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1-Interpersonal Communication, Oral communication , Face- to- Face 2- Written Communication, e-mail

I will share with you a real episode of my life during I was working on TV this last year. Among other colleagues we had a guy at work that was not very fit and keeping his job, was able to do everything. One of his strategies was covering his self by others work, and convey every day top editor with untrue things for everyone. Influenced by this person she brought us email with irritating tones, and this was happening almost every day. She never made meetings any more, everything by email. Can you imagine, working in an industry, in a job that the main thing is directly communication we were running by e-mails? And what upset me most was the way of communication she chose to talk with us and provide job instructions, except e-mails content. After a while I thought I have to fix it. I decided to talk face-to-face and asked for a special meeting with my top editor, meanwhile the rest of colleagues were terrible scared because if i will talked, someone could be dismissed from the job .But communication face to face helped me to solve the issue, even in the beginning of conversation we had louder voices, arguing every email that she had sent, explain everybodys work, defense my responses ,convince her that she had received wrong information about me and my colleagues I was able to calm and give the end those not pleasant situations .

Form of Communication Interpersonal Communication, Oral communication , Faceto- Face

Advantages Speed and feedback, You can save time by receiving a quick response, is the best way to get information to and from employees.

Challenges The major disadvantage of oral communication surfaces whenever a message has to pass through a number of people: the more people, the greater the potential distortion. Each person interprets the message in his or her own way. The messages content, when it reaches its destination, is often very different from the original.

Form of Communication Written Communication, email

Advantages You have a record of communication, the message is physically available for later reference, is important for complex and lengthy communications,

Challenges Theyre time consuming, what you can say in a short time might take you long time to write, other disadvantage is lack of a built-in feedback mechanism. With written communication you cant respond rapidly to what you think you hear.

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