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Nonverbal Communication

Body language can provide information about a person's emotional state. Use this table to understand what certain gestures mean. Attitude Openness Nonverbal Cue Open hands Unbuttoned coat Arms crossed on chest Crossing legs Fist-like gestures Pointing index finger Hand-to-face gestures Head tilted Stroking chin Peering over glasses Taking glasses off, cleaning Earpiece of glasses in mouth Pipe smoker gestures Putting hand to bridge of nose Arms crossed Sideways glance Touching, rubbing nose Rubbing eyes Buttoning coatdrawing away Pinching flesh Chewing pen, pencil Thumb over thumb, rubbing Biting fingernails Hands in pockets Clearing throat "Whew" sound Whistling Picking or pinching flesh Fidgeting in chair Hand covering mouth while speaking Not looking at the other person Tugging at pants while seated Jingling money in pockets Tugging at ear Perspiration, wringing of hands Short breaths "Tsk" sounds Tightly clenched hands Fistlike gestures





Nervousness Frustration

Pointing index finger Rubbing hand through hair rubbing back of neck Upper body leaning forward Open hands Sitting on edge of chair Hand-to-face gestures Unbuttoning coat Tilted head Steepled hands Hands behind back Back stiffened Hands in pockets with thumbs out Hands on lapels of coat



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