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School Psychologist

Special Education Case Management Response To Intervention (RTI) Behaviors Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying School Safety Team District Crisis Committee Severe Risk Intervention Counseling and Social Skills Groups

Special Education
OChild Study Team includes:
OSocial Worker, Learning Consultant (LDT-C),

School Psychologist O Speech/Language Specialist O Occupational Therapist O Physical Therapist

Special Education
O Servicing students with needs that

significantly impact their education O Individual Education Plans (IEPs) O (LRE) Least Restrictive Environment O Full Continuum of Services O In-Class Support, Out of Class Support O In-Class Replacement, Out of Class Replacement

O Mission: To utilize data and evidence based

practices as a means to effectively prevent, identify, and remediate inappropriate student behaviors.

O Build a school-wide foundation for all


O Intervene early for some children O Provide intensive interventions for a few


In School: Everyone has the right to a clean, safe, healthy environment free from violence and unnecessary risks.

Schoolwide Programs such as

O Responsive Classroom O Assemblies O Service Learning Projects O Enrichment Activities O Second Step Program O Social Skills Groups O Week of Respect O School Violence Awareness

O District Policy is located on the district


O HIB report form is also located on the


Individual Counseling Lunchgroups

O Social Skills Enhancement O Self-Esteem Building O Current Events (identified issues)

E-mail and Extension LDW Extension 227 AMS Extension 253

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