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Date ordered: 07-05-2010 Generic Name: sodium chloride Classification: electrolyte Pregnancy category: C Indication: prophylaxis of heat prostration

or muscle cramps; chloride deficiency due to dieresis or salt restrictions; prevention or treatment of extracellular volume depletion Ordered dose: 1 tab TID 6-12-6 Dosage: 0.5 1 g with 8 oz water up to 10 times/day, total daily dose should not exceed 4.8 g Mode of Action: sodium is the major cation of the bodys extracellular fluid. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the fluid and electrolyte balance. Excess retention of sodium results in overhydration (edema, hypervolemia), which is often treated with diuretics. Abnormally low levels of sodium result in dehydration. Normally, the plasma contains 136-145 mEq/L and 98-1-6 mEq chloride/L. the average daily requirement of salt is approximately 5g. Drug-Drug Interaction: Contraindication: congestive heart failure, severely impaired renal function, hypernatremia, fluid retention Side Effects: hypernatremia, hypopotassemia, acidosis. Fluid and solute overload leading to dilution of serum electrolyte level, CHF, overhydration, acute pulmonary edema Nursing Responsibilities: a. b. c. d. Monitor electrolytes, ECG, liver and renal function studies Note level of consciousness Assess the heart and lung sounds Observe S&S of hypernatremia, flushed skin, elevated temperature, rough dry tongue, and edema e. Monitor VS and I&O f. Assess urine specific gravity and serum sodium levels

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