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Assalamu alaikum Wr. Wb. Lets we pray for The Almighty, who has given us much happiness, healthy in every time in our life. The Big Family of Mr. Sukandar will make an engagement event for his daughter, which will be held as follow: Day/ date Place Time : Saturday, September 9th 2006th : Kencana Hotel Purbalingga Pahlawan Street No. 10 Purbalingga : at 07.00 pm until finished

He invites you to come to the event. Thanks for your attention and we expect your presence. Wassalamu alaikum Wr. Wb.

Mariana Kumalasari Sukandar

Mr. Sukandars daughter Ahmad Yani Street No. 19 Purbalingga With

Romeo Juanda Putranto

Mr. Barons son Dokter Angka Street No. 11 Purwokerto

The Location:

From purwokerto


SMP N 1 Purbalingga

Women are made from the ribs of men Not from his head to top him To Banjarnegara Or from his feet to be stopped upon But from his side to be close to him Beneath his arm to be protected by him Near his heart to be loved by him The Location

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