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July 22, Monday

Lesson Plan 2

12:30 12:35 Checking attendance Collecting HW Reviewing last class o What did we watch last week? The perspective of literature 12:35 12:40 Introducing the new perspective: ecology o Preview vocab: ecosystem o Ask Ss their definitions of ecosystem/Pair-work o Ask each pair share 12:40 12:48 Watch the video clip What is Ecosystem?(2 mins.) Have Ss write down main points from watching the video/Listening Ask Ss share what they write down 12:48 1:00 Write Your ecosystem o Give Ss the handout o Have Ss write their ecosystem o Have Ss share with a whole class 1:00 1:15 Showing the photos of the real-world deforestation Compare and Contrast/Whole-class discussion o Give Ss the satellite images of Beijing, China o Have Ss answer the following questions What changes in land cover do you see between image 1 and image 2? What land cover types seem to have decreased in extent? What could be the reasons behind this change? What land cover types have increased? What could be the reasons behind this change? o Provide Ss with color information: blue tone building/red tonenature o Ask Ss the question about ecosystem What happens to animals/plants/insects where they used to live in red tone zone? 1:15 1:25 Reading the handout of Tropical Deforestation/Individual task o Ask Ss what information individual S gets. What are main points from the reading? o Make sure Ss understand the reading o Vocabulary development (if they have unfamiliar words) 1:25 HW: Reading The forestation of Amazon due by Wednesday Explain that the reading is quite long and bit difficult than before. Encourage Ss understand as much as they can!

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