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Method statement for erecting the

precast elements

columns, wall panels)

Table of contents

1, scope
2, purposes
3, Responsibilities
4 . References
5. procedures

6 .Attachments
1. SCOPE :-
This procedures cover the methodology requirements ofthe detailed
description ofthe correct way erecting the precast columns rD
RaIha Power plant ex 1 proiect

The purpose ofthis method ofstatementto describe steps of
safely erecting of precast elemen(s in the project .

Civil work manager :- to elsure that all works as per project
procedure, standard and specification. also he should make sure
that all safety requirements are applied during construction
Site engineer / supervisor :-

Responsible for the implementation of this procedure as described in

thismethod and manage, coordinate all activities

C HSSE officer :

Responsible to ensure that all activities are carried out

safely and in compliance with contract obligations and in
line with local and international standards.
4, Resources :-

4.1 Equipment :-
Mobile crane TADANO (TR-6005XL-31- see the attachment Guide
60 Ton Capacity (54 Metric Tons)


sp3olr@,roB .B $ljecr b @no. citu b@

4.2 Manpower :-
One supervisor & assistants .

4.3 Tools :-
. Mechanical and maintenance tools for shutter.
o Assembly dismantling and erecting tools,

5, Procedures :

o The erecting will beinthreeorfour locations around the

building for example transformer building .
o Lifting of precast elements should stop when the speed of
wind more than 30km/ir .
o Allthe precast elements weight's less than 60 Ton .

o The below photo describes the procedures of lifting precast

60 Ton Capacity (54 Metric Tons)




SoecficadoG a'e subi*t ro change wirhout notie.

BOOM wlRE ROPE , Fi[er wte, enE irnproved pld sre€|, prF
Four ectorl full po'r,6r panialv synchbnizdd tel€s.opinO boom fomed independenl wne rc!€ co€, Eht rcgular lay.
of her€gond box coBEucdon 3,4.6 -r 10,5' {10.6r33.7n) uttr
fNe sheaves,l T-1l4' {0 !38fr) root dLameter, ar boom h@d. The
syncnronlzauoo sysem consisrs of lwo lelescop€ cyindsB HOOKBLOCKS
ftted *ilh holding %lv* an eriereloD ebl6 and retacti@ 1, 50 toD 145.4 netic ton) - 4 sh4ves wlrh sild h@l( ad
€He Two €sily refiEvable wire rope gu€rds! rope dead end slety tatch, lor 3/4'{r smh) wire rope.
provided on right side of boon head Soom lBles@p€ se.tios 2. 6.2 ron (5,6 merric ton) , Weighred haok with $ivd and
are soppdred by *ea! pads borl1 vedlelly and hoiizonblly. safat latch, ior !/4'(1Smm) wte rop€

BOOi{ ELEVATION - 8y a doubl€ acling hydlaullcqlinder

wilh holding valve, El€valion n ,5o-80q, c.hbinalion Fnlrols lbt HYDRAUUC SYSTEII/I
hand or 6ot opsation- B@m angle Indicalor.
PUUPS - Two vadabl6 pislon punF to. frn6 tundioB,
JIB - Box toP scton ld€€copos fron lalik€ typo bas6 se.ton Tandom 9€r pump for sle€dng, swins and oplonal equlFnenl
whidr slo'€s aldgsidd bas€ boom sectid 5'or 30r ofset (Utl P6'^,ored by enier €nghe Punp dlsconn€cl ror cruie b
vp€) sinolo sheaw,l ?-i /4'(0 436h) root di6meler, ar iib hed_ 6ngeged/ disengaged by otary swilch fiDn op*t\Cs iab.
.lib lelElh is 322 (s 8m)d 56.1 i171m)
CONTROL VALVES - Mullide wlv€s actuEled by hand
AUXIUARY LIFIINO SHEAVE (SINGLE IOP) - Singl€ lde6 wllh inlegral p.6suE reler €lvs
sh@v€, I z1/a '(0 433m) Dot diamot€r llounbd b msh 6ooh
head ftr shgle llnewli (sldabl€) REBERVOIR - 195 gallon O40 lir ) eFeclt. E)ddEl slghr
ANTI-TWO BLOoK- Pendanl type ovsr{inding @t oJt
d€vle wilh audlovblal {FATLURE lamp/BuzzER) q€hing FILTFATION ' 26 nldon r€tu.n filrer, tuI n(fl $4rh trypass
p.ob.non. locatod iBlde or hyd'?u c res€ftolr. A6;!side lrr ..

swtNc oll COoLER-Air @led f.n VDo

HydEulic 6nal ptslon moior drJvan lhrouOh F anotary EwlrE

sp€.d r6duc€r. conunuous 3600 turl crrct€ $ing on bsll b€ing CAB AI,IO CO|{TROLS
turnbble 5t 2,4 rph, Equipped slth hanually l@k4Ur€l€asld
swirE b€ke, a swing r6k (360o posid@ sing roct() br plok and Bolh ('Ene 6nd d'fle ooerglioE can be Ddfomed lrm de
€.ry and EEvel mod€q manually €nqag€d In @b. cab mounled on roLllng supeBlructure.

Lefi sld6, 1 mn type, sleel onstrucdrn wtth slidlng dd

HOIST ae* and rafoty g|a$ wldtoE op€nlng at sld€. r€r and
wifttshleld sl6!s windN Is shatte.{skr8r T!r.
IVAIN HOIST - Variaue sp@d Vpe ei$ groov€d drum ddlen Glcs.ophg srooring sh€d, Adjuslau€ @nbol l@c (d svlE.
by hydaolic arlal pslon molor 6rou9h wincn spoed reduoer. boor hoisl, boorh telescDp'ng, Euxlliary holsl .nd nraiD hobt
Porior lo€d lowsdns and €isins, Equlpped wih adotr'adc conltol lev€6 lor swhg End a!r!l|6ry hoist can chao!€ n€!.t"|
brake {neutr3l brak6) and .olnt€rbslancs valvo Conlrolted p6hioN 6M tll lor easy to eb. Endre lh|Dde lmh
Indepedt6n0yoraul|lr.ry hoisr, Equrpp€d$rh 6u€folr er Foot op€hlod @nttds b@h hoisl, b@m lel*.oping, swie
and drum otalon indelo. blak€ and engine $10$6.
C DRUM - Grcoved 15.3/4'(0.400m) rool dhtnetar x 223/4' Dash-molnt€d €l€lne st€rvstop, nonltor hmp6, dgaEto
(0.578m) wlje. Wirs rope 62J ol 3/4' diaheiar rop€ {1906 of lighler, p€lthg bGke switch, st€edng mod6 53let s*irch,
19nm) Dtom capadry: 905(276m) 6 laye6 Maximumlinepull plnp engag€d/dh€ngaged swltch, swins bEke *lhJ\ dd
(pehisible)i 14,2721b6, (5.474k9)'. Manrum fine sp€€d: 52s l6l6@ping @(edon swhcn6.

Insbumenb. Torque @nve.ler oil lenperatur6, en9ln6 Mter

AUXIUARY HOIST-Va able sp@d Vpe wih growed drun lenperaure, air p.€ssure, tuel, speedomle., iachoilr3tei and
div6n by hydGulic axi.r pilton mror rh@gh windr sp€€d hour m€ter. Torque @nleher oI pi€3swo and hydraulc of
redler Po$!r load los€rhg aid Eisng. Equrpp€d qfih p.sure are monllored End d6played on the AML'L display
aubnatic brake (neul6l b6ke) €nd counldbalameElve
contblled independendy from hrrn hois Equrpped w1h @b{e
fdldsand druh otalion indlc€tor
oRuM - Grcove! 1t3/410-400m) loot dianetar , 22-3/4'
{0-578n)$ide lt/irc lope 361 of 3/4"diamet€r rop€ (110n
of1odr). Orum €p€cit/ 905'(276h) 6 l6yeB. M.xitum line
pull {pehn6sibr6): 14,i12 rbs- (6.474k9)' Manmuh rl.espeed-

' Mdimlm pedi$ible line pull may be afecled by wi.e ope

Tadano €bcvonic LOAD MOMENT INOICATOR sysleh Operato/s nght hand @Ml€ indudes lranshislon g€ar
{AML.L)indudlngl seleclor, oullEgd conLbls, s€ht level b!bbl6, ddve s6l6l!.
'.Confol revs lo.l(oul tunctlon switch, $irE ftel@k s€leclo. $i[ch, 64inE lighr s
$ and
l@d adius and/or booh angle p.s€t lunction $hlray s*irE lo.t lev€r and 3 My adjustable s4! vnh hbh

' A@h angleJbooh lenglhllib offEel anlldldd

radiuEral€d lrf,inO Gpeilie/octlal l@ds r6d od NOTE. Eadr cEno mton sp.Ed b b€sed M unladsn
. R lb ol aclual load homenl to raled load nEhent

' Woild.g @ndt'Ch .egisler ililc.h

- Exlmar v/Emr€ lamp
. TADAI'.O AML-L monlbrs orJhgg€r extended lenlih
and aubmaticalt progEms ln€ @nespond ng 'Rared
LiftrE Capacjlies' lor dane duty in confined are.s,

sUsPENsloN - Flont Rlgld mount€d io Larie, R$i Pivot

c TYPE 'Rear €flghe, bn hand sleding, dnviig

8€l€ctedlyT€ bymanlar $vitch, 4, tDnt driw. 4x4
s{s z{ay
frut and
r'lounGd wlth nydrasrlc lockDsr

BMKE SYSIEiIS - S6Mca: Alr ov€r hydaullc dis b€k€s


d all 4 wheel., Parkiryr'Ehsgscl/: Spdng applle+6k

fF{aAtE: Hiqh loElle steel, all welded noicbox 6n61rudlon reressed bEke acdnE on hpul 8h€ft ol lrod ane.

:rRANStllgSlOl| :Eedronkally ooitotl€d tull autofi slic TTRES - 29 t2t22PR(ORt

la.snlssbn. Torqu6 convons d ving tulr p466hn wllh
dnvino a{esd@tDi 6 foMard and 2 rw*e spee&, .omtanl oUTRIGGERS - Four hydrauliq b€ah ad Ja.& o!t€$6
Ver{cal jack cyllndeB oqulpped lvr'in inl€€l holdiE vdw
;il ts spe€ds Jhigh Engo - 2 wie€l divei 4 whed divs Each outigger beam and jack ls controll€d indep€denw tEm
'. ts speeds - lollv range - ,r wheel ddv6 €b. Behs enend lo 2J TnlZ O 2 ml 6nler-SN and r€lact
lD elliln 10' l Ftr
O'3l5 ml ov6all wid0' witl n@b,
TRAVE! SPEED- 25 rnph (40 kB/h) Ouvlgger l4k fo€ts €i6 atlachad thua €linlnatng t|E Eed ol
nlanually arb.hing and debchlng th6m, conrroh ad sighi
AXLE - FrcnL F!,1 nodtnq type, steqll€ and drivirE sne tlnn blbble loral€d In uoD€r stlctJr. c€b.
pleetary redudton. R4E PiErfi@ntcd, .te
n9 and driving 6ne Three @tlg€El €xlenslon lehgtts 5E prodd€d witr
wlth pbnEbry eductm End rcn-spln tEr dn€rsnlial. @pondlng 'Ratcd Lnhg capacllie' io. @n6 duv ln
STEERINd tiydraulic Fw* steBring @nlrlll€d by stenns Mid, Edemlon 18 6nt r ioats
1/2 center lo
wlEd.-Iie6 sl6 ng md4 evEllable 2st6€l fronl,4 wh6l Mid, Enension 21 '3l4' enrd to 6rd ll@rs
1 r
oordinated and4wnd cr6b, Ma!€n6mion 23?n /2' enter lo ent€t n@ts


Fan, ln.(m) su.0on typat 6+bd.. 23s (6Do) dla.

.4 .ydQ, tutoqlllood arn ai€r@ol6d 114 Wll gt!1om,,ne!aliElF!nd
4516X4.520{113X{15) 2{2o aflt, Hour
, €l', cFM{lr/mln) I0i0 EF!tr(301)a12,000Do
(rvu Gt6. u? llul tt 4aDWn
D.y tP€, Btlt€rblc elEmDnt e.L (komt 521 02) ar l,"oolpm
Fu|| nd{lth .odoetble €ramenl
Fllrnd w h Bph@ble.lsn.
792 (300), rigR.ide ot 4d.r
- Four s€clion lull power parliarly syrchMi8d boom - acisl loed moh€nt to eted loed mmenl i.dicalion
Ralio ol
34,4-110,6 110,6 n-33,7 m) - WoidnE ondlton €g|sler si'ltd'
- T@ slage stori€Seidesping jlb 321' (9 I m) or 56.1 (17,1n) - tub.nal warhing lamp
kiln or 30'plnned oils€l (t'lt $?e) wilh serf srdrrE
50 dc
- Auxil6ry ltffing sh*ve {single iop) slowablo - Fbnt s.dshleld wiPer ard uEshef
- s@m hoist l@t 6nt!l - Roof window wip6 and {6hs
- Soom l6l@ping l@t @ntrol - R6l sinds lo.k waming
- Rear vi€w mirols (rlghl and bn 6ide)
- vadEbl€ sp€sl maln hoisr wilh gboved drum, cabls foltower - Mins lor mah and au{llary hobb
- 3 way adjusEbre s6at wlth hbh b3* aln seat bert
. Vadabld sp€€d Auxiliary holst wllh grooved dnim, c€b e - Till-lelescoplng st€e n9 wh€€l
lolloutol and 361 or 3/4 €ble - Noltl3l pclton adjuslalb conlrol l€v€r {sning and aux- hoist)
- Drun robdon indicalor (humper type) naln and auxilhry hobt
- Tadano twn swing srslem - Clga€to lighh'
. 36d poslliw swlng lo.t

- Ld o0 pr6$rottgh ml€r totnp. uaming devic€ (v6ual)

- AuldrEtic 6ar axl€ osillahon lodGul 6vslem - Relr stEq €nr€dn! Ilghl
- Non4Dln r@r dlff{€ntial :
- 29.t2t22PR (oR) tnEs ; i : . - Ai cleanq dBt indl€ld
C . Indep€nd€ndy @ntolled ontrlggeF
- Sell€ldlng outigg6rl€ds;" -
- Tdlng hooksFront end reat
- Th@ our'gE€r oxl€r}sionposiuon5 - Tool 610169€ @oparlmdnl
- Outrlgg* 6).onslon rength d€tector - FuoiBtun€nrauon package
- Oudgg ho3s Orcteclon . _ . - Pvhp dlsnned in opsatods cab
- Mhsublshl 601+TLEA Turbo Chargod 6frd cooled .nghe
(247 HP) wJtr .uhau$ bEk€ - : l - wa@ sop6rab uith nltor
- Eletonlc @nlroll€d Auiohalc:ha6ni$ion ddEn try trrque . FI@d llghts and woft lights
- Engh€owFrunal€m .r .
- comceb hlshw€y ljqht packs6 - 24 volt electic slElem
- A.liTwo blo.k ddice (owRind @loul) - so roo (45-4 metlc ton) 4 sh€wc hooti brocl
- El6chnic 6ane honibdng syslem - 6 2lon {5.6 netic ton) hookvirh $rtvel
- T€&rE eleclonlc l€d Ment indi€rd systm (AML-L) - Hook b|6k n6 dotrr (ronl tumlBr)

- cdrtollwer l@koot tunclion

- Woddnt Edius an<Uor b@m angle andor Up heilhl peset OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT
tundion (aalnlns only) Hrtlslllc oll ddvsn eb h€.ls End alr @ndlfDns
F opane h€al€. lre€.5 6nk)
- Booh angle / boom l6nglh / Jib otrset anglo / working radius /
€l€d l@ds / aciral |o€ds red dl



u-314', 578
25-3/0" 645

besed onEp. slrEngln or ohe. lhllalid In nachin.ry or equlphent

Um gsods b6s€d ont on hoot blak, nor lEdad.
Sinh E d ol wiE r.p€ Ir not Emmnd€d tor hdrtng oredtons,
PemlsJDl€ linc pull roy bs afl6ot€d by wi6 rop. stenqrh
. :! ::?":rr.;5eJ-ii9if ifa5rrdE]|ra:effill!,r&r!-a]!8.4$redr;


| 1Q'

r 60,



( l3o,

tlo' -
t0o' -






Axis of Rotation O lp' 2p' 30' 49' 50' 6Q' Tp sp' 9p, lg0,t:0.lao't30.r10'
Load radius Axi6 of Rolation in F€at

NOTE: Eoom 6ndjib geometry shown aro foruntoaded cond ion and machine standtng leveton Urm
sr.rppotung surtace. Boom deflection and subsequent radius and boom angte ch;nge must be
accounted for when applying load to hook,

c: Minirum b@m angre (deg) tor Indi€red rengrh (no road)

Vt Raled lljung €paoity h pounds

Tt-Si:S5Xi.."? !qATel ,i !FTl'"lG C.3.i"ACiT;Et C;N iOi,.!Fl"i.*i

t: gorr,!.l,tit n I!:r
5: 'i33 rcji6 inJc.r
C: i,r:njrh lrr.n nilli {.le,i , 7or hlrna.n kr€1h (tu ro.d
li: LaEd r.Jic 0 frct

goi!fl lenqtn iD feei

___:____]_--__-, -_r_ *__i

lrion a€ Ervcn air ir:r 1.:r::r r' 1rJ: {lj 7..)
frr rr:-;4.e $ilr +,r
6,2tcl5r i1,900 ks) slairte sd5! n.D tre
';rl] i*ri! €i', $a,i 3c.x! $r.' ,.l::.t.ij tj a'r o.5m
,i! r,rr.i. s?,-:!]i rbs (;,roc kq)

s:{drrd nrrnbej oicajis.l lrn..o. DUr.jEacr r9ad:,.i si.trij nr r9 rr..r.r r.rin.. :: Ljr,c.

Ar!-r)r h.s.a ar rrE:rricj: n!l!'


c: Mlnlmun booh anlE {d4!J{of idkai.d Enlth (m rod

R: rlsd ddrc hred . ).Ir:: --i .

Boom lensth ln feet




NOTE: Lold r.dbs rd lb oper6non a( gtv.n ror r.tuE@ *tth rhe D6n tu y e*cnd.d to r 10,6 (33.h),
6,200lbs (2,800 kq) sh6rrbe$bt.ld€d from $e Et a lrlng Gpactry ot mah b@m/ when llb E atta(had to mrrn hoom
rbverehr& 2,200 rbs, (1,000 ko)

standard number of p.ft3 or rlne foroutnooer operrtron should b..@rdlns to the follosinq tabre.

Th. rflUno op.dry dsta sto.€d rn th€ toAo MOrrENl INDTCAToR (A}1t'L) t! b.*d o th.srand.rd number ot parts of lne lrsrd

10.Wlen cking ffis at a tGd Edius rct stM, @ h€ nsl
1 MTED UFTING CAPACITIES apply only h lhe m.hin6 6 longd Edl6 b dehfldne .llMbls €pe.lly.
o.iginalt MuhctuEd and no@lt €quipped by TADANo 11 L@d pBt lire shqld rctereed l1l00lbs 6.2OOts) tr
LlD. rr.dfeta.|s lo us riiad nE or lts€ ol opdolEl n'ain wlnch and 12@ rbs (5,640kdto a@d ary ich,
equlp.mnl ot s hd
nEl spedfed €n r6ell ln a Edudjon 12 ch€d( tlE EdEl number ol D.rb ol line wib LOAD
MOMENT INDICATOR {AML+) beioe op€..hd Maxirum
2 HFEulic 6ans can bs hazardous lr impropsly 6ti.r.d by he nunD€r ol p&b ol rrie ot
llfthg caDaciv is
op@ied or rojntalmd o!€Eli@ 8nd oahtende olrhis LOAD MOMENT INoICATOR {AML-L), Linnbd eparity ls
rE hlns rust b€ ln dpilan€ sih Infomto in he as dgtenr red fioh he rdrula, single !re pllJ 6. mln
opett@ frd u.intfre.a fianlal supdl€d lih tlE 6N klnch (1 1,,O0 lb6.) x numbo of p.rts ol llm.
lf hls @ud is msMg, qd€r a r6pl.6mnl th@gh 13 Th€ booh angle bel6E l@dlno sh@ld b6 g@ier tD .@!nt

3 TtF @Gbr ad otts Dsdnol asclaled wltl tlls 14,Iho 34d (10 6m) boon lensh €Fdles aE b€s€d o
mdJre shall frJlV aauaint tEnslvB wih h€ lalesl b@.n tuly €t-&r€rt. ll nor tully Etraclod [6 tEn 47
Ahorien Naton€i srandards rNdtut! (ANsr) ebty (14.3d) bdn 169$1, uso t\e 6tod llftng €!qdd6 ior he
4r fi4.3h) b€rn len€ih,
1s E{6nsbn d ot tE b@n *ib loads mav be
SET UP EdErDbd sitin lho llnils oi $e MTED U NG
1 RaH[tinc@dUBdlholo:d cnartacth€maximum
r( dsdl€ @m epadbg They .B based on t1€ Echln€
sb.dino IeFl d a im sup9ortng srrrfa€ under ld€llob
ddjdoB oop€nd'ng d tE natle ol the suppordns
surlh€, ll h5y b€ n€€ssary to h4€ sbu.trEl slpDoib
CAPACITIES. Tho ablllly !o t8Ls@p€ ka& h
hrdEu[c pr$sf€. b@n an€io, bdn lsgf'.

16 Fq lflng ep€dty ol shql6 !op, €au€ h€ Eted Inille

€Fdlis ol El€Enl booh t'y dE |l1e ot h6 n€tn hook
@tu i

under tng dfiggEr n@ts d dre6 lo spr€ad tl6 lqts i(i . bb.k Cap€chis ol shgte top shalt Fr se€d 12,3o01b!
(5,€00 kO) Indudlne dh h6k.
2, Fq @tllDs opeBdon, @tl€€e6 snall be popedy exbnded i7. Wron or€djn9 ad sbdlrE Jlb. b6 x !y hand d;i.
sr€1o craln -r:.
wlth liB tr6 d $ppordng srfae belde op@tno cFnE. byohd|]1eGbpr!€ntlBlre€hov{i6nt
18. 6.2@ lb€, (2.000 kg) sh6n b€ $bbEctEd tmjhe Ebd nftlE
OFERANON c:pacnss or lhe naln b@m, whon Jb 15 srbdr€ir lD
1 , Rais{' ftnno q)3duos haw b€€n lested io and hsel bodn h€ad, Jlb mass b 2:m b6. (1 ,@ kg). 'rErn
dtLEm Eq|llEn€nB ol SAE Jloo3aantjtow€d goff 19. Use Ar|'.tuE blo.l {OVERWND CUTOTO€ s\{ibn
G3n6 StudiB [,{etEd of Test. *,h€n €redn€ aid sbving Jlb and vh6 sbain! hod blod.
2, Alled liniE €padlies do rcr exeed 85 % ol the tipptng Wil€ 0lo $it
h k pultEd, th6 hdsr d@s rat sbp, 6En
b.d on @tlsg6 tu|ry enhded 4 detenjned by $cE $tEn owr*td @nd[lon o.ars
Jl6+CEm SEbUV Tsl Cod€ 20. Fd boom le.gdr fith 32.2 (9,e h) lh, Eied llftrE @pedt€.
Rabd llfrrE €paddes h. p3rually qtended outrsgec aE aE d€t€mrn€d by road€d b@n anglo st In h€ cdu|nn
d€bmin€d by h6 lomub, Rabd Ufrng Capadtr*€d 110.6. (33,h) bdn + 322 (9.3m) llb. Fd b.oh
=fllppilo t@d - 0.1 xnp R@.ionyi 25. bngrh $tth 56.1' ( jib. Ebd lfltrE capadliB ae
3 Rabd Iniig €pacfli€ abo€ Md lins in fl€ dEne d€lsElned by l@ded b@n enllo clly In t|e @lum h@ded
b€6d on @B suenoh .nd d
ilFs b6l@, it! sbullty, 110.6' (33.?h) bdn + 56.r (r7.1m) Ib. For anai€s .ol
Tn€y @ bas€d d a.nd bad Edlus lnc.e.s€d ht bdn stoh, @ the nen l@d |@d€d boom angre b d6t6mlno
4 fto Ejsnt ol l@d hand'lng dei@ sch 4
min h@k blo.k 21 , $/tEn llnjns a l@d by usl@ jlb (aq sndt) and boon (Etr
(950 lus. ror 50 bh €pa. y), adllrary h6k do.k (330 tr$ wind) slnurbneqqt do u|o itldins:
lor 6,2 ton c€oad9, slhos, eic., tust b€ qslddgd as pqd . Enler he op€alid stelB F llb ope6ij@, .ot 4 boorn
ot he lo€d a.d rust bs deduct€d fom b|€ Unhq epadd6.
5 tutd llfiing epadles aE based m lr@ly $pend€d r€ds . B.fd6 sbniid opeEtoni @k6 sle tlEt r€$ of lod 6
and mks no allo*ar€ lor sudr 6clor5 63 llr
eJfoct ol wind, $lrhin €r.d linhg €parjv tq lrb,
suddh sraplno ol roads, supportng s!{ac€ cordl0ons,
innahn oi lr€s, o9€Etrg 3pe€d5, sldo load3. eb Sids pur
@ tE t'o.m d tb b e\t$i6ly dansFFw,
6, frarEd utnig €pacrii€. do nol e6!nt lor be ettbcr ot srnd DEFINMONS
on a llfred t@d or b@m, Rat6d ffijno €padtes and b@fr 1 L@d &dlus: Bcrldlal disLlE. non a DEiedjd or Ul6
lagh stEll be apprcp&bly Edued, wnen wind \€lodty dis ol dtaf@ to $ppdtlng sEfa@ b€lo6 hqding to lle
d@€ds 20 nlph (9 nvs ) @lEr ol lfE ved€l tEGt lne or tec*r€ wlf| l@d aDDlied,
Z R.l.d liffing €padli6 at l@d Edius shall not b€ de€ded, 2, L@ded E{rcn An!fre: Th€ anlla b3t*io he bM bB€
0o nol dp the @e b d€lemine all@abl6 loads. secton .nd tlF hoienbl, attr liibr€ ttE EtEd lrftng
& Do ncn o!.Ets 3l Doon l€nohs, radli, or bdm an!16, $lEe epadty al 116 |oad EdlB
no epadlh3 ar6 stwn cano may @ertuh wlh@t any 3 Wdtlno ar€: AEa re3aui€d in 5 cidr4 arc abdt dE
I vlhen bodn lengfi is belwen Elu6 llsbd. €l€r lb ho 4 Fc€V Suspended t .d: L@d han! ng lree *rh rc d cc.
El€d [fii.rO Epalds ol lhe ndr bng€r and n6n shdt6 qGFal to@ appli€d exepl by b€ h{tsl line
D@c Ir bls sre bdis Ih€ lss€r ol the !@ Et6d ll6N 5, Side Load: Horizotarsd€ lor€ aoDried to he Ined @d
drDzddes shEll b€ us€d dhB on h€ or@nd o In Ele .ir

A I Minimuh bod angr€ (deg ) tor indi@led tengih (no ted)


NOTEi Standard nunbe. of pa.ts or rrne ror ouvrgCer or.ralon shoutd be accofd nq ro rhe rolLo*tnq (abte.


ls b.sed on the *andardnumberor ond5orrin.lFted In the chr.t


7s x or rpeins bads.s det mh.dbysAEJ765CBnesbbnily
oirub!€, ntu1g win mr psm$'b
b@n rmeh 6En {2s e m)
trl€n hahnsmon rubblrGbtonaryt, ssr Fdino bEr.
rDd€d Th* ab."c bod Inss ar o
ied ftn s*tnotno'rEvet sb4ty
3 r M d€ osij,lron hci.ul crindsB cctuLn 5n ue axrs wrn.d be 6p€.I ry arcrd enyabturrd4ins, aeehE0ngorb€bo
bdod6mp6'd! ard E sd | {ino € o. mt opc6'e fte ft^a rnrb cadno hs road
3€ds0o,lidlEaco'nlrub0'go' tmoohai 2€o n (s hlri a^/
o minub Fi.n and to nwr ar th€ spe.d or rsss s'i t hph (1 6
nercDer!cLdra on,6pacr9
ch b.+@EsL (Lof and
I lryhen op€raling @ne on oulr-Ege6: . fl6 nDnt !€s bnand tlen
W'hen a load ls llfied ln
. S6t P T.O, switch b'ON'. snng lo lhe sld8 ares, maks sure |tls vrlue ol he
. Pr€ss b,ls outlggor rhode sd€cl key lo regisls fd the LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR IAML-LI is bdd lhe
outiggor operadon. Pf€ss lhe s€l k€y, lhsn lhe 360'ming clpacity
oulriggff hode indicalive symbol changas fiom (2) For cr€ep ops€llon I
f,icledrE io ' The creep ep€dlios are atrainable only wnon boon
. Pre$ tho b@m trFde sel.ct k€y lo t€6ler ln€ bdn
'ighling b in lh€ stEishl roMard poshlon ol cha$is and the
nod6, rh6n rh6 boom nFds indicahve symbol changBs ov€r lrcnl Dosilion s)fi'bol Is on, If boom is rcl in the
nom lEhrino b nid€dng. E€ch rimo the b@n mod6 slEight fdErd posito. ot chassis, n€vd lifi l@d
sdo6l ksy is pres€d, th6 char€65 Pres fl6 $r 3 A swlng do€E nol aulonalically slop even il UE Fne
k6v lo sdecl he steu6 lh.t'rodecor6Do'd6 b th€ actuEl
sbtd ot f)e boorn, lhBn rhe booh Eode irdl€liw 4 During opeEtion. mk€ suE ihal ltE dispiays d
syhbol chang6lEn nickedng lo lighuhg front panel aE ln a@d6n€ wjlh actal opeEling
- Whm er6cins and sbstng llb, s€lacl lhe sbtuB orjib
sei oib sbl6 indl(rdve srmbol iick$)- 5, Tne dbplay€d Elue. of LOAD MOMENT INDICATOR
2, Wh€n oP.rating qane on rubber: (AML-L) sr6 based on fr@ly $3p€nd6d l@ds End
. s6lP-Lo,s$ chto'oN', ftEk6 no .llowanc€ lor $ch l'acitors as lhs efled of
- Press the oFlirc mode seloct key Ths on-tne rrde wlnd, $dd6n slopplrE ol l@.!s, suppoilnE sufe
indi@tlvegmbol @mB on, Each time ||6 on {ic @ndtllns, Ini6lbn ot lir6, opdalhq 8p€ed, sldc lo€ds.
nod€ $rgd k€!,ls pie$.d, lh6 hod€ dran€*
() s.l6clihe 6a6p opeEtion, rh6 orliG fiod€
6t6, Fd sale oD€lalbn, il b r.@mmond€d wh.n
6n6ndin0 and loworing b@m oi s{in!|n!, llttrE l@ds
hdi€tE$mbd ilcker- sharr be r€dued.
- P€EE lno t@m mod6 s€lecl key to regisler th€ b6h 6 LOAO MOMENT INDICATOR (AML-LI i6 Inl6nded s
rnad8, ' :i ''' '' an .ld lo he operBlor Unds m co.dilion should il b.
}lddd,,p.y.(6ntjoDio lhe forror.nO : r6lled up6 b r6plac6 use ofeFdv cna6 6nd
oFiaton :
(1) Forslaliondry opere ng irstlc{bns, sol6 Glidcs upon LoAo
- ThetrDnl @paclij6 .re a[ainabl€ only ${€n lh€ ovs MOMENT INDICATOR (AM!-L) elds in plsc€ ot EE d
tront posuonryrnbdl com€6 on, wh€n in€ boom i3 opersting cEcucs can causo an accEgnt Th€ ot'€€tcr
ndolh.n2d.grssJron c6nE€d d€r tuin ol frr.tst 6terds6 caulion to 4su6 salstv.
dasls,3ad elactB €r. In 6nec[

tR{00txL-3 aie

BGic 6tand.dtuciin6indqdEsl
34.8'- M5 {r!sa * 33,7.m)asclbn bom
32::, 56.1'(9.E''ll 1711 n)2€iase.jib
Main hoisreitl6P(r9Dmlor 3/jr' (
Aod0aq/ hoi.rl 36'l' (110 h) ot 3/4'{19 mm) .45;690 40,000
wJtE-rcp6 ,
42.510 20,720 19,280
50 lon (45.4 h€rric,ionl hook blod(
6,2.ron (5,6 hotdclsn) fiook ball
Autlad.lltt g, loD)
C Mhlubishi 6Dl$TLEA sh!lne
29,5.2$22PFIOE) tires

Remove:l 32.2',561'(0 E m,17-1 m) 2-slrggjib -2,2@ 3,740 :,'100O r,69? +697

2 50lon (45,4ineftc1on) hook bloc* -950 -1.760 +810 -431 -?99 +363
3 612ld{55,n6!ic lon) hookldll -150 -215
4 Auxllidry lifling shBave (slngl6 top) .120 414 +220 -158 +100
5 29,5-25-22PR (OR) |il* {,990 -3,4S5 -3,495 -3J72 -1,586 .r,506


Biqqe Crane and Rigging co.
Phone: (888) 33lBlGGE or (510) 63841 00
PHONE: (281 )869-0030 EXT.315
Fdi (510) 639-4053 FAX: (281) 869-0040
Web slte: www,tadanoamerica,com
Form No. TAC-TR-6005XL-03.040E1 7

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