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PAST CONTINUOUS O passado continuo usado para se referir a uma situao que estava em andamento em um determinado momento do passado.

. A construo do passado contnuo deve ser dada segundo a forma : Affirmative Subj + verbo to be no passado + verbo com " ing " ex : She was working yesterday night. He was working at the college. The dog was barking a lot yesterday night. Negative Subj + verb to be no passado + not + verb com " ing " ex : They were not studying when i arrive home. I was not traveling last week. We were not playing cards during the class. Interrogative ( wh ) verb to be no passado + subj + verb com " ing " ex : Was Lisa copying Marianne's exercises ? Was Bob riding a horse with his friends on the farm yesterday ? Were you two dancing the P.E class yesterday ?

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