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FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment School of Education, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan First Semester, School Year 2013-2014

Name of FS Student: Krizziel Lynne C. Eduave Date of Visit: July 19, 2013 Course: Bachelor of Elementary Education Major: Special Education FS 3 (Section): EDD Cooperating School: Camaman-an Elementary School Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Timaan

Important Reminders: 1) Extend due courtesy to the Administrators, Teachers, and Staff Members of the school. 2) Follow the rules and regulations of the school and the centers you are visiting. 3) Always ask permission from the person-in-charge before touching any material or operating any equipment. 4) After you have completed your observation, express your gratitude for the time and assistance they gave you for this FS episode.

Aim of this activity: The activity is designed for you to survey on the available instructional and educational materials in the school. After the identification, you shall classify these materials according to the guidelines provided.
Part 1: On Facilities What o o are the various learning centers in the school? Classrooms Library Learning Resource Center Computer Laboratories o o o o Science Laboratory Music Room Gymnasium/Covered Courts Others: _______________________________ _______________________________

How do these learning centers facilitate the learning process? They have the E-learning room which contains projectors and tvs, and dvd players for film viewing. This is helpful in facilitating science classes where the students can watch documentaries which can supplement their learning. Who are in charge for the maintenance and upkeep of these centers? o Librarian Subject teacher/s Janitors Hired staff o Technician Students o Student Assistants o Others: _________________________ Are there policies for the use of these facilities? ___ Yes ___ No _----_Uncertain (Note: Ask if you can have a copy of the rules.) What materials/equipments are available in these facilities? Tables Projectors: OHP,LCD Chairs Cabinets/Closets o Lockers Shelves Charts Blackboards/Whiteboards o Computer units Bulletin boards o Laboratory equipments o Others: _________________________ Does the school include these learning facilities in their annual budget? ___ Yes ___ No _----_ Uncertain

Reference: Trinidad( 2011)

FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment School of Education, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan First Semester, School Year 2013-2014 Which materials/equipments are MOST HELPFUL Teachers Students/Pupils Blackboard/whiteboard Powerpoint slides Books Tv and dvd player Handouts Powerpoint slides Diorama Internet Books Art supplies LEAST HELPFUL Teachers Students/Pupils

Puppets Flipcharts Drawings Charts

Puppets Flip charts transparencies

Part 2. On Teachers Instructional Materials What are the instructional materials used by the teachers? o Blackboard/Whiteboard: related o paraphernalia o o Handouts o o Power Point Slides o o Art Supplies o o Diorama o o TV & CD/DVD Player o o Internet o o Books o Flip charts
10 Most Useful/Important IM Brief Description of its use

Transparencies Charts Posters Drawings Movies Portable CD/Cassette Player Puppets Others: ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________

Please rank the instructional materials in order of its importance and usefulness for the teachers.
Advantages Disadvantages


Reading purposes of the students

Books a re po rtable, readily available eve rywhe re

Takes a lot of space



Research purposes and for wider sources Where teacher write down

100 pe rcent accu rate, reliable and much faste r than humans

Depends on elect ricyt

Everybody in the class can see

Chalk dust can b ring sickness to most teache rs

Reference: Trinidad( 2011)

FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment School of Education, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan First Semester, School Year 2013-2014

Tv and cd player

Cd player


Visual aids

notes to be copied Plays cds for movies and documentari es Plays cds for movies and documentari es Visual pu rposes of the student Pasted o r viewed fo r students visual pleasu re

va riety of movies to play fo r students to see

du rability ansd electi ricity dependent

va riety of movies to play fo r students to see

du rability ansd electi ricity dependent

Students can identify and see pa rts clea rly (skeleton)

May be outdated

colo rful and catches students attention

Easily be to rn. du rability is not long lasting

Part 3. On Your Insights and Realizations

Which of the centers have caught your attention most? Why? They have the E-lea rning room. This room is fo r Science classes and they held thei r film viewing he re. This room caught my attention because of its name. When they mentioned about the E-lea rning, the college eebiste went inside my mind but to them, it functions as an AVR.

Which of the instructional materials caught your attention most? Why? Reference: Trinidad( 2011)

FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment School of Education, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan First Semester, School Year 2013-2014

I saw a co rne r in one room that has a mat and a shelf full of books. I didnt get the chance to ask what it is but I guess its a reading co rne r. this caught my attention because g rowing up, we didnt have this kind of reading co rne rs in ou r rooms. This is a big help to the students in enhancing thei r reading skills.

Which instructional materials/gadgets are you confident to use/operate? I am confident in in using the dvd playe rs and the tv since we have those mate rials at home and in school. The p rojecto r also is not a p roblem fo r me since as education students, we f requently use p rojecto rs fo r ou r repo rts.

Which instructional materials/gadgets do you feel the need to learn more about? I didnt see in st ructional mate rials that I need to lea rn mo re about because the mate rials a re ve ry common and I am exposed to these mate rials al ready.

More insights and realizations for this episode What I am really con ce rned about in this episode is that the teache rs a re having difficulties in adjusting thei r cu r riculum, inst ructional mate rials and teaching st rategies because of the implementation of the MTB/MLE educational system.

Related reading: 1) Research on policies, standards, and guidelines provided by Department of Education for the use of ICT, educational technology, or instructional materials in teaching.

Schools must use technology that empowe rs teache rs A code of conduct gove rning behavio r on the inte rnet. A desc ription of the consequences of violating Acceptable Use Policies A signatu re fo rm fo r teache rs, pa rent and student indicating thei r intent abide by the AUP. teache rs should emb race the common Co re State Standa rd.

Reference: Trinidad( 2011)

FS 3 Technology in the Learning Environment School of Education, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan First Semester, School Year 2013-2014

Reference: Trinidad( 2011)

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