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Year 4 Homework Week 7, Term 2

Unit Sound Focus: m 'mm' 'mb' moon- hammer- thumb 16 Week 7 mark mined music numb meet money film number meat month calm member meal million climb minute mail storm crumb poem Ext: commente d committee community dilemma estimation imaginatio n immediatel y inflammabl e machinery magnificen ce marvellous material maximum measureme nt memorise millennium miniature minimum moment symmetry

hammer swimmer common payment movement

Weekly Activities: Monday: Underline the sound focus in ALL spelling words in the lists above Tuesday: Re-write the first two lists in alphabetical order (two sets of five words). Wednesday: Language activity on the homework sheet. Thursday: Maths worksheet. Everyday: Write your focus spelling words into your homework book. Read for ten minutes. Practice your times tables. Optional: Log onto Study Ladder (, Reading Eggspress and complete some independent learning tasks.

Language Activity- Conjunctive Adverbs 1. Complete each sentence with a conjunctive adverb from the list. Otherwise nevertheless consequently finally instead

a) Our car developed engine trouble just before we reached the city; ___________________________, we were late for our appointment. b) Practise your spelling words every day, __________________________ you wont know them at the end of the week.

c) I didnt get the part of Aladdin in the play; __________________________, I was given the difficult task of playing the genie. d) I have managed, __________________________, to complete my project. e) Im not as good as Josh at basketball; __________________________, Im prepared to play shooting guard in his place f) List 5 more Conjunctive Adverbs in your homework book.

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