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Electrical Formulas

Steps In Calculating Usage Costs 1. Volt x Amps = Watts 2. Watts / 1000 = Kilowatt (kW) 3. Kilowatt (kW) x Hours Of Use = Kilowatt Hour (kWh) 4. Kilowatt Hours (kWh) x kWh rate = Cost Of Usage Steps In Calculating VA (Volt/Amps) for UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) Systems 1. Total amperes of all equipment to be used on UPS. Rule of Thumb: (MMX PC's average 2.8 Amps beginning 1997) (PCs average 3.5 Amps prior to 1997) 1. If the equipment lists total watts only, use W x 1.4 to obtain VA 2. Total Amps x 120 Volts = VA (Volt Amps) 3. VA x 1.2 = Total VA 4. Choose the UPS that is rated higher than the Total VA An example: The average pool pump will have a rating of 7 to 10 amps and run 24 hours a day when the pool is being used. To figure the energy used to run this pump, we will first determine the amount of kilowatt-hours required for a month. Kilowatt-hours can be found in the following steps; Amps x volts = WATTS 10 Amps x 120 volts = 1200 Watts, 1200 Watts x 24 hours = 28,800 Watts, for one day. 28,800 Watts, divided by 1,000 = 28.8 kWh (kilowatt-hours) for one day. 28.8 kWh x 30 days = 864 kilowatt hours in one month. 864 kilowatt hours x your electric rate (Warren RECC's rate is .07) = the dollar amount. 864 x .07 = $60.48

A typical 18 cubic foot frost-free refrigerator will use approximately 720 watts when running, but only runs about 1/3 of the time; therefore, the formula must be modified by dividing by three. This will give a fair estimate, although lifestyle will still play a major role in energy use. Calculating Watts Volts x Amps = (Watts) Calculating Amperes Watts / Volts = (Amps) Calculating Volts Watts / Amps = (Volts) Calculating Resistance (Ohms) Volts/ Amps = R (Resistance)

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