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Mechatronics 2 Robot Proposal


London South Bank University

Faculty of Engineering, Science and the Built Environment

Microprocessors & PLC Applications 2 (DCL-2-210)

Norbert Nisio Petra OSullivan Tom Vella
BSc(Hons) Computer Aided Engineering

Wajid Riaz
BSc(Hons) Computer Aided Design

Submitted to: Tony Roberts

Robot Proposal Concept Initial Concept of Programming Code Robot Flow Chart Diagram 3 4 5

Robot Proposal Concept

- Function of Robot: The main function of the robot will be a mix of two types of robots, a picking and placing robot and a transporting robot. The main objectives of the robot will be to grip certain objects, (e.g. a ball) and then to transport this object from one place to another. There will be the added function of the robot being able to identify different coloured objects and place them in corresponding coloured containers. - Types of Motion: The robot will contain 2 wheels at the front which will provide acceleration in either the forward or backwards direction. They will also provide turning motion due to one wheel turning while the other is stationary. An additional wheel will be placed at the rear of the robot to provide balance support and addition support for turning. The second type of motion will be of the robot gripping device. A single servo motor will provide motion to be able to simulate a claw/hand like mechanism allowing objects to be held in place while being transported. - Types of Sensors: The robot will use many different sensors for the purpose of directing the robot and to provide conditions for the robot to act upon. The sensors used will be: 1-The Ultrasonic Sensor o This will placed at the front of the robot. o Main purpose will be to detect if object is within the gripping range of the robot. 2-The Light Sensor - 1 o This sensor will detect whether the robot will be in the dropping zone. o This will trigger the release sequence of the object by opening the gripper. o This will also provide colour recognition of the object for identification purposes of the different coloured objects. 3-The Light Sensor - 2 o This sensor will be placed on the front near the gripper, sensing the appropriate object to be picked up. o Once this condition is filled, it will activate the closing gripping sequence. 4-The Touch Sensor o This sensor will be placed on the edge of the gripper, causing it to be pressed if the robot hits a wall. o If the touch sensor is activated, it will trigger a reverse and turn around sequence for the motion of the robot.

Initial Concept of Programming Code

- Identification of the different major sequences: To be able to write the programming code of the robot, all of the different aspects of the robot need to be identified such as the motors, and sensors, which have been done above. The next step would be to look at the interaction of the sensors with each of the movements and the desired sequences and patterns based on conditional statements imposed by the sensors. The four major sequences identified at this stage are: 1 - The Movement Sequence: o This will be controlled on the joystick/keypad of a mobile phone via Bluetooth. o The commands will consist of going forward, backward, turn left and turn right. o There will be voice notification of the actual mode of the robot, e.g. when the robot is turning left, the NXT brick will be have Turning left! Turning Left being emitted from its speaker. 2 - The Gripping Sequence: o Triggered by the presence of an object within the range of the ultrasonic sensor. o Once the gripper sequence is activated, the user motion-control will be cut off to allow the robot to perform its gripping sequence without any disturbance from the user. o A warning voice will be emitted from the NXT brick during the gripping sequence saying, Warning, Gripper closing!. o Once the gripping sequence is complete, motion-control will return to the user. 3 The Dropping Sequence: o This sequence will be triggered by the first light sensor, once it has sensed that the robot has reached the dropping zone. o Once again, the users motion-control will be cut-off during the gripper release sequence to avoid any interference. o A warning voice will be emitted from the NXT brick during the gripper release sequence saying, Warning, Gripper releasing object!. 4 - The Major Loop Sequence: o This will be the major loop sequence in which all the other sequences will be residing in. This loop will be listening to all sensors and executing the corresponding based on the information relayed to the NXT brick by the sensors. Fig. 1.1 is a flowchart which briefly illustrates the working of the robot along with all the sequences and how the sensors interact with the whole robot and its movements.

Fig 1.1
Robot Flow Chart Diagram

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