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Child: Annece Date: May 2013 Written by: Teacher Nur

Story Learning
Kia Ora/ As salamu alaykum Annece, Today I was in the class watching the children during fine motor, sensory activities, when suddenly I heard someone counting "one, two, three, four, five ...". I tried to find whom the cute voice was belonging to, and then I noticed that it was you, Annece! I was a bit surprised that you could count very well indeed! Then I approached you, and you smiled at me. You continued with the activity you were doing, building a high tower of blocks. You were very enthusiastic, taking one piece after another and stacking them up. After the blocks were raised tall enough, you stood up with a happy face to show me and said "teacher teacher look, tower ... longg!" as I smiled and responded, "Wowww Annece! Your tower is so high!" I heard your laugh, and then you put it back on the floor and started to build another tower. You were so excited that you could build a high tower. This was evident from perpetual smile on your face while you were making the second tower. Annece, congratulations!

Recognising the learning

Well done Annece, you managed to achieve your goal to build the high tower. I can see that the success clearly boasts your confidence, and it encouraged you to be more motivated in building the second tower. You obviously expressed your happiness and pride in your work as well. Annece you were always smiling while doing the activity, which shows that you posses the strand of well being by expressing trust and playfulness either with teacher or alone.

What next?
Considering you really like construction, we will provide more activities and tools related to that kind of learning. This will give you more opportunities to explore and exploit space and cooperation with friends with the same interest.

Child/ Parents voice

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