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w w w. t h e t r u t h o n l i n e .

i n f o

+42 oC
N:O 232 ISSUE 2/2018 FREE

News Page 2
Itchy Bitchy
Machines eats

News Page 3

Biologist TRUTH
Killed by

News Page 3

in Sweden

Alleged Moon Nazi collaborators Klaus Adler and Renate Richter:

Responsible for the death of millions?

World peace was disturbed early proceeded to bomb strategic mili- ed about the ominous, swastika According to the latest news the first
News Page 4 Thursday morning when New tary targets near the capital cities. shaped, anomaly, allegedly a Nazi wave of the attack has been repulsed
York, Mumbai, Tokyo and Berlin The identity of the attackers re- moon base, found on the far side successfully. Property damage and

Don’t were subject to surprise attacks.

According to reports eight massive
meteorites were launched from
mains unclear, but several sources
described the war machines as
decorated with what looked like
of the Moon in February, but it is
yet to be confirmed if the attacking
force is indeed somehow linked to
civilian and military casualties are
yet to be determined, but analysts
have already labelled this as the

Hold orbit, creating nuclear strike level

destruction upon impact. Immedi-
World War II-era Nazi emblems.
Analysts consider the attack’s most
the lunar anomaly.
A United Nations emergency
most devastating attack in the histo-
ry of man. There are rumours of
ately after the initial attack huge likely source to be Nazis from the meeting was called up immediately an unidentified space fleet moving
Your war machines spat out thousands
of saucer-like ground attack planes,
so-called dark side of the Moon,
where they had lain hidden since
after the first attacks. Heated discus-
sion about retaliatory measures is in
towards our planet from the dark
side of the Moon, indicating a

which entered the atmosphere and 1945. The Truth Today report- progress, led by US President Bush. second attack wave on the way.
Continued on page 2

Entertainment Page 4

Exchange Cobrastyle The Beatles’

ASI 11.98 1.6 % to headline the White Album’s 50th
DN 10.00 2.00% New-Wembley opening anniversary
SS 5.40 5.50%
LF 1.50 5.23%

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02 News Issue 2/2018 Issue 2/2018
News 03

Man Arrested for Suicide
In New York today, a local man was arrested for committing suicide. When asked why he did it, he declined to comment. The NYPD spokesman claimed, “The man did the crime and
now he has to do the time.” His corpse is sitting in a cell waiting for the hearing, where he is expected to continue to exercise his right to remain silent.

To support the military-industrial complex,
external threats will be manufactured, first in the
German Biologist Killed in Freak Accident
form of the Russians, then the Third World, then
asteroids, and finally aliens.
--Dr. Wernher von Braun ” by Extinct Bird
German biologist Gordon found hanging out of is the biggest troll ever.’
Mad Dog claims Kohl, who had been a tree. Zoologists have When asked to comment,
stationed in Argentina to identified the bird from Stephen Hawking was
the Hyper WWF study the vegetation in the descriptions as argentavis heard to have said ‘What
title TRUTH forests of the Gran Chaco magnificens, also known the fuck?’
province, was killed on as the ‘Giant Teratorn’, a Green groups have cre-
Wrestling – The most brutal Tuesday in what scientific creature six million years ated the Previously-Ex-
wrestler of all time, Mad minds all over the world old and long thought to be tinct Native Intelligence
Dog, won the Hyper WWF have dubbed both ‘a terri- extinct. Society (PENIS) for gath-
title in Las Vegas yester- ble tragedy’ and ‘an amaz- The discovery has baf- ering information on new
day. In the final round Mad ing discovery.’ Kohl’s fled scientists and prompt- species previously thought
Dog punched the wind out associate Brian Davis said ed debate from religious to be extinct. NEUTERS
of his rival, reigning cham- that Gordon was ‘minding scholars who protested
pion El Huracán with two his own business perusing today at the Museum of
consecutive belly breakers ferns’ when ‘an enormous- National History in Lon-
and ended the fight with ly large bird came swoop- don, telling passersby to
his signature move Doggy ing down and grabbed him ‘shove evolution up your
Bag. “Dog is the toughest, by the shoulders’. Kohl’s ass’. Internet discussions Last picture taken of Gordon Kohl before the attack taken from the camera found
roughest and I’ll doggy bag half-eaten body was later have proclaimed that ‘God from the site where he was last seen.
you if you don’t watch my

Pirate Party
reality show!” gloated the
new champion after prying AJ Annila to direct the next
the Hyper WWF champi-
James Bond film TRUTH

victorious in
onship belt from his oppo-
nent’s broken hands. Finnish film director AJ An– in Southern UK; rumours
nila will be directing the claim it to be the very best

next Bond film featuring the Bond story ever written.
most successful box office
Bond ever, Daniel Craig. TRUTH
Numerous sources described the emblems on the war machines as World War II Nazi insignias. Itchy Bitchy The upcoming Bond movie
will be the 27th in the line The Pirate Party has received The founder of the Pirate
NASA: President Bush: Our liberty has Machines eats and it will be produced via over 64% of the total votes Party, Rickard Falkvinge,
Weather Balloon been compromised Apple the virtual film studio Wreck in the Swedish parlamen- commented that the victory
M AY 4 k a Movie, where the commu- tary election yesterday and is a landmark in the history of
In an official NASA an- The President of the United D
DV nity plays a large part in became the leading political freedom of speech and indi-
nouncement, NASA spokes- States, Jenna Bush, opened O N c film productions. The film’s party in Sweden. The party vidual liberty.
OUT tarwre
person Roslyn Villacorta the UN emergency meeting script is based on a previ- became a force to reckon The neighbouring countries
stated that the alleged attack
is nothing more than inter-
early on Thursday morning.
“Our liberty has been com-
Itchy Bitchy Machines has
created a robot with a
ww ously unknown story by the
original James Bond author
with in 2009 when, due
to the ongoing Pirate Bay
of Norway and especially
neo-communist Finland an-
ference caused by a weather promised, and it is our duty digestion imitating that of a Ian Fleming. The manuscript trial, many pro-online free- nounced immediately the
balloon. “There are numer- to answer it with the utmost human being, including the was found last year inside dom individuals joined the termination of all political
ous recorded cases of weather aggression. In the crusade ability to provide energy to the fireplace of a small hostel AJ Annila party. A shadow was cast ties with the Swedish govern-
balloons causing this kind of against the crooked cross, the the body. over the victory by claims ment until the “criminals and

IKEA inter-dimensional
problem”, Villacorta stated in United States is taking the The machine can use any that hackers had infiltrat- hooligans” are removed from
a press conference. “There’s lead. Their first wave was eas- plant matter as its energy ed the computerised voting office in Sweden. In their of-
no reason for panic.” Villa- ily defeated. The second wave source. In a press confer- system and altered votes. ficial press videocast the Finn-

secret revealed
corta made no comment on threw some rocks on us and ence the reporters invited These claims still haven’t ish government announced
the widespread destruction in fled. This is going to be an to see the new product wit- been confirmed by Project that they support the return of
the capital cities, but she was easy victory!”, the character- nessed it eat apple, as part TRUTH Worm officials investigat- the exiled king of Sweden to

heard repeating to herself, istically tipsy president Bush of the fruit test. ing the case. the throne.
“Weather balloon, weather declared before going on to This new energy source Shoppers visiting IKEA so was not made public. been subjected to exposure stop using the technology
balloon...” upon exiting the argue at length against wear- The attackers caused huge destruction across our planet. for machines has already stores all over the world The scientific community from whatever it is that and to hand it over for sci-
press conference room. ing tennis socks with sandals. been endorsed by the Eu- have wondered for many is incensed that such an im- powers this thing. Who can entific evaluation. So far
ropean Union. The EU has years how it is possible to portant discovery has been tell what sort of effect this little has been revealed
long had a positive stance enter through the ground kept from them. The head might have on them in the about the exact workings

Star Wreck 4 brings

on bioenergy as a power floor entrance, only to of the physics department long term?” of the device, but leading
source for cars and houses. find oneself deposited on at MIT, Robert Hooke, says Legislation is currently scientists hope to get their
As robots become a more the third floor and having of the news: “We can hardly being prepared in order to hands on it soon.

back the original cast

and more everyday sight, to make one’s way down believe it – it’s such an im- force IKEA to immediately
having them eat the same through every single depart- portant breakthrough, and
food as people, and more ment of the store in order to here we have a company
(pulp for example), the get to the checkout line. hiding it from the world in
It was announced yester- Brad Pitt, Clint Eastwood, was released in 2005 and need to build new nuclear Now the secret is out, order to bolster the sales of
day that the fourth film in Megan Fox and Johnny created a huge fan follow- power plants to power new thanks to a whistleblower their useless flat-packs! It’s
the Star Wreck series, work- Depp and was a huge box ing on the internet. The no robot technology is less- who has come forward to outrageous!”
ing title The Fourthinging, office hit. “It was great to budget film was released ened. support a complaint made Consumer protection
will feature the original cast work with a star cast, but for free on the internet as The next project in huma- to the European Scientific groups are also dismayed
of the first Star Wreck film. we felt that we wanted to a thanks to the community nising the robot is making it Board. It turns out that after by the revelation. Maria
Creator/producer Samuli go back to Samuli’s moth- which helped in creating the suffer from lactose intoler- decades of research, cost- Sklodowska of the Con-
Torssonen will return to the er’s house and do the things film, and quickly reached ance and allergies. It is ex- ing a total of 5.2 billion eu- sumers United for Real
silver screen to play the role the retro way this time,” over ten million viewers pected that the market for ro- ros, IKEA scientists made Influence in Europe group
of Emperor Pirk, as request- commented director Timo worldwide. The 3D version bots will grow as people find a breakthrough in inter- is horrified: “How do we
ed by the internet commu- Vuorensola. of In the Pirkinning was re- out how human the products dimensional travel back in know that this technology
nity. The third Star Wreck The original Star Wreck leased late last year. of Itchy Bitchy Machines ro- 2005, but the discovery was is safe? Millions of unsus- IKEA flags on a typical entrance for a
featured an all star cast of movie, In the Pirkinning, TRUTH bot department are. labelled a trade secret and pecting customers have inter-dimensional passage.

times_new_roman_tes.indd 2-3 5/6/09 5:43 PM

04 Entertainment Issue 2/2018

Blind Spot Pictures Editor in chief: Ukko Kaarto Contributors: Timo-Heikki Mäkelä,
Hämeentie 11. Hki 53. FIN Editor: Antti Hukkanen Ben Tennenbaum, Charles Anderson, Designer: Tania Rodríguez David Yacobus, Seppo Hiltunen,
A Blind Spot Pictures Press Publication Editorial Staff:Timo Vuorensola, Jarmo Puskala Amy Macintyre, David Schiro and Jack Malinowski

From the readers: Cobrastyle to headline the New-Wembley opening Don’t Hold History
Missed My Copy Finnish electro rockers New-Wembley concert will include UK’s finest Fight-
Your Breath Repeating
Cobrastyle will be the head- be the opening for Cobras- star, noise kings Älymys- TRUTH TRUTH
of “The Truth liner of the New-Wembley tyle’s “Cylons Never Sleep tö, Muse, The Prodigy It is quite unhealthy to hold Film aficionados may recall
Today” opening concert in Septem- 2018” tour, which in the and Laibach. Tickets for breathing for more than a the 2011 science fiction film
ber. A total of 520,000 tick- end features an orbital gig the concert are available few minutes, and therefore Iron Sky, which told the
ets will be available, includ- on one of the satellites. through Ticketmaster and unadvisable. Not breathing story of Nazis on the Moon
ing the brand new K-class Other confirmed bands on w w w. c o b r a s t y l e m u s i c . regularly could lead to brain attacking the Earth. With the
hovering VIP seats. The the New-Wembley lineup com. TRUTH damage, claims the latest current orbital attack going
research by Dr Quacken- on, that plot seems startling-
bush. He forced volunteers ly realistic. Several details in
to hold their breath and then the film are uncannily accu-
performed psychological rate, such as the identity of
tests using standard IQ test the U.S. President, which
patterns. surely could not have been
Just a couple of minutes known when the film was
without breathing caused written a decade ago. When

Riku Kaminen
the IQ tests show results in approached for comment,
the level of idiotism, but the director Timo Vuorensola
condition was reversible. could not be located; accord-
Hi Guys, It was remarkable that ing to his secretary, he
longer periods without retired to a private bunker in
With all the Nazi hubbub on breathing almost invariably early March.
the Moon and the mass panic led to death by suffocation,
it has caused, my newspa- at least the symptoms were
per wasn’t delivered to my Duke Nukem practically indistinguish-
door. There I was eating my able, says Dr Quackenbush.
organic Organo Pops, and
Forever He has already applied for
that familiar thud, of a rolled more funding to further
up paper was absent from After 20 years of develop- study this interesting be-
my daily rouitine. I under- ment, 3D Realms’ compu- haviour.
stand that with this crisis and ter game Duke Nukem
potential invasion that deliv- Forever will be released
ery may be a little delayed. I on 1 April this year. The
would love to see a PDF of announced date should be
the latest newspaper. reliable, since a beta version
of the game has been avail-
Yours sincerely, able for the past year. An
Charles Anderson anonymous playtester stat-
ed that the expectations for
P.S. Because I live in Austral- the game are so high that
ia, gravity is reversed, so I there is “no way in hell” the
checked my ceiling for the finished version will be able
newspaper first, before I sent to live up to them.
you my letter.
XKCD Randall Monroe
The Truth Today answers:
Dear Mr.Anderson. We
sincerely apologize for the
delay in delivery of the latest
copy of The Truth Today.
We have been experiencing
some delivery problems in
your area, but will send you
the copy as soon as possible.
Until that you can read The
Truth Today online at thetru-

The Beatles’ White Album’s

50th anniversary
This year 2018 is the 50th during the last two decades now think you want a Revo- people claim, because the
anniversary of the Beatles’ and many of citizens around lution? So Why Don’t We music of the Fab Four has
White Album. Long gone the world have admitted Do It in the Road, no one lasted for half a century
is the Soviet that was greet- that Happiness is a Warm will be watching us? now. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
ed with Back in the USSR, Gun. People talking about Now turn your record yeah...
Blackbird has also sung now Nazis on the Moon and con- players back on and play
for fifty years and Martha spiracies, should know any- that Beatles White Album
been oh so dear... how that Everybody’s Got loud and clear from your
Ironically the world econ- Something to Hide Except amplifiers. Maybe there is - Brian Brimstone, music
omy has gone Helter Skelter Me and My Monkey. You a message there, as some journalist of the 60’s. The Beatles

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