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Using the Truss Analysis Module

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Using the Truss Analysis Module

How to Start A grid is used to simplify input for the truss analysis. Begin the analysis by clicking on the New Truss buttton.

Define the spacing interval size and the number of intervals in both the x and y directions from the Define Grid form.

Defining the Truss Members The truss members, supports and loads are defined with the mouse. The drawing options are shown at the left side of the screen. To create a truss member, click and hold the left button down at the desired member starting location on the grid. Drag the mouse to the member end location on the grid, and then release the mouse button. A truss member will be defined between the starting and ending grid locations.

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Using the Truss Analysis Module

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Defining Supports MDSolids solves statically determinate trusses. A statically determinate truss requires three supports for equilibrium. Two supports are required in one direction (e.g., say the y direction) and one support is required in the orthogonal direction (e.g., say the x direction). There are some statically indeterminate cases that MDSolids will solve. Primarily, these cases involve two members with a total of four support conditions. To create a support, select the Supports option and draw the support in the desired direction at the appropriate grid location. A single support defined at a grid point is assumed to be a pin reaction that is symbolized by:

Two supports at a grid point define a pin reaction:

Defining Loads To create a load, select the Loads option and draw the load in the desired direction, starting at the appropriate location on the truss. Specify the magnitude of the force on the Define Truss Load form. The force units need not be specified for the analysis. MDSolids assumes that consistent force units are specified for the loads.

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Using the Truss Analysis Module

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Performing the Truss Analysis After l truss members have been defined, l at least three supports have been defined, and l at least one load has been specified, the Compute button will become visible. Click the Compute button to perform the analysis. The analysis results will be printed on the truss members. Arrows will be drawn to indicate the direction of the reaction forces, and the reaction magnitudes will be printed on the drawing. Compression members will be drawn in gold, tension members will be drawn in cyan, and zero force members will be drawn in magenta. Letters will be assigned automatically to each of the truss joints.

The member internal forces and the reaction forces are also listed in the drop-down boxes at the top of the form.

Computing Member Normal Stresses After successfully completing a truss analysis, the Stresses menu item will be enabled.

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Using the Truss Analysis Module

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Clicking this menu item displays a tabular form that contains the results of the truss analysis. On this form, the user can specify particular force units as well as the cross-sectional area of each member. After defining an area for each member, click the Compute button to compute the normal stress in each member.

Alternatively, a normal stress can be specified and the required cross-sectional area needed to satisfy the stress limit will be computed.

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