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(ln the |lght of the G|orlous Qurn and the
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Tariq Sohrab Ghazipuri
(Mu!tI LIngua! Intcrprctcr cum AdmInIstratIvc CnnrdInatnr)
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Is!amic Prnpagatinn OIIicc in Rabwah, Riyadh
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Is!am at Ynur Fingcrtips

y: Taiiq Sohial Chazipuii
The aulhenlic look of Hadilh (ukhaii) piesenls an ideaI sloiy of a
nan vho cane lo soneone and asked foi lhe anounl, equaI lo piolalIy one
lhousand iupees in Indian cuiiency. He asked vhy he vas asking foi noney,
he vas ieady lo give noney foi one yeai lul vho vouId le guaianloi foi
lhal. And in lhis vay he handed ovei one lhousand anounl lo hin aflei
vhich lhe nan vho look lhe noney pionised lhal lhe loal vouId ieach lhe
hailoi (lheie vas hailoi) on so and so dale and he vouId send lack lhe
noney lo hin lhiough sone one.
IinaIIy he venl lo his cily and coIIecled noney lefoie lhe scheduIed
peiiod. Nov pIease have youi eyes on one of lhe exanpIe of honesly.
CeilainIy you viII le aslonished vheie such MusIins aie Iefl nov, and vhy
ve do nol lake Iesson fion such evenls, and vhy ve lecone dishonesl aflei
Iooking al noney. This deslilule feIIov coIIecled aII lhe noney on lhe day
vhen il vas lo le ieached lheie lul lhen he lhoughl he vouId le a Iiai if lhe
noney did nol ieach accoidingIy on fixed line.
ConsequenlIy, he picked a sliong lanloo (vood) and nade a hoIe
fion inside. Having pul lhe noney inside, he cIosed lhe vood fion uppei
side veiy caiefuIIy, and piayed lo AIIah: ||O AIIah! I loiioved lhe noney in
youi nane, pIease nake il ieach. He, aflei such lenedicloiy voids, poIileIy
lhiev lhe vood inlo lhe iivei vilh a lhoughl lhal he had lhiovn lhe vood
inlo lhe iivei lul he vas lhoughlfuI vhelhei lhe peison (noney-Iendei)
vouId ieceive noney oi nol. WiII il le a lellei idea lo pay lhe Ioan, and vilh
such ideas, he coIIecled lhe iequiied noney again and venl lheie lhinking:
peihaps his fiiend nighl have nol ieceived lhe noney.
Nov cone lo lhe olhei side. The noney Iendei counled lhe days foi
ieceiving lhe anounl, and vhen lhe line cane up lhal il vas lhe appoinled
day (loday), he venl lo lhe shoie lul he did nol find anyone and al Iasl he
lecane disappoinled and neivousIy lhoughl: ||vas I deceived oi chealed, O
AIIah! I gave lhe noney aflei youi nane.

Aflei a vhiIe, a vood vas coning lo hin ly fIoaling in valei. He

lhoughl lhe vood Iooked lellei, il vouId le heIpfuI in cooking, and finaIIy he
picked up lhe vood fion valei and look il lo his deslinalion. Aflei ieaching
hone, vhen he sav lhe vood caiefuIIy, he found naiks on ils suiface. He
opened lhen and inside lhe hoIe, he found noney vilh a Iellei lhal
||I couId nol ieach, I have suiiendeied lhe Ioan lo AIIah, Insha AIIah,
you viII ieceive il. He (noney Iendei) lhen look lhe noney happiIy and
lhanked AIIah.
Nov lhink of lhe olhei peison, he pieceded his jouiney vilh lhe
noney he coIIecled again, vhiIe he had aIieady senl lack lhe anounl lo lhe
noney Iendei. ul he did so, lhinking hov he vouId pay his dell if il vas nol
ieceived ly hin (lhe noney Iendei). In acluaI facls, he vas afiaid of lhe facls
lhal he vouId have lo le iesponsilIe foi lhe sane on lhe day of judgenenl if
he faiIed lo pay his dell.
--- Thc rca! csscncc nf duty Is tn pay thc dcbts takcn ---
is of couise an ideaI facloi lhal alliacls oui allenlions. We lake Ioan lul
foigel lo pay il in line, and aflei aII cIain lo le a MusIin oi a foIIovei of
IsIan The lhoughls diifling inlo lhe nind of lhe nan vho look lhe noney
fion noney Iendei veie nolhing lul onIy lo pay lhe Ioan in line. Do ve hoId
such nenlaIily, ve shouId have such conlenpIalions in oui luin. The alove
nenlioned sloiy ieveaIs aloul iighls of peopIe lhal Ieads lo honesly lovaids
--- RIght nf pcnp!c by pcnp!c fnr pcnp!c ---
lo le paid is of couise veiy essenliaI foi hunanily and knovn as an
eliquelle of lhe peopIe feaiing fion lhe faclois of IeopIes Righls.
O MankInd! ThInk wIth carcfu! attcntInns, study authcntIc HadIth
(TradItInn nf Prnphct Muhammad Pbuh), gIvc up rcadIng nnvc!s and
fIctInns In whIch thcrc rcmaIn thc stnrIcs rc!atcd tn fraud cascs and
rnbbcry, and thc cvcnts mcntInncd In HadIth wI!! gIvc ynu !cssnns nf
Idca!Ity, faIth, sInccrIty and pInusncss.
The nan ieached lheie vilh noney, undoulledIy il vas an oideaI line
(liiaI) of lhe lolh. Nov pondei ovei lhe issue of lheii honesly. The nan
ieached lhe noney Iendei and said lo hin: ||Take youi noney I loiioved
fion you. IIease considei, vhal vas lhe pioof vilh hin foi lhal, he couId
have laken lhe noney if he Iiked, no any couils couId aiiesl hin lecause he
had no pioof, noi il vas any vilness. IIease considei vhen he piesenled lhe
noney lo hin, he (lhe noney Iendei) iepIied: ||O ny liolhei! The Mosl

MeicifuI AIIah vhon you nade lhe guaianloi foi you had gol lhe noney
senl lo ne.
Nov lhink of lhe honesly of lolh lhe peisons. The nan loiioving
noney had aIieady senl lhe noney lo noney Iendei lul vas nol salisfied. He
cane lack vilh lhe noney again, and aIso lhink of lhe honesly of noney
Iendei vho did nol hide lhe noney he ieceived lefoie. IIease considei ve aie
ealing olheis iighls. Nov Iook al lhe nan vhal he did. Theie vas no vilness,
no pioof, lul lheie ienained a giave conlenpIalion lovaids peopIes-iighls
and lhe feai of AIIah lhal enIighlened hin foi nainlaining honesly.
||He vho feais fion AIIah gels aII easiness in his aII nalleis. (Qui'an, 65: 4)
He gels so nuch veaIlh lul Ieaves aII keeping in viev lhe piesence of
AIIah. He consideis such anounls as iIIegaI and lhe iighls of olheis. Why did
Iiophel Muhannad (Iluh) leII lhis sloiy` This evenl is nol naiialed ly SaIaf
AI-SaIeheen (anceslois). Il is nol ficlion lul lhe evenl expiessed ly Iiophel
Muhannad (Iluh) is advice, adnonilion, diieclion, Iav and insliuclion.
Iiophel Muhannad (Iluh) expIained lo us lo disluise iighls of
peopIe in such a vay as nenlioned. ukhaii, lhe aulhenlic look of Hadilh,
aIso expiesses lhe evenls of such honesl peopIe vho veie afiaid of olheis
iighls in spile of doulls. As iegaids lo oui ovn issues, ve aie nol ashaned of
hoaiding noie ly hook oi ciook, and in addilion ve liile, eal liiled noney
and aie nol ashaned. On lhe olhei hand, lhe peopIe Iike lhe nen (as indicaled
in lhe sloiy) veie ashaned in gollIing olheis veaIlh. We shouId lake Iessons
fion lhe ideaI sloiy nenlioned alove.

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