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In the 5th labster, we explored the three major muscle tissues that the body contains– skeletal,

smooth and cardiac. The simulation explained the different properties of these tissues, their
functions and how they work coordinately with each other.

At the beginning, we learned about the function of the muscle tissue. For example, I learned that
it is incharge of the body’s movement, stability, sphincter control, muscular thermoregulation and
glycemic control. The simulation went in-depth of these functionalities and gave an elaborate
detail on how the muscle tissue works in order to perform these tasks. Next, they discussed how
these three different muscle tissues differ from each other. We answered a series of questions
wherein the simulation made us choose which muscle tissue contributes to a specific function or
body control. These really helped me understand which is responsible for which. In addition, it
helped me truly understand how important our muscle tissue is in supporting our body.

Next, we went into depth on the characteristics of each of these three muscle tissues. We
explored the components of these muscles, which gives an explanation to their shape. The
skeletal muscle is striated, tubular and multi nucleated. It is voluntary and is usually attached to
the skeleton. Then, the smooth muscle is non-striated, spindle-shaped and uninucleated. It is
involuntary and is usually covering the wall of internal organs. Lastly, the cardiac muscle is a
striated that is involuntary and covers the walls of the heart. I found that smooth muscle does not
have myofibrils, that's why it looks different to the other two muscle tissues.

Then, we went into further investigating the structural components of the skeletal muscle. These
are the muscle belly, fascicles, muscle fibers and myofibril. Then, we learned about sarcomeres,
which shorten during muscle contractions. We learned about its major building blocks and the
different special areas. I found out that the myosin and actin contracts in the A-band. Then, the
I-band length differs depending on the amount of contraction of the sarcomere.

Then, there was a short demo of how neuromuscular junction and transmission occurs. This is
an important process because it is responsible for the synaptic connection between a motor
neuron terminal and a muscle fiber. Lastly, we learned about the Sliding Filament Theory. This
theory describes the mechanism of muscle contraction. From these demonstration, I learned how
articulately made our body is and how important each step of the process is.

These labster helped me have a better understanding of our muscle. I realized how important its
contribution to our body is. Based on the functionality of each muscle tissue, I now know which
part of my body is affected when I’m experiencing difficulties or problems when performing
certain body functions. I will surely carry this knowledge with me as I experience real-world

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