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Support for P1

BTEC National - Sport Unit 18: Sports injuries

Activity 4 The risk factors: EXTRINSIC By the correct identification of risk factors we can begin to prevent common sports injuries. Risk factors can be either extrinsic or intrinsic. Lets begin with distinguishing between the two Extrinsic risk factors: Intrinsic risk factors:

Hopefully we now know the difference. So lets begin with having a look at the extrinsic risk factorscan anybody think of any examples of extrinsic risk factors in relation to sports injury?

Extrinsic Risk Factors

Support for P1

How did you get on? Hopefully you identified some of the extrinsic risk factors from the table below. So you fully understand them see if you can add a few descriptions (with relation to sports injuries)feeling free to add any of your own examples! Extrinsic risk factors Examples Poor coaching/leadership, communication, ensuring adherence to rules and governing body guidelines Description


Incorrect technique

Lifting and handling equipment

Environmental factors

Weather effects on surfaces

Clothing and footwear

Protective, sport-specific, specific to surface

Safety hazards

The importance of safety checks, environmental safety checks, equipment safety checks, misuse of equipment, first-aid provision, safety checklists, risk assessments

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