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Cooperative Learning

-Small groups that work together to create interdependence and accountability. -members help and encourage each other towards their goal and each member knows his/ her role or responsibility

Similarities and Differences

Core of Learning
-students compare/contrast, sort, classify, use metaphors, use analogies, use similes -Aids in understanding of and ability to use knowledge -helps organize understanding of specific knowledge

Non-Linguistic/Graphic Organizers
-Students use visual imagery, auditory experiences, Kinesthetic or whole body mode to reinforce information learned

The Six Instructional Strategies

Homework and Practice

Purpose: memorization, skill speed, deepens understanding of concept, prepares for next class study time = grade level x 10. Helps with GPA -teacher assigns work to match the goal -parents help facilitate completion of home work without doing the homework

Advanced Organizer
-Presenting information graphically and symbolically helps with vocabulary and reading skills K-W-L Chart, Guides, outlines, questionaires

Cues and Questions

-teacher focuses questions on content -teacher uses higher level questions to promote learning -student learns more using different techniques -wait time after questions increases student interaction

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