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In the table below is the full Russian alphabet in presented in dictionary order.

It would also be useful to learn how to say the Russian letters. The Russian Alphabet Russian Character English Equivalent Bb Vv Gg Dd YE ye YO yo Zh zh Zz EE ee I i or Y y Kk Ll Mm Nn Stressed: O o Unstressed: A a Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Ff H h, KH kh TS ts CH ch SH sh (hard) SH sh (soft) Sound Like "a" in car Like "b" in bat Like "v" in van Like "g" in go Like "d" in dog Like "ye" in yet Like "yo" in yonder Like "s" in measure or pleasure or like "g" in beige (the colour) Like "z" in zoo Like "ee" in see like "y" in boy or toy Like "k" in kitten, "c" in cat. Like "l" in light Like "m" in mat Like "n" in no Like "o" in bore Like "a" in car Like "p" in pot Like "r" in run (rolled) Like "s" in sam Like "t" in tap Like "oo" in boot Like "f" in fat Like "h" in hello or like the "ch" in Scottish 'loch' or German 'Bach' Like "ts" in bits Like "ch" in chip Like "sh" in shut Like "sh" in sheep Letter Name in Russian "ah" "beh" "veh" "geh" "deh" "yeh" "yo" "zheh" "zeh" "ee" "ee kratkoyeh" "kah" "ehl" "ehm" "ehn" "oh" "peh" "ehr" "ehs" "teh" "oo" "ehf" "khah" "tseh" "cheh" "shah" "schyah"

Hard Sign Ii Soft Sign Ee YU yu YA ya

Letter before is hard Like "i" in ill Letter before is soft Like "e" in pet Like "u" in use or university Like "ya" in yard.

"tvyordiy znahk" "i" "myagkeey znahk" "eh" "yoo" "yah"

The table below gives you the normal printed version of the russian characters, and the cursive (italic) version of the character. The letters which are significantly different are noted in red. It is worth learning these. The cursive characters are often used in signs and they also are similar to the hand-written form of Russian.

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