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Hubungan Lingkungan Pemukiman dengan Angka Kejadian Diare Pada Balita di Puskesmas 23 Ilir Rumah Susun Tahun 2012

Lupita Putri1 , Hibsah Ridwan2, Trisnawati2 1 Mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang 2 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang ABSTRACT Diarrhea is defection more 3x/day with liquid stools or half solid stools that contain more water usually more that 200 grams /24 hours with or without blood and mucus. Data from the Department of Health in Palembang with diarrhea in 2009 reached 54.302 lives, while at the health center at 23 ilir toddler get diarrhea in as many as 400 people in 2010. Still the amount of diarrhea in children under five in the city of Palembang, particularly in the health center 23 Ilir, and have not been many reports on the relationship of the residential neighborhood with the incidence of diarrhea in flats, then a background of this research. This study is an observational study design with cross-sectional analytic. The population is families with children under five who live in flats and visited the health center 23 ilir. The samples was taken with non-probality sampling by using consecutive sampling. Data were analyzed using chi square test. The result show that from 140 respondents, frequence distribution incidence of diarrhea in puskemas 23 ilir area was 91 infant (65%) had diarrhea and the healthy was 49 infant (35%). Frequence distribution of place of clean water storage, which is bad was 90 homes (64,3%), and 50 homes (35.7%) for good place. Frequence distribution of the 87 landfills (62,1%) were not good, and 53 homes (37,9%) both landfills. Distribution bad liqual waste disposal place was 102 homes (72.9%) and 38 homes (27.1%) for good liquid waste disposal place. Distribution of dirty toilet was 3 homes (2.1%) and 137 homes (97.9%) for clean toilet. Based on the analysis of data, there is a significant relationship between clean water, landfills and waste water disposal on the incidence of diarrhea by successive p value of 0,000 , 0,000 , 0,007. As for the dirty toilet there is a significant relationship to the occurrence of diarrhea with p-value 0,271. Keywords : diarrhea, environment with diarrhea, infant

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