books concerning the Nazi culture, chr~$ also told

JC- 001-008896
Arvada Police/Court system Page 4
Arvada Police Department 04/~7/1!#!#9

Reported Date 04/~O/1999 Time 12,39,3~

Type ASSTOA Status RTF
Location '~Ol S PIeRCE ST
DET1S 04/27/1999 042'!#9/F.ST~S/SH

T. Dow-wyatt that be has a bowling class early in the !!lomings aad

On some oceasions, eric Harris shows up. Chr1s recalled for T.
Dow-Wyatt that on one of the oc~aaicns a few weeks agos eric came
to bowling and commented tnat "wouldn't it he neat if w6 killed illl
the jccks.~ Eric wen~ so far as to su9iest that they eQuld set up
trip wires and take over the generaeors. T. DOw·Wyatt concluded by
stating that ahe as~ed Chris where Eric Sarris and Oylan KlebQl~
got the weapons. Chris reported that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
bought the shotguns from a friend of a friend and got the pistol
from Eric's parents. T, Dow-wyatt stated that Chris mencicned that
it was possible that another person by the name of Robert PerrI may
have mora info~tion because the four of them used to hang out
together. C~is told T. Dow·Wyae~ that he used to be pare of ehe
Trench Coat Mafia, but fell into disfavor. He reportedly fell into
disfavor because E~ic would reportedl? start fishes wi~h the jocks
and Chris wouldn't back him up. This:o has no :ur~her informacion
in reference to the details concerning ~~ris' relationship with
Eric Harris and oylan Klebold. Specifically, if and when the
relacionship was $evered and the extant tnae relationship. Please
see Agent Dow~Wyatt's report for further details and the
ci:cumstances surroundins h&r interriew with Chris Mor~is.
At ap~roximately 1540 hours, to be~ame aware that a wi~ness
who was subsequently iaentified as Peggy W. Dodd had been rescued
from the school by an unidentif~ed SWAT Team and she had pertinent
information. Ie observed pe991 Dodd b~i~q escor~ed co the command
post by an unidentified SWAT Team membe:, and dets~ined ehat
ques:~cnin9 was app~opriace. It should ~e noted that Peggy Dodd
was extremely upset and visibly shaking. The state of her physical
health was inquired about and she complained only about a headache.
Paramedics briefly examined Peggy and determined that she had no
injuries. Pursuanc to queseiens ;rom e~~s IO, ie was determined
that Pe~/ was noe taking any medication of any kind. Even though
PSSSY Dodd was phySically shaking, she stated that she could
provide 10 with a statement, all she needed was a drink of water
and use of the ~athroom. Peggy commented that she had hidden in
tM "magazine" room of the librar! for lffour hours>l until the SWAT
Team found her. IQ allowed Peggy Dodd several ~inutes eo compose
herself in the ambulance and the paramedic determined that no
medical attention was necessarf· At that point, Pe9GY Dodd was
taken to the Jefferson county Sheriff's command post bus. There,
she became more oomfortable ana was given something to drink. At
this point, this ~O spoke wi~h her regarding her observations. It
should be noted that Peggy was extremely arti~~late and coherent
for this interview. It should also be noted that due to the
circumstances and the locations of this interJiew, it was not
IO began by asking her for identifying information. Peggy
Dodd stated that her date of birth is 02/04/43. and she resides at
6327 Benton Way, Littleton, CO 80123: with her husband, William
"lilill" Dodd. She provided this to with her phone number of 303-

JC- 001-008897
PIlUlARR Arvada Police/Coure SyseeM Page 5
Arvada Police Oepart~ene 04/27/1999

Ref it 99-12067 Repcrted Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,J2

Type ASSTOA Status an
Location ~2C1 S PIERCE ST

795-9071, ner nus=and's pager number as 303-750-0012, and her work

phone of 303-982-4514.
Pursuant to the events of the day, it should be noted that
Peggy Dodd was extremely forthcoming with informaeion, blurting out
to tni. IO that she hsd hidden in the librar/" magazine room
becween two magazine racks. Peggy described the fact that the
magaZine room is approxi~tely Mtwo doo~s~ into the liQrary. IO
asked Pe99Y if she is a teaoher at the School and she stated that
she is, in fae~. a teacher and she works in Che Tech Lab, also
known as the Compueer Lab, 10 asked her what ahe waS doing in the
library at the time and she stated that she had simply happened to
be in the library, estimating ~he time eo be llJO hours, She
recalled chat she was planning on going co the second lunch and had
s~opped into the library to speak with ~i~h Long, anoeher teaeher,
about a software question, IO asked Peggy how she knew thac
something was '~ong. Peggy stated that she was standing in the
library wh~n sne heard gunshots and bombs going off. She recalled
that a CeaGhar by che name of Carol Weld, curned around and asked
Rich Long, lIRich, is this real?" Peg'gy stated that. she recalled
there was one Itude~t, identified as Brian Ande~$on, lying on ~he
floor of ehe librar/, bleeding, Pursuant eo more details, Peggy
told IO ehat Brian was bleeding from nis chest and lying on the
floor moanins. Peggy staeed khac she krielc down beside him, in
hopes of ad.ministering first aid.. when Brian blurted Que, "E:ric
Har~is shot me." IO asked Peggy if she seen Eric Harris shot:
Sr~an and she stAted no, Peggy stQced that was che first thing
that Srian said to her, as soon as she ~~elt down neXC to him.
~eg9'Y recalled that she asked Brian where he had been shot and then
she obserJed wnat she described as a small burn wound an his cheat.
Peggy stated that because it looke~ like a burn, ~he asked Brian
where the bullet ~as. Pe~i told !O that Brian'S response to he4
regarding the bullet: was, "J: pulled ie out." to asked her i: she
aaw blood anywhere else on Brian and she $tat~d that she saw blood
on his face and his che$t. She also recalled that Brian yelled to
her that he wanted to go home and again, told her that Eric Harris
had shot him. Pursuant to quescions abOUt where they were, she
sta~ed ~hat Brian had cOme inco the liDrary from the main hallway
and immediately collapssQ on to th~ floor in f=ont of the main
library counter.
IO tnen asked Peg9'Y about the .~~ence of event.. Peggy had
previously told IO that prior to Brian entering the library and
collapsing in front of the main desk axea. she had been standing in
ehe library and had heard the gunshots and the =ombs going off.
Peggy Stated that all she reoalls specifically, was asking Carol
Weld and Rich Long, "Is this real?" She recalled that. R.ich looked
out the windows of the librar/ that faced into the hallway and told
everyone to gee down. Peggy stated thac as Rioh yelled that this
was, in fact, real and yelled to them eo see down, she looked o~t
one of th~ windows that faced the soutnwest side of the building
outdoors. IO asked Peggy what she saw and she stated, ~I saw Dylan

JC- 001-008898
PIllNARR Arvada Polioe/Court System Page 5
Arvada Police Depar~ment 0411711999

Ref II 99-120.7 Reported Date 04/20/1339 Time 11:39:31

ASSTOA Type Status RTF
Location 5201 S PIERCE ST
DET1, 04/27/1999 042699/F.STEVENS/sH

standing on the hill, just shooting.' !t should be noted that as

~eggy relates that information, she is demonstrating holding a
wei-pont -using: both of her hands and moving her body in what
appeared to be a sweeping motion. IO asked Peggy if that's, in
fact, what she saw Dylan doing and she seated yes, In reference eo
the gun that she saw, Peggy 9taced that it was a ~long~ gun.
"definitely not a pistol." Peggy also told to toha.e. she now can't
remember if she was looking out the back e$it door of the librarj
or the window near the door when she saw Dylan shooting. Peggy
stated there are windows directly nexe to the exit door, facing the
small hill where she observed. Dylan shooting, IO asked her ,
she saw nylan shoot~n9 the gun towa~ds ar~ she stated ~hat he was
shooting towards the parking lot. Peggy then stated that she now
recalls it was when she ran back ineo ebe main area of the librar/
tha~ she saw Brian come in from the interior hallway and eollapse~
in front of the main desk, after she saw Oylan shooting.
IO asked Peggy if she could describe what Dylan looked like
when she saw him shooting outside of the school On the hill towards
che parking lot. Pegsy described Dylan as "tall" and "not very
clean She stat-ad that he was wearing je~lls with "high top Nazi

boocs and a "long black coat. I~ She :ecalled ehat Oylan's jeans

were faded and he was wearing an unknown color cap on ~ackwar~s.

Specifically, she estimaeed that Dylan Klebold is approximately
tall and very thin. She stated that his was sandy blond.
and ~lcns and scraggly,q adding that it hung out the back of his
cap that she again reporced was backwards, IO asked Peggy how she
knew for sure this was Dylan Klebold, and she stated chat she knows
Oylan from lase year in camputer/~ech lab. She stated that they
had trouble wich Oylan in that class because he was "hacking into U

comcuters and causing trouble. She also reported that he ~as a

video production :student and ahe "recognized him right away"" She
again focused her attention to the "tall Nazi boots," stating ehae
he would wear them last yea: and also WQt'1! the: "overcoats."
Peggy then eold IO thac afCer cbserring Oylan .hoocing on Che
h~ll outside of the library, she turned around and that was when
she saw Brian Anderson come back into the libra~1 and collapse at
the main desk. She told IO that she believes Dylan came back into
the school then. When asked why she thought chat, she stated that
she heard shooting and explosions inside the school. Peggy seated
that she only hea~d those things, because she had, hy that time,
ran into che maaazine room with three other students. She recalled
that the students who had come with her in~o the masazine room of
the library were unknown to her, however. she descrihed them as a
boy and a girl. She also stated that Srian Ande.son had orawled
into the magazine roOm wich them and she co~~nted that again, she
looked at Brian's wound and it looked mor. like a burn, bue. it was
1>leeding snd ic didn't look ""...1.' Peggy describ"s the fact thet
while sne was hiding in the magazine room, she would peek Qut the
window in the door and hear shots and explosions. She .tated it
felc like an hour in between shocs. Peggy scated that ehe .hets

JC- 001-008899
PlllNAl1.R Arvada Police/Court system Page 7
Arvada Police Oeparement 04/27/1999

Ref jj 99-12067 Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,3~

Type A$STOA scaeua RTF
~ooation 6~01 S PIERCE S1'
DET1S 04/27/1999 042699/F.STEVENS/SH

she heard were very fast, as if they had come from a "machine gun."
She seated that she ~emembers thinking that these guys had machine
$'lJ.o."'i1 and t;.h.inking 'that this was all a "prank. r, In l:"efe:r:ence to
where she was hiding, she seaeed that she was hiding behind a
m&ga:ine rack and stayed there until the SWAT Team rescued her.
She stated that che other kids, to include Brian Anderson, ran Out
of the magazine room when ehey heard feet "seomping'· out. the back
door" 10 asked her what;;. back door abe llias l:Jpeaking al':Iout and she
stated that it waS the back door. leadins outdoors, southwest from
the library. She recalls, at that point, susseseed that they
all leave, however, she ~emained while the three kids left the
magazine room. At this point, it was determined that P.9~1 Dodd
would speak with ~oe~ie ~latter. a cnerapist with Nic~lecti &
Flatter, Inc. IO subsequene~y ~rovided peg9Y with a business card
in case she had any further infOrmation or questions,
On Friday, 04/23/99, IO ae~ended a briefing of all of the
investigators that had done incerJiews eoncerning the incident.
Ou:~n9 ~hat briefing the lead investigator, Kate Bat:an, and

Deputy District Attorney Mark Pautler, listened to IO recount the

interview that had been conducted with Peggy Dodd. At that point,
boeh Batton and Mark Pautler asked IO if Peggy had eold IO about
the 911 call that .he made. IO reporeed that PeSgy Dodd had noe
mentioned making the 911 call to Jeffe~,on Coun~y Sheriff's
Department regarding the situat~on. Mark Pautler told IO that it
was nis understanding that Peggy Dodd had been one Of, the callers
co 911 from ene librarJ. I~ was de~e~ined thac IC would contac~
Peggy Oodd far clarification. ~t approximately 1600 hours, that
lame afeer~QQn, to spoke wi~h Pe~9Y Dodd in reference to the 911
call. At that time, Peggy stated that she had noe dialed 911, due
to the fact that another teaeher who had been in the library; Patty
Neilsen, had been on the phone with 911 in the library already.
Pursuant to the previous inte~Jiew, IO asked Peg~/ if she had been
able to recall any further deea;ls of the incident that we had no~
talked about. 10 seaeed that there were several other questions
tha~ she would like clarifieation on and she would like to speak
wi~h PeS~i concerning information that she had now recalled. An
appointment was made eo meec with Peggy Dodd on Monday afeernoon.
04/26/99, concerning fureher information.


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