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sEcTtoN 4.4.

13 ..PF3auro Rellel v.lws...-..
E.duclnq a.d PE$ue S$rlhlno
_ -'- 17
16.,Ned6 Vat......................
.............. 13 Dll.d Vatv6
(D.l.yed Adlon Type)..----
l3.i lBpectlon.ndTesl3alManui.ctsr.r'swo*E.........-
i6.2 Slle1o.r3,,,,,,,,,,,,.......
1 Genefal
va, . es t r d be nanLr ad- ed o I e eqL' er eTi
s@r ' d
' ee'
Jiifi"i!]" iiai'
'e-(; AIc*' s"arrbe*bbre
lhe desion imperalurcs and
Wherc he Collado
opos ro u' e diss' r at melalq eirh!
l r dra' ro' dor e_ouor
i il"
ov m e'ed or,{e r coriocro's
oesisn sha r llde
prcGions lo prevenl codosion
r f esa- or vpear dszea' doesqneor or ' r " >at r \ ear asr a
bpobl al ' 6dr or
a s nsle manuraclur andshallbe
siicilv inle' chanqe&re
Gab valves
(sLuice va ves) and bunedlv va ws shall b6 suilable
lor rlow in eilht dir4lLon
valvs shall be suLtab for ircquenl opeElion
s weLl a3 tor oporalion
aftr lon! penodB or
Fub@ rsed r vdkeq sfa be h/ler6 o!pvle-' rubba
FaDM o'
' PV]
o' dv' e]'
"' iii*
' l-"ioo"' rsapt.
. +"t
' tiab. ' o marr.q a rotq e' n
ibb ra and 0e
i.1ii--"ii"-' iii-"i""' . o." -" o oalre"ooscc'
o dere o ar' o- ot rre
vave componenls shallbe of maleras nol Lnteror n strenClh or resisLance
ro Nrosoi
vaves shallbe sullable
use nthednq
T' " o' es. u
e ' ar l q or al l val ves t ha f or bel as' r al 1et r r aut r wo' r _0dt r et
presiu' eot tre ppe ne rn wnict ttevave is lo b inslaned
vdles s5all be a atoed lo loc' l' lale ope cl' o_
oro t ldvc w!ot' tcessdl'.i-"i
Jooqi rs
praho r' sla, re
prcvaed vav's>ra 'o
be nsialled In an lnvend
pos I on
Vr ves s\ ar l be >- pp oo wl r a t cessaq cc( es<o' er ' L1
i r adt \ oel Fqe" ol
i , r ' i - " J, pr . si
* p. . o. n. - " dds" e' sar o3r t r ' ono" ' e' o- eoabbe
odl eLs r o
Va ves shaLl close clockwise
Arl copper alloys wlilch may com nlo conlacl wjlh hw. lrcaled or
polable waler shan
..nbin not morc lhan 4% zinc.
i ' ;i ;:.i Fd i -ei D-
s.* c !0"o
Fi! 0r EN CJS{50-l0 8od6s. oveE 6wh and p unqe6
s.aB ed dnos md saarhoqgl:
&one bBS EN 1' 163 Nlmbscw45lI
Gansd m d erBs
EN 100s? 1llu!q
E 4d, on sp ndres
2 Painlind and Protection ol Valves
Excoot wheG olheNise specilled 6nd 6repl lor slain ess steel valv6 par1s, all valves shan
bo laclory applied fus on-bonded ep.xy coaled exlemally and nnemally io a lhickne$ or al
Fl si on. bondadapoxycoal ngsshaLbesui t abei or appi cal ont oducl enonbddmal er a
used rn contacr wilh rr.ald warer. $ ne Mler, seawater or disli ale in any so condillorc or
in chamberapplioatons. The coal no shaLlconsstol a polymerc anli.olios on bareL
Th coaliig sy$em @quiremenls,
pedomanc teslino and i4lory appied @alhq
.6qui.emnls and practice shall be in accordanF wilh lhe waGr Indoslry specfcallon
A extemal .o6rinos shall be trcaled wilh a u v in h bilor lo
prdsnt chalking or oss o, colou r
Male a s and insttucllons shall b supplied lor rcpal ol coalinq damaed n lransil and on
s te. Bemir faledals shallbe mmpalib o wilh lhe @alins n colourand adhs on and shall
be su lable lor s t aoolicalion.
Fusion bonded epoxy @al iqs sha conlon lo lhe lollowing secilois ol AWWA slandard
c213 079Sec.2wirh som modlcalonb sec 2.2, sec 3 excopl 3 2.3, 3.3.2, 3.5 and 3.6
sec. 5ex@ol 5. 4. andSec. 6. 1. Al l r el r encasl ooosshal l bei akenl omsan' %l ves.
The coatng system requirem6nrs as setour in sec.2.2.2 sha be modifi6d as lollows:
Sbed adhesion: [,] n mum 400 ks/cm2
calhodcdisbondmgnr arca: Nrd mum 073 in2 (5.0cm2)
In addllonfie@alinq sha coniom lo lhe lollowinq rcqunemenls:
Bu' ea! orFRlamroi
c,t 6)
ASTM 8117-817 SaLr ro0 res 100hrs
The prepared surfa@ prolile sha be belween 50 and 1 00 microns. The coaling sha be
sulable ror opetaling remperalures up lo 60 c and shall b m nimuh thickness ol 300
mcrons. Everyvalv sha be holidayle{ed and a hondaysshanbercpairedassp*fdin
lf requ rad by lh Emp oyd I Employers Fpsenrarive,lest results shallbe submlled lor
3 Markino ol Valves
Allvalves bodies shal gv lhe lolowing infomaton as a miiinum by casl-on or siampod
N,lanuiacluG/s name
Ye4 0t Manutacludns
Hydrau c16l
Flanges shall b6 ductile iron or a minimum prcssure Ellng of PN16 or as rcquired bv the
desgn aid shallbelo BS 1092
Bols, nuls and washe6 shal be sla d ess sleeLgtade A4 io BS EN SO 3506 and shallbe
lhreaded n accodance wlh Bs 3643 2. lf fie maler a ol lhe bolls washer and nuls s nol
mmpalible wth the llange malera such thal
@rcsion mav occur lhen apprcFare
nsurarina w6 heis sh aLl be nm
Eacri boll sha L be p@vided w th a nul and t' o 3nm lhick wasrrers
Each bolt shallbe or sollicienl lenglhlosbow lwo lhreads
pasr rhe nut when nsia ed
Gaskls sha be slllable lor use wih bolh lanqes wifi raised laces and belween rlangs
wirh lu y mach ded races Gaskels shalbe insd bol cnc]e lvpe lo Bs EN 1514' 1 or
malerascomply n9 wilh Bs EN 631.
Gaskers shaLoomply wlth lhe rc evanl secions ol Bs 5292 add rhe rd mensions shan be n
comp ancewirh Bs EN 1s14.1
Gasket sshal beonepe@EPDMr ubber ol hadne$30 ol mni muml l r ckness3mmandor
5/ 1 Df ,s:. ol
ope-es as o o. lapdbe ol orr
p4adlerr ^aFnar'
r. ada "'
e..;os ' p o .e ." r -. te
qrease ongskels w nol be
rr lhe
pipeLine ls calhod caly
prolecied sulabe iisu allng
shall be incoQoraled lo
Bolls, Nuls and Washers
Penslock and Valve Operalino Eduiomenl
Opeling Gear and H.adslocks
vaves slra be. o.kwise clos ng and sha ncludgon indicalor lo showlhe valve
vaves shall be capable of benq opened and closed maiuallv bv on person when rhe
specif ed maximum uibalanced
pressur s applied io lhe valva in use The ror@ requ red lo
oD6n lhe valve rrom tlie c osd Dosition should not erceed l25N al each of lwo d amelica
poinlson lhe rm or a d ameler hand whee
OpeallnggearshallbewaleniOhi trndsran exlema!head or 10 0m ot waier'
uness olheNse soecried. a vavs shallbe orovded
wilh handwheels and nocrranlcal
indicabre add shall ncoDorale inlegrallocking devces. Prcssure and aow conlrol
vavesshallbe ockab e n anv oosroi.
Handwlreels shallbe nol more lhan 700mm diafre&r and shaped lo gve a sale
srrap prcjeclions, ceady matked with lhe d reclion or closinq and be l ed wrlh lnlegm
lockinA devcos
(nol padock and chai) T6a.key operaled valves shal be prcvded wilh
delachablo casr non sp ndle caps lo ke lh ky one key shallbe supp ed tor everv live
varves nslalled wirh a m n mum rqunedem of lwo keys n any one s ze.
A maiuany-operaled valvs sha bepabe or being opend and cosed manua
pe6on ony, when lhe spcled mar dum unbalancd
pressure s applied 1o lh valve n
use. uider lhis condlion lhe lorcs 6qu red lo open lhe va ve lom the cosed p.stoi sha
1 25N al each ot trc d amet ca
y-oppos t poinls on lhe r n or lhe handwheel or
ar each end oi lha l key;(so ihallhe' push
efion needed sha nol exceed 25ON)
Gea6ox6s sha be rorally encLosed oil balh lubdcaled. Thrusl baings shall be
provrded in
soch a way thal lhe ga case may be opened lor inspeclion or be dlsmanlled wlhoul
rele6ln9 lhe $em thrusl or takinq lh6 vave oul ol seryce o and
geaf ng, beaings and
sha be
prctecled aoainslihe ingress oldustand mo stute.
be ol lhe outdoor walerprcol
lhal is waleniohl under an extornal
head oi 5m ol water. Wherc
shallbo lined with mechanical
indicarorc clear
v s b frcm the operar nq p6tion.
Headslocks shal have index
woAins owr
and engnvd, gndualed
' opeircose
posilron indcaloElircd lo rh6 sid oflhe pillars. The ndicaloB shallhave
robust cle o Nlc Drcteclon
lo exclude dusl lrcm thc mechanism. The heoht or
olllars slrall be not ress lhan 750mm measured from lhe base lo lhe hand wheel hadstock
and ihe bases sha be dd ed lor li{nq 10 slruciural sll members or to concrele as
Guide brackels sha be lhe split beainO lype and the maximum spac ng betueen supporis
shall be nolArcdff lhan 1500mm.
Head$od6 fo r dncr con necrion lo valvs or oensrocks sh all be of cast on and f ll6d wllh a
ndioabr $en bearnqs sha be
bushd. wherc operaloial condillons
dlclate, ihe handwhee sha opeialelh@uqh a beve
where headslocks are slrucluralv mounled 6bov a vave chamber. or otedise dlslanl
abdo lhe val, operaling spind e exlensons shall be
belwen lho vav and
headslock These shall be slilable fo r lengl h adl usl mont du r nq assem bt on Sile and sha I
be tftd with universalcoup iqs adjaced lo the valve and lolhe hoadslock. The coup ios
shan be so oienlaled as lo give a linear lransmission ol rolallona
5.2 Splndles (Slems) and Caps
5,3 Elecrrically operated Actuarors
opearing and exlension spiidles lor valves operaled by tee key shall be cappd.
Ennsi onspi ndosshal l bocncuar nsect onFor val vesi i sl al l edi nchambe6, e{ nsr on
spind es shan be provided wlh suilabe bea.ings igidly held on brackels spaced no more
Exlension spindre couprings sha be 6busrandprcvdedwirh adequare pinning locatrylr' e
Spndles ncudnq alllixnq, mounlinqs and couplinqs sha be designed for lhe rdmom
opeding lotque wlh a tacId or sarety of two.
E ci c valve acluarors sha be elect ca y opeled high qua ly unils wilh odpul brqu-as
malched lo lhe dven vave wilh dua rcqardlo lhe nature ol lhe piped lluid. The adualor
casing shallsuil lhedesOn exposue condtons.
The valre shall be suppled complele with lh aclualor llled as a
unil, laclory
assembled, adlusted and rsred ready tor immdiale I ld insla lal on and seN ce,
Aclualorc shaLbe su table lor use wilh a nominal400 voll rl0% 3
50 Hz 11.5 Hz
porer suppLy and sha I n@.porale a m olo r, inleg l .ev rcing conlaclo r slaner, ocal conlro
lacility and lem nals ior rcmole@nlrc and ind calion connectons.
Acluato6 shall be sized lo
uarantee valve c osure at I he specilied d lfe renl a
pressu rc. Th a
satery maein ol moror pows ava ab o lorseain! and un$a nq rhe valve shallbe sutticienl
lo ensure lorque swlctr lr p al md mum
nom nal. The actualor shan be capab e of
0"C lo 50eC and 100% hum d ly.
va ve bque wth lhe suppy volag loel. below
iuncrion ng at ambient tefrpe@lores Eng ng rrom
Molois sha be 3 Phse squlde @qe Class B nsulaled wllh a I me raling or 15 minules at
50 c or hrl lhe valve slrck ns lime whiohever ls lhe
qlealer al an average oad of al easl
33q/. or mdlmom valve lorque ov$oad
shall be
by a d recl sensng
ftemo$ar embedded h the molorwndings.
The qeaDot shalr be oi lh tola y nclosed o both ubr caGd
suitabe ror operal on al
anyange and prcvided wilh apprcpiale rillinq anddrain plugs. Thediveshall nco4oGle a
osi morion hammer blov tealuG, The ouDul sharl shan be holow lo accept a rs nq $em
and lncorp.ralo thrusl b4 ngs ol lhe ba or rcller type. The design shall permil lhe gear
case 10 beopened lor nspeclionords4snbodwlhoulrcasnglheslemlhruslortaklng
The acluator
gealbox hou6in! shalbe desiqnd lo mil aid @nlain lhe oil akage lo ihe
e{eriar env@nment. There shalr be a m6ans ot sale rcmoval ol lubdcanl wilhout dsk ol
spillase.Theacrualorsha befinedwft advebushnolosullhgeaboxinpuishaft.
A hand wheer shar be
p@vded lor manuar operarlon, engagd wlrei e molor is
dcluichd by a vr. The d ve shalbe rcslored lo
po@r aulomalica y by slanng lhe
frolor. The riandwheeldive musl be mechancaly independenl ot lhe rolor drve, and any
should be such as to
emeroency manua oporalion in a reasonable lme.
C ockwise openl on ol lhe handwheelshan
olosinq movemenl of lh vav. The eltod
requ Gd fo. manualoperalion shalnol exoeed 220N.
Acluab6shal beprcvdedwilhopnpositioiandcoseloqueand/orposton mitswlches
as requ red by lhe lype ol valve plus lwo addiliona imt switches al each end of lEvellor
remole ndicalion and me ooking. A delhod sha be
provded to prvenl lrr open lorque
swllch l ppng wh lslho initialunsealnq hammer blow is app ed Two addilionalsels ol limit
swlrches cons sling oi 3 swilchos per sel shallbe pDvded eaclr sel shallbe independently
adju$abre lo any varve posirion. ssirch conracr ralnqs nductive ctcu ls sha be 5A ac up
to 220v,50w Dc !p 1o 220v.
An illumnaled ndicalor shall be orcvided lo show vave
which shal show
conthuous varve movemenr. The acluaror sha b dosignen b hod lhe valve in any
ntermed ale
beiveen lully open aid runy cbsed w lhoul crcep or iluller.
The rcversins conlaclor daner and ocalconl@s shall be inleqralwilh lhe vav aclualor,
housed lo
brealh ns and @ndensalon bu d lip. The staner shan be su(able ror 60
shns ps hour, and shall @mplse mechanica y and eledrca y inle ocked reversinq
conlaclors or apprcpdare @lrnq 1o lhe motor size wilh co s led tom a 12v mnrrc
r.anslormer ol40 vA mnimum raring. Tho@mmon conncrion ofrhe comador co s al lhe
laislomer shal be
so lhal lhe contaclors drop oul in lhe evenl or eakaqe to
eadh. The pr mary wind ng shallbe spaGld lrcmlhe secondaiy by a
scr*n and
sha be prolecled by two 6as y replacBable canridgBlus6s. Secondary wnd ngs shallaso
be protcied by carridqe fuses
Loca conlrc s shal @mo se a swlch lor oren. close and sloo and a roca/.emoG se eclor
swilch oadlockable in anv one ol lhree oosilionsi
LocalConlro Only
OrJ No Eleclrical Ope Glion
Benole Conlrorsith Locar $op
llshallb6 mpossble lo opeElebolhopen and close purh butlons simullanously.
Each acluabr shall incoeorale lhe lollowing:
hearrs so as
l":',".1* L ;:l':'
:t tni:1"ff!1ii"'T'*
lrx r ::*iu,
f T"":"-T
prop;n onallo
poston as spec
| 60
Lin valves
(localed on
valves al air vaNes
he main
pipellne or
:;"f:xi3:"]ril ;ji:,1i:TJi'i::':?;!'*":.T:l
i',*i!: ;:iiill
TJI'fi lil#
lffi il:
a laclor or salety or rwo'
Line vaLvs and
suppons, ProleclLon
;ti:i::: ;x'J:i""""["i151':.:Hi1#:"'iJ-*"
(sluice valles)
with suilable
bea nss isLdly
hed on
obusi aid
provlded w' $ adequai
p' nn nq lo darlv the sheat andprcvenl
for evervlivevaves
ed wlth a minimum
Gar valves sha be double llanoed, shod boded inside screw, so d wdge, res ienl
sealed, non{sinq slm cast or duclib non wedqe gale vaves @nromlnq to Bs 5163 of
oter aoorcved eulvant slMdald.
Varv f anoes shallcontom lo Bs r092 PN16.
The vaws shsll clos n a cockwse di.eclon and shall be suoo ed comolele wilh vave
caos or handwheelsorenenslon soindle sockels.
The boay and the bonner ol varve shall be mad ot h qh grad ducli e iron coofom nq Bs
where borG are used losea the bonnet wilh lhe body, rhey shallbe made oi stainless sreel
and of @unler sunk lype. The bonnel
shall be or nilile rubber.
The qate wdqes shall be made oul ot casr non b Bs EN 1561 o! out ol ductlle ron to BS
EN 1564. In elher case
sha I be furry cad silh an approved rubber compound
sim ar) borh on lhe insde and lhe ouls de tace The
shalldeveop an unirorm $al ng
pressure alonq Ihe lu conra.r lace.
Allvalves sh6llhav cR13 stain oss srelnoniising spindles lo Bs EN 10095 G.420 S37
opeGling in qunmeta nuls to 8s2374 or zinc iree tonz lo Bs 1,100 cT 1' c. slm seals
shall be ot the sluff ng box and g and or loroldal sealing rlngs (O rligs). Valves w lh
' O
r ng
stm sals shallb suppi6d wllh lrvo spa6 "Or rngs lor each valve. ll shallbe
erl@cr lhe o nls under p' essurc
rn seM@)
Th6 valv$ shallnolconlain any brassoswhch hav morelhan5% zinc.
Exlnsion spind e sockels sha b d lled and
wilh a nul aid boh rorsecuing lh
exlens on so nd e lo lhe valve soind e head or caD which shai likwise be d lled lo lake ihe
A collarorsmlafdev sha be prcvded on lhevave lo prcvde a slop lo preve over
lghtsnng. Sl6ms shallb suppond in s6ll uhcal ng mrcson rcs stanl melal bushes or
Va ves 0N400 and above shal be
prcvided w(h a mlre qearcd syslm to lho appova ol
lhe Emp oyer / Employeas npGsenlalive.
geaf system shall be designed such lial the
can be renoved non lhe disc rrunnioi and such llial ir can be lixed lo a ow lhe
valve to be operaled wlh ts d s n e thr lhe venical or hor zonla & ds red on site. The
ge* syslem shallunher be
so thal lhe requned opeErina lore appligd by
hand Iothe im or lhe handwheerorT-key does bor erceed 220 N.
valves 6ha 6mpry wiih rhe lo rowino equrremenls in rcspecl ro m nrmum ia ure toqoe.
Mh|muh r.rru6Toqua xg.m
gealer ihan DN400 shall havo nteg@
gale varv6 ov
Tne o\.oss
wo |' ,hd' loo ll"rged o r"' io ' wr' o\16lla'
ges ard \1"llbe
<' ci
bot ; l hemosl or oadar d. semenpossbl el o
hebr pacs" / , r en
e, o* s wr r es sr ar m Oor e
. no.
t _g
st ' T cdel
i' i;;;;;;
";;;;-' "
Bs 5163 d o,5e,
ervaon srcnda d
v, , " " ' ' i r be a* q' * . , - +ar woa
pF* ne o r bbosandsl a
cai cr v Li e
r," ;p- *" .sr m sp"
' Bs 5163 \o rdve. sldll
o' "
in c
.i.--"*' ." ir"ac arc ,ta oe ' rpp do w , u' w
01 t4o w-eoF o e/o4siol
spinde sockels as lor lhe man varve
Alrvalves shall b coated inlmallv and enemaLLv wilh ruslon bonded epoxy rcsn or an
eooivalent marer a appoved by lhe Emplover / Emplovels Bepi' senr6tve
The coal no matorlal shall be min mum dry I m lhickn6ss ol 300 m crcns, be safe trcm atack
bv lhe l@;Dod6d waler and have no erlect on $e
qual tv or
polable waler'
No coaling sha b applled b anv casl ng unless ils sudaces arc cLean and lree rrom ru$ on
The Coilractorshalltumsh
fu delails includ nq hvduLic characler stics ot lhe
qale valves'
Each oale vave shall bs tesled al lh manulacluGls
wod{s in accodance
wlrr me
-iii -j'i!'"r"
i:s er I rzr . es 5163 as rerevant valve sear resrs shal be made under
@ndirions, rre lesr
prssu,e beins appried ro each ra.e 'r rh varve in rurn
Bunedlv r' a+es r-a
(onpi, wil Bs
1o3 ot o\q
-rolove' appoved
sa' aa d at b'
oo* r " ; - q" o+"
p" n" : ; ' t , ' ds el sdai r qd. dd' 6. o' o- cd
bsr i ' o- md, sea r
; ; n; ; " : i , " " e. r "
' , oba sd. 10 ,
- q
1heosco ooe' . oo oodv TL' \ r ve
rorur" rtrorot un unole ot 9o deqres lrcd th6 iulv closed to lhe tunv open
val vos
. hal
oo oS ed l o d r oat l Mhi t g
p' essr o ol 16 oai i at sun sal sl ) I f a
r . * - . r " r ' " . " . i e" i * . o" - l t i
- aaq. ' t
a ood' r o' o B9 092
o\ , b
Vaes shall b dropiahi al clo$.e wlh lhe pie$ure beins app d from eilher d reclion in
tums and b6 capable or use lor resu al ng rlow
The bodv end Dans shall be circuld and lhe diameler not less than lhal of lhe nom na pipe
Th disc shan be doub e ofiset c@nlr c lwe in grcv or ducl e casl ircn or slainless dee
*; oe."
* --"0
* ' o- ' dpd @ E- aro s-a oo po-reD o a' r oorl
whe' e;
esi r e' | . ea' o
ooesql ' <ol hedr l ssr d
ded Db6' o ot sor
lhe seallng ing shal
b locaid n a dndins on lhe disc and secured bv e ther aon
rixed wth screc mad from homooonous @rcson resislanl maieiar or a one
pl' ce
slain ss slee I nq lixsn vilh slalnless steel screws, such Ihal lhe ass'omblv will nol bcome
oose in sery c. The body seal d ng shall ba ot solid slain less steel and shal b designed s
* i"
me *t"*.rc o o"i
a an arqte.o
ra o n" aea or rhe pipe
.i."*i' "a
"re"t.. "*o"s
' .
croe"' ,' a.o \e' a bG sroofi wrf arl
r " t i * . * * r , - , -
" . . * r "
passaqor or r n- . , ow' esqr a @ l - eval vedi scaFal Lb
r ij'
ro .i"ir * t iad oises and avoid d * rruier dur ns operarion in seflice
w;;e a desiqn is offe@d wirh a rubbedinod bodv lhe lner shall b kevd and tu
to lhe bodv a;d shat be nleqra wth lhe
qaskels Va ves seals which extid 06r lhe lace
or lhe i anges lo securo lhe seal in p a@ wll not bo accedabl
Theshaf i mavbe nonepi eceor al l achedast wosl ubendsonopposl asdsor l hedsc
rne rea
o' a a. rre i ot I e
.-a" o rle dqc sfa oe -<
' , ' o k a honooonos
Lorosion.e<F ar I rare"al or d
pane l fr p 4 -der rle
operaliona seNice. Glub scews or c amps w I not be a@eplable
The shan shallotale in mainlenanceiiee, PTFE llned bea ng bushes ol lhe low iiiclion se f-
rubricarins rype or grase Lub|lled roller bear ngs
ngshal belnen
ojino ot EPDM or olher approvsd malq al shall be I tled on lhe operaliona shal ennslons
b s; fte oressurc sde ollhe vav The design sha be such asbraci tat rcpacemenr
.nr,",r i"rl""a or rn" ** r.t the
in Pick ns sharlbeethr rubber' o{ns or ser'
Each vav shallbe oovidedwith
a handwheeland a milrc
qeared svslen lo the app@valot
,hetmoo,s Emoloreis F"D' $eaarp
-_esea' 5v' r.r
s ' all b" dPsig' ed
dear bm c: n be er oved d f i edn
r r unr ' o: a ' d s t ' l r a i al oe" ed oaos he
;d orFe. o oe opera ed dr i' 5 a 5' n o rF ved
o' l o' rol al d eqol a' dos ed ol
sb. rhe
syitm shall lunher be
propononed so lhal lhe requircd operallnq rorce
aoblen b;hand io ihe rm or lhe handwheeldoes nol exceed 220N. rhe vave
sh; be dned wlh a sealed tor I re" ma nlenance r@e lvl ns ro and nd or a s der craik
ly@ mechanism. Ll shalbe su lable lor budad seryce dutv and be opeEb al ful
iihore a equaL lo nominal worklns pressure. The gear bor design sharl a ow easv
ret@fin ng wllh an electr c aclualor.
The direction ol closing sha b "clockwise" and sha be cast on lhe ha^dwhoel
ndicaloGlo showlhe
position oflhedsc
suikbe sroDs sha be incorpotaled lo
prcvnl movemnl bevond lhe disc lullv open and
lully c osd
positions (ovedEvcl).
Fixins nuls and bolls supplied by lhe manulacturer sha be as spcfied
n lh6 apprcprale
Each valv shal be sled in accordance with lhe requnemenl ot BS 593, ior bodv lesl seal
lesl and disc srnslh lesl wh ch sha beoaiiiedoolineachdnedon
Valves s ha cadv idenlilicalion m arks and/o I
n accod ance wl h I he B ril s h $andads
and lhose lor us on orccess
shall carry an addtonal tass
pale wilh a vave
idenliirion and a $ et descdplion ol ils runclon.
un rned valves shall be coatd nlema y and exlsrnally wlh luson bonded epoxv resii or
non loxio PVC or an equivaenl maledal approved bv lhe Empovr / Empovrs
Fepr esencl / e. n a v . " se. he 6a1. ! e1 ' sai on D sDpol
oa; b, a ei me o' or 1- . Fl ooe r cd va' t oc
' al oeac6dar et f a/ *
l al dooo' ed
pack epoxy painl sy em or an quiva eil syslem apprcved bv 1116 Emp over / EmpLover's
The coatnq maledal shall be a nnimum lhicknes ol300 m cro.s
(DFT). be safe rrcm
a ack by lhe taisponed water and hav no efiecl on lh6 qualily ot
polable walef
No @aling shallbe applied any casling unl ils sufaces aG clean, dry and fr lrcm rust oil
Allmaldasusedin manuiaclur ol bunedly va ves sha mnlom lolhelo owins minimum
casl non lo Bs 1561 Glade 220 orSpheoida Graphile ton lo Bs
500' or olhd approved equiva 6nl standard
As b@y o sa ndss sr.6rro B5 oo95 G' ad6 43' , 529o ote
app rovsn equ ivale d slandad.
s.cnress sFo o 8s 0095 o' aoe 420 s370' ol' e' app o\"d
StanessSGe 1o8S10095431 S29orolherapprovdequvalem
Mouked Rubberorsullably appoved equiva enl or body n ng
Gunmenral lo Bs 1932 Ghde LG2 0r $ainless 316o lo BS
10095, GEdo 431 S29 or olherappbvd equvaenistandald.
va ves shall be su tab e ior submercnce be ow water
llreConlraclofsha lu rnish tull delails, ^cudinqlh hydmu c characle srics oi lhe bultdlv
Each bultdly va ve sha be tsted at the manulacluier's vorks in accordanG wilh BS 593
or olher aDoroved slandard
ln addffon rolhecauss above for bunedly valves, the rollowing app es.
seru @ applicaton ror ald vaLvs s hall be 1
shutoll' . T he valve se a sh al be
EDPM, EPM or SBR, duEbe and repaceable. The tubb8r sea ng ng shal be made ol
nir e synrhetc tubbef
(or qu6l) suilable lor pemane conlacl wilh polable or waler al a
Grmannl lemreralue ol al eadsoqc
Th valve seal sharL be secuely c amped lo lhe edg of lhe d sc by s
or orher 4uvaenl
reienlion devlce in such a manner as to
prved leaka! or walr under
lhe seal and Io hold Ihe sea securly in posilion
duinQ opening and closino or lhe valvo
disc. The sea retention members shall ba of stainless {ee and shall b3 sscurely la{ened
l ot hebodyor dscwl hst ai nl esssl eet ast eneF. Sl ai nl essst shabeX2Cdi Mo1712'
The sear and ils relenlon mmborc shall be adluslable 1o ensure waler lighlness and to
minim s llre sealins and lnseal nq lrlcl on iorc8s. When all lhe seal .elenlion membrs a.e
ace lhe I nished edoes or lhe sea shalllil clos y and lhe su ace
alllaslenlngsseltlush nlhewaGrpassagesoasloofiorlhe aslrcs{aicepossibrelollr0
I ow ot waler trcugh lhe valve.
vave seats whch exlend over lhe f&e ol lhe f ang6s to securc lhe seal in place, or wrriclr
requ re suface gl nd ng and/or hand f ning ol lhe d $, or desi!ns wh ch requir lhe adlo nlng
prpe r anqe ro relain rh sar in place and resisr line pressu.e, arc nor acFptable.
ar andocsc e va{ ossh" l l oeo_t f . \ i 1geo' ooubl " ot i l i . epa
e l dt eol ed{ i hge/
o' d-d; rcn boder.
a@o' da1-e Bs
' 0e2
Auronaric a | rcliel valves sha bedesionedlomoellhelolowingcond
Discbarqe a I du ng chaq nq ol lhe p pewo*
Addiarr durnq cmplyino of lhe
oscha|ge a a@umulad al ol peaks aong
pipelines under noha
op6ralins condtrons.
cono rol< ra] dt rbr stll oe tr ov rl e enpiovtr' f o d lo' oe orrco aoabe o' Fa"d 1s
rse voiurei ol ar al d lq1 or idlc and co_d{o.
' c' o\ c snallotilice capab" or
dlschalg nq smallquanlies or a s lhey a@umu ale.
valves wilh af inlake oi erhausl felllts sha have apprcved screening aGiqemenrs ro
pcveni lhe ingress ol lorcign franer.
The doubre oilice an vaNes sha combine bolh laQe and smallori
Th larce oririce sha be seaed bv a lloal and lhe vare bodv sha be designed b avoid
closing ot lhe valve by ihe dschaQing an The smallori shan be sealed bv a
i.d d an orc$uies above amosoher c ei@d when a aeumulaGs nlhevalvebodv.
The s dq; oirice ak valve shan nc ude a sma or laqe o ' ice onlv operailns n a mannor
denl ca to lhe orlil n a double aclinq valve.
Air varves shal be tined wlrr an isolaling gale vave which shall compv wlh Bs 5163 o.
olhd approved equivalent slandatd and have milG
gea ng and end llangs laced a^d
ddued to Bs 1092
c lnlls) Table 1 6/1 I .
Flx ng nuts and bo ls supp ed by the manulaclurr shall be as specilied in the appropnate
A akvaves shallb
prcvded w$ a lapp ng polnl n lhe bodv ol fte valve (above tre
r ol ar r s
scr e
val v6, ' ' dbl e ' o - o_- ecnng a oe<r " e gcl g6 a ds
dralplloo dl cpp o/edta npd p ooloes' gr or
rl6 quid rloa
ALarvalves sha lbe works
bar and b suilableloraworkna
manur"d,c ol I valves sla
r ro fe biot lq ri ir ' a
odlices, Gudes and Mechanisms:
An vaNes and *soc aled sluice valves sha be coaled inlena
yand Birernally wllh rusion
bonded epoxy resin or nonroxic PVc or eqlivalent maliaL appioved bv lhe Emploveas
Grey casr kon lo Bs EN 1551 Grade 220 of
Grapht lron lo BS EN i564 or gGde 500/7 of
olherappbvedquivale standad
polycabonaleorapproved quvalenl
Porycarbonar or approved equiva ent
slainless stelro Bs EN 10095 GEde 316 S31 0r
olhq appiovd equ va nl slandar!
Moulded Fubber
(EPD[r1) or suilaby apprcvd
Tn -oarno naE a
d be a ainir ' n lr. 1P"s o 300 a( o' q Drrl ba sa' e
t" rr,-" ra*o-"0
eiec ol ll"
a ' rr' o @rabl6 ware
rn"' 0" uOO
to un, oasing unl ls sunaces aclean, drv and lrce nom rusl'
ol and delelerious maler a
Eacr anva\ e shal oe Fsl pd
yd' osa o" vi r a( ( or car ew' l f
BSE\ 12266I ei epr as
.p* eo ber,i". o.o -' t"' e! s shrx oe at dv' 1ra laoi A2 olB' EN 2206
seal leels sfr' @
oi ar' fe oses soarrs ocsslt' soe(r"d dd t out tuld
be tro' r ' g o' eq<ut
;;;;,. *,nissibb s;ar resr leakaqe ts ar ach resr pressure sha L be 6re A as derined
i nTabr eA. 5of
BsEN 122661. Thbackseal t osl sha
nol appv
Tro lalves or e"ch lvpe d-d s' e n^otpo ar-q atge o ir"' h"llbe Fsreo or otlcusl of
" r "
au" . " t i t " ' " * , e o. t ba' ' 1{ " p$ o oat at r o o' o andl ad" ' ' r oxi " l
J' "i,"" - ro o.i * . .;p.
o oar' D' ilo rfa r"' s 1o 5i' rro* i' r' s sran be
"-' .' "a
' i'
oa.. i.,i-" da-
1Bs r0d2 P es' rcs ' odn d a(Lrr starl
be me">- i b, Bo fdor Lo"
' . a@ dat
w ' Bc EN 337 1 o bv rea-s o
;"' .,; ;;;; .;;".d"' ' n"i"' p-"." o tt" tto' ' . ' ,
oe necsu' ed '
" " " * i " - " * r
es r oa
l ar o 2 2' F od or e'
asJ' e
sDl l al ' o oe naa{ ' ed
lf $e manulaclurer
rovides @sulls o{ independ nllv wilnssd anJ ow lsls s m ar lo th os
-*pr"l bv h Lmpbvei' s Bep@senklive. lhe sp4ired airrow
&sts shall be deemen io be compleled
10 Check vatves {Non'Betufn
valves. Rellux valves)
Chck valves may be ol s nq e/mu[ip e door or I Ll nq d sc lvpe su l6ble lor inslaLlal oD in lh
rcouircd oosloi:ohd
tvp;s ol valves mav be acceflable subicl lo the appoval or tre
Employer I EmployeCs R6presedal re
cl e_l v6l ve5 >r a b6seededl o api d! oqt {
l oLl sar r ' g' ol aD'
hd l he nor e_' l
oi cessal 01 or
' oMa
d I od l - eval vss' zeat dosgr , t al b" el ecr edogi vet eoor ur
f l or a_( e' l r f B
espec l a\ hg
1r I l t e{ dr ' " s1ob0
i r , r a ed c' pe- ' a, yr r | hesysi " t r ' r c
dessLr ovessel sor xf el r
' s h' on. t ; [ . cba. q wr l o f sar r ' f s. ar . o be a( no\ 6d e\ l e Dl ne- r a11a' st cr
subFfl oappovalb/rr" En pol4 CrDove' eF"o ese_axva
unress olheMse specil ed, chek vaves shalbo doube_r6nged and lhv shallhave rrgh
speed cos ng cha@cteisl w th minimum shockon closing
st an- Fr sr a- chec\ vavessf a
/ ' udear apFo\ ed! os'
F d" n oe 1. ct " ' f ando a
dev ce ior pid va ve c osure.
Checkvaves sha be designed lol @pd cosing wilhoui samminO no laler than lhe momenl
ot oessauon ol toNard llow.
wirh rhe x@olion oi wafer so il dlsc check valves va ves shall be I anged to B s I 092, PN
Valves manu ractu rd in acco dancs w th Bs EN 12334sha be lesled lo lhal slandard
vavs maiutaclurcd lo olhe. slandards sha be hvdrostatcallv lBsled where appl@ble, in
accodance wilh lh6 manulaolu.nq sl6ndad,
p@viding lhal lhe Iesting requnemenls are ar
Leasr a3 fsoious 4lhose specilied be ow lor lslinq in aeodancewlh Bs EN 12266 1 and
2. olheeise leslins slia be naccordancewthBs5T55l
P, e\ E- . r sl du' aoas
l o r e! \ ' t sBS EN 12166 sr a beasoi vd' l Tabhp- 2o' l t al
Slandad Tt rc,' r' r
Pe' r
ii Eijir2ee'1
""0 "h"llb.
nab B ror meral_sealed valves and Fale Alor rcs onrv
seated va ves. Th6 back seal led shall nol applv
Addilional v, each va ve shall be shown to contol
speciried ;rileia lhroughoul lhs tull specified
sai slaolion ol Ihe Emplover's Repsenlaxve
10.2 Slngle Door Swing Checkv.lves
The valves shall iol conla n any brsses which
casl iron bodies and lhe valve disc or rng shall
maledal sha L bo siainless stel.
I os salistactoily in a@odance
wth $e
rane or
prssu@s and rlows, lo lh
have morc lhan 5% z nc TheY sha hav
be ol brcnze orslainless
stel The spdng
: doe.aoor ed' .q c-e!.r \dlves
h"r' e a
q' .0
po' sed eo bv n ecas ol a qao wirl
"' ""*-"ir*i"i
:a; r-"
' ' he
porr' fte
sfa opq adona rrr/ on ra- o rros
' i * ar eam ar o
ce a- o-
cocl eo
assisted by weighls or weiqhld ve6.
unless orheNise specilied, vavs shall conlom lo Bs EN 12334 and sball be double'
10.3 Muttiple Door Swing Check valves
Mutllole door .heck valves are sw nq check valves except lh valves 6hal have two or morc
oarartel Dods each with separalo h nged
u nless ol heruise spec t ed, vaLvas shall co nlom 10 lhe
genera rcq uiieme nls ror swm
valves as soecfied n Bs EN 12334
10.4 Nozzle CheckvdEs
Cnec^ vdlves ol' rn
I,oe' trll oe oe_
q"ed or aoo -lostro t' \oLl aaninq' o d e tran
i"."ne.ii,' -*sr' " ;
*." 0t h" *.e s 7e and oees'
' rd
be ssrecred o ote
r ne oDl i m- a o. dor cr ce
' . r l b ' e pr ' r ck' t I ' L dcLor l o' Li e s
" , . " ' ' r .
* , r + * . * p. * v. t
B' t 5 er
a l Lde, an v' ' 5el s o' l e- l r e' v5 et r
va,es .na be.uEb' e
ro L<6 w
s @railho
olly ve' l
rm,[,:,e, m,ne barltrles Noz 6
(hec- alve\ sl a be o' te dis' o' rg roe
lea r ol
t''J!n.." s.oa\
a' o
'errar !p'
res rh" r'a r'e' s-a @'r'6bre
i , i "ai o i *.
"! - t "o
. r r
p; si ' i o,
qaoor o- r esf r ' oee_r
| edo' [ ' 60f s bo| he
ii["ii, .""""".r -a
't" ' i." ot rt
' * 5 rdrr s oos'be
rLs' no an ndLlr' latqe
lor' ' l' ouqf
rf e oper' d e 5-c!
raves trav
po"a e a
i , i J" i i l i *q'
' i "t *", pas"o; cosu' eo
r f e/ d
"\ 1ar
oebv\ r o- r or r
"rr"r,". ""a
" "
r .
te coniroLled bv llr e adlion or I he prroaded sp'ins
Val vesshal l besuopi edwi l hwod( st edcenl @l esi ndcal ^qheadossacossl heval ve
and closu.e characieiislids al specilied ilow.
Plu! valves may b ol lhe
paElleloreccenti.lvpe as rcquned lor lho seryice condlois
Valvesshallbe ol ihe seriub cal ng lype
Th vaLve pon sha be lhrough llow desiqn wilh a d nlmum ol30p/. rlow ara
Thevalve sha be slf c eaning and lhe valve sea shall be wiped as lhe va ve c oss
VaLvmaGdalsshal besuitabelorlhlluid.
p ug vaLvss shall be inslaLLed in lhe corecl orlenlallon
so as b
prevenl build up ol
solid malera amminq vaLve operal on.
Hand wneeB sha be prov' d6d on adualoG ror vavs
liied wrlr
poslon ind(alort
Larqer lhan 30mm. va ves shan be
Lda" M".av"s:.a
be o,,e u'Lm
;".;:.1?;1.i" Ti
i'f :sE
dLx6. a-; re'
#" .n",
" ",.e
a< ,o .troo,hr/
1a.!1 rre irqde
End llanlas shall be casl or lo@ed i egral with th bodv
6. AS:V A-lb
wCB ol oead' dnd
_coTo' dLe
a ora"
;;;;;' ;;i:;";:t
i." o"n s5arrbe
ro' seo er6o
!sIV ' r05 *ir5 rxoro ot
i . i i i i " " ' " - , ' 0. "
" i t t ' "
* \ ar ve5' a bcch' oai l r oa" d
The desion shall bB such
pressu. Exdepl ror varves
Body sea ing assemblies
shall be
Vav6s shan b operated bY hand
cosinq. Maxlmum torce rcquledlo
thal lliE slem shall nor be capabe
ol eieciing
whln uider
berow 5omm. slands
shan be orihe one
piece butied orNo'
desoned lo be renewable
Ba lpods shallbe cvlind cai
whe;, wnch or aciuaior and ardoed lor cro' iwrso
open/c ose vaLv shallnol e"ced 350N
vol vd. e. l s shan @ dp' i sTd o r _r al Tc16' ancd
wl e' vaves
r des'on ire o
Hand whe6 s sha L b ma*en lo show diredioi ol closin! valvs a(anQed
ror manua
co rcl shaLl Incorpo@ie a valve
posil on ind calor
valve shall be accomp shed bv
The sea su rface shalt be
pencllv s
pher cal and lapped' chrc mium
plalins sh a be
pedect y
aoD ed and the conlractor will be rclponslb 6 lor anv spa rna
sean.o betwear ' 1e aoa a'
"JJ. ' i i i i i
' i
, o; "" ' "*t
*-roar sea' a. ro {rv"rerr
nes sr" beor a
m2re,ialsu' labe lorihe
p' essu' e
and rhe remperarure
smal bore ba vatvs shall be qu arls luh lu ll bore
qland ess
ver opeEld sampe
vaves shall be slainless slee
slops shall be
p rovided al bolh I he lu llv o
pen/close posixon
The sealinq beiween
ban and b.dv ar b.ih sdes or lh
pr' rromerc
marenaltu' lab
6 lo' rhe med un b0 ng snuron
Deslgns wilh sea
will nol bo acceplable.
Pressure Beliet Valves
S" er r ' val vessEl l @nd/ {
18' C{ SO4125
| l r qs' al l br oe' o
edl ooowo- a
r l e
;i i-
-d' +' *" aro
p e!e-r' r' l"e F"ase or rr' o a1 no' aar
p' e' re
mnd lions ol seto ce have been Gslorcd
Flanged endssha be 6 ssn lace lvp comp
ng wilh Bs EN 1092
Pi ;rc.1 i .*' e"",o
' ! 3
All valves lo be inslalled above_q rc und sh a be lu mished as lar s necssary'
wfh a bon nel
"' ";.
o oord ne vahe aoaiF oami' +
ca-s"d b\ r\e' tra
!' *mon or .e ir"oiur rfssvsretrravoe"
E coro6erv
ri" nd' o' errt _<'
14 Pressure Reducinq and Pressure Sustainino
Pressure rcducng vavs sha be capable ot malnlainiig a conslant downslrcm
lrom a hgher conslaDl or vadable upsrcan
Prcssure suslanlio valves shall be capabLe of mahla n nq a conslanl up{ream
nrespedte oi a var ab e down{.eam
Bolhly@s oi valves shalbe droplghl under no llow condilions'
VaLves sha I be selecled lo suil process coidilions Maials slraLb suilabLs tor lonq lerd
ra' i"ni"i" i." op".ro". rn"
v shall be resislanl b we4
rmm rhe rluid'
ra' 11g a co sDrr do' _sr"ar
- pl r ecr
p' sne a- d \ e sf " be d' oor cr r Lr de' Ti ow
oe -apable or lono re opetarol
' 1 od.1h op- @s ' 1
v"'i ;;p"*"
.rd be ad,Lsraa'e at'
H. e1
do\ oc comrc rbir L,
oF ne op-;nq
p' es-F .'
qe vJr' e, era ooe' ar" dtoJc
The va ve op6rallon shall be acli eved bv lhe lnleract on
and an inbmedials
pG$ure produced bv a
ol vaLve
Valves sha be lactory lesled. and supplied wlh
ollhe nlel pssurc, oullel
or relay syslem aclno on he upper
a ted cenficaie indicatng vave sera
r he oi l ol , a! a o' e a/ ' vsl ea shan o" acl " a ed o, a d" ol
" sr
m t c_o r c t he o | " e
osE- , e on l e undeGoe a" d a ' o- aal
pees' ' on' s_ooe sd
, "
0. i
" '
. " , . p
1. q
F pr l or " ea sf a
- or D6' ubi eci r obocco' bt snal pdnce5
NominalDressurs M be PN16 or as olheruise spcilied' Bodv eids shallbe rlanged and
dined ro Bs EN 1092loi fte nomina ooeallnq
pessurc rcquned
Malodals sha be suitabLs loi oiq lom mainlnance
lr* opeGlion The vave shaLbe
rcsislant lo we4 nom lhe iluld and frco moduatng opeai on'
(6nra iins iot more rhf 57.
2 nc), w th sta i ess sr6.l spindb and
srae ,
w $
qunmelal pins and rinb
conner nq p p6wo'k io cyr nd6f
15 Flow ControlValves
Valves sha b slected to suit
ce. edl yr or oi sod- . ' dl e\ c! essr a
be' sedd_r f co. r er ol r oM' sa- dt a- kst or eve
n orhe, ocanons r' dr' ee ndv o" b-ne llv,
bd o' apf' ag
aoro' Fd I eedro slee\e
Malerals shall be suilable lor lons lern mainlenance nee opeGlion Th valve shall be
rcs 6ranl b wear rrcm lhe lLuid and lrcm modulal nq opeElbn
Vav6s shall be catable ol nainlan no a @nslanl sel fow tom a @nslanl or varabre
acrcss tlie valve. As f4 s possbe valves shall be selecled lo hav rlo!
ih;de srics oomdiona tovave oosilion.
The varve sha operaFwilhoul hunllnq Thev
sliall be drop lqhl underno f ow @ndilions
The conrol sy$em sha be designed Io pemt mainlenance or repacemed wnhoul
( ol
ot vaves. ha. t @ c" pa
i 1oc1. v oper oosi l ' on w l o' l
sftlino valvp esDo_se era Do.o ' srcble ard 5r"!e1l o oro! de
onaD[rv o t
apt uu: r c
pat r pG' .
o@ f eopddi ng o* at e odnc! ( r a' vo =5" o' el vdr t es
va,e om :ton sha ror
(au\.' L' qe
oro f e rtalsrerl rto' al i .ord r oN 1 \e ooFtot{
vaLves s hall opeate * ia r as
b e w lhoul cavilalion and xcesslve nolse \rv here h g h
tr*$@ 6to occu6 across lh6 valve.lhe vaLv6 desiqn shallb6 se ected so lhal cavitation
ioes nor caose oamage lo re vatve componenls or downsteam
Nomiia!pre$urcs willbe PN16 or as ohetuise rcquired Bodv ends sha b3llangedand
va ves shall be lLtted wlth an enedal
pos I on ind calor.
Flow conlrclvalvessha be desiqned ior aulomalic slan up and shul down ot
panl and rot
rhe mdimum and minimum oad @ndilions Fow controlvaves shan ba prcvided wilrr a
danua ovor desvslem so lhal vave
posll on can be sel ln lhe venl or mnlo lailu@ The
mre or resbonse shall be conlrollable o v al lhe valvo and remotelv al the conlol rcom
F ow mnrrc e@s +a sach be le$ed n accordance wlh BS EN 12266' 1. Pressurc lesl
durciioisshallbe as given in Table A 2
Addiliona v. each vave shal be shown lo controllos salisraclor
ln accodande witlr l[e
soecilied arile a throuohout lhe lu specilied ranqe ol prssures and lo$' lo lh
sallslaclion ol fie Employeas Fepresenl6liv6
16 Needle Valves
Need e vaves shallbo the Laner-Johnson type orequivaent and desiqnd to minimise lh6
pr*surcsshal be PN 16
Bodyendsshal bei l angedwl hi senf acesanddf
edl oBS1092
Pneumalcalv oreraled nee! e va ves shall b equipped wlh a pieumalicallv d ven seryo
svsrem. wilh sufilclenl roroue lo close $e va v wilhoul hvd@ulc ass stance independenllv
oi sr aop t , o_" - , " , t o. or r c 1e openi r s ar o l o\ i ' q sp6eo' sol e' oo oFar " d
potenliomeler, and an exhausl ars encer.
l \ r al er asshal beasamnmum:
valve body and large
Pilol va v and stem opealing shafi and rinkage p nsj Sta n ess steel
Bushes and smarr vatv6 ptunqer:
17 Floal Conrrotted Vatves {Detaved Action Tvoe)
rba co' rdedhe b ?d' dtrq.1e o* loa $eaon or bl st dt be
a, g e trpo
Foulredr.itrra r' o
st oo,/ 1o o' oorrwar disLt dp to rr @re.
- t !
6ve +ar @ r or ' o eo b/
- .
a{ o' ot F oat on d p, , ol vj r ' e. dv 10 a, e1. . r e
. d b. es r ! r ve
sncn cbq6 o oo. 91.
The lloal sharbe mdntedwilhin as phon
type sdting tank. The dilting tank shalttil thrcugh
a, sonor , ope ar d er pl , t f r ugt a. bsdaabd coo, sJ. n, f a. r l e r d_L enr or oegi n t o
Iy tosod p6ir01
ra co,.luoLqefote
Smi l 4yl h- " opennqol t hevat veshal nol @mmenceuni [ hr owwal er ve] i sr eachdi n
va@sshal be rhnged lo Bs 1092.
mtino shal be suirab tor ctosing agains he
nax mum opeatng head in lhe
in, and no tess lhan 4 bar
t e d ve bod/ , cNF pEot r ogcndt ousr qr %t , bdr cua
r - . adnoa1| ghqdecs.
!n. uude_drdsocli
beslrdra Lev.6ardt+! sfa be sa. ,
n* ,i,F
o' . . ha- 5cczr sl n ' ot ! o ue{
r3.1 Inspection and Tests at Manutaclurer's works
A r ' aFssr r
o r r o?ut i at , /
! c, r r ar da. dspo. i t r m
be s-ed ro 50.d
Jess, F I,e, sTI od
cr e64 br bodr i nd * dr sr age. No. - et . 1t ahpes
t o. . - e( . eo. i ado, d1, i o. or
rsFrance and ad on under f ow reveaal
Bufied y valves shall be checked, in add I on. ior disk slrenglh.
Ep k.a. y
oos ared vJv6s
s' "I b. r
F.rm to
(ore,. otpcn
-d ood%no, i1. tldrq e
Tfe ro
o" 1S J @!ro1t rn, oe o. ro' Tedorwfn$s6a
o,lteaooo rad' \,
anil' or by he Employer s Fepresoniaive
vFLa l!<lD' dd %tve oooes dro bo,T\ i.lerorty dr e/e,1ah a-er Tctn,9
ano prcr
b coannq orpainrinq
Wihess u lrasonic thickness inspoclion
l,re q@ater
for sa I lhickness of both body
Witness dye.pnerrat xaminaron
or au
1 0 valves or 20% of th Iotal quantity
whichever is
gares' drscs
and seat rnos where had racing is
varves or 20?. or quant' ly whi.hever
D mns,on5 witl
rrang boll holes, rlanse ihrkness. srem dameter and bonncr
Dimension al inspecl o n of 1O
ncrudo fa@ io iade, PcD or
Or ah! cnd d1r c$o
" e. nat and
e\ F. ut epo, /
coar - g I r , er . o, r 6r sespor , eo
e8a 4ea, 5al
be cr 4r eo a
. he
r a1uac, e,
{ 6+s, or ; <( o. 1 r . os r not dd. r esr no
:::" :1":' ["::",";'"'i.:""T;j
.ft T':.ff:;-it'ji::"'"i;:;":k,#S
srra be repared and on competon the lm sha b
rcpatr lho coal ng shatlbed sconl nuiiy trce to ctass A.
.exahinad ror dis@ntinuites. Atbr
rEpe!r01o' ncnla1r4!
oolner. o' s^. sLer. nlr. bod)
kp. Far wretj .ots aa, eee-rs an;
ro ra 4a oj \ffa
1n bds
a d k"r ra$re re{s au.drq ro Fe appicao e
Jor ioodb ol
t Novr sbr er eaf aQeshal b6pedi neddudnqt esi st .
Witnss all lun clio nat lsts
Ch6ck malkinqs
ac@dinq lo lhe appllbte Feferen@ Standard and lhe Spec tlton.
Wihess packinq
lo ensurelhe loltowingj
A valves shallhav tropicat packaqing;
Each tlanoed 6nd is etfectvery and secor y seated against lhe ingress or dust
va vs are packed w ih lhe
in comptete y
c osed positonj
aqansl rhe nsress ordusjand
A oose items are laqqed wlh rher part numbeB
and packina usl.etrence
Each. item is ctearty idenliried in rhe pack
ng tisl and cariies the corecr
A copy of the packin!
lsi s nc uded n each packir,s
case or conG ieri
:' arned
or sr,n"d a' o ! soe o acs o, re apoofl eo h.p.M
w-tr Ie oaan
I r0,
*1y"" *" bo resred ro l.srmesibe
opsrarins prssure
Drirq ' re,lortr <io' hA Fsr!or' 1e
or-c. rte i.ts.ooe?rc, oi.1. p,rps
d.o varct5
- 16, d@!
l l r cr r r ao' ed, 1d! esf a, oea. r or >t . a, . dr neor i r ds
o. odr r ope?t ol
\ r ot bal ,
r l r l r ct i o' oc. r i t s, a
oeF. , . eddTr r e. eLFpeo, { .
;I' DDi,
s"J"t""": ;."r1
l4n I : a ltfi

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