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Morty, are You Listening? 1. What are the names of the people? 2.

What is the product that is being advertised? 3. Why is this product good for the couple? 4. Do you think they have a good marriage? Why? 5. Would you like to be like them when you are old? Why or why not? Bonus! Does the man care about his wife? Write a 5 sentence Paragraph supporting your opinion. Email it to and I will give you comments on your writing!

5 Sentence Paragraph
Sentence 1: Sentence 2: Sentence 3: Sentence 4: Sentence 5: State your opinion Give one supporting reason. Give a second supporting reason. Give a third supporting reason. Summarize your opinion in a concluding statement.

Note: The 5 Sentence Paragraph is the BASIS for all well-organized argument in English Writing. The basic structure of topic/support can be expanded into a 5 Paragraph Essay, or into a longer paper.

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