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ICE BREAKING What structures that can pass through the inguinal ligament?

What is Inguinal Ligament??


Lets Start 1. What is the difference of electrical changes between skeletal muscle fibres and nerve fibres? 2. What is Sarcomere? 3. Enumerate event that occur during muscle contraction. 4. What is the major function of T-tubules? 5. What is the role of Ca++ in muscular contraction? 6. What structures obey all or none rules?

ANATOMY 1. ANTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF THE THIGH, There are severals muscles here, State the function of Sartorius Muscles? Hint : Relate the movement of insertion to origin. This might HELP! 2. Femoral Triangle is bounded by? 3. What is the relationship between Femoral Sheath&Femoral Canal &femoral ring. 4. What is the characteristics of femoral hernia. 5. MEDIAL COMPARTMENT OF THIGH, There are several muscles here, State the function of Adductor Magnus. 6. Explain the beginning and termination of Adductor Canal. 7. GLUTEAL REGION, A patient in a supined position with hip and knee joints are extended, is ask to abduct the lower limb against resistance rovided by the physician. This exercise tested which muscle?

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