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NAME:_____________________________________ Intro to Psychology Module 7 Sleep and Dreams A. Continuum of Consciousness 1. Define continuum of consciousness (2 pts.

.) (NB: Definitions should NOT be copied from book paraphrase or just list words or phrases that help you recall what these terms mean)

How do you know you are conscious right now? (2 pts.)

2. What do controlled processes require? (2 pts.)

Give an example of a controlled process from your own life that is not mentioned in the book. (2 pts.)

3. How does one create an altered state of consciousness? (2 pts.)

What is the result of being in one? (2 pts.)

Why would someone want to be in such an altered state? (2 pts.)

4. Define sleep: (2 pts.)

5. If you are born blind, how do you dream? (2 pts.)

B. Rhythms of Sleeping and Waking: 6. Define biological clocks (2 pts.)

7. Define circadian rhythm: (2 pts.)

What was the example given in the book, and how is it reset? (3 pts.)

8. How are sleep problems, jet lag, and shift changes results of problems with circadian rhythm resetting? (3 pts.)

9. What is the purpose of the interval timing clock? (2 pts.)

10. What does the food-entrainable circadian clock regulate? (2 pts.)

How might obesity be related to problems with this clock? (2 pts.)

11. Why, besides drug and alcohol usage, is there a higher rate of traffic accidents in the wee hours of the morning? (2 pts.)

12. What is light therapy? (2 pts.)

13. What is melatonin and what is its function? (4 pts.)

C. World of Sleep 14. How can the stages of sleep be measured (2 ways)? (2 pts.)

15. Fill in information about each of the following stages of sleep: (10 pts.) 1) alpha stage 2) non-REM sleep A) Stage 1 B) Stage 2 C) Stage 3 & 4 3) REM sleep

16) What is happening to the mind and body during REM sleep, even though you are technically asleep? Because of this contradiction, REM sleep is often called ____________________. (1 pt.)

17) How does REM rebound indicate the importance of REM sleep? (2 pts.)

18) What is REM sleeps connection to memory? (2 pts.)

D. Research Focus: Circadian Preference 19. Why might a person have a strong morning or evening preference? (2 pts.)

20. Besides the sleep-wake cycle, what other circadian rhythm is regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus? How does this circadian rhythm impact sleep cycles? (3 pts.)

21. A morning persons temperature rises _________________________ in the am than an evening persons. This explains why he/she gets up earlier. (1 pt.) 22. How does morning persons temperature impact what time he/she goes to bed relative to an evening person? (2 pts.)

E. Questions about Sleep 23. Why do adolescents circadian rhythms and school start times not work well together? (2 pts.)

24. Explain repair theory and how it is physiologically supported. (4 pts.)

25. Explain adaptive theory and how it is backed up by observations of predator/prey animals. (4 pts.)

26. How can sleep deprivation impact the body and brain? (List at least 3 ways) (6 pts.)

27. What neurotransmitter does the VPN secrete, and what does it do? (3 pts.)

G. World of Dreams 28. When does dreaming occur during the sleep cycle? (1 pt.)

29. Freud saw dreams as a way to reach our ___________________________________ ___________________________________ and ___________________________________. (3 pts.) 30. Explain Freuds theory of dreams: (2 pts.)

31. According to the theory that dreams are extensions of waking life, what might reoccurring bad dreams signify? How might one be able to gain control over them? (4 pts.)

32. Explain the activation-synthesis theory. What science backs up this theory? (4 pts.)

33. How does this theory contradict Freuds? (2 pts.)

H. Sleep Problems and Treatments 34. What did you read about causes of insomnia in adolescents that backed up the theory of going to bed and getting up at close to the same times every day? (2 pts.)

35. Look at the steps to establishing an optimal sleep pattern. From what we have already studied about sleep, why would it be important to turn out the light immediately upon getting into bed (and not watching television)? (2 pts.)

36. How does cognitive-behavior therapy compare to sleeping pills in treating chronic insomnia? (2 pts.)

37. What is sleep apnea and what are some ways people can reduce their risk of developing it? (4 pts.)

38. What is narcolepsy? What brain cells are deficient in number or behavior in a person or animal which suffers from it? (3 pts.)

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