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How Big & Ripped Can You Get In The Next 12 Weeks? The Asteroid Stack

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Can You Get As Strong As These Guys? Page 11

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BIG Bench & Squat


New Blitzkrieg Training Program Makes It Easy!

Massive, Striated Chest & Rule The World!


Inch-A-WeekArm Blasting Program

New Training, Supplement Program Causes Explosive New Growth FULL Program inside!

Never-Before-Released $25,000

Jacked & Shredded?

12 week nutrition, training & supplementation plan makes it possible!

Copyright 2009 USPlabs,LLC All rights under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions. Published in worldwide by:USPlabs, LLC For more information visit This edition first published in August 2008 No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews. DISCLAIMER The authors, publisher, and editors of this material are not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury/soreness that may occur through following the information/instructions contained in this material. The activities, physical and otherwise, described herein are for informational purposes only, and may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people. Please consult a physician before engaging in any supplementation, dietary or activity described or mentioned in this publication. Warnings: This product is only intended to be consumed by healthy adults 18 years of age or older. Before using this product consult with your physician if you are using any prescription or over the counter medication or if you have any pre-existing medical condition including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, seizure disorder, psychiatric disease, diabetes, difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement or if you are taking a MAO-B inhibitor or any other medication. Discontinue use and consult your health care professional if you experience any adverse reaction to this product. Do not exceed recommended serving. Do not use if safety seal is broken or missing. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug administration. This product is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

Who Knows How Much Muscle Youll Pack On

Introducing The Stack So Incredibly Potent, Its Transforming Physiques Everywhere, Yet Isnt Dangerous Like Synthetic Anabolics!

The Asteroid Stack

Dear Friend

Please listen carefully because what youre about to read will be the absolute best news any serious bodybuilder will ever read and that is you can now take a legal anabolic stack that delivers true physiquealtering effects - yet doesnt yield the negative sides youd expect from such powerful substances... Strong words for sure, but if you continue reading for just the next few minutes, youll become a true believer because the three products in the Asteroid Stack were designed to mediate the same exact muscle-building pathways as the anabolic agents: testosterone, Growth Hormone, and Insulin!

Who wants to get freaky big the fastest way humanly possible?

Thats right, friend! You will be placed on a stack of three anabolic agents that can deliver results that at one time thought to be only attainable through the use of illegal compounds, but without the side effects youd expect from synthetic drugs! Now if this is not every bodybuilders dream, what is? Imagine, packing on pounds of raw, brutal muscle and keeping it! But listen to this in addition to making you Big as a House, the Asteroid Stack can also make you extremely muscular, defined and vascular! Its the Biggest Breakthrough In The History Of Muscle Building Agents And Them Some!

So, how is all this possible? Its possible because of new scientific breakthroughs scientists at USPlabs have developed that are so unique and revolutionarythey may never be exceeded! And heres why

As you are aware, testosterone is an extremely powerful muscle building hormone! In fact, testosterone and Insulin are the two most potent muscle-building hormones that have ever been developed! Dont believe me, than just look at the top pros who weigh 335 in the off-season, lots of Testosterone, Orals and Growth Hormone. So the point being made is, since the Asteroid Stack is made up of anabolic agents that mimic testosterone and its derivatives, plus Growth Hormone ... its virtually impossible for anything known to current science to work better! Yes, the Asteroid Stack contains three anabolic agents that are scientifically designed to work just like these compounds without the nasty side effects! And when you read how each one works youll be absolutely

convinced beyond any doubt that what youre reading is the truth.

Prime, Its The Greatest Anabolic Agent Ever Keep Reading For Proof!

Surely, youve heard someone say, and I saved the best for last, but in this case, the best is first, Prime, the greatest anabolic agent ever invented, bar none! And, when you finish reading the astonishing story behind its creation, you will completely understand how this is possible!

The first thing you need to understand is that testosterone and all anabolic steroids are synthetic versions of natural steroidal alkaloids from the yam plant! But its true that steroid bio-chemist Russell Marker first synthesized testosterone from the yam because its chemical structure is identical to the structure of human testosterone (You cant eat yam and get big however!). So, with this chemical model found in nature, all steroids like Deca, D-Bol & Winny were created! Dont worry though, Prime isnt some scam Wild Yam extract

But, steroidal research hasnt advanced much from the 1960s. Scientists can sometimes get complacent and think It doesnt get much better than this or good is good enough

Besides, pharmaceutical companies are no longer funding steroidal research as theres no money in it. Rather, they are focused where the big money is giving old guys hardons and lowering cholesterol levels.

Science has grown by leaps and bounds since the 1960s (almost a half-a-century ago) and with todays 21st century technology, USPlabs scientists have improved upon this early work Thats right, I said IMPROVED upon Check this out, friend because the scientists at USPlabs discovered a special process that delicately strips the sugar molecules from the steroidal alkaloids found in a plant called Tribulus Aquaticus. Now, do not confuse this Tribulus compound with the more wellknown Tribulus Terrestris, which is only weakly anabolic, even in high doses!

Of course, at USPlabs we are NEVER satisfied. I mean, outside of an antique car show, would you drive a car from the 1960s? Of course you wouldntAnd you shouldnt use anabolics from that era either

True, they are from the same family, but the potency between the two is miles apart! Surely you remember Hammerin Hank Aaron and his 755 career homeruns, second place on the all time list! But youve probably never heard of his brother, Tommie, who hit only 13 career homeruns.

Same family, but my-oh-my, what a huge difference in power! Well, this is the degree Tribulus Aquaticus power is above Tribulus Terrestris. In fact, it is so powerful, many users report that it works just as good or better than pro-hormones... Listen, if steroids & pro-hormones didnt have any side effects, you wouldnt be reading this youd be out taking them and getting huge without a care in the world!

However, unlike pro-hormones, Prime does not shut down natural testosterone or luteinizing hormone! And this is, by far, the biggest miracle of all! But they do and the shutting down of the HPTA (Hypothalamic/Pituitary/ Testicular Axis) is the most feared side effect of all! And when this happens, your natural Leydig cells in your testicles shut down testosterone productionand then everything shrinks to nothing! But Prime, as anabolic as it is was shown not to alter your HPTA so its significantly better than pro-hormones, when you consider all factors! In addition, you never have to worry about the legality of Prime, like you do with steroids and certain pro-hormones. And after all, you shouldnt have to break the law to get jacked.

Youll Recover and Grow Like Never Before!

Ok, so thats one aspect of Prime, its extreme anabolic properties derived from the process of liberating the steroidal alkaloids from the potent Tribulus Aquaticus plant! But another anabolic aspect of Prime are anabolic adaptagens. And as their name implies, they help the body adapt to stress & have been used for decades for this very purpose! Discovered by Soviet scientists in the 1940s, adaptagens are also plant-derived and have powerful bio-chemical activities on restoring brain chemicals, balancing the hormone system (proper testosterone to estrogen ratios) and even increasing ATP production in the body. So Prime is both a powerful anabolic agent and a powerful recovery and restoration agent due to the inclusion of these amazing anabolic adaptagens! And the vast, vast majority of users report super sound sleeping patterns to boot!

PowerFULL, It Has To Be The Best Growth Hormone Releasing Compound On Earth - Its Key Ingredient Went Head To Head With Synthetic GH - And Came Out Standing!

Onward! Ok, Prime is the androgenic/anabolic prong of this amazing stack, now lets get to the Growth Hormone prong!

As you are well aware, GH is very anabolic, especially stacked with androgens and . other anabolic agents! (More on this later!)

However, just by itself, coupled with a high protein nutrition plan, GH can practically do miracles in terms of altering your body composition, and heres why! Scientists have known for years that anabolic steroids cause the muscle to hypertrophy, which means to grow bigger! However, new research is now proving that growth hormone causes a phenomenon called hyperplasia which is the actual splitting of the cell! So what this means is, youll now have more genetic material to work with so your potential for muscular growth will increase dramatically! And this is a huge breakthrough, especially when you couple the intake of GH with the highly specialized training program which will actually assist the GH in splitting your muscle fibers for exponential muscle growth that is permanent! And listen, this is just one reason why many are calling PowerFULL the worlds most potent over-the-counter Growth Hormone releaser as its key ingredient has been shown to increase GH by a staggering 221%!

Ok, so we already know Growth Hormone will help induce muscle hyperplasia, which is the splitting of the muscle! And when this happens, you are going to get beastly strong and because you are going to get beastly strong muscle youll need to get beastly strong ligaments and tendons to keep pace with your huge increases in size and strength! And, since your ligaments and tendons are made up of a protein called collagen, you need as much collagen as you can get! And PowerFULL contains another key ingredient that has been shown to be a very powerful synthesizer of collagen, meaning it causes your body to make a lot more of it! And all the women in your life will notice, all the extra collagen, too as it makes your skin soft, supple and smooth!

HSL, The Little Known Metabolic Catalyst, Will Go Crazy!

Its commonly known that lack of quality of sleep is one reason why some individuals cannot gain lean muscle tissue or get lean. This alone is worth the price of admission!
References: Lin T, Tucci JR. Provocative tests of growth-hormone release. A comparison of results with seven stimuli. Ann Intern Med. 1974 Apr;80(4):464-9

Did I also mention how many users of PowerFULL report deep, restful sleep without a hangover in the morning? Increased quality of sleep can increase recovery and rejuvenation.

So Growth Hormone (1) increases muscle hyperplasia which will increase your genetic capacity for muscle growth, (2) it increases protein anabolism, (3) it increases collagen synthesis, and (4) it increases HSL activity for staggering fat loss!

Another amazing cosmetic benefit of Growth Hormone is that it burns fat like crazy, especially around the lower abs! Now, scientists cant exactly agree on why this happens, but one common accepted theory is that high levels of GH activate or increase the activity of HSL (Hormone Sensitive Lipase), the enzyme that catalysis the hydrolysis of stored triglycerides! And when HSL is kicked into high gear, your metabolic rate will kick in like crazy.

Nippon Naibunpi Gakkai Zasshi. 1987 Aug 20;63(8):934-46

GLUT4 The Secret Behind The Magical Post-Workout Window Of Opportunity - May Be The Biggest Anabolic Breakthrough of All!
Now, lets get to the last prong of this monster maker now to replicate the extreme nutrient shuttling performance enhancing drugs deliver! As every serious bodybuilder knows, bodybuilders use Insulin as an anabolic agent to drive protein and carbs into the muscle. However, this is an extremely dangerous practice, and is much, much more dangerous than just taking pro-hormones or steroids!

But heres some fantastic news! Scientists at USPlabs have discovered an amazing combination of compounds that activate a transporting protein called GLUT4 that carries protein and carbs into the muscle very similar to Insulin but with no dangerous side effects! GLUT4 is an extremely powerful partitioning agent that preferentially directs all food stuffs (protein, carbs and fats) away from fat and toward muscle!

The Anabolic Hour When the Real MuscleBuilding Magic Happens!

GLUT4 is the reason for the Post-Workout Window Of Opportunity. It lays dormant in the middle of every muscle cell, until it is activated by weight training. At this time, GLUT4 comes racing to the surface of the cell and literally begins to suck in nutrients like an industrial-sized vacuum. Its commonly accepted by nutritionists that during the Post Workout Window Of Opportunity when GLUT4 is activated your body can build more muscle tissue than any other time of the day And, in fact, its virtually impossible to gain bodyfat during this time, no matter what you eat.

But what sucks is, after about 60 minutes, GLUT4 becomes deactivated and returns back to the middle of your cell and instantly cuts off the awesome nutrient partitioning effects it delivers.

This is where Anabolic-Pump comes in

Simply take 1 capsule of Anabolic-Pump 15-20 minutes before a meal, and it quickly goes to work, activating GLUT4 and increasing glucose uptake in muscle cells! So imagine the food you consume being directed toward the construction of muscle and destruction of fat

So, taken before a meal 3 times per day, youve turned each meal into a Post-Workout Window Of Opportunity! And you will notice this partitioning effect as your waistline decreases while your weight increases! And this can mean only one thing nutrient partitioning to the Nth degree! -which can lead to huge gains in lean muscle mass and a decrease in bodyfat!

So are you clearly getting this? A key ingredient in Anabolic Pump has not only been shown to replicate the anabolic action of what many experts believe is the most potent anabolic agent in the world Insulin it also acts as a Genetic Equalizer - allowing you to utilize food for the purpose of muscle-building & fat-burning!

GLUT-4 is a transporter protein which insulin causes to come to the surface of the cell and allow glucose (i.e. musclebuilding nutrients) to enter. Control is the increase of GLUT 4 under normal conditions after eating. The above chart shows how a key ingredient in Anabolic-Pump has demonstrated the ability to increase GLUT-4 activation over 100%!

* The ingredients in Anabolic Pump were added to a medium containing two powerful lipogenic substances, insulin and corticosteroids to evaluate how effective a key ingredient in Anabolic-Pump is at preventing fat gain. This key ingredient almost completely inhibited the lipogenic effects of insulin and corticosteroid. Testing in an enviroment that was created to get you fat, this key ingredient prevented Glucose UPTAKE almost completely in fat cells which ELIMINATED fat gain almost completely by 90%! Basically, this key ingredient showed it can shuttle nutrients into muscle cells (muscle gain) and eliminate glucose into fat cells (fat loss) at the same time!
References 1. Bova S, Padrini R, & Goldman WF. On the mechanism of vasodilating action of berberine: possible role of inositol lipid signaling system. J Pharmacol & Experimental Therapeutics 1992; 261:318-323. 2. Baron AD, Clark MG. Role of blood flow in the regulation of muscle glucose uptake. Annu Rev Nutr. 1997;17:487-99 3. Cheng Z, Pang T, Gu M, et al. Berberine-stimulated glucose uptake in L6 myotubes involves both AMPK and p38 MAPK. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2006 Nov;1760(11):1682-9. 4. Low SY, Rennie MJ, Taylor PM. Modulation of glycogen synthesis in rat skeletal muscle by changes in cell volume. J Physiol. 1996 Sep 1;495 ( Pt 2):299-303. 5. Lee YS, Kim WS, Kim KH, et al. Berberine, a natural plant product, activates AMP-activated protein kinase with beneficial metabolic effects in diabetic and insulin-resistant states. Diabetes. 2006 Aug;55(8):2256-64. 6. Huang C, Zhang Y, Gong Z, et al. Berberine inhibits 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation through the PPARgamma pathway. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2006 Sep 22;348(2):571-8. 7. Liu F, Kim J, Li Y, et al. An extract of Lagerstroemia speciosa L. has insulin-like glucose uptake-stimulatory and adipocyte differentiation-inhibitory activities in 3T3-L1 cells. J Nutr. 2001 Sep;131(9):2242-7. 8. Miura T, Itoh Y, Kaneko T, et al. Corosolic acid induces GLUT4 translocation in genetically type 2 diabetic mice. Biol Pharm Bull. 2004 Jul;27(7):1103-5. 9. Yamaguchi Y, Yamada K, Yoshikawa N, et al. Corosolic acid prevents oxidative stress, inflammation and hypertension in SHR/NDmcr-cp rats, a model of metabolic syndrome. Life Sci. 2006 Nov 25;79(26):2474-9. 10. Miura T, Ueda N, Yamada K, et al. Antidiabetic effects of corosolic acid in KK-Ay diabetic mice. Biol Pharm Bull. 2006 Mar;29(3):585-7. 11. Klein G, Kim J, Himmeldirk K, et al. Antidiabetes and Anti-obesity Activity of Lagerstroemia speciosa. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2007 Dec;4(4):401-7.

The Synergy Now Its Time To Enter The Freak Zone of Muscle Growth!
Ok, now the fun is really about to start, because a huge synergistic action comes into play. In case youre not familiar, synergistic means 1 + 1 + 1 is no longer 3, it could equal 9, 17 or even 33! Sure, each of the awesome products explained in this manual have been battle tested by your fellow brothers of iron so you know they work great just by themsleves...

For example: many people using just Prime have reported gaining 10-12 pounds of muscle within several months. And if you take nothing but Anabolic Pump youll still get the awesome repartitioning effects, as carbs and protein rush to your muscle cells for awesome pumps, recovery & new muscle growth. PowerFULL alone can help you sleep better, recover like a champ & get stronger from workout to workout... But, if you take all three at once they can feed off one another for even bigger gains. This is the oldest trick in the book, as veteran bodybuilders have been doing this for years with different combinations of steroids that work through different pathways & have different reported benefits. So start to use your imagination, friend, because all three of these anabolic agents are to work like crazy for lifters everywhere just by themselves but when you stack them, look out world!

So start thinking now about how much more muscular and bigger you can be as each of these anabolic agents take hold of the cellular mechanisms that cause new muscle growth and make them go absolutely berserk! And when you combine all three with your special nutrition plan and new training program you will now enter uncharted waters in terms of explosive new muscle growth!

And best of all youll stay yoked 365 days a year. So no more hiding out after going off a big synthetic cycle like a lot of pros so their size and thus ego can shrink in private! Youll be big, bad and muscular as long as you continue to follow the training and nutrition plan.

Asteroid Stack

The Dosing:

3 Capsules, 3 times per day with meals. 2 Capsules, 3 times per day with meals. 3 Capsules, 3 times per day with meals. 2 Capsules, 3 times per day with meals.

2 capsules pre-workout (taken with pre-workout product such as USPlabs Jack3d), 2 caps before bed on empty stomach. 3 capsules pre-workout (taken with pre-workout product such as USPlabs Jack3d), 2 caps before bed on empty stomach. 3 capsules pre-workout (taken with pre-workout product such as USPlabs Jack3d), 2 caps before bed on empty stomach. 3 capsules pre-workout (taken with pre-workout product such as USPlabs Jack3d), 2 caps before bed on empty stomach..

Anabolic Pump
1 capsule, 2 times per day 20 minutes before meals. 1 capsule, 3 times per day 20 minutes before meals. 1 capsule, 3 times per day 20 minutes before meals. 1 capsule, 3 times per day 20 minutes before meals.




The following success stories were achieved by combining a solid, well-thought-out weight training program (such as the ones found at the end of this manual), following a consistant plan of quality nutrition (again, like the plan found in this manual) and the three products that make up the Asteroid Stack - Anabolic-Pump, Prime & PowerFULL. While individual results may vary, these success stories show the incredible transformation the human body can make when provided with the proper training, nutrition & supplementation. This is all provided for you right here IN THIS MANUAL.

Please note these individuals added significant muscle mass to their frames while dropping body fat - the true Holy Grail of bodybuilding. Please note that when this occurs, the scale may not make immediate changes as you are adding muscle and losing fat at the same time. Even with a few individuals below who gained 20-25 pounds of muscle, their scale weight only changed 12-16 pounds. This is EXACTLY what you want as this means youre droping fat and gaining muscle! It should also be noted that the following individuals tailored their nutrition program to their individual goal. Whether it was maximum muscle mass, incredible body recomposition or maximum fat loss, their nutrition plan reflected this for the 12 weeks. For maximum results, we advise you to do the same. While top-notch supplementation can play a critical role in your success, you must combine with proper nutrition and training suited for your goals. This simply cannot be stressed enough. The information is all here for you in this manual.


Anthony Bisignano Carmel, NY


Weight: 246 pounds Bodyfat: 14% Best Lift: Bench 425 x 3

Weight: 258 pounds Bodyfat: 10% Best Lift: Bench 515 x 6

Gained 12 pounds on the scale, lost 4% bodyfat and increase bench 90 pounds!
Im amazed at what Im able to accomplish while on The Asteroid Stack. Ive owned a successful supplement shop (Docs Nutrition Depot Carmel, NY for over 10 years so needless to say Ive tried virtually supplement & pro-hormone ever made. The Asteroid Stack is my all-time favorite because Im getting big, ripped with zero negative side effects! My business lives and dies by my recommendations because in order to be successful, I have to sell what works. Every single customer Ive given The Asteroid Stack to was so thrilled, theyve come back for more and even told their friends!


Mark Proto Brooklyn, NY


Weight: 192 pounds Bodyfat: 17% Best Lift: Bench 385 x 1

Weight: 207 pounds Bodyfat: 7% Best Lift: Bench 435 x 5

Dropped 10% bodyfat while gaining 15 pounds on the scale and jacked his bench up big time!
What can I say? Ive been training like a machine and the muscle keeps piling on. I keep getting asked what Im on, as to imply Im using prescription anabolics. No way, Im on Prime, PowerFULL & Anabolic-Pump The Asteroid Stack baby! Im a personal trainer and a musician, so Im always in front of a lot of people. Everyone is telling me how much my body has changed for the better. Its an awesome feeling!


Leonard Hill Lakeland, FL


Weight: 210 pounds Bodyfat: 13% Best Lift: Bench 365 x 2

Weight: 226 pounds Bodyfat: 8% Best Lift: Bench 425 x 5

Gained 16 pounds on the scale, got more cut and skyrocketed his bench!
I must admit, my diet has not been the cleanest while taking The Asteroid Stack. But, my progress hasnt stopped. I keep gaining muscle & dropping bodyfat. Tremendous results, especially from natural products.


Rich Maffei Mamaroneck, NY


Weight: 165 pounds Bodyfat: 15% Best Lift: Bench 235 x 3

Weight: 182 pounds Bodyfat: 5.5% Best Lift: Bench 315 x 10

Got SHREDDED dropping nearly 10% bodyfat while moving the scale up 17 pounds!
The Asteroid Stack got me RIPPED! The cool thing was, I got stronger and added muscle quicker than ever. Im hooked. This stuff is the real deal.


Mike Matika Cheshire, CT


Weight: 196 pounds Bodyfat: 18% Best Lift: Bench 225 x 6

Weight: 208 pounds Bodyfat: 10% Best Lift: Bench 285 x 8

Bigger. Leaner. Stronger.
Ive used my fair share of supplement before. Most of them fell way short of what they promised. Not The Asteroid Stack. It did everything they said it would do and more. My strength, lean muscle & recovery all skyrocketed. But what I was most impressed by was the nutrient partitioning. I was eating my face off and getting abs amazing!


Patrick Casella Seymour, CT


Weight: 248 pounds Bodyfat: 23.6% Best Lift: Bench 415 x 1

Weight: 203 pounds Bodyfat: 4.2% Best Lift: Bench 435 x 5

Dropped 49.9 pounds of pure fat, gained some lean muscle and gained strength on a cutting cycle!
Anabolic Pump Anabolic-Pump is hands down the best nutrient partitioning agent ever. It burned all unwanted body fat and helped me maintain and build muscle. While training with AP I noticed that it made me harder and more vascular than I have ever been. This product really took my physique to the next level! I refuse to train without it. PowerFULL When taking PowerFULL, I notice a phenomenal increase in my recovery rate. This allows me to train harder than Ive ever been able to do before. Another amazing thing with this product is its ability to help you fall asleep at night. Theres truly nothing better than a good nights sleep after a hard day training. You cant understand the power of PowerFULL until try it. Prime Prime....I dont know where to start. This product does it all! From extreme muscle pumps to crazy vascularity. I noticed when taking this product that my workout stamina seemed never ending. My size and strength gains were out of this world! This is as close to the real thing as you can get.


Jay Olivera Fairfield, CT


Weight: 187 pounds Bodyfat: 11% Best Lift: Bench 245 x 3

Weight: 194 pounds Bodyfat: 6% Best Lift: Bench 315 x 2

Blasted through the 3 plate barrier!
As soon as I started taking Anabolic-Pump, Prime & PowerFULL my workouts went to a new level. I was able to get stronger almost every workout & recover very quickly, even after a killer workout. Sure, I train hard and eat right, but Ive never gotten results this dramatic and fast!


*Please consult your Doctor before beginning this, or any other nutrition program.


Ask any avid lifter, any PRO, any MONSTER what the key component to success is, and they will tell you this: Nutrition, nutrition, nutrition! It is simply an unavoidable necessity, that can either keep you a gym-rat, or transpose you into THAT guy! But, how does one know what to eat, and in what amounts? Most often, this is arrived at through painstaking dedication and trial and error; however, lucky for you FRIEND, that work has been done for you: in this breakdown, we equip you with THE tools and not just cookie-cutter dietary suggestions to not only create your nutrition plan, but modify it at will! What You Need to Know First: CALORIES Calories MUST be uniquely determined from individual to individual this means that no cookie-cutter nutrition plan must be given, but only basic caloric guidelines! As such, we have given you the APEX of dietary knowledge and experience below, in order to assist YOU in constructing YOUR own, perfect nutrition plan. Very briefly, let me introduce an important term here: Basal Metabolic Rate or, BMR for short. This simply means the minimum amount of calories your body needs to sustain itself without activity. Obviously, to gain weight, we must eat MORE than our BMR this will also help to harness the awesome power of USPlabs products; using them to their full potential; equally as obvious, to lose weight, we must eat LESS than our BMR. First, we give you the tools to calculate your BMR, and then explain how to employ it! BMR Calculation:

BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year ). So, if YOU are 511, and 160lbs at 23 years of age, your BMR is as follow: 66 + (6.23 x 160) + (12.7 x 71) (6.8 x 23) = 1808 calories needed with NO activity performed. Now, we have the most basic but most useful tool of nutrition plan construction, lets show you how to apply it to get MAXIMUM RESULTS! BULKING CALORIES: To Gain Weight and Lean Muscle Mass: Gaining 1lb of mass requires 3500 calories of energy; 3500 split over 7 days equates to 500 calories MORE than your BMR daily. So, to combine with our example above, this means 1808 = 500 = 2,308 for a bulking nutrition plan! CUTTING CALORIES: To Lose Fat and Retain Muscle: As we mentioned above, gaining 1lb of mass requires 3500 EXTRA calories; so following that logic, it requires 3500 LESS calories per week than your body requires. As above, lets use our first example: 1808-500 = 1308. This VERY SIMPLY means that you need to burn 3500 more calories a week than you eat EASY! PROTEIN INTAKE, CARBOHYDRATE AND FAT INTAKE: Now, we have set YOU up with the tools to construct YOUR nutrition plan; but in what amounts? Frankly, the exact amount your BMR needs is not the whole picture. You have to make that amount up from the proper proportions of our three major nutrient types: Protein, Carbohydrates and Fat. Respectively, these proportions are as follows: Protein: 40% Total Calories Carbohydrates: 40% Total Calories Fat: 20% Total Calories


Keeping in line with our example, this means: 930 calories of Protein, 930 calories of Carbohydrates, and 440 calories of Fat. Well, thats great, but what is that in GRAMS an easier to understand unit. Well, there are 4 calories in every gram of Protein and Carbohydrates, and 9 calories in every gram of Fat. This means: Protein: 930/4 = 232.5g of Protein Carbohydrates: 930/4 = 232.5g of Carbohydrates Fat: 440/4 = 110g of Fat

In those simple easy steps, YOU have learned how to meticulously, SPECIFICALLY use the same techniques pros use: Calculating your daily needs by bodyweight, then creating the same for CUTTING or BULKING, meaning you literally have the whole gamut of tools!


Meal construction is very simply which foods, in which amounts, at what times comprise your daily nutrition plan. In terms of which foods, we tell you below! In which amounts, you know from above; now, we will tell you WHEN to eat WHICH foods to MAXIMIZE yourself!

Ideally, one should eat 6 meals, balanced with our 40/40/20 formula used above! However, there are TWO meals in the day of UTMOST IMPORTANCE: Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition!


One should consume this meal 15 minutes after an Anabolic-Pump dosing, and 45 minutes to 60 minutes (in total) before a workout. While the 40/40/20 ratio should be kept, it is more about QUALITY than QUANTITY here: Ensure you mix both fast and slow digesting carbohydrate sources (given below), with fast and slow digesting protein sources (given below) to both SURGE your muscles with nutrients, and keep them sustained!


This meal is of equal importance as the former: it is the meal which helps you to replenish glycogen (muscle fuel) and synthesize protein in almost perfect coincidence, Anabolic Pump and Whey Tech 24 are the QUINTESSENTIAL combination of Post-Workout anabolic maximization, and proper nutrient intake! In order to utilize this killer combination properly, take 1 Anabolic Pump on your last set of training, and consume your post-workout shake IMMEDIATELY after training. Quite simply, friend, be prepared!


At this point, friend, you now have the knowledge of what amounts of food, at what times, and for what goal to eat; now, all you need is the FOOD ITEMS themselves. As we alluded to fast and slow digesting carbohydrate and protein sources above, we have color coded this list: Red items are fast digesting, while the black are slower digesting.


Egg whites Steak Lean Beef Turkey Chicken Lamb Whole Eggs Whey Protein Casein Protein Cottage Cheese Milk Low fat cheese Salmon Tuna Haddock Lean Beef Lean Hamburger Crab meat Lobster Whey Protein Powder Shrimp Cod Buffalo Deer All other types of fish

Extra Virgin Olive Oil Salmon Avocados

Raw Unbleached Almonds Almond Butter All Natural Peanut Butter Whole Eggs Fish Oil (Not flaxseed) Various other nuts

Oats Whole Wheat Pasta Whole Wheat Spaghetti Whole wheat breads Yams Waxy Maize Starch Milks Fruits Brown Rice Beans

Spinach Broccoli Carrots Onions Etc (all veggies are good to eat)
1 gram of Fat yields 9 calories 1 gram of alcohol yields 7 calories

1 gram of Protein yields 4 calories 1 gram of Carbohydrates yields 4 calories


Sample Plan:
Meal 1 (Breakfast) 1 Anabolic Pump - wait 15-20 minutes before eating the meal below 3 egg whites 2 whole eggs 1 cup Oatmeal

-ORWhey Tech Pro 24

1 Ultimate Man 2 USPlabs PRIME

Meal 2 (Lunch) Can prepare as stir-fry

8oz Extra Lean Ground Beef 1/4 cup Brown Rice 1 cup Broccoli 1T Extra Virgin Olive Oil (add post cooking)


Pre-Workout Shake (Use calucations from above) 1 Anabolic Pump - wait 15-20 minutes before eating the meal below 3 scoops Whey Tech Pro 24 1 Apple or Banana 1/2 cup Oatmeal

2 fish oil caps Post-Workout Shake (Use Calculations from above) Post Workout Meal 1 Anabolic Pump wait 15 minutes before eating the meal below 6oz Chicken Breast 1/2 Sweet Potato 1 cup Cauliflower 1oz Blanched Almonds Meal 6 (Pre-Bed) 1 cup Fat Free Cottage Cheese 1 cup Celery Sticks 2 Tablespoons All Natural Peanut Butter 2 USPlabs PRIME

3 scoops Whey Tech Pro 24 1 Banana 1/2 cup Oatmeal

2 USPlabs PRIME Before bed 3 PowerFULL


*Please consult your Doctor before beginning this, or any other exercise program.

However, if youre looking for a complete training program to go along with The Asteroid Stack, weve got a treat for you. If you simply want to add the Asteroid Stack to your current training regime, thats perfectly fine. Youll be amazed at what effect it has on your body and workouts.

The Asteroid Stack FREAK Workout

We commissioned world-renown strength & conditioning coach Jon Doyle of to reveal his Asteroid Stack Freak Workout (Mr. Doyle has trained over 500 MLB, NFL & NBA stars) where his athletes are putting on enormous amounts of strength & size in a very short period of time.

This workout is most likely different than what you are used to. Workouts ARE NOT broken up into bodyparts. However, there is muscular focus and overall volume is very high, which will lead to a great deal of fresh lean muscle tissue. In addition, this workout allows you to make radical strength gains, which also improving body composition. Everyone wants more lean mass, less bodyfat and more strength. This workout delivers just that. It is based upon heavy, compound movements. Do not worry about isolation exercises. This workout has everything covered. Please note youll be training frequently (5-6 days a week), yet for a shorter period of time, just 30-40 minutes in most cases. This will allow for maximal muscle stimulation, CNS recovery and nutrient utilization in conjunction with The Asteroid Stack.

Follow it to a T, be diligent with your nutrition & The Asteroid Stack and in just 90 days I guarantee youll be 12-25 pounds heavier with LESS bodyfat! This is a tried and true workout plan in conjunction with The Asteroid Stack. Theres no guesswork involved. All you have to do is follow the plan!

If you have ANY questions about training while on The Asteroid Stack, whether its related to the Freak workout or not, simply send Mr. Doyle a question on our message boards at www.


Day 1-14 Training Day 1 (Chest and Biceps, 12 sets x 4 reps)

A1) 30-degree incline DB Bench Press A2) Incline Bicep Curls

Day 2 (Legs and Calves, 5x5)


A1) Narrow Stance Squat A2) Calve Press in a Leg Press Machine B) Deadlift

Day 3 (Back, Triceps, and Shoulders, 12x4)

A1) Pullups A2) Dips B) Standing DB Military Press

Day 4 (Chest and Biceps, 5x8-12 w/ 3 supersets*)

A1) 30-degree incline DB Bench Press supersetted with 15% decline cable flyes A2) Incline Bicep Curls supersetted with reverse grip ex-bar curls

Day 5 (OFF)

Day 6 (Back, Triceps, and Shoulders, 5x8-12 w/ 3 supersets*)

A1) Pullups supersetted with seated cable rows A2) Dips supersetted with 15% decline skullcrushers B) Standing DB Military Press supersetted with standing cable lateral raise

Day 7 (OFF)

Day 8 (Chest and Biceps, 12x4)

A1) 30-degree incline DB Bench Press A2) Incline Bicep Curls

Day 9 (Legs and Calves, 5x5)

A1) Narrow Stance Squat A2) Calve Press in a Leg Press Machine B) Deadlift A1) Pullups A2) Dips B) Standing DB Military Press

Day 10 (Back, Triceps, and Shoulders, 12x4)

Day 11 (Chest and Biceps, 5x8-12 w/ 3 supersets*)

A1) 30-degree incline DB Bench Press supersetted with standing cable crossovers A2) Incline Bicep Curls supersetted with preacher ez-bar curls

Day 12 (OFF)

Day 13 (Back, Triceps, and Shoulders, 5x8-12 w/ 3 supersets*)

A1) Pullups supersetted with bent over barbell rows A2) Dips supersetted with Dual Rope Tricep Pressdown B) Standing DB Military Press supersetted with Standing DB lateral raise

Day 14 (OFF)

* 5x8-12 are to be supersetted with an isolation movement for the body part in question on the last 3 sets. For example, after your third set of dips (on which you might achieve nine reps), go immediately to a set of Dual Rope Triceps Pressdowns. Repeat for sets 4 and 5.

NOTE: Casually alternate between A movements 1 and 2 and then move onto the B movement once all sets of both A movements are completed.


Day 15-31 Training

You will be working out 6 days weekly, alternating between upper and lower body workouts. After you complete both the upper and lower body days with one scheme, move on to the next one. Heres what it looks like:

Lower Body Workout

A1) Deadlift A2) Narrow Stance Squat B) Calf Press

Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Workout Lower Body Upper Body Lower Body Upper Body Lower Body Upper Body None


1 1 2 2 3 3 None

Upper Body Workout

A1) 30-degree Incline DB Bench Press A2) Supinated Grip Pullups B) Dips

Optional: Incline Bicep Curl and/or Standing DB Military Press

NOTE: Casually alternate between movements 1 and 2; do not superset.

The Rep Schemes

Scheme 1: 3 x 6-8 to absolute failure Scheme 2: 6 x 4 Scheme 3: 2 x 10-12 to absolute failure

NOTE: While Im not normally a proponent of training to failure, it is necessary when only performing 2-3 work sets to ensure maximum stimulation. Mentally fight for every last rep

A1) Bench Press A2) Bent Over Rows

Monday (Chest and Back, 10x3, 45 sec to 1 min rest, load 5RM)

Tuesday (Calves, Legs, and Shoulders, 5x5, 2 mins rest, load 5RM)
A1) Leg Press A2) Calve Press in Leg Press B) Clean and Press from Floor


Wednesday (Biceps and Triceps, 10x3, 45 sec to 1 min rest, load 5RM)
A1) Decline Close Grip Bench Press A2) Barbell Curls

Thursday OFF

Friday (Chest and Back, 3x10, 45 sec to 1 min rest, load 10RM)
A1) Bench Press A2) Bent Over Rows

Saturday (Biceps and Triceps, 3x10, 45 sec to 1 min rest, load 10RM)
A1) Decline Close Grip Bench Press A2) Barbell Curls

Sunday OFF

Day 1 P1) Bench Press 3x10 3x8-4-4 Day 2 P1) Squats 4x10 P2) Calve Press in Leg Press 4x10 S1) Pec Dec 2x6-12-25 Day 3 P1) Supine Grip Pullups 3x10 3x8-4-4 P2) Decline Close Grip Bench Press 3x10 3x8-4-4 Day 4 P1) Deadlifts 4x10 Day 5 OFF Day 6 Repeat starting w/ Day 1

P2) Barbell Curls 3x10 3x8-4-4 S1) Lateral Raises 2x6-12-25

P2) Standing Barbell Military Press 3x10 3x8-4-4 S1) Seated Rows 2x6-12-25

S2) Hammer Curls 2x6-12-25

8-4-4 Perform 8 reps Drop the weight 10-15% and perform as many reps as possible (probably 3 or 4) Drop the weight another 10-15% and perform as many reps as possible (probably 3 or 6-12-25 Perform 6 reps Drop the weight 20% and perform 12 reps Drop the weight another 20-25% and perform 25 reps

S2) Lying Tricep Extensions 2x6-12-25

The percentage drops are just estimates; youll have to play around with things a bit to find out exactly how much weight you need to subtract to achieve the desired number of repetitions.


For the primary muscle groups, start with your 10RM and perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions with 1-2 minutes rest between sets. Stick with the same weight to start off your drop sets (due to neuromuscular fatigue, this should be about right) and then perform 3 drop sets of 8-4-4 with 2 minutes rest between drop sets. At that point, move into the secondary work, again resting 1-2 minutes between sets.

For those who are happy with their current training program, but want extra growth in their arms and/or chest, the following two programs are just what the doctor ordered!

MONSTER PIPES: The Ultimate Arm Girth Enhancer

While its true that every program should be based around heavy compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, cleans, pulls and presses, you CAN increase your arm size and quickly! Its common knowledge that you generally need to gain 10-15 pounds of bodyweight to gain an inch on your arm, but with the proper program, that simply not true. In fact, I see it every day. Guys putting 1-2 inches on their arms in a short period of time. Now, dont be fooled by arm measurements its pretty similar to asking a guy how many chicks hes been with. Very few natural guys have 18 inch arms, let alone 24 inch pythons claimed by many. If you get your arm girth up to 17-18 inches they will look like Rocket launchers!


For experienced lifters, in order to gain size in a particular bodypart, you should move to a maintenance phase on all other body parts for the duration of your bodypart-specific workout phase. Complete all sets of letter group before going on to next letter group Alternate exercises of same letter group Rest 30-45 seconds between sets. On all biceps exercises, keep wrists relaxed so emphasis is on biceps and not forearm muscles. Focus on squeezing muscle on each and every rep. Perform each workout once per week. Be sure to get adequate carbohydrates & proteins before and after training.

Workout 1

A1. 30 Degree Incline DB Curl 6 sets x 6 reps3-1-1-1 tempo A2. Decline Close-grip Bench 6 sets x 6 reps3-1-1-0 tempo -hands about 14 inches apart. Dont put hands too close together. B1. Barbell Drag Curls4 x 82-2-2-2 tempo -As you curl keep barbell in contact with body at all times B2. Seated Rack presses4 x 62-0-1-0 tempo -Lower barbell to top of head and press from there C1. Barbell Curl Iso- Holds3 x 60 seconds -Hold Barbell slighter higher than parallel with floor and squeeze biceps for maximum effectiveness. Keep wrists neutral at all times. C2. Close Grip Pushup Iso Hold3 x 60 seconds -Keep elbows by sides and hold at angle where you feel maximum tension on triceps.


Workout 2 (3-4 days later)

A1. Incline Zottman Curls 5 x 83-1-1-1 -Curl up, reverse curl (palms down) as you lower A2. Flat bench 1 1/3 Close Grip bench 5 x 83-1-1-0 -One rep Lower bar to lower chest/upper torso area, press 1/3 of the way up, lower back down to body, press bar until arms are 98% straight B1. Scott Reverse Curls4 x 63-0-1-2 -Using preacher bench, place arms over opposite side of where youd normally (you are standing - facing where youd normally sit). B2. Decline DB 1 1/3 Triceps Extensions4 x 84-2-2-1 tempo C1. Supine cable Curl3 x 103-1-1-2 -lay down on cable machine where you would perform seated cable row. With straight or ez curl bar, keep elbows tight to side and curl towards body. C2. Dual Rope Pressdown3 x 104-1-1-2 tempo -Use two triceps ropes on one pulley, one for each arm. Significantly increases exercise range of motion and triceps recruitment.


Warning: This Aint Your Daddys Chest Workout. If you want another boring, run of the mill chest workout then stop reading right now. But if you want to learn the secrets of developing huge, ripped pecs that explode through a t-shirt youve come to the right place!

What is the first exercise 99.9% of first-time weight trainees do when they go to the gym? Well, thats an easy one, its the bench press. Sure you may have done a few biceps curls with your fathers dumbbells growing up, but we have a love affair with the bench press unlike any other exercise. Why is this? Well, we all want perfect pecs! Lets face it, everyone wants a nice set of pecs look great with a t-shirt on or at the beach. And trust me, if youve got serious pec development, youve also got more girls than you know what to do with!

Arent you sick and tired of reading about chest workout that start with the bench press, then move to incline press and then to flyes? Its the same damn thing over and over again. And let me tell you if you havent figured it out alreadythose programs dont work! So Ive put together two chest workouts to be done for the next 8 weeks. Each week alternate each workout so in 8 weeks youve done each workout a total of 4 times each.

*Tempo (numbers = seconds. First number is lowering portion of exercise, second equals pause, third is the lifting portion of exercise. X means as fast as possible)

*Semi-superset exercises of same letter. Not full superset, allow about 30 seconds between sets, then 90 seconds between semi-supersets


15 degree Decline Bench Press 5 x 5 3-2-1 tempo



DB Chest Bomb 2 x 8 (each set) 3-1-1 tempo on each This mass monster consists of a triple drop-set of chest presses. Start at a 30 degree incline. Perform a set with above parameters. Then, drop the incline to 15 degree incline. Perform another set. Lastly, drop the bench to flat and perform your third and last set of the Chest Bomb!

C1. Cable 1 1/3rd flyes 4 x 12 4-2-2 tempo 1 and 1/3 reps are as follows. Lower all the way into the stretch position of the fly with arms fully extended. Begin to lift up 1/3 of the way. Then reverse back down into fully stretched position. Now, bring perform a complete fly, bringing your hands together. This is one rep and allows the majority of time under tension to be placed in the position of the exercises where the most muscle building occurs! C2. Flat DB Squeeze Press 4 x 10 3-3-3 tempo This a regular DB bench press with one twistKeep the end of the DBs touching at all times!

A. B. Bench Press 10 x 3 2-1-1 tempo Dips 4 x 6 3-2-1 tempo

C1. 15 degree Decline DB Cable Fly 3 x 8 4-2-2 tempo

C2. Towel Pushups 3 x 15 2-0-x tempo Simply place a small towel under each hand. Perform on a floor that allows the towels to easily slide. Start in a regular pushups position and when you push up off the ground, quickly bring your hands together. Its a pushups and a fly built into one!


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The Asteroid Stack

How Big & Ripped Can You Get In The Next 12 Weeks?

Patrick Casella Seymour, CT


Weight: 248 pounds Bodyfat: 23.6% Best Lift: Bench 265 x 1

US: $39.99

Weight: 203 pounds Bodyfat: 4.2% Best Lift: Bench 285 x 2

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