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Blog Progress-Peer Assessment

Blog Author: Charlotte Smith Blog Assessor: Tom Bentley Date: 17/10/13 Question 1-The formatting of the blog.
The blog is formatted very well, and with appropiate colours. I also like the style of the background and style of the text. The colours of the background are bright and some are dark, but do really contrast well together particularly with the main background colour which is black. I like the colour black background also because the the style and colour of the text and subtitles stand out on top of the black colour background. The size of the text in the central part of the blog is a particularly good and appropiate size as you are able to read the text.

for improvements on the formatting of your blog, I'd suggest that you make the size, style, and font of the text in the side tab bar a little more appropiate. To do this i think you should change the text to something plain and easy to understand, so that the text isn't all hard to understand.

Mark: 8/10

Question 2- The welcome post

I quite like your welcome post, as you've clearly stated some of the things that you will be doing throughout the course.

For the improvements on your welcome, I'd suggest that you express your interests in media and say why you have chosen it and your particular interests within the subject. Mark: 8/10

Question 3- Shot types

You have clearly posted some information on about shot types and have also embedded media about different shot types. You have also explained about the different shot types used. Mark: 10/10

Question 4- Camera Movements

You have clearly posted different types of camera movements, and have also posted some appropiate embedded media showing some of the different camera movements used.

For the improvements on your camera movements post, I'd suggest that you explain more about the camera movements and go into a bit more depth about them. Another improvement I'd suggest is to put a bit more description in your opening sentence defining about camera movements. Mark: 8/10

Question 5- Cut Types

You have clearly posted some information on your blog about different cut types, and have also put some embedded media on showing about cut types and why they are used and the effects with them.

Mark: 10/10 Marks All Together: 44

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