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Name: Vernica Burbano Level: 5 English Date: 27TH of June 2011

Let's play football

The word soccer is used to describe a game where a team plays with a Ball; this has relationship with medieval games. Their name originates of the fact that the peasants played with the foot and not to horseback as the noblemen did. In the USA the players they use their hands mainly, they can score points by carrying the ball to the other side of the court, this game is known as American Football. In the soccer the players can only use their feet, except for the goalie who can use his hands, too. Football for Australians is Australian Rules football or Aussie Rules and players use their hands and feet. The soccer is considered the king of the sports, it is an exciting game and has many followers especially men

QUESTIONS 1. Who were the first people to play a game called football The first were the peasants 2. How do you score a field goal? The points can score by carrying the ball to a goal, through the field 3. 4. 5. 6. What do people from the USA call Association Football? What do Australians mean by football? Where do Australians play Aussie Rules? What happened in 1349?

In 1349, King Edward III banned football because it was distracting people from practicing archery.

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