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Colgio Estadual Desembargador Dilermando de Meireles

EJA 2 ano


a: um, uma an: um, uma Veja o uso: a usado antes de som de consoante. an usado antes de som de vogal. a boy; a year; a horse; a university; an egg; A e An so usados somente no singular. Exemplo: He is a skier, but they are swimmers. ARTIGO DEFINIDO The: o, a, os, as. the boy the boys the girl

an hour.

the girls

The indefinitive article: A book A pencil A desk AN eraser AN activity AN umbrella

O artigo indefinido A usado antes de uma consoante ou de um som consonantal. J o outro artigo indefinido usado antes de vogal e de som voclico. II-the definite article the O artigo definido the indica uma pessoa ou coisa especifica, no singular ou no plural.exemplos: The book, the books the eraser, the erasers The door, the doors the umbrella, the umbrellas The cup, the cups the girl, the girls 1- Use os artigos indefinidos aprendidos hoje, como no exemplo: A BOOK . a) A book b) ____ desk c) ____ pencil d) ____ ball i) _____ chair e) ____ eraser j) _____ door f) _____ map

g) _____ window

h) _____ exercise

2- Agora complete as sentenas com its e com os artigos indefinidos. Veja o exemplo: a) Its a pen b) ________ umbrella c) ________ picture d) ________ cup of water e) ________ glass f) ________ ball g) ________ apple

A) Preencha com os artigos definidos e indefinidos: 1) Lucy has 2) Let's sing 3) Emily needs 4) I need 5) Ben has 6) Peter has 7) We listen to 8) She has dog. song. new desk in her room.

blue pen. old bike. aunt in Berlin. English CD. exercise book in her school bag. hour.

9) The speed of this car was 160 miles

B) Decide whether to use the definite article >the< or not. If you do not need the article.

1) My grandmother likes 2) I love 3) See you on 4) I always listen to 5) Alex goes to work by 6) Don't be late for 7) Listen! Dennis is playing 8) We often see our cousins over 9) She has never been to 10) What about going to Australia in

flowers very much.

flowers in your garden. Wednesday. radio in the morning. bus. school. trumpet. Easter. Alps before. February?

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