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Zoom AutoFlosh 30DA

6 7 8 I t0 tl t2 t3 l4 l5

Nomentlolure l . Fl osH h eod 2.C ompulS er ens or Foot 3.H orS hoe Mounti ng Flosh 4.Zoom/Bounce Heod (okulolot & Dislonre 5.Aperlure 6.B ounc Ae ngl Indi e c ol or /' 0N/0Ftswitfh Lomp 8.Aulo(heck Switch 9.Film Speed Selertor 10. Auto 0ff lndicolor Seleclor Swikh I L MonuoUAutomolic (omero 12. Selerlor Switch tlosh Reody Lighlr 13. Flosh Tesl Butlon (homber 14. Bollery 15. Mounling Fool Lock Swikh 16. 150 Film Selerlor | /. Film Speed Seleclor Swilch 18. D IN Fi l m S peed S rol e | 9.Aperlure Srole 20.Dislonce Scole ft ondm 21. Aperlure Ronges Aulo Indirotor 22.Zoom Heod Posilion loodingthe Bofferie! chomber firsl move To open lhebofiery thecover 2 mmdownwords. loodfour 1.5 V ol c ol i ne boi l eri es or 1.2 V N i (od l0 respe(l lhe bofieries moking sure (orre(t+ /-0rderos i ndi c olon ed the i noflhebofiery chomber.Then close side mber cherk fun n lheboltery cho ond rtio flosh unilbymoving fhe0Nt0FF ofthe "0N". (7) l0 p0sili0n lfthe swilch bofier-

properly theflosh reody ies orelooded glow o fewsetonds. light',vill cfter

not reody light does Note:lftheflosh glow wilhin 30s,reploce oll botleries if Remove lhe botlelies bynew ones. y ou i nl end nol l o us el hefl os uni h fforo period When theflosh longer oftime. used for o cerloin unil hosnol been i l w i l ll ok e l onger l hon us uol lo l i me, lood thecondensor.

l6 t7 l8 l9 20 2l 22

Bedienungsonleitung Instruction Mqnuql


Mounling the llosh Unitlo fhe Comero mounting the floshto the Belore lhe romero comelo, odiusl seleclor posilion: (12) to lhecorrecl switch 0 = 0l y mpus MIP= MinollolPenlox N = N i k on ( = (onon fo The flosh unilmov olso bemounled lypes feolu ring hol-shoe other comero (lhe comero conlocl selector switch In lhis moyremoin ol onyposifion). fo be oll romero seflings hove cose the l l os h l he done monuolS l yl . i de onto mounling foolond rolote lhe comero's (15) in lheindicoled dire(lion. lock N0lelt is0dvis0ble toswilrh lheoower ' theflosh off(7)before mounting onor it from lhe rometo. detoching

SeletfFilmSpeed cokulotor. (9)ond(17) It4ove theselerlor swilches E xomnl e: l0 theposili0n lhofconesponds tothe Film speed lS0100 filmso e ein d u se . modeA l{bl uel -F2.8 Film lS0100 soeed Aufomoli( 0perolion 2 - F5.6 To ensure oolimum funrtion of lhis nrodeA{red) llo ihu n ilto g e th e r yo u r omero. Now wilh power swilrh 0N(7)ond toke the reod lheromero's inslruclion monuol pirlure ossoon ostheflosh reody light The S0ilG0R 30 DA Zoom Auto flosh gr0w !. feolures o zoom flosh heod. Move the zoom flosh heod forword orbockwordsAufomotk 0perolion when Using you unlil itmotrhesthefocol lenglh ore (omeros wilhoulTronsmission of u 5 in g . lhe Dedirofed Funrfions Focol length Zoom Heod (omeros wifh lorol ploneshufier of Lens Posilion S[Rromeros withrlolh-rurloin foro 28- 35m m W + pl one shul ter usuol feol l y ure o x'synwide ongle diffusor chronizolion of l/60 s or longer. (omeros 35- 50m m W feoluring o melol-curloin 50- 85m m N forololone shuller 0rein mosl roses l /rzs 85mm upwords T synrhroniw zed i th sorl /roo sshufterspeed. 0flen lhex-synrhronizolion ontheshulter sneed scole The operlure ond dislonre rokulotor is morked wilhon "x".Plehse check withlhe inlhe conesponding shows dislonres of your 5LR comero. (m& ft) forlheoulomotic ronges AI slruetions

Exposure Conlrol The (8) outo rheck l omp w i l lgl ow ofter exposure l0 confirm exoct exposure when o flosh husbeen lixedin oulomqlic mode.

therkwilh lheoulo rheck lomp (8)it theoutomoli( mode will be sufli(ienl.lf nol, chonge lhe bounre gelc l os er ongl e, l o y our obi ec f or use o filmwithhigher lilmspeed.


ond A2. (enlrol Comeros fecfuring [hoose lhe oulomotic mode oaording Diophrogm Shufier tolhedistonre tobeilluminoted: This comero lype boosls ofox-synchroAl (blue) 2 - ll m nizotion for oll shufier sDeeds. VVe ol 50mm focol lenglh would, however, recommend lo use o A2(red)1.5 5.5 m shutter thotmokhes soeed thesiluool 50mm focol length liongiven. Aso stondord lhe shufter (0nnow speed The required 0perlure sefling ofr/rzs s should beused. Pleose (0mer0. bereod from lhescole ontheoperlure follow theinstruclions 0fy0ur

Monuol0perotion AutoPower OFF l. Move lheseleclor (ll)lo'M". swilch In order to sofe lhe bolleries'energy, 2. Adiusl thefilmspeed 0l lhe operpower lheflosh (17). oulomoticolly lurns l ure off rok ul ol or ofterI lo 3 minules olterexoosure.3 . Foc us y ourobj ec clhec ondk the di s Aslong ostheflosh reody lightglows ton(e onyourlens. Now reod from theflosh is slillreody forexposure. lf (20) thedislonce scole the0perlure l hi s i snoll hecose, move the0N /0Ft lo besel. (7)ro'0FF'ond sw i kh ro"0N 'ogoi n. 4. Adiusl the0perlure selling 0fyour lens os indicoled on lhe operfure lndirettFlosh (19). s rol e Inorderlo ochieve osofterilluminotion 5. When using lhewide ongle diffusor, "W or speciol effecls, wollsondreilings reod lhe operlure lromsrole movbeused for indirecl flosh. bulselecl lhenexl operlure l0 slep l . We recommend tow ork i nthe outo. bes elony our l ens (ex reod : f5.6motic mode AI forindirert flosh. s el f4). 2. Adiusf lheconecl bounce ongle ol (theongle thefloshheod of inci- Servite i sol mosl equol denre totheongl e This of flosh unitincludes o high voltoge (heck reflection). lhe size onddis- (ondensor. In cose lhe floshdoesn'l tonce pr0perly, ofyour objeclond choose lhe w0Ik never lry l0 rep0ir il 0n "T"or"N "os posi ti on per yourot/l/n. zoom heod theforollength of yourlens. The Pl eos return e i l l oy ourS 0Ll G0R deol er zoom flosh heod moybetilted up- oro l oc ol S 0Ll 00R s erv i (e ogenl . words in lhelollowing steps: 0,45, piclures 65,90.tor colored besl results moybeexpecled wilhwhite wollslceillngs forreflerlion only. 3. We rerommend lodoo flosh testano

Guide Numbers: Zoom Heod Position/focol length Gu i d N eo . (ot150 100) W(+wide ongle diffusor) 28- 35mm l 5 W 35- 50mm 24 N 50- 85mm 27 T 85-200mm 30 Angle of(overoge with wide ongle diffusor uplo 28mnr forLenses' Zoom Heod W uplo 35mm Zoom Heod N uplo 50mm Zoom Heod T unto85mnr Power 5upply: 4 X 1.5 Volcoline bolferies 0r4 x 1.2 VNi(od bofieries Flosh Recycling Time:0.5lo 0.8s witholcoline bofieries Number oftloshes: 100 to 800witholcoline bofieries Aulo Setlings: A l -operrure t2.8/l S 0100
A2 - operfure t 5.6/ lS0100 |

Aulo Ronge: A l : I l o l l m,A 2:0.9 to 5.5 m Bounce Flosh Heod' 00,450, 650, 900 Aulo Power 0ff: oulomolicolly oflerI min tlcsh Reody lomp: ovoilohle [herk lomp: ovoiloble Aulo Mounting Fool lock: ovoiloble (Eslondords posed Technirol Stondards: Dimensions: 72x 45x 165mm Weighl: 250g (withoul bolteries) Accesory included: wide ongle diffusor 28mm


Dedicoled funrtions Conon: flosh reody indication, ouloflosh syn(ro setling syslenr (onlrol & oulo oDerlure

0lmypus Minolto: Nikon, Pentox:

flosh reody indkolion, oulo flosh syn(r0 sefting system flosh reody indicotion, flosh outo syn(r0 selting systenl flosh reody indirotion, 0ut0 flolhsynrro selling systenr flosh reody indicotion, oulo flosh syncro setling sysfem

prior 5perificotions oresubiect fo chonge nolice. withoul

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