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Flourishing Civilizations along the Mediterranean

Phoenician Civilization
1100 B.C. (modern-day Lebanon)

Previously powerful neighbors weakened (Egyptians/Hittites) Trading colonies established by 900 B.C.

Trade w/ Inhabitants of the British Isle (~450 B.C.)

Strait of Gibraltar

Trade Route around the Cape of Africa (~600 B.C.)

Strait of Gibraltar

Phoenician Trading Routes

Phoenician Water Transport

Phonetic Alphabet

Borrowed by the Greeks

Phoenician Impact
Spread culture from the Southwest Asia region (Mesopotamia) throughout the Mediterranean through trade.

Phonetic Alphabet Greeks borrow it Trade Routes (lines of comm.) Technology (nautical)

Common base of culture Mediterranean becomes a focal point for development of future civilizations spread of ideas

Flourishing Civilizations along the Mediterranean

Minoan Civilization 2,000 to 1,100 B.C.

Aegean Sea


Journal #1: View the following images. As an archaeologist, what might you determine about this culture on the island of Crete? Provide your theory/evidence.

Palace of Knossos
Ceremonial courtyard 55 X 25 Meters), size, beauty, non-religious, unfortified

Minoan Culture Flourishes: 1800-1550 B.C.E.

Minoan Culture

Minoan Exports

Minoan Historical Records

How do we learn about the Minoans???
Linear A dont understand it!!!
Not Greek in origin Suggests a bureaucracy

Archaeology artifacts
Storehouses Artistic motifs suggest contacts w/ Near East/Egypt Lack of fortifications non-aggressive

Stories told by future civilizations


Theseus vs. the Minotaur

Minoan Civilization Declines

1626 B.C.E. volcanic eruption on Thera (70 miles away) Conquered by Mycenaean Greeks

Journal #2: What evidence/experience do we have that we live in a maledominated society in our society and in societies throughout the world.

Position/role in society (jobs, social roles, etc.) Legal rights (historically): voting, hold office, reproductive control Wealth/Property Positions of Power/Authority Role in traditions: marriage, surnames, etc. Conception of God

Before we look back into history to see where a male-dominated society comes from Lets take a close look at what we have now

What is Patriarchy? How do you know if you live in one?

Chalice & The Blade - Riane Eisler

Paleolithic Era/Early Neolithic Women life-giving properties (resurrection, rebirth, fertility, respect of nature)
Evidence dismissed in the 19th C. Assumption human nature: male dominated, private property, slavery, subjugation of women by-products of agricultural revolution New methods

Art/artifacts do not idealize armed might, cruelty, violence, warrior class, conquest, human sacrifice, glaring inequality, military fortifications, patrilineal societynor matriarchal society

Eislers Theory
Beginning with evidence from around 5000 BCE, we start to see images in the West (Eurasia) of a shift
Agrarian, Partnership, Goddess Culture *Female/Chalice Culture* to Indo-European Pastoral, Nomadic, Dominator Culture *Male/Blade Culture* chieftain burials, subordination of goddesses, fortresses, weapons, inequality, male war-gods BUT THEN THERES CRETE

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