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Town of Milton Board of Selectmen Regular Meeting Tuesday April 23, 2013 Milton Town Hall Meeting Minutes
In Attendance: Chairman Tom Gray, Bob Bridges and Mike Beaulieu. Also in attendance was Elizabeth Dionne, Town Administrator and Wendy Keane Recording Clerk. Public in attendance: Karen Brown Recreation Director, John Katwick, Robbie Parsons, and Les Elder. Chairman Gray called the meeting to order at 6:03PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Tom Gray asked Bob Bridges to bring forth his concerns. Bob Bridges stated that at the last meeting it was decided to suspend the newly named Recreation Commissioner and it was a 3-0 vote. At that time Bob Bridges thought it was being done due to a procedural error however upon speaking with Paul Sanderson of LGC he has found out that there was no procedural error in the appointment of Mr. Chisholm. At this time, Bob stated that RSA 35-B4 was followed and they BOS can appoint someone to a committee without the person having been recommended by the receiving committee (ie: Recreation Committee). Bob feels that at this time they have removed a person without precedence. Karen Brown stated that since 1996 a Recreation Commissioner has never been appointed without first coming before the Commission and attending Recreation meetings and gotten to know the other members. Tom Gray reiterated that persons have always been appointed to committees and boards after having met the members and being brought forward and recommended by each committee and board. Bob reminded the Board that they followed RSA 35 B-4 and that their duty is to uphold the RSA. He further asked if there is a Town Policy stating the procedure being described here tonight. Mr. Bridges then asked for Mr. Chisholm to be reinstated to the Rec. Commission. Tom Gray stated that he cannot support this in that the appointment deviated from the procedures the Town has always done their appointments. MOTION: Mike Beaulieu moved that this item be tabled as he does not feel he could make a reasonable decision at this time. Tom Gray stated that this can be tabled and that Jim Sessler can review and give the BOS his opinion of the RSA. Tom seconded the motion. Motion carried 2-0. Bob Bridges nay. Cemetery Committee: Bob Bridges stated that at the last meeting he asked for the Chairman of the Cemetery Committee to discuss a recent newspaper article regarding the proposed purchase of the Milton Mills Cemetery by the Town. He felt at that time that some of the comments made by Mr. Katwick were improperly directed and that all questions and comments should be directed to the Chairman of the BOS.

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Mr. Katwick indicated at the prior meeting that he was unaware of what Mr. Bridges was referring to in regards to the newspaper article. Mr. Bridges pointed out that the information from the newspaper was in fact garnered from the minutes of the Trustees of the Trust Funds on April 4, 2013. Mr. Bridges also feels that no member of the BOS should attend meetings of any other Boards or Committees especially when the purchase of land is being considered. MOTION: Tom Gray moved to table Duties of BOS Discussion and Possible Action. Seconded by Mike Beaulieu. Motion carried 2-0. Bob Bridges nay. Bob Bridges stated that he spoke with LGC in regards to having background checks done on employees. Tom Gray feels that background checks should begin with those employees who will be working with children. Bob Bridges said that Paul Sanderson from LGC indicated that the RSA pertaining to this may be dissected because of the word may within the RSA. Bob Bridges stated that Karen Brown had contacted him in regards to baseballs going into the roadway from the ball field at the beach. He feels that this needs to be discussed now because they cannot wait another 3 weeks for the regularly scheduled Selectman meeting. Mike Beaulieu stated that he recalls that the Town received quotes on the amount to fix the issue. Bob said that the quote was approximately $19,000.00. Discussion has been had between the Fire Department, Pat Smith, PLC, and other entities about moving the poles and raising them, however at this time PLCs equipment is not available to reset the poles or add additional poles. Discussion was held on perhaps enacting a policy that only wooden bats are used by the players. Karen Brown stated that she is not aware of the NHAA rules and that may not be allowed. Tom Gray stated that the only way to remedy at this time would be to suspend games on that field until the screens are fixed. Elizabeth Dionne said that she spoke with Pat Smith in regards to this issue and he recommended that the Recreation Commission and the School split the cost of an enclosure. Bob Bridges indicated that there needs to be specific measurements for the distances from player to backstop, bases, etc. She further stated that she will contact the SAU in regards to the decision of the BOS. Discussion was held on changing the dynamics of the field. Bob Bridges explained that would not be possible due to the existing irrigation system under the field. Discussion continued on companies who may be able to assist with moving the poles. MOTION: Mike moved that all ball games be suspended until the ball/net issues are taken care of at the baseball field. Seconded by Bob Bridges. Motion carried 3-0. There was further discussion in regards to the Milton Mills Cemetery field and if it could be used. John Katwick stated that the site would need a lot of work to be useable. Bob inquired if there are other fields that the school can use. Karen is not sure. It was then questioned if there is a 50 setback for the State along the site and if moving the poles would impede the electrical wires because at one time poles were not aloud to be placed along Route 125. These issues will also need to be looked into.

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Elizabeth Dionne suggested that the Recreation Commission liaison, Town Administrator, Recreation Director and Highway Director be involved in searching for a solution to this issue. MOTION: Mike moved to have the Recreation Commission liaison, Town Administrator, Recreation Director and Highway Director be involved in searching for a solution to this issue. Seconded by Tom Gray. Motion carried 3-0. Bob Bridges inquired if any of the other Selectmen had received an email from Andy Lucier in regards to a walk through on McKeagney Rd and if any of them plan to attend. Tom stated that he and Butch Nason are planning on going. Tom Gray reminded the Board that at a previous meeting they had discussed a site walk on a parcel on Casey Road with the Conservation Commission (Con Com). The Commissioners of the Con Com would not be able to do a site walk until after June 1st. It was recommended that the site walk be scheduled for June 8, 2013. Tom will check with the availability of the Con Com. Tom made Bob aware that he found an email he received on April 16th to be offensive and he found it to be a personal attack against his character and integrity. Bob said that is duly noted. Karen inquired if she can use a small area at the beach to construct gardens for the summer camp kids as it fosters skills for the children. She would like to solicit donations and would need the permission of the BOS before doing so. The BOS overall stated that it is a great idea as long as it does not inhibit any walkways or other public areas. Karen said it would not. John Katwick said that he is concerned about the direction of the Town and feels that the BOS and others need to start working together to get back on track and back to cost saving ideas and to not waste time being unprofessional. Mike B. said that this meeting was called in part to clearing the air and he feels that steps were made at this meeting in doing so and hopes that every step forward, no matter how small, would be a good one. MOTION: Bob Bridges moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mike Beaulieu. Motion carried 3-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:00PM. Respectfully submitted, Wendy L. Keane Land Use Clerk

________________________ _________________________ _________________________ Chairman Tom Gray Bob Bridges Mike Beaulieu

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