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CHAPTER 6STATISTICS Class Interval Highest value Lowest value

Upper Limit & Lower Limit Upper Limit Lower Limit The highest value in the class The lowest value in the class

Upper Boundary & Lower Boundary Lower Boundary =

Upper Boundary

Mode, Midpoint, Mean Mode (Modal Class/ Class Mode) The value that occurs MOST frequently Midpoint Midpoint = = (upper limit + lower limit) (upper boundary + lower boundary)

Mean Average value of the data Mean =

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Representing Data Histogram A type of bar graph of which the area of the bar represents the frequencies of the class intervals. Frequency Polygon A line graph that connects all the midpoints of the class interval at the edge of each bar. Note: When drawing, add a class with frequency 0 before the first class and after the last class.

Cumulative Frequency Accumulation of frequencies from the first class interval to the class concerned. Eg. Record of Long Jump Frequency Cumulative Frequency 3.2 3.5 1 1 3.6 3.9 3 4 4.0 4.3 12 16 4.4 4.7 10 26 Ogive A smooth graph plotted with the cumulative frequency against the upper boundaries of the class intervals. (Usually is a S shape) Note: Always add a class interval with frequency Zero 0 before the first class. An upper boundary with the frequency zero is necessary. Please refer to the example below. Class Interval 2.8 3.1 3.2 3.5 3.6 3.9 4.0 4.3 Upper Boundary 3.15 3.55 3.95 4.35 Cumulative Frequency 0 1 4 16

Measures of Dispersion To determine the variation of data or how widely spread is a group of data. Type of Measures 1. Range (for ungrouped data) = Difference between the largest value and the smallest value of the data Eg. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ,8 Largest: 8 Smallest: 1 Range: 8 1= 7

2. Range (for grouped data)


= Eg.

The midpoint of the highest class MINUS the midpoint of the lowest class Long Jump Record (meter) 3.2 3.5 3.6 3.9 4.0 4.3 4.4 4.7 4.8 5.1 5.2 5.5 = = 5.35 Frequency 1 3 12 10 3 1

Midpoint of highest class

Midpoint of lowest class

= = 3.35

Range = 5.35 3.35 = 2m 3. Lower / First Quartile, Q1 = the value at which 25% of the data is less than it. 4. Median = the middle value when the data is arranged in order of size. 5. Upper / Third Quartile Q3 = the value at which 75% of the data is less than it. 6. Interquartile Range Q4 = Third quartile first quartile Note: f is the frequency. Note that an extra class interval is added. First quartile, Median and Third Quartile can be found through the OGIVE. In order to get the accurate answer, the ogive sketched has to be an accurate smooth curve.

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